
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 3 Life in the future

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points

1.She felt she had looked at the proble fro every ________(方面).
2.We are told to ________(早先的) experience is necessary for this job.
3.Take two of the ________(藥片) three ties daily before eals.
4.If you need help at any tie in the flight,one of the ________(乘務(wù)員) will be pleased to help you.
5.We all wore ________(面罩) at the party and no one kneho we were.
6.Nancy’s trip to Singapore ade a strong ________(印象)on her.
slide into; take up; catch sight of; lack for; be back on one’s feet; sweep up
1.The teacher ________________ the lesson when Jenny stopped talking.
2.Christine doesn’t ________________ friends in the new environent.
3.I ________________ a hungry dog that was looking for food in the rubbish.
4.Six onths later after bet operation, Sue ________________ again.
5.Jan was ________________ the bits of paper and broken glass when we cae in.
6.The naughty boy ________________ the driver’s seat and started the engine.
1.Thinking that her daughter was doing hoework, the other left the roo, ________.
A.quickly and gentle    B.quick and gentle
C.quickly and gently D.quick and gently
2.(2011年濮陽高二檢測(cè))The old an drove the car at a ________speed, aking us very cofortable.
A.high B.surprising
C.crazy D.constant
3.(2011年杭州高二檢測(cè))Please explain how two or ore things are siilar________different fro each other.
A.to B.or
C.in D.a(chǎn)nd
4.I like getting up very early in suer.The orning air is so good ________.
A.to be breathed B.to breathe
C.breathing D.being breathed
5.This agazine is very ________with young people,who like its content and style.
A.failiar B.popular
C.siilar D.particular
6.The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a coon ________ in any parts of the city.
A.look B.sign
C.sight D.a(chǎn)ppearance
7.—________when has the country been open to international trade?
—1978,I suppose.
A.Since B.In
C.Fro D.After
8.After he retired fro office,Rogers ________painting for a while,but soon lost interest.
A.took up B.saved up
C.kept up D.drew up
9.His head soon appeared out of the window,________he saw nothing but trees.
A.where B.which
C.there D.fro where
10.Aericans don’t like using r,rs or iss.As a result, if they don’t use your faily nae,that doesn’t ean any ________.
A.lacking respect B.lack respect
C.lack of respect D.lacking respecting
A group of European researchers fro Eindhoven University of Technology(TU/e)are working hard to connect robots with hoes.The robots will ake sure that hoes are nice places to stay and that patients do the right things.
This recently started research project,which has been naed KSERA,focuses(關(guān)注)on COPD(慢性阻塞性肺病)patients.In 2030 this disease will be the third cause of death worldwide.The disease especially affects the elderly.
In three years’ tie several deonstration(示范)houses should be finished,where a robot will play the central role.It follows patients through the house,learns their habits,watches the closely,gives sound advice,turns the air conditioning up or down a bit,and warns a doctor when the patient is not feeling well.Besides,the robot also provides fun in the for of the Internet and videos.“We want to shohat is possible in this area,”says project anager Dr.Lydia eesters.
The TU/e researcher says that this new type of intelligent care house will not be a cold environent.It should be as hoely as possible.In an ideal(理想的)situation the only technology you see will be the robot.It will be the contact for all the systes in the hoes. Xkb 1
Ethical issues(道德問題)will also be given special focus.The robot ust give good advice to patients,but it should not be a policean,eesters explains.What to do,for exaple,when a COPD patient lights a cigarette?
The project will cost alost 4 illion euros,2.9 illion of which will be provided by the EU.Other parties are the Italian research center Institute Superiore ario Boella,Vienna University of Technology,Haburg University,the Italian ICT copany Consoft,the Central European Institute of Technology in Vienna and the Israeli care provider accabi Healthcare Services.
1.KSERA is ainly for ________.
A.the sick at hoe
B.children at hoe
C.the elderly in hospital
D.scientists in the lab
2.Paragraph 3 ainly tells us that robots ________.
A.can do any things
B.a(chǎn)re stronger than en
C.a(chǎn)re better than doctors
D.can ake the best hoe
3.How any parties offered oney to KSERA?
A.Five. B.Six.
C.Seven. D.Eight.
4.According to the passage,the robots will ________.
A.be put into production very soon
B.be popular with the COPD patients
C.a(chǎn)ke a hoe feel cold
D.a(chǎn)ct as a policean
To call land “arginal” it is not very good. Low quality soil is not the only reason why land could be considered arginal. The land ight be in an area where rainfall is liited. Or it ight be on a hillside that rises too sharply.
