上海市松江某中學(xué)2012-2013學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期末考試 英語

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

松江某中學(xué)2012學(xué)年度第二學(xué)期期末考試試卷高 二 英 語第Ⅰ卷Listening Comprehension (16’)Section ADirections: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A. He relaxes.B. He walks around the house. C. He goes fishing.D. He works at home.2.A. The college has closed.B. He hasn’t registered yet. C. Amy’s class was already full.D. The discussion was almost over.3.A. To mow the lawn.B. To relax in the sun. C. To wash the car.D. To do none of these.4.A. Apologetic.B. AmusedC. Disappointed.D. Angry.5.A. On or before November 30.B. Not earlier than November 13. C. On or before November 13.D. Not before November 30.6.A. The color.B. The style. C. Discounts.D. Windowshopping.7.A. Five hours.B. Two hours.C. Three hours. D. Four hours.8.A. She’s careless.B. She likes George very much. C. She’s not concerned about George.D. She doesn’t care what George said.9.A. She’s met some interesting classmates.B. She’s writing to the best authors. C. She’s enjoying reading good books.D. She’s going to see the world.10.A. Elephants.B. Lions.C. Walruses.D. Zoo keepers.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. 16.B. 17.C. 18.D. 19.12.A. About 60%.B. About 70%.C. About 50%.D. About 80%.13.A. He lives in one of the states.B. He wins a scholarship. C. He does not attend a private university.D. His parents live in that state.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.14.A. School lunchtime supervisors.B. Britain’s ambulance staff. C. Call centre operators.D. Scocial service workers.15.A. Because a gas leak had affected the operation of the trains. B. Because an underground store had reported gas leaking. C. Because there had been gas leaking on a platform. D. Because all the stores at Gate 2 were required to close.16.A. Less than two hours.B. More than four hours. C. Nearly three hours.D. More than three hours.II. Grammar and VocabularySection A (19’)17.We are all aware _________ the many threats _________ the environment and we need to take action to prevent us from the bad consequences.A. of; toB. of; onC. that; toD. that; on18.I don’t know what happened to my pet. It just ________ eat whatever I feed her. A. don’tB. won’tC. can’tD. couldn’t19.Although he is a well-known star, he never gives others an impression that he is _________ those who play with him.A. more inferior thanB. more superior thanC. inferior toD. superior to20.The trees ___________ down in the storm have been moved off the road. A. being blownB. blownC. having been blownD. blowing21.Talk to anyone in this country ________ you will find education and food safety are the problems of top concern.A. thusB. orC. thenD. and22.While every possible means __________ to prevent the air pollution, the river in my hometown has still not been restored to its past beauty. A. is tried B. are triedC. has been triedD. have been tried23.President Obama and visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping held talks on a private property, _________ the first official meeting since the two countries changed their leadership.A. markingB. to markC. markedD. to be marked24.The battery factory will not be licensed _________ it is constructed in a less populated area and it meets the environmental protection standard.A. as long asB. unlessC. asD. once25.Liu Yang has gone down into history because she is the first Chinese woman ________ in space.A. traveledB. having traveledC. has traveledD. to travel26.I never thought anyone would speak ill of him to his face, _________?A. did I B. didn’t I C. would theyD. wouldn’t they27.? My brother passed the driving test and he is planning to buy a car of his own.? Congratulations! ___________.A. So am IB. So did IC. So it is with meD. So will I28.? Shall we go to see our teacher tomorrow morning? ? I’d like to, but I ____________ a test between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. tomorrow. A. have been takingB. will be takingC. am about to takeD. took29.Was it by holding the pro-environment campaigns ___________ the company attracted wide publicity? A. whereB. thatC. whichD. to which30.The increasing use of foreign words may lead to _________ the good qualities of traditional Chinese.A. people forgettingB. people to forget C. forgetting people D. people forget 31.College students want to find jobs ________ they can receive not only good pay but also a sense of satisfaction.A. thatB. in thatC. whereD. from it 32.The sun was shining and the birds singing. __________ a princess, pale and weeping.A. Walked through the forestB. Through the forest walkedC. Through the forest walkingD. Walking through the forest33.The special news program analyzed the extent _________ people’s daily lives have been changed by modern inventions since the 1890s.A. in whichB. at whichC. on whichD. to which34.After travelling around the world, I found New Zealand to be closest to _________ I thought a person should spend his years after retirement.A. howB. whatC. whyD. where35.University graduates should develop such skills as critical thinking, and inter-personal communication, ________ are important in personal development.A. which are believed by the manager thatB. which are believed by the managerC. which the manager believes thatD. which the manager believesSection B (9’)A. concentrated B. possible C. revised D. applications E. figures F. connect G. benefits H. global I. associate J. topsMore than two million people in Europe now have fiber broadband(光纖寬帶)direct to their home, suggests a survey. The latest on superfast broadband delivered by fiber to the home (FTTH) show 18% growth over the last survey compiled in late 2008.The continued growth suggests that the 37 economic decline has not hit plans to build fiber networks. Sweden 38 the list of nations applying the technology, with 10.9% of its broadband customers using fiber. Karel Helsen, president of Europe’s Fiber-To-The-Home Council, said the growth matched predictions that were 39 when the credit crisis started to make itself felt. “The numbers in 2009 are in line with the latest forecasts,” said Mr. Helsen.By 2013, the FTTH Council expects that 13 million people across 35 European nations will have their broadband delivered by fiber. Such services would start at a speed of 100 megabits per second (mbps), said Mr. Helsen. Around Europe more than 233 projects were underway to lay the fibers that would 40 homes or buildings to the net, said Mr. Helsen. Many of those, he said, were being operated by local governments or smaller net firms. Local governments were interested in FTTH because of the economic and social 41 it brought in its wake, said Mr. Helsen.The low delay in high-speed fiber networks made 42 new uses of broadband, he said. “No de上海市松江某中學(xué)2012-2013學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期末考試 英語
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/230187.html
