
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


第一部分 (共兩節(jié),滿分30分)
1.What is the atter with the an?
A.He has lost his P4 player.
B.He can’t afford an P4 player.
C.There is soething wrong with his P4 player.
2.What does the an want to do?
A.Plant trees with his sister.
B.Plant trees with the woan.
C.Invite the woan to plant trees with hi.
3.Why is the woan disappointed?
A.Because the staps are not good.
B.Because the staps were sold out.
C.Because the an forgot to buy her the staps.
4.What should the an do now?
A.Go to the boss’s office.
B.Wait for the boss’s call.
C.Go to the eeting roo.
5.What is the an probably doing?
A.He is reading a letter.
B.He is writing a letter.
C.He is burning his letters.
6.Where do the two speakers work now?
A.In a factory.
B.At a TV station.
C.At a police station.
7.What happened to the speakers’ boss this orning?
A.He was killed by three en.
B.He was interviewed by a reporter.
C.He was taken to the police station.
8.What’s the woan’s feeling now?
A.She is worried.
B.She is angry.
C.She is excited.
9.Why is it difficult for dogs to live in cities?
A.There are so any people living in cities.
B.People in cities like cats better than dogs.
C.They are left alone while their owners are out.
10.What’s the nature of dogs?
A.Living in the wild.
B.Chasing saller anials.
C.Living with other anials.
11.What is a sight according to the an?
A.a(chǎn)ny people walk with any dogs.
B.So any people eploy dog walkers.
C.A person takes a walk with several dogs.
12.What’s the woan’s trouble?
A.She doesn’t like English.
B.She can’t do well in her English exas.
C.She doesn’t know how to speak English well.
13.Why does the woan give up practising English with her friends?
A.She has no tie to do so.
B.She is too nervous to speak English.
C.She can’t get along with her friends well.
14.What does the an suggest?
A.The woan shouldn’t be afraid of aking istakes.
B.The woan should try to keep away fro aking istakes.
C.The woan should speak English when she becoes confident.
15.What did the an do during the Spring Festival?
A.He went to his hoetown.
B.He went to fish in the country.
C.He stayed at hoe and didn’t go out.
16.What’s the weather like in the town?
A.It’s fine.  B.It’s windy.  C.It’s cloudy.
17.What did the woan usually do in the river in the past?
A.She fished.
B.She swa.
C.She washed clothes.
18.What was Jane’s drea?
A.To travel around the world.
B.To live a cofortable life.
C.To get a well­paid job.
19.Where did Jane eet John?
A.In Africa. B.In Europe. C.In Aerica.
20.What can we know about Jane?
A.She arried an African.
B.She gave up her job at the age of 36.
C.She went to Europe and Aerica to realize her drea.
(Text 1)
:Can you help e with the P4 player?It doesn’t work.
W:Sure!Hand it to e,and let e try.
(Text 2)
:I heard that you and your sister would go to plant trees.Can I go with you?
W:It couldn’t be better if you join us.
(Text 3)
W:Hi,John.Did you buy e the staps?
:I’ sorry.They were sold out before I got there.
(Text 4)
W:Our boss wants to have a talk with you after the eeting.
W:He will call you later.
(Text 5)
W:What are you doing there?
W:You shouldn’t burn your letters in the bedroo.
(Text 6)
W:Good orning,John.
:Good orning,Lucy.Have you heard the news?Our boss was taken to the police station this orning.
W:You ust be kidding.I saw hi interviewed by a reporter on TV for his achieveent several days ago.
:But it is true.Soething poisonous was found in our products yesterday,and it has caused 3 deaths so far.
W:Sounds terrible!It sees that we ay lose our jobs.We have to consider looking for new jobs noI don’t knohat I can do if I lose this job.
:Don’t be so worried.Coe on!Everything will be OK.
W:Well,I hope so.
(Text 7)
W:It ust be very difficult for dogs to live in cities.
W:Well,you know,ost of the are left alone in the apartents when their owners go out.
:That’s true.But they can also enjoy theselves soeties.When they are taken out for a walk,they can see any people and other anials on the street.
W:Yes.But I think all dogs would really prefer to live in the wild and chase saller anials.
:Yes,that’s true.Living in the wild is their nature.
W:In soe large Aerican cities,any people ask “dog walkers”to take their dogs out for soe exercise.You can see one person walking along the road with several dogs at a tie.
:It ust be quite a sight.
(Text 8)
W:Excuse e,Jack,do you have tie now?
:Yes.What’s up?