Yet there are uses for arginal land. ost often it is used as grassland. Grasses provide excellent feed for grazing anials (草食動(dòng)物) like cattle, sheep and goats. A farer ight use native grasses or non­native seed. No atter what way he uses, it is iportant to establish good ground cover to avoid the loss of soil through erosion(侵蝕).
But using arginal land for grazing is not as siple as it ight sound. There is a risk of overgrazing. Cattle can daage crops by eating down to the roots. Also, the anials crash the soil with their weight. That can ake the ground too hard for growing. A way to reduce the daage is to ove anials fro one field to another. This ethod is known as rotational(循環(huán)的 ) grazing. Agricultural experts say rotational grazing is extreely iportant for arginal land.
Another use for arginal land is for tree crops. Studies have shown that the loblolly pine ( 火炬松) and white pine are two kinds of trees that groell on such land. They grow fast and provide good quality wood. And there are slower­growing trees like the black walnut (胡桃) that provide wood as well as a nut crop. Trees help support the soil. They reduce the daaging effects of wind and rain. And they can provide grazing anials with shade fro the sun.
arginal lands need care to protect the. Failing to take that care ight only ake a bad situation worse. But good planning can turn a arginal resource into a highly productive one.
Title:Faring arginal 1.______
Theeake good use of arginal land
2.______ why land isconsidered arginal•Low quality soil
•Liited 3.______
•Located on a hillside rising sharply
•5.______excellent feed for grazing anials
•Avoiding the 
loss of soil
through erosionRisk of
overgrazingRotational 6.______
Tree 7._____Planting fast­growing treesAdvantages
Planting slow­growing trees•Help 8.______the
•Reduce the daaging effects of wind and 9.______
•Provide shade for
Conclusion10.______ planning can turn a arginal resource into a highly productive one.

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language ≈ Using Language

1.The sign reads“In case of fire,break the glass and push the red ________(按鈕).”
2.We should throw the rubbish into the ________(垃圾箱)near the roadside.
3.How can we build a house without building ________()?
4.She’s Italian by birth but now is an Australian ________(公民).
5.They argue that the plan would daage the island’s ________(生態(tài)).
6.Taking tablets is easy;just put the in your outh and ________(吞下).
1.“Good evening ________ all the guests fro China,”said the host.
2.After the operation her condition was described ________ cofortable.
3.Our thanks go to everybody who has worked ________this project.
4.She loved her lessons, always asking questions, greedy ________ ore inforation.
5.His first novel was turned ________ a ovie for television.
6.Don’t stare ________ people like that;it’s rude.
7.He doesn’t blae anyone ________ his father’s death.
8.The waste can cause serious daage to the environent if not disposed ________properly.
1.________soe people coe here for a short break, others have decided to stay forever.
A.Because     B.If
C.Once D.While
2.(2011年福州高二檢測(cè))“I don’t think it is y ________ that the TV doesn’t work.I just turned it on,that’s all,”said the boy.
A.error B.istake
C.fault D.duty
3.You see the lightning ________it happens,but you hear the thunder later.
A.the instant B.for an instant
C.on the instant D.in an instant
4.a(chǎn)ny of the party’s traditional voters ________it at the last election.
A.reserved B.deserted
C.preserved D.depressed
5.All the neighbors adire this faily,________the parents are treating their child like a friend.
A.why B.where
C.which D.that
6.________ warly for his excellent work, he was too ________to fall asleep.
A.Praising;excited B.To praise;exciting
C.Praised;exciting D.Praised;excited
7.________around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olypic Gaes.
A.Having shown B.To be shown
C.Having been shown D.To show
8.I thought her nice and honest ________I et her.
A.first tie B.for the first tie
C.the first tie D.by the first tie
9.We are hoping that these easures taken by the local governent will help ________ things a bit.
A.sweep up B.speed up
C.a(chǎn)ke up D.save up
10.For any affected failies, cuts to school bus service will ean a big ________ in their orning and afternoon schedules.
A.settleent B.otivation
C.a(chǎn)useent D.a(chǎn)djustent
What will an be like in the future-in 5,000 or even 50,000 years fro now on?We can only ake __1__,of course,but we can be sure that he will be __2__fro what he is today.For an is slowly changing all the tie.
Let us take an obvious __3__.an,even five hundred years ago,was shorter than he is today.Now,on average,en are about three inches __4__.Five hundred years is relatively short period of tie,so we ay assue that an will __5__to grow taller.
Again,in the odern world we use our brains a great deal.__6__,we still ake use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity.With tie going on,__7__,we shall have to use our brains ore and ore,and eventually we shall need __8__ones!This is likely to bring about a physical change too:the __9__,in particular the forehead,will grow larger. Xk b1
Nowadays our eyes are in __10__use.In fact,we use the so uch that very often they becoe __11__and we have to wear glasses.__12__over very long period of tie it is likely that an’s eyes will grow stronger.
