
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網

第二部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié):單項選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)21. —Where can we park car?—Don’t worry. There’s sure to be parking lot nearby.A.the; theB.the; a C.不填; a D.不填; the22. Mary looked at the picture, wondering where she ______ it before. A. saw B. has seen C. sees D. had seen 23.---What _____ do you care about most in a person ? ---I especially care if a person tells the truth. A. virtue B. courage C. strategy D. emotion 24.We often go to work by bicycle, for cycling is highly ______ to health and the environment. A. suitable B. beneficial C. worthwhile D. valuable 25. It being Sunday, I ______ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 9 am.A. didn’t need to get B. couldn’t have gottenC. needn’t have gotten D. mustn’t have gotten 26. ---_______when has the country been open to international trade? ---1978, I suppose.A. Since B. InC. FromD. After27. The warmth of______ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of______ wool that is used.A. the; the B. the; 不填C. 不填; theD. 不填;不填28. I know he's only a child; _____he should have known that what he was doing was wrongA. even if B. as though C. even so D. as well29. The children travelled and played all day with their parents, but they enjoyed the picnic ___, for it was tasteless. A. most B. more C. less D. least30. ---The party sounds very interesting. I was wondering if I could take Alan there. ---______A. With pleasure B. I’d like toC. I can’t agree more D. By all means31.Many think that that rainbow is a ____ of good fortune because it connects heaven and earth. A. slogan B. brand C. logo D. symbol 32.Those who have no idea ____ being polite means will pay the price sooner or later. A. what B. how C. which D. that 33.---The film After Shock was really moving! ---_____! You’ve described exactly what I felt about the film. A. That’s it B. Well done C. Cheers D. Nonsense 34.You will have to wait for one more week, ____ the manager will be back from her trip. A. before B. when C. after D.until35.It was really a splendid dinner---I enjoyed the last dish_____. A. in general B. in particular C. in theory D. in advance 第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,共30分)Mackenzie Hughes had just returned from school and was waiting for her older brothers to arrive home. She was home alone 36 a man started knocking on the front door, turning the handle and trying to 37 .She’s 12 years old and she was 38 . So she dialed 9-1-1 and reached the operator Rachelle Berry. After a brief talk, Berry 39 what was happening. “OK, hang on, OK? Can you get in a 40 ?” Berry asked. Mackenzie told Berry that her phone --- it wasn’t cordless (無繩的) --- wouldn’t reach into the cupboard. “Will the phone reach under your bed?” Berry asked 41 . “No,” Mackenzie said.“Can you hide under a 42 and pull your bedspread over you?” That’s 43 what Mackenzie did. She hid under her blanket, holding the phone and listening to Berry’s voice.Berry talked quietly, which 44 Mackenzie. It helped, too, when Berry told her to think of something 45 . “Try not to cry,” Berry told Mackenzie during the call. “ I know it’s 46 . Do you have something you can hold onto?” Mackenzie struggled to 47 tears. She couldn’t 48 anything without showing her hiding spot. “ It’s OK,” Berry said. “You’ve got me here with you.”“He’s in my room,” Mackenzie 49 . “ Be quiet, OK? Just don’t talk,” Berry said. For much of the call, Berry dropped her voice to a whisper, 50 the intruder (闖入者) might hear her voice over the phone. 51 , the man came into her room, then left.Berry told Mackenzie that the 52 were on their way. Minutes later, they arrived and 53 one man in the backyard and another man in a getaway car.On Thursday morning, the Emergency Communications Bureau gave Mackenzie its Hero Award for her 54 . Berry also received high praise. And then it was off to school for Mackenzie. But first Berry had something to 55 to the middle-schooler: a cordless phone.36. A. until B. before C. when D. because37. A. get through B. get awayC. get around D. get in38. A. scared B. annoyedC. curiousD. surprised39. A. realizedB. rememberedC. reviewedD. recalled40. A. bedroomB. cupboardC. kitchenD. bathroom41. A. calmlyB. anxiouslyC. carefullyD. happily42. A. sofaB. bedC. blanketD. table43. A. everB. neverC. stillD. just44. A. helped B. worriedC. movedD. upset45. A. strange B. interestingC. wrongD. valuable46. A. usefulB. importantC. hardD. possible47. A. hold ontoB. hold backC. hold downD. hold up48. A. discoverB. imagineC. inventD. reach49. A. cried B. shoutedC. repliedD. whispered50. A. assuming B. fearingC. believingD. confirming51. A. ObviouslyB. ProbablyC. FortunatelyD. Certainly52. A. parentsB. brothersC. neighborsD. police53. A. metB. arrestedC. killedD. found[54. A. contributionB. successC. braveryD. kindness55. A. present B. lend C. showD. mail第三部分:閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)AHave Fun with Funny FacesHere is a great new toy just for you! It is called FUNNY FACES. It is small enough to fit in your hand, but you can do so many things with Funny Faces! With Funny Faces, you can shape a mouth into a happy smile, or you can make a sad face. If you want to show an angry face, you can make it appear to be fierce. The eyebrows (眉毛) move up and down, the eyes turn from side to side, and the ears move slightly. It is lots of fun to play with Funny Faces, by yourself or with your friends, make up stories about the different faces, put on a Funny Faces show and invite your friends to watch it.A Funny Faces toy costs only five dollars. It is a super toy that every child should have. Buy Funny Faces today! You will find it in many stores in your city or town.And if you buy Funny Faces now, we will send you a FREE gift. It is a special case for your toy. You will not find this case in stores. Here is all you have to do:Cut off the top of the Funny Faces box. It writes “A Great New Toy!”Write your name and address on a piece of paper.Mail both pieces to the Funny Faces address on the front of the box.Act today! This offer is good only until June 30.56. According to the passage, what is Funny Faces?A. A kind of toy.B. A box.C. A special show.D. A picture. 57. With Funny Faces, we can ________.A. make our friends angryB. write names and addressC. shape a mouth into a smileD. turn our eyes from side to side58. Why does the author write this passage? A. To tell us how to get a free gift. B. To encourage us to buy Funny FacesC. To show us how to enjoy Funny Faces. D. To advise us to put on an interesting show.59. We can see the passage is ________. A. a story B. a news report C. a letter D. an advertisement BMy mom taught me to read Chinese at a very young age. My parents and neighbours tell me that I was three when I started to read newspapers and books. Anyway, I do remember people called me “shen tong”,which means “gifted child”. So my dad decided that I should go to elementary school early.In China you are supposed to enter the first grade if you are six by June 30th of the school year. I was born in the latter half of the year, so I wasn’t supposed to enter elementary school until I was almost seven. However, I was still sent to school. A吉林省白山市第一中學2013-2014學年高二上學期期末考試英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/240428.html