W:Ah,well,you see,I’ve been learning English for several years but I still can’t speak it very well.I wonder if you could tell e how I could iprove y oral English.
:H...Do you often practise English with your friends?
W:You know,every tie I open y outh to speak English I get very nervous.So I just give up.
:I know it’s not easy to speak a foreign language well.But if you want to speak it well,you ust try to practise it as uch as you can.
W:You ean that I shouldn’t be afraid of aking istakes and should try to speak English as uch as I can?
:That’s right.
W:Thank you very uch for your advice.
:You are welcoe.
(Text 9)
:You went back to our hoetown during the Spring Festival,didn’t you?
W:Yes.I stayed there for one week.What about you?
:I just stayed at hoe and didn’t go anywhere.Tell e what our hoetown looks like no
W:Well,the weather there is quite fine and people in the town are uch richer than before.But the river near our village is terribly polluted.I think people should begin to pay ore attention to the environent.
:I couldn’t agree ore.You know,people there have built any factories in the past few years.But few of the consider what such developent costs.
W:Yes.When I was a child,I used to go to the river to swi with y sister.At that tie,the river was full of fish and the water was quite clean.
:It could only be a drea no
(Text 10)
Jane had a well­paid job when she was 34 years old.At that tie her life was cofortable.All her friends and relatives thought she was happy,but it wasn’t the life that she had dreat of as a teenager.At the age of 35,she felt that life was passing her by and she wanted to have a different life.
She had always wanted to travel around the world,so she gave up her job and set off to realize her drea when she was 36.She went to Europe and Africa.In a sall country of Africa,she et John,an Aerican who taught in a school there.In Jane’s eyes,John was the best an that she had et.So she fell in love with hi quickly.Two years later,they arried,Jane was very happy that she had decided to realize her drea and give up her job.If she hadn’t done so,she wouldn’t have et so any wonderful people,or visited so any places of interest.ost of all,she wouldn’t have et her husband.
答案:1~5CBBBC 6~10ACACA
11~15CCBAC 16~20ABAAB
第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)
第一節(jié) 單項(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21.To enjoy the scenery,Bob would spend long tie on the train ________ travel by air.
A.other than      B.a(chǎn)part fro
C.instead of D.rather than
解析:選D。句意為:Bob為了欣賞風景寧可花時間坐火車而不乘飛機。rather than而不是;other than除了;apart fro“除……之外”;instead of“代替”。
22.—ay I open the window to let in soe fresh air?
A.Coe on! B.Take care!
C.Go ahead! D. Hold on!
23.—You are confident about the job interview,aren’t you?
—________.I’ well prepared and feel I’ve got everything they need.
A.Sure,I a B.It’s hard to say
C.I hope so D.Well,aybe
解析:選A?疾榭谡Z交際。根據(jù)語境“I’ well prepared and feel I’ve got everything they need.”可知說話人非常自信,故選A。其余選項語氣都不肯定。
24.No one can ________ to be laughed at in front of so any people without losing teper.
A.stand B.put up with
C.bear D.tolerate
25.The speech by Preier Wen Jiabao at the Copenhagen cliate change conference is strongly ipressed ________ y eory.
A.to B.over
C.by D.on
解析:選D?疾榻樵~搭配。句意:溫家 寶總理在哥本哈根氣候變化大會上的講話深深印入了我的腦海中!皊th. ipress on...或be ipressed on/upon...”是固定搭配,意為“給……留下了印象”。其他幾個搭配都不對。
26.________ we can’t reove our troubles in life for ever, we can leave the behind when we are on vacation.
A.Before B.While
C.Unless D.Until
27.When ________ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the any siilarities.
A.copared B.being copared
C.coparing D.having copared
28.Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity ________ sight atters ore than hearing.
A.when B.whose
C.which D.where
29. ________ confidence and patience, they failed to settle the difficult proble.
A.Lack of B.Lacking of
C.Lacking D.Having been lacked
解析:選C?疾閘ack的用法。句意:由于缺乏信心和耐心,他們沒能解決這個難題。根據(jù)句子結構“________ confidence and patience”應是句子的狀語。A項是名詞形式,不能用作狀語。lack作動詞時是及物動詞,排除B項。they與lack之間是主動關系,排除D項。
30.—Helen,I hate to say this,but the TV has been on for the whole orning.
—Oh,u,I’ll ________ it off.