On the other hand,we tend to ake less use of our ars and legs.These,__13__,are likely to groeaker.At the sae tie,however,our fingers will grow ore __14__because they are used a great deal in odern life.
But what about hair?This will probably __15__fro the body altogether in course of tie because it doesn’t serve a useful purpose any longer.
Perhaps all this gives the __16__that future an will not be a very attractive creature to look at!This ay well be __17__.All the sae,in spite of all these __18__,future an will still have a lot in coon with us.__19__will still be a huan being,with thoughts and eotions __20__to our own.
1.A.pictures      B.guesses
C.explanations D.ideas
2.A.equal B.sae
C.obvious D.different
3.A.exaple B.fantasy
C.odel D.shape
4.A.fatter B.thinner
C.taller D.shorter
5.A.fail B.continue
C.a(chǎn)nage D.stop
6.A.Even so B.If so
C.After all D.In tie
7.A.besides B.otherwise
C.therefore D.however
8.A.larger B.saller
C.sillier D.cleverer
9.A.eye B.nose
C.head D.hand
10.A.perfect B.constant
C.noral D.unique
11.A.stronger B.bigger
C.saller D.weaker
12.A.But B.So
C.Then D.Though
13.A.in other words B.a(chǎn)ll in all
C.a(chǎn)s a result D.in addition
14.A.effective B.optiistic
C.painful D.sensitive
15.A.disappear B.ove
C.reove D.rise
16.A.expression B.ipression
C.influence D.connection
17.A.false B.perfect
C.exact D.true
18.A.changes B.otivations
C.a(chǎn)pproaches D.a(chǎn)djustents
19.A.He B.They
C.We D.It
20.A.cautious B.rough
C.previous D.siilar
Ever dreaed of having a robot servant who would do all the boring housework around the house?Well echanized doestic staff have coe one step closer,thanks to an android(機(jī)器人)being developed in Japan.
Researchers at Tokyo University’s JSK Robotics Laboratory have created a huanoid called Kojiro,who is learning how to copy hoe walk.
What akes hi unique is that he has a skeletal(骨骼的)structure siilar to that of huans,which eans he oves in a ore natural fashion,and bends and twists by his artificial spine(脊柱).
The tea,led by Professor Nakanishi,said this newly developed spine would allow the to anufacture lighter and ore flexible robots in the future to serve in the hoe.
In one scientific paper,they wrote:“Now noral huanoid robots are not suitable for working in our daily environent.”Lack of safety and versatility(多用途)is the ain reason;their hard and heavy bodies can hurt huans or surrounding objects,and they can do liited tasks copared with what huans do in daily life.
Traditional robots have libs and torsos(軀干)powered by heavy otors at the joints.However in Kojiro,the otors are lightweight and used to pull cables attached to different locations on the body.This copies how our own uscles and tendons(腱)contract and relax when we ove.
The skillful syste of around 100 such tendon­uscle structures work together to give Kojiro 60 degrees of freedo.The huanoid is also ade ostly fro light and flexible aterials,which would ake hi less of a danger around the hoe.
The researchers found the ost difficult challenge was finding a way to ake such a skillful robot walk.“The syste has strong nonlinearity(非連續(xù)性)and is hard to odel precisely.To control such a syste,a kind of learning ethod is needed,”the tea wrote.
At present the scientists are testing Kojiro’s saller oveents using a gaes console controller.The tea plan to slightly iprove the coputer algoriths(算法)that control the robot’s oveents as they go and hope it will one day be able to handle coplex oveents using all of its libs.Then perhaps one day,you will find Kojiro serving you breakfast in bed.
1.What is the text ainly about?
A.The differences between the tradition robots and the huanoid.
B.Introduction to a new type of huanoid.
C.How to iprove the traditional robot.
D.The huanoid will be on arket soon.
2.What akes the huanoid unique?
A.Its long libs.
B.Its strong ability of copying.
C.Its aterials.
D.Its skeletal structure.
3.What is the biggest challenge to the huanoid at present?
A.How to ake it walk.
B.How to ake it speak.
C.How to ake it do housework.
D.How to ake it sing.
4.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the huanoid can’t be suitable for working in huan’s daily environent?
A.Lack of safety.     B.Fewer uses.
C.Its overweight. D.Daaging objects.
5.What can we learn fro the text?
A.Scientists in Japan have solved the huanoid’s oveent.
B.The huanoid is used to take care of the old.
C.The huanoid can use all of its libs to handle coplex oveents.
D.It’ll be a long tie before the huanoid is on arket.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/34330.html
