
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

考試時間:120分鐘 試卷滿分:120分第一部分 聽力(略)第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié) 單項填空(共15小題;每小題一分,滿分15分)21 Everyone in the office knows the documents are not _____the public . A accessible for B accessible to C visual to D access to 22 Is this factory ______you visited last week? A that B where C the one D in which23 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now. A playing B to be playing C play D to play24 ______ ,I think , and we could sovle the problem. A With more effort B.Making more effort C. More effort D If we make more effort25 Last week ,only two people came to look at the house ,_____wanted to buy it . A none of them B both of them C none of whom D neither of whom 26 The song ____My heart will go on is liked by the young people. A call B calling C called D to call27 I A express B conveyed C exhibited D acknowledged 28 The disagreement about the boundary between the two countries was settle by ______. A compound B concentration C computation D compromise 29 Information has been put forward ______more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A that B while C when D as 30 We are eating ________vegetables per person today as we did in 1960 A more than twice B more than twice as many C twice as much as D twice more as 31 we are in a stage _________it is still too early to say who will win the most votes and become the new President . A that B where C which D what 32 I thought her kind and honest _________I met her . A first time B for the first time C the first time D by the first time 33 He was told that it would be at least three more months _______he could recover and return to work . A when B before C since D that 34 Tim continued to run away ,_______our shouts to him that he should return A as regards B with regard to C regardless of D regarding 35 They won’t buy new clothes because they _____money to buy a new house . A save B are saving C have saved D were saving 第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題 ;每小題1.5分,滿分30分) Mr .Grade was born in a rich family .He was never ___36___money when he was young .But once his father’s shop was ____37___and from then on they got in trouble .____38____he went to a famous university in the capital , his mother ___39___him a diamond neckllace her mother left to her and told him to ____40___it well . The young man took care of it . He brought it with himself and _ 41__ planned to sell it thought he was in great need of ___42___. Last month his wife had a son . _____43____! The baby was ill and the doctors were going to ______44___him . Of course they had to pay much for it . Most of his friends were ___45____and few could lend enough money to him . Finally ,he ____46__the diamond necklace to a jeweler , a friend of his father’s , with a letter in ____47___he said ,“Post it bac to me ____48___you pay 3,000 dollars .Don’t bargain ,please .” A week later the jeweler rang him up . On the __49_____the man said , “The necklace ___50_____2,000 dollars at most .” “Post it back to me if you do not ___51____me ,” replied the young man . __52______week passed . Mr. G rade received a parcel .There was a piece of _53_____in it . The jeweler wrote ,“ I can pay you only 2,800 dollars . If you sell the necklace at the price ,post the box back to me , __54_____you can open the box . I would not buy such a (n) __55_____thing ! ” Mr .Grade did not want to sell the necklace at a low price and opened the box and found only a note in it ,saying ,“OK . I have to give in . ”A afraid of B worried about C surprised at D tired of A under repair B in business C on fire D in danger A Before B After C Until D Whether A lent B showed C threw D gave A watch B keep C allow D feed A never B always C sometimes D often A knowledge B water C air D money A Wonderful B Good luck C What a pity D It is a pleasure A care for B check over C attend on D operate on A rich B poor C bad D terrible A posted B made C delivered D sold A that B what C which D whose A if B unless C because D as A telephone B message C letter D television A pays B charges C seems D costs A approve of B ask for C agree with D pay for A Other B The other C Another D Some A wood B bread C cloth D paper A and B or C but D yet A expensive B cheap C high D ugly 第三部分 閱讀理解 (共兩節(jié),滿分40分)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分) AMy father and I were very close, I loved pleasing him , and he was always proud of my success . If I won a spelling contest at school , he was on the top of the world . Later in life whenever I got a promotion , I would call my father right away and he would hurry to tell all his friends . In 1970 , when I was named President of the Ford Motor Company , I don’t know which of us was more excited . Like many native Italians , my parents were very open with their feelings and their love---not only at home ,but also in public . Most of my friends would never hug their fathers . But I hugged and kissed my dad at every opportunity ?-nothing could have felt more natural .He was a curious man who was always trying new things . He was the first person in Allentown to buy a motorcycle .Unlikely ,my father and his motorcycle didn’t get along too well .He fell off it so often that he got rid of it just a month after buying it .As a result ,he never again trusted any vehicle with less than four wheels. Because of that motorcycle , I wasn’t allowed to have a bicycle when I was growing up . Whenever I wanted to ride a bike ,I had to borrow one from a friend . On th e other hand ,my father let me drive a car as soon as I turned sixteen..56. When I won a contest at school ,my father would ----. A. tell all his friends about it B feel most happy over it C get very surprised it D hug and kiss me 57. Which of the following statements shows that my father liked to know about new things ---- A He was always proud of my success B. He was the first person in town to buy a motorcycle . C I wasn’t allowed to have a car when I was growing up . D He was very open with his feelings and his love .58. My father trusted no vehicle with less than four wheels because ----. A. he had tyouble in riding his motorcycle B he thought that cars were faster than motorcycle C he liked every new model made by the Ford Motor Company D he did not like the way I always borrowed bicycles from friend 59. Which of the following sentences is NOTtrue---- A.My tather was always proud of what I did B, When I was just 16 I was allowed to drive a car C My tather rode his motorcycle in the streets of Allentown every day D My father bought a motorcycle ,but got rid of it because he fell off it so often B People?living?in?the?country?enjoy?several?advantages?that?people?living?in?the?city?cannot?enjoy. They?are?in?close?contact?(接觸) with nature. They make friends with trees and stones. owns can dogs. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. They listen to the song of birds. This?contact?with?nature?is?good?for?health.?There?are?many?diseases?that?are?common?in?the?city,?but?are?not?to?be?found?in?the?country,?For?example,?near---sightedness is almost unknown to country people. Because?of?the?absence?of?cars,?one?can?walk?more?freely?in遼寧省朝陽縣某高級中學(xué)2012-2013學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期期末考試英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/164044.html