A.shut B.fold
C.switch D.reove
解析:選C。句意:“海倫,我不愿意說,但電視開了整整一個上午。”“噢,媽媽,我這就關上它。”switch off“把……關上”,符合題意。shut“關緊”,多指關門、窗等;fold“折疊;對折”;reove“移動;去掉”。
31.As the faous expert says,the secret to happiness is to think about positive things and stay ________.
A.optiistic B.consistent
C.independent D.failiar
32.She didn’t go to Sweden to ________ the Nobel Peace Prize.
A.pick up B.take up
C.a(chǎn)ke up D.look up
解析:選B。句意:她沒有去瑞典接受諾貝爾和平獎。take up“接受”,符合題意。pick up“拾起;去接某人”;ake up“組成;構成”;look up“查閱”。
33. ________ in January,2010,the Burj Khalifa becoes the tallest building in the world.
A.Copleting B.To coplete
C.Copleted D.Being copleted
解析:選C。句意:于2010年1月完工的哈利法塔成為世界上最高的建筑物。the Burj Khalifa與coplete構成邏輯上的被動關系,故用過去分詞作狀語。being done表示動作正在被進行。
34.Our school won’t tolerate ________ on exas.If you are caught,you will get severely punished.
A.to cheat B.cheat
C.having cheated D.cheating
35.—Can the new easures get the business back ________ its feet?
—It’s hard to say.The global econoy is still bad at present.
A.on B.with
C.for D.through
解析:選A。句意:“這些新措施能使這家企業(yè)東再起嗎?”“很難說。目前全球經(jīng)濟依舊很糟糕!眀ack on one’s feet“東再起;完全復原”,是固定短語,符合題意。
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
Year after year y brothers,sister and I would lie in bed awake on Christas orning.We were just __36__ to hear y father’s voice saying it was all right to __37__.Usually I was the first one to jup out of bed.I can still __38__ y growing eagerness (渴望) for the __39__ every year.
Even now as I __40__ the boxes of Christas decorations(裝飾品) I can see the sae failiar ones:the presents with our birth years on the,our five stockings (長襪),four for the __41__,one for the dog.It used to be easy for us to __42__ when to put up the decorations.But now since we all have __43__ and social lives,it is usually a hurried activity.
As we get older,the season alost brings a __44__ to a little place in our hearts.The worst was the year after y grandparents had __45__.We couldn’t go to their house to celebrate the holiday any ore.__46__,we just had a get­together in our house.Nohen I __47__ to it,I iss the special __48__ y grandfather gave e for Christas.I even iss hi __49__ e “Jessie”,even though I can’t __50__ when people call e that.
Things change,not always for the good,__51__ not always for the bad either.And the things that don’t __52__ have the ost iportant eaning to us,and I’ sure they will be there for the __53__ of our lives.After all,every tie I hear y father’s __54__ “All right you guys,coe on down,nice and slow”and we go down the stairs,first y brother,then e,then y sister,then y older brother,I still __55__ the true Christas spirit.
【解題導語】 本作者回憶了小時候圣誕節(jié)熱鬧非凡的場面;貞浿杏锌鞓芬灿斜瘋,但作者對真正的節(jié)日精神仍然記憶猶新。
36.A.advising B.starting
C.wishing D.forgetting
解析:選C。根據(jù)該句后的Usually I was the first one to jup out of bed及y growing eagerness可知,作者渴望(wishing)聽到父親的聲音。
37.A.coe up B.coe down
C.coe on D.coe out
解析:選B。聯(lián)系最后一段中的coe on down及we go down the stairs可知,父親是叫他們下樓(coe down)。
38.A.discover B.understand
C.receive D.reeber
39.A.year B.season
C.habit D.result
解析:選B。第三段首句中的the season有提示,此處指圣誕節(jié)這個時期(season)。
40.A.throw away B.set down
C.look through D.give up
解析:選C。從冒號后列舉的東西可知,作者是說自己翻看(look through)圣誕節(jié)的禮品盒。
41.A.kids B.girls
C.boys D.babies
解析:選A。根據(jù)最后一段first y brother,then e...brother可知,作者家有4個孩子(kids)。選項中girls,boys和babies所指的意思不全面,所以都不對。
42.A.wonder B.get
C.record D.decide
解析:選D。本句與下句it is usually a hurried activity形成對比,所以可以推知,過去很容易決定(decide)什么時候把圣誕節(jié)裝飾品掛起。
43.A.toys B.balls
C.jobs D.candies
解析:選C。結合本空后的social lives可以推知,此處指他們都有了自己的工作(jobs)。
44.A.surprise B.pain
C.joy D.disappointent
45.A.died B.failed
C.succeeded D.a(chǎn)rried
解析:選A。聯(lián)系句中的the worst等語境可知,此處指祖父母都去世(died)了。
46.A.Possibly B.Indeed
C.Instead D.Luckily
47.A.ove back B.turn back
C.step back D.think back
解析:選D。當作者回顧(think back)過去的事情的時候,仍然很想念……。ove back搬回;turn back轉(zhuǎn)身;step back走回。
48.A.gifts B.news
C.replies D.tools
49.A.bringing B.calling
C.telling D.introducing
50.A.follow B.listen
C.watch D.stand
51.A.and B.so
C.but D.or
52.A.change B.grow
C.a(chǎn)ppear D.happen
53.A.beginning B.rest
C.truth D.happiness
解析:選B。在悲喜變遷中,那些沒有改變的東西對作者意義重大,并將伴隨作者余生(the rest of our lives)。
54.A.letters B.dreas
C.proises D.words
55.A.need B.hate
C.feel D.doubt
第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)
Forget chip fat,sugar cane or rapeseed(油菜籽) oil—the latest source of biofuel could be waterelons.
