
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

高二英語參考答案一、選擇題1-5CACAC 6-10ABCBB 11-15DCBCA 16-20BCDBA 21-25ACBBA 26-30 ACDCD 31-35DACBD 36-40CDBCA 41-45 DDCAB 46-50 FBDGC二、單詞拼寫51. fasten 52. expert 53.guilty 54. Province 55.bleeding 56.assistants 57.challenge 58.quarrel(l)ling 59.gifted/ talented 60. liquid三、短文改錯51 small ? smaller 52 with ? in/within 53 a ? an 54 is ? are 55 taking ? take 56 him ? them 57 the sea ? sea 58 and ? but 59 leaves ? left 60 success ? successful /a sucess四、書面表達one possible version:Dear editor,I am a student from high school. I want to talk about the problems we students meet at school. Our Students’ Union had surveyed 20 students about it. According to the survey, many students are worried about their studies. They are afraid of doing badly in exams. And some can’t get on well with their classmates, which has a bad influence on their life.At the same time, some students feel lonely at school. They miss their family very much. Several students surveyed think they don’t have much free time to do whatever they like.In my opinion, it is normal to have the worries for us students. We should face them and settle them with the help of our teachers and classmates and then we can devote ourselves to our studies. Yours, Li Ming 河北省唐山市灤南縣2013-2014學年高二上學期期中考試英語試題(掃描版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/245156.html
