福建省光澤第一中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高二上學(xué)期期中考試英語試題 暫

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(滿分150分 答卷時間 120分鐘)一、聽力理解 30%第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽對話,選擇正確答案。1. What does the man want to be in the future? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. An artist.2. What is the woman going to buy for her father? A. A shirt. B. An MP4. C. Some food.3. How long does the man have to wait in all? A. 2 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 6 hours.4. What is the two speakers’ plan? A. Going to Hawaii by ship. B. Going to the Mediterranean by train. C. Going to Hawaii by plane.5. What has happened to the man? A. He has started a company. B. He has got a lot of money from a match. C. His company has got an income of $100 million.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽第6段材料,回答第6和第7小題。6. What did the man use to teach in the university? A. Music. B. Computer science. C. Painting.7. Who is Jeff Green? A. He is a student of the man’s. B. He is a millionaire in the town. C. He is a company manager.聽第7段材料,回答第8和第9小題。8. What did the two speakers do last Friday? A. They went to the hospital. B. They went to watch a football match. C. They had a football match.9. What happened to the woman on her way? A. She knocked into an old man. B. She was seriously injured. C. She helped an old man.聽第8段材料,回答第10至第12小題。10. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. A couple. B. Friends. C. Neighbors.11. What does Sandy think about the new job? A. He thinks it’s promising. B. He isn’t interested in it. C. He thinks it’s terrible.12. Who is in Chicago now? A. The man. B. Sandy. C. Sandy’s sister.聽第9段材料,回答第13至第16小題。13. Where are the two speakers? A. In the woman’s house. B. In the man’s house. C. In the library.14. What does the man want to do after he graduates? A. He wants to become a teacher. B. He wants to be a musician. C. He has no idea.15. Want is the woman’s major? A. Math. B. French. C. Nursing.16. How does the man earn money now? A. By working in a library. B. By doing a part-time job as a tutor. C. By working at a restaurant in his free time.聽第10段材料,回答第17至第20小題。17. Why did Steven Jobs drop out of college? A. Because he was full of new ideas. B. Because he couldn’t catch up with his lessons. C. Because he couldn’t get along well with his classmates and teachers.18. Where did Steven Jobs work as a video game designer? A. In India. B. At Atari. C. In California.19. How long did Steven work as a video game designer? A. For a few weeks. B. For a few months. C. For a few years.20. What can we know about Steven? A. He built his computer in his garage. B. He made the computer by himself. C. His computer was not so successful.二、單項(xiàng)選擇 15%21. The editor didn’t like story written by the new writer because it didn’t make _____sense.A. the, 不填 B. the, a C. a, the D. the, the22. ?Tony hasn’t turned up so far. What’s up? ?He gave me a call saying that his car had on the way.A. slowed down B. settled downC. put down D. broken down23. Most of us are willing to work with we think is reliable and easy to get along with.A. whomever B. who C. whoever D. whom24. I turned on TV last night, I heard the news that our football team had won the game.A. So long as B. Unless C. Even though D. The instant25. Our manager came here and demanded that all the employees what had happened.A. to know B. know C. knowing D. to knowing26. Mr. Smith stands at the crossroads every morning, the busy traffic.A. directing B. having directed C. to direct D. directs27. Small it is, the country plays a very important role in international trade.A. but B. although C. while D. as28. ?What a mess!Tony, put all of your things ___. A. in the place B. in place C. at place D. at a place29. Lily had to shout ___ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hear B. to making herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard30. ?Mary, I have heard Jack will go abroad tomorrow. ?Really? , let’s go to see him off at the airport together.A. If not B. If any C. If so D. If some31. in deep thought, Mr. Black has kept the visitor outside the office for a long time.A. Absorbed; waited B. Absorbed; waiting C. Absorbing; waited D. Absorbing; waiting32. The film me what I had seen in Africa.A. reminded; of B. remembered; of C. reminded; to D. recalled; with33. There is no doubt such a campus novel will be very popular with college students.A. whether B. why C. how D. that34. We don’t students staying up late.A. admit to B. approve of C. turn to D. stick to35. ?Let’s go to the movies. It’s______ this time. ?Really? Great!A. my business B. my duty C. my treat D. my turn三、 完形填空 20%When we are unfamiliar with something, we may feel nervous and fearful. The help of others is a good 36__ to help us pull through. I write for a big newspaper, and I wanted to 37__ a story about parachute jumping(跳傘). To make it a realistic as well as exciting 38 , I decided that I had to make a jump myself 39 ____. Unluckily, I’m not good at any sports, let alone(更不用說)parachute jumping. My friend Mr. Smith was40___ to give me a 41__ . He took me to a ground school. The first day’s 42__ included several hours of instruction but not my first drop from a(n) 43___ . For this, I had to wait until the following 44__ . The next morning, I was taken to the airfield. 45___, a heavy parachute was put on my back. Then I was 46__ to make my way to a small plane which had just stopped slowly on the runway. Once on board, the plane was soon 47__. I began to feel nervous. As we reached one thousand meters, Harry, my teacher, hooked(鉤)a 48 from my parachute to a steel ring inside the plane. The line was to pull my parachute 49__after I jumped. “Get 50__ , Henry,” Harry said. I moved carefully to the door. I wanted to 51__ , “NO, no, no!” But no word came. “Jump!” Harry called 52__ . “Jump!!!” Away from the plane, and down, down I fell, arms stretched. It worked all at once I was very happy. Then I felt a quick 53 __. My big parachute had opened! It was the best 54__ I ever had. I looked down. There were rivers, trees, fields and houses. I heard the soft sound of the air.What great 55__ it was! 36. A. way B. chance C. idea D. value 37. A. say B. write C. read D. copy 38. A. film B. poem C. story D. program 39. A. secretly B. suddenly C. finally D. firstly 40. A. afraid B. sad C. unwilling D. willing 41. A. hint B. hand C. gift D. suggestion 42. A. jumping B. journey C. training D. entertainment 43. A. tree B. tower C. building D. airplane 44. A. week B. month C. evening D. morning 45. A. Where B.Somewhere C.There D.Here 46. A. asked B. invited C. forced D. taught 47. A. slowing B. climbing C. landing D. filling 48. A. bag B. steel C. line D. seat 49. A. light B. broken C. fixed D. open 50. A. ready B. up C. on D. away 51. A. cry B. rest C. laugh D. lie 52. A. softly B. loudly C. nervously D. excitedly 53. A. comfort B. wind C. pull 福建省光澤第一中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高二上學(xué)期期中考試英語試題 暫缺答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/194827.html