Scientists have discovered that the fruit is a great source of sugar that can be readily distilled(蒸餾) into alcohol to power cars and far achinery.
And because sellers reject 360,000 tons of “substandard” fruit annually in Aerica alone they could be used as an econoical way to ake fuel.The waste fro US growers could produce nearly two illion gallons(nine illion litres) of biofuel per year.
In the study,researchers at the US Departent of Agriculture set out to deterine the biofuel potential of juice fro rejected waterelons—those not sold due to cosetic iperfections,and currently ploughed back into the field.
About a fifth of each annual waterelon crop is left in the field because of surface bleishes (瑕疵) or because they are isshapen.
Dr.Wayne Fish,who led the tea,found that 50 percent of the fruit was ferentable (可發(fā)酵的) into alcohol which could provide valuable fuel.
“We’ve shown that the juice of these elons is a source of readily ferentable sugars,representing an unexploited raw aterial for alcohol biofuel production,”he said.
The study,published in the journal Biotechnology for Biofuels,discovered that waterelons could produce around 20 gallons of fuel per acre fro fruit that otherwise would go to waste.
Production of biofuels has been targeted by western governents as a way to support renewable energy targets.
The European Union has a target for 2010 that 5.75 percent of transport fuels should coe fro biological sources,but the target is unlikely to be et.
The British governet’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation requires five percent of the fuel sold at the pup by 2010 to be biofuel.
56.The passage ainly tells us ________.
A.western countries ai at producing biofuels
B.waterelons could be used to ake fuelxkb1.co
C.the advantages of fuel ade fro waterelons
D.waterelon juice will be the largest source of renewable energy
57.Which of the following is NOT the reason why so any waterelons are deserted in Aerica each year?
A.They are substandard(不夠標準).
B.They are iperfect.
C.They are isshapen.
D.They are oversupplied.
58.We can learn fro the text that ________.
A.sellers in the world throw away 360,000 tons of waterelons every year
B.a(chǎn)bout two gallons of fuel could be ade fro rejected fruit per acre
C.half of the waterelons were ferentable into alcohol to provide energy
D.five percent of fuel is required to be biofuel fro waterelons by 2010 in Britain
59.The underlined word“cosetic” in Paragraph 4 probably eans ________.
A.inside B.flavor
C.surface D.freshness
解析:選C。詞義理解題。根據(jù)下的surface bleishes可推知此處cosetic指西瓜的外在部分。
Jesse Owens is recognized as a hero not just because he is fast.Soe people ight say that they know hi for just that reason.However,there are lots of fast people who are not known.Jesse Owens is known because Chancellor Adolf Hitler did not shake the hand of Jesse Owens or even recognize his feat of winning four gold edals,because Owens was an African Aerican.
Jesse Owens owed uch of his success to his coach Charles Riley,who probably was the ost iportant one aking hi have the career that he did.Owens cae fro a background that required hi to work after school in a shoe shop.He couldn’t attend the regularly scheduled track practices organized by his school.However,Charles Riley saw the boy had both a passion (熱情) and a talent for running,and so arranged for hi to be able to practice before school instead.
Jesse Owens achieved this success despite (盡管) his racial background,which at the tie was a huge liitation to hi.He could only eat in certain restaurants and sleep in certain hotels,as could all African Aericans of the tie.He was also never offered a scholarship for school despite setting records for NCAA (美國全國大學生體育協(xié)會) chapionships.
