
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2013年上學(xué)期期末考試高二英語時(shí)量:120分鐘 分值:150分 Part One:Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Conversation 1Where are they going tonight?A. The coffee shop B. The cinema C. A department store2. When will they meet?A. At 7: 00 B. At 6: 00 C. At 8: 00Conversation 23. How many countries did Linda visit in Europe?A. One B. Two C. Three4. Why didn’t Linda visit Germany?A. Her uncle was ill B. She was ill C. She had no timeConversation 35. How many people will have a meal in Crystal Restaurant?A. Six B. Seven C. Eight6. When will they have a meal in Crystal Restaurant?A. At 7:00 pm on Wednesday. B. At 6:00 pm on Wednesday. C. At 6:00 pm on Thursday.Conversation 47. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a supermarket B. In a flower shop C. In a garden8. How old is the man’s mother?A. The man doesn’t know. B. The same as the woman.C. A little younger than the woman.9. What is the woman’s suggestion?A. Give his mother some roses. B. Give his mother some lilies.C. Give his mother some carnations.Conversation 510. Which club does the woman want to join?A. The singing club B. The yoga club C. The football club11. What is it like to start a club?A. Hard B. Not very hard C. Not mentioned12. How can the woman start a club?A. Ask the student life officials to help her. B. Find a professor to lead the club. C. Find a professor to sponsor her.Conversation 613. What does the man want to do?A. Transfer money from one of his accounts to another.B. Transfer money from his girlfriend’s account to his.C. Transfer money from his account to his girlfriend’s.14. How much money does the man have in his account?A. $200 B.$450 C.$100015. What will the transferred money be used for?A. Rent B. Daily life C. School fees.Section B ( 7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. You’ll hear the short passage TWICEBeijing HutongsThe name The word “hutong ” originated from the Mongolian word “huto”, which means 16 . The widthThe width of a hutong was measured in 17 . A passage of six steps in width was called a hutong, running directly from 18 .The numberThere were, altogether, 19 hutongs and alleys in Beijing in the Yuan Dynasty. The number increased to 1,170 in the Ming Dynasty, and 2,077 in the 20 .Part Two Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks) 21. The works of Vincent Van Gogh _______ by people until the end of the 19th century.A. were not accepted B. didn’t accept C. wouldn’t be accepted D. hadn’t accepted22. He finally became ________ he wanted to be after a long period of struggle.A. who B. what C. that D. whom23. I had thought that he organized things in his family; _______ , later I found that his wife was in charge of everything.A. moreover B. otherwise C. anymore D. however24. A lot of things ________ by kind-hearted people to save the small dog now.A. are doing B. are being done C. has been done D. will be done 25. He visited his friends last week, _______ his dog with him, because nobody else in the family would take care of it.A. to take B. taken C. taking D. takes26. A small church with its roof almost _______ could be seen from Uncle Mike’s window.A. has been broken B. breaking C. was broken D. broken27. This is the ancient Chinese vase I bought three weeks ago, ________ I spent a lot of money.A. which B. for which C. on which D. at which28. I think you should give us more time; five hours ________ too short for the preparations that need to be done.A. is B. were C. was D. are29. It was in the hotel _______ he was staying ________ we discussed the problem.A. that, that B. which, that C. where, that D. where, which30. Mary is very excited about the coming trip, since neither she nor her parents _________ to Phuket Island before.A. goes B. has been C. go D. have been31. _______ to the fees for his special diet, his rent(租金) every month takes up more of his salary.A. Compare B. To compare C. Compared D. Comparing32. Her shoes _______ , so I bought her a pair of fashionable new shoes so that she could go to the party.A. worn out B. was worn out C. wear out D. were worn out33. _________ breaks the law should be punished.A. Anyone B. Who C. Whomever D. Anyone who34. The little girl _______ out in the dark at night.A. dares not go B. dare not go C. does not dare going D. dares not to go35. ----- Who is invited to the party? ----- Well, if you _______ know, a girl you don’t like is on the list.A. may B. can C. must D. shallSection B( 18 marks) A teacher in a high school had a husband who died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she 36 some of her thoughts with her students. As the afternoon sunlight shined through the classroom windows, and when the class was coming to an end, she moved a few things aside on the desk and sat down there. She said, “Before class is 37 , I would like to share with all of you a thought. Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves……and 38 of us knows when this fantastic (奇妙的) experience will 39 . It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is a sign that we must make the most out of every single day.” Her eyes beginning to 40 , she went on, “So I would like you all to make me a promise…..from now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something 41 to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see---- it could be a 42 -----perhaps of freshly baked bread, or it could be the sound of the breeze (微風(fēng))slightly rustling(使樹葉等沙沙作響) the leaves in the trees. “For, although it may sound silly to some people, these things are put here on earth for us to 43 . The things we often take for granted. We must make it important to notice them, for at any time …. it can all be taken away. The whole class was quiet. We all picked up our books and went out of the room 44 . That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home 45 I had before. Every once in a while, I think of that 46 and remember what an impression she made on all us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook(忽略) . For as we get older, it is not the things we did 47 we often regret, but the things we didn’t do.36. A. brought B. exchanged C. shared D. compared37. A. over B. in C. out D. away38. A. one B. each C. neither D. none39. A. begin B. change C. end D. reduce40. A. open B. shut C. water D. shine41. A. special B. beautiful C. unfamiliar D. new42. A. smell B. sight C. sound D. feeling43. A. face B. enjoy C. hate D. change44. A. silently B. quickly C. happily D. excitedly45. A. to B. as C. than D. with46. A. afternoon B. class C. talk D. teacher47. A. which B. that C. those D. whatSection C (12 marks) My mom is always there for me, even during the hardest t湖南省益陽六中2012-2013學(xué)年高二上學(xué)期期末考試(英語)無答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/186937.html
