河北省衡水市2015-2016學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期二調(diào)考試 英語試題

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2015-2016學(xué)年度學(xué)期考試高二年級英語試卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共150分,考試時間120分鐘。注意事項:1.答題前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、考號用鉛筆涂寫在答題卡上。2.每小題選出答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案標(biāo)號。3.二卷試題用黑色中性筆作答。 ◇◇◇ 祝同學(xué)們?nèi)〉煤贸煽儯?05分第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分分) 第一節(jié) (共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。1. Where does the man want to go?A. A bank.B. A park.C. A bus stop.2. When is Paul’s birthday party? A. July 11.B. July 12. C. July 13.3. Where is the man going to spend his Christmas? A. In his brother’s.B. In his mother’s.C. In his sister’s.4. How are the woman’s parents? A. They’re ill now.B. They’re seldom ill.C. They’re very healthy.5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates.B. A couple.C. Colleagues.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分分)聽第6段材料,回答第6至題。 A. To communicate with his friends.B. To look for something interesting.C. To look up some useful information.7. What does the woman do? A. She is a worker.B. She is a researcher.C. She is a teacher.聽第7段材料,回答第至1題。 A. Because she is not interested in English.B. Because she is not good at learning English.C. Because she has no time to do English exercises. 9. How does the woman usually learn English? A. By doing lots of exercises.B. By reading English novels.C. By remembering basic knowledge.10. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. To change her learning method.B. To spend more time on English.C. To recite each text in her textbook.聽第8段材料,回答第1至1題。 A. In a bar.B. In a store.C. In a restaurant.12. Who does the man buy the fruit juice for? A. His wife.B. His son.C. His daughter.13. How much is a kilo of apples? A. 4 yuan.B. 8 yuan.C. 16 yuan.聽第9段材料,回答第1至17題!痵 the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Doctor and patient.B. Employer and employee.C. Husband and wife.15. What’s the woman’s attitude towards the man’s idea? A. Positive.B. Indifferent.C. Negative.16. Why does the man think he should join the football team? A. Because he was a professional player.B. Because it is organized by his company.C. Because he used to play football very well.17. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Insist on his diet.B. Do more exercise.C. Join the football team.聽第10段材料,回答第18至20題。 A. Before 37 AD.B. After 68 AD.C. During the first century.19. Around 1600, who owned most of the coffee shops in Paris? A. Italians.B. Americans.C. Frenchmen.20. Who invented the hand-turned ice-cream freezer? A. Francesco.B. Nancy Johnson.C. Jacob Flusell.第二部分 英語知識運用 (共,滿分5分)單項填空(共1小題;每小題分,滿分分)’s illnesses were more appropriate to ________ much older animal. Altogether Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the life of ________ original sheep. A. a; an B. the; an C. a; the D. the; the22. People tend to be more progressive when they're young and more ________ as they get older. A. conservativeB. controversial C. conservation D. controversy23. I’m not trying to criticize you; I’m _______ trying to find out how the accident happened. A. altogether B. merelyC. properly D. abruptly 24. ________ by winds and deep snow, Andy made a hole in the snow and crawled into a survival bag. A. Having trapped B. To be trapped C. Trapped D. Trapping25. We hope that you will not ________ to make us aware of any shortcomings which you may find in this plan. A. classify B. arrange C. hesitate D. object26. The research is so designed that once ________ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. begun D. beginning 27. Sarah hopes to become a friend of _______ shares her interests. A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who28. It’s ten years since the scientist _______ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical. A. set about B. set out C. kept up D. marked out 29. If you _______ yourself to the job in hand, you’ll soon finish it. A. claim B. obtain C. apply D. reform30. Some died or returned home, but most remained in California to make a life for themselves _______ great hardship. A. through B. despite C. with D. in完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分) A family owned a farm near Beula, Michigan U.S. They kept a bull ____31____ an old elm tree. The bull walked around the tree, ____32____ a heavy iron chain with him, which cut a trench (溝痕) on the surface of the tree about three feet off ground. The trench ____33____ over the years, though for whatever ____34____, it didn’t kill the tree. Later, the family sold the ____35____ and took their bull to their new home in another state. They cut the chain, ____36____ the iron ring behind around the tree. Over the years, bark(樹皮) ____37____ covered the rusting (生銹的) chain.Then one year, an agricultural disaster ____38____ Michigan. All of the elms lining the road leading to the farm became ____39____ with the disease and died. Everyone figured that the old, badly wounded elm could hardly ____40____. The farm’s owners even considered cutting down the tree ____41____ it died. But they simply ____42____ to do so. It was as if the old tree had become a family friend. So they decided to leave it as it was.____43____, the tree didn’t die! Year after year it ____44____. Nobody could understand why it was the only elm still standing there. ____45____experts came over to study the tree. They observed the trench left by the iron chain, now almost completely covered by bark and badly corroded (侵蝕). The experts ____46____ that it was the rusting chain that saved the elm’s life. They ____47____ that the tree must have absorbed so much iron from the rusting chain that it became ____48____ to the disease.It is said that what doesn’t kill you will make you ____49____. Or, as Ernest Hemingway put it, “Life ____50____ us all, but afterwards, many of us are strongest at the broken places.” 31. A. covered with B. exposed to C. chained to D. marked with 32. A. dragging B. pushing C. snatching D. holding 33. A. widenedB. strengthened C. brightened D. deepened 34. A. reason B. cost C. weather D. background 35. A. tree B. bull C. car D. farm 36. A. falling B. hiding C. leaving D. showing 37. A. slowly B. luckily C. quickly D. frequently 38. A. happened B. beat C. struck D. occurred 39. A. supplied B. infected C. equipped D. filled 40. A. survive B. restore C. boom D. shape 41. A. after B. until C. before D. unless 42. A. preferred B. resisted C. tended D. hated 43. A. Excitedly B. Unfortunately C. Amusingly D. Amazingly 44. A. expanded rapidly B. died instantly C. fell ill D. grew well 45. A. Health B. Plant C. Food D. Animal 46. A. decided B. argued C. realized D. understood 47. A. agreed B. reasoned C. responded D. replied 48. A. accustomed B. attached C. immune D. defensel河北省衡水市2015-2016學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期二調(diào)考試 英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/304148.html
