
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

中山市高二級2010—2011學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語科試卷本試卷共10頁,四大題,滿分135分?荚囉脮r(shí)120分鐘。注意事項(xiàng):1.答題前,考生必須將自己的姓名、統(tǒng)考考號、座號和考試科目用鉛筆涂寫在答題卡上。2.選擇題每小題選出答案后,用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑,如需改動(dòng)用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案,答案不能答在試卷上。3.非選擇題必須用黑色字跡鋼筆或簽字筆作答,答案必須寫在答題卡各題目指定區(qū)域內(nèi)相應(yīng)位置上;如需改動(dòng),先劃掉原來的答案,然后再寫上新的答案;不準(zhǔn)使用鉛筆和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案無效。4.考生必須保持答題卡的整潔,考試結(jié)束后,將答題卡交回。 (共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié) 完形填空 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1~15各題所給的A、B、C和D項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。My mother asked me to go to several garbage sales with her one cool morning.We finally 1 at a beautiful house in the woods. The elderly 2 told me that he and his wife were retired teachers. As we were searching, I heard the gentleman’s wife say her 3 to someone, and I immediately 4 who she was. She looked at me and said, “You are Lisa Miller.” I looked at her 5 , for it had been nearly thirty years since I had been in her class.My mother immediately said sorry to her for any 6 I might have made. She thought that if this woman 7 me after so many years, I must have done something 8 . My teacher smiled and said, “Oh, no, she was very good.”My teacher 9 that during the last week of school, I 10 her a lamb’s ear from my mother’s garden. She took us to her garden where she planted the lamb’s ear. As I looked down her driveway with lamb’s ears on both sides, she said, “Every day when I leave my house and drive up the driveway, I think of you. And when I come home they 11 me, I think of you.” Tears 12 my eyes. There at her home was a piece of my life that she had raised. gkstkAt that moment, she taught me more about 13 than I could imagine. We give pieces of ourselves every day without thought. We seldom imagine the effects that we have on theirs’ lives. That piece may grow and spread, becoming a(n) 14 part of a life. In the end, it isn’t the big things that matter, but the small things that make a(n) 15 in the world.1. A. searched B. stopped C. started D. founded2.A. owner B. worker C. player D. buyer3. A. address B. age C. identity D. name4. A. determined B. realized C. forecast D. guessed5. A. worried B. bored C. concerned D. surprised6. A. attack B. fight C. trouble D. terror7. A. considered B. disliked C. remembered D. blamed8.A. cruel B. terrible C. friendly D. special9.A. reported B. explained C judged D. expressed10. A. brought B. stole C. bought D. chose11.A. accept B. calm C. greet D. recognize12.A. gave up B. turned to C. came into D. took away13. A. life B. attitudes C. devotion D. lessons14. A. necessary B. whole C. unimportant D. large15. A. effort B. difference C. decision D. way第二節(jié) 語法填空 (共10小題,每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,在空格處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~或使用括號中詞語的正確形式填空,并將答案填寫在答題卡標(biāo)號為16~25的相應(yīng)位置上。This is a real story. Mark Cato started a blog Dying to live, after 16 (know) that he developed Motor Neurone Disease (MND運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)元疾病) and might have only 14 months to live. It is reported that MND, a 17 (dead) illness affecting(侵襲) seven in 100,000 people in the UK, kills 50 percent of sufferers within 14 months, while 18 remaining sufferers can expect to live for just two to five years.Professor Cato wrote an online diary to show people 19 MND that “l(fā)ife goes on”. He uses the site to tell his everyday life, including day trips to London 20 he was mistaken for a drunk and inventions he came up with to help him overcome(克服) his physical problems around the house.Actually, Professor Cato has achieved a lot. 21 he was 21, he became a surveyor(測量師). At the age of 59, he went back to university and graduated with a master’s degree in law, though he was then suffering from cancer. He has been lecturing in Britain and China for 25 years and has published four books. In 2002, he 22 (make) a visiting professor at Shandong University, in China. gkstk 23 Mark Cato started his blog, it has attracted more than 205,000 people around the world, 24 surprised him a lot. He said that the reason for his launching the blog was to encourage people like 25 to battle with the illnesses and to learn to enjoy every second of their rest life.II 閱讀 (共節(jié),滿分分) (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。AHalloween participants dressed as former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (2nd L), Beetlejuice and Marilyn Monroe watch as President Barack Obama greets others in a Halloween trick-or-treat event on the steps of the North Portico of the White House in Washington, October 31, 2010.Ghosts and goblins are more than Halloween decorations or costumes for many Americans who said they believe in the supernatural and returning from the grave.Thirty-seven percent of 2,100 adults questioned in a Zogby Interactive poll said they think ghosts are real, and 23 percent believe they have been visited by a dead relative or friend.Even the 22 percent who said they have not had any ghostly experiences themselves know someone who has."More than a third of Americans have this belief that ghosts do exist," said a spokesman for Zogby, adding that the findings were surprising.Nearly half of those questioned said if they could be a ghost, they would choose to come back as themselves.But belief in the supernatural is not required to enjoy Halloween. Eighty-seven percent of parents said their children would be dressing up for the holiday and 71 percent would be trick-or-treating.But 41 percent of adults said they were not celebrating Halloween, including 12 percent of whom are out of religious reasons.Serial killers were thought to be the scariest costumes, followed by the walking dead and zombies.26. Who participated in the trick-or-treat event on the steps of the North Portico of the White House on Oct.31, 2010? A. President Lincoln. B. Beetlejuice.C. Marilyn Monroe. D. President Obama.27. How many of 2,100 adults questioned believe in the existence of ghosts? A. More than 700. B. Nearly 500.C. More than 1200. D. A bit over 450.28. What is regarded as the most horrible costume? A. Ghosts. B. Serial killers. C. The walking dead. D. Zombies.29. The underlined sentence in the passage means that . A. you are required to enjoy Halloween with the belief in the supernatural B. you can’t enjoy Halloween without the belief in the supernatural C. you enjoy Halloween at requirement of the belief in the supernatural D. you can enjoy Halloween even without the belief in the supernatural30. How many adults questioned were not celebrating Halloween for religious reasons? A. about 100 B. about 250 C. about 840 D. more than 1100 BIt was the first time to have 13 tigers on one stage in Beijing, 3 of which had won special awards at the Monte Carlo Circus Festival. They not only showed their strengths jumping through Double Rings of Fire and Bunny Hopping, but also amused the audiences by their obedient behavior towards the trainer, like poppet in a kindergarten.There was also a special guest in this show—a Liger. When it was sitting, it was the same as a tiger; but when it廣東省中山市2010-2011學(xué)年高二上學(xué)期期末英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/246005.html
