
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

吉林一中2013-2014高二下學(xué)期二月份開(kāi)學(xué)驗(yàn)收試卷英語(yǔ)寒假測(cè)試試卷考試范圍:xxx;考試時(shí)間:100分鐘;命題人:xxx姓名:__________班級(jí):__________考號(hào):__________注意事項(xiàng):1.答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級(jí)、考號(hào)等信息2.請(qǐng)將答案正確填寫在答題卡上一、單項(xiàng)填空1. One can always manage to do more things, no matter____ full one’s schedule is in life.A. howB. whatC. whenD. where2. Beer bottles can be recycled but they need cleaning thoroughly, ________ they?A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn'tD. don't3. There are a small number of people involved, possibly ______twenty.A. as few asB. as little asC. as many asD. as much as4. An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area ______ interact with one another.A. thatB. whereC. whoD. what5. Taobo is Asia's largest retail(零售的) network platform, ______ people can buy and sell many kinds of things.( )A.whereB.whenC.thatD.whose二、單詞拼寫6. “You stay here with the (行李) and I will find a taxi”, my father said to me. My daughter shows a    (天賦) for music. Our firm has been t    in tea with many countries.9. Jacky’s funny       (笑話) make the room full of laughter.10. It’s a(n) h_______ for me to be invited to such a grand party.三、短語(yǔ)填空11. We can conclude that the two events_______________________(相互聯(lián)系).(link)13. Once a plan is made, it should __________ no matter how difficult it is.14. While in the lab,you should ______the teacher’s ______.四、完形填空20小題15. 你應(yīng)該盡心盡力做好自己的工作。You should                to do your job well.16. My earliest memory was of taking our only vacuum bottle to the public canteen for drinking water. 1. by hunger, I dropped the bottle and broke it. Scared greatly, I hid all that day in a haystack(草堆). 2. evening, I heard my mother calling my childhood name, so I crawled out of my hiding place, 3. to receive a beating or a scolding. But Mother didn’t hit me, didn’t even 4. me. She just rubbed my head and heaved a sigh.My most 5. memory involved going out in the collective’s field with Mother to collect ears of wheat. The collectors scattered when they 6. the watchman. But Mother, who had bound feet, could not run; she was 7. and slapped so hard by the watchman, a hulk of a man that she fell to the ground. The watchman confiscated(沒(méi)收) the wheat we’d collected and walked off 8. . As she sat on the ground, her lip bleeding, Mother wore a look of 9. I’ll never forget. Years later, when I 10. the watchman, now a gray-haired old man, in the marketplace, Mother had to stop me from going up to avenge her. “Son,” she said 11. , “the man who hit me and this man are not the same person.”My clearest memory is of a Moon Festival day, at noon time, one of those rare 12. when we ate jiaozi at home, one bowl apiece. A(n) 13. beggar came to our door while we were at the table, and when I tried to 14. him away with half a bowlful of dried sweet potatoes, he 15. angrily: “I’m an old man,” he said. “You people are eating jiaozi, but want to feed me sweet potatoes. How 16. can you be?” I reacted just as angrily: “We’re lucky if we eat jiaozi a couple of times a year, one small bowlful apiece, 17. enough to get a taste! You should be thankful we’re giving you sweet potatoes,---” After scolding me, Mother dumped her half - bowlful of jiaozi into the old man’s bowl.Mother18. a serious lung disease when I was still in my teens. Hunger, disease, and too much work made the road ahead look especially 19. , worried that Mother might take her own life. One day, she said, “Son,”“don’t worry, there may be no 20 in my life, but I won’t leave you till the God of the Underworld calls me.”1. A. Weakened B. Driven C. Angered D. Attacked2. A. During B. On C. Toward D. In 3. A. preparing B. prepared C. to prepare D. prepare4. A. touch B. scold C. beat D. see5. A. cheerful B. hard C. shameful D. painful6. A. found B. spotted C.met D. passed7. A. caught B. pushed C. struck D. frighten8. A. whistling B. whistled C. to whistle D. whistles9. A. sorrow B. hopelessness C.pain D.bravery10. A. knocked into B. came across C. come up with D. knocked down11. A. disappointedly B. sadly C. kindly D. calmly12. A. events B. situations C. occasions D. cases13.A. aging B. hungry C. ill D. deaf14.A. give B. send C. drive D. turn15.A. answered B. responded C. reacted D. swore16.A. heartless B. shy C. unbelievable D. unreasonable17.A. seldom B. not C. barely D. never18.A. suffered B. caught C. contracted D. infected19.A. desperate B. frustrated C. blocked D. narrow20.A. surprise B. difficulty C. excitement D. joy17. My friend Jessie and I have known each other since we were very young. After we both got married we seldom had time to get together 1 I always promised myself that I would meet her whenever I was free.Friendships get more 2 as we get older, and when we reached our forties, we 3 to do something to keep our 4 strong, healthy and growing. We picked out one Saturday a month and 5 to do something together that day. Sometimes we had a long lunch out, and other times we went to see a movie or went shopping. We also promised to have a(n) 6 every few days. In some adventures we drove to our favorite places and 7 a night there. Other times we just 8 , stopping wherever we wanted.One of our adventures 9 us to a very small town in South Georgia. The people there were 10 a special festival. We were 11 to buy the handmade gifts and to eat the 12 food. There was also a parade. Everyone in the parade 13 and waved to us! It was so great! We 14 had a great time that day! 15 is always on the menu, whether it’s a weekend trip or a couple of hours’ chat over lunch. We are so happy and have a great 16 on each other’s lives. We share our sorrow and 17 and we ask for and receive advice. We always laugh, too!Don’t keep promising yourself that “someday” you’ll 18 your friends. Do it now. Pick up your phone and make a 19 for THIS weekend. You’ll be a happier and 20 person for it! You need it and your friends need it, too.1. A. asB. unlessC. thoughD. since2. A. preciousB. difficultC. boringD. interesting3. A. refusedB. decidedC. rememberedD. regretted4. A. friendshipB. connectionC. marriageD. life5. A. pausedB. promisedC. preparedD. pretended6. A. revisionB. adventureC. operationD. appointment7. A. consumedB. tookC. costD. spent8. A. disappearedB. leftC. droveD. ran9. A. showedB. tookC. pushedD. forced10. A. offeringB. enjoyingC. presentingD. conducting11. A. willingB. eagerC. delightedD. allowed12. A. deliciousB. terribleC. awfulD. valuable13. A. wipedB. staredC. smiledD. announced14. A. hardlyB. nearlyC. reallyD. probably15. A. FunB. MercyC. ConcernD. Disagreement16. A. considerationB. influenceC. discussionD. impression17. A. weaknessB. benefitsC. problemsD. happiness18. A. meetB. impressC. supportD. forgive19. A. designB. planC. speechD. record20. A. busierB. prettierC. healthierD. cleaner18. Angelina Jolie s吉林省吉林一中2013-2014學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期二月份開(kāi)學(xué)驗(yàn)收試題(英語(yǔ))
本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/225567.html