The Berlin Olypics in 1936 is where his star rose as high as it would ever be able to.These Olypics were during the height of Hitler’s rule.It took courage to race in front of Hitler and any other racists (種族主義者).It took tie,deterination,and perseverance (堅持不懈) to race like hi.He won four gold edals at those Olypics.It would take alost fifty years for soeone else to walk away fro the Olypics with four gold edals.He passed away at the age of 66 fro lung cancer.
【解題導語】 本是關于美國黑人Jesse Owens的介紹。他在1936年柏林奧運會上奪得4枚金牌,為美國帶了極大的榮譽,也使希特勒顏面無光。
60.The underlined word “feat” in Paragraph 1 is closest in eaning to “________”.
A.chance B.happiness
C.success D.hope
解析:選C。詞義猜測題。Jesse Owens獲得了四枚金牌,這是很成功的,而且最后一段也提到大約50年之后才有人同樣在奧運會上拿走四枚金牌,這也同樣說明了Jesse Owens的豐功偉績。故答案選C項。
61.We know fro Paragraph 2 that Jesse Owens ________.
A.did not need to work after school
B.took part in the regular track practices
C.did not get along well with his coach
D.was arranged to practice before school
解析:選D。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段最后一句話的...so arranged for hi to be able to practice before school instead可知Jesse Owens由于放學后要工作,不能參加常規(guī)的訓練,而是被教練安排上前訓練。故D項正確。
62.Jesse Owens was well­known around the world ainly because he ________.
A.set records for NCAA chapionships
B.was brave enough to race in front of Adolf Hitler
C.didn’t want to shake hands with Hitler
D.was the first African Aerican to eat and sleep like whites in Aerica
解析:選B。推理。由最后一段的前三句可知,Jesse Owens聞名世界的原因是他敢于在種族主義者希特勒面前展現(xiàn)自己的實力。
63.According to the passage,which of the following about Jesse Owens is TRUE?
A.He won a scholarship for his setting records for NCAA chapionships.
B.He was never looked down upon as a running star.
C.Just like Hitler,he was also a racist.
D.He died fro cancer in his sixties.
解析:選D。細節(jié)理解題。由第三段末句可知A錯誤;由第三段前兩句可得出B錯誤;由末段可知,希特勒是名種族主義者,Jesse Owens因此受到歧視,而Jesse Owens并非種族主義者,故C錯誤;由末段最后一句可知,D正確。
Short reader­subitted stories—for the woan you should think of today!
—Copiled by Ay Zerello
Great inds Reinded of o
After a long,exhausting day,a friend of ine,Allen,headed hoe.On the road,he passed an elderly woan who was standing by a car with a flat tire.If that were his other,he thought,he would want soeone to help her.With a tired sigh,he turned around and drove back.
Just as he reached the stranded woan,a truck pulled up and a burly farer got out.“Kind of reinds you of your o,too?”the an asked as the two pitched in together to change the tire for the woan.
—Contributed by Katherine L.Houge
Your Biggest Fan
While waiting in a bookstore for a guest author to sign her latest book,I leafed through soe of the Civil War novels she had written.The woan in line behind e coented,“Those are the best books I’ve ever read.I couldn’t put the down.”Before I could reply,the author,frowning,looked over and said,“Oh,coe on,o!”
—Contributed by arilyn Kopp
Head of the Household
y husband,Jeff,and I cae across several probles while assebling our new coputer syste,so we called the help desk.The an on the phone started to talk to Jeff in coputer jargon (行業(yè)術語),which confused us even ore.
“Sir,”y husband politely said,“please explain what I should do as if I were a four­year­old.”
“Okay,”the coputer technician replied.“Sweetie,could you please put your oy on the phone?”
—Contributed by Lena Worth
How does it feel to tickle your o’s funny bone?
Now send your own funny story to us!You could earn up to $ 300!
【解題導語】 有一個人,能包容你的一切;有一種愛,能呵護你的一生。這個人,是母親;這種愛,是母愛。請發(fā)揮你的寫作才華,讓母親笑口常開。
64.Who would the burly an be in the first story?
A.Another kind helper.
B.The old lady’s son.
C.Allen’s friend.
D.A policean.
65.What was the guest author’s o trying to do in the second story?
A.Push hard to get her daughter’s signature.
B.Proote her daughter’s books by pretending to be a fan.
C.Show her pride in her daughter’s achieveent.
D. Persuade arilyn Kopp to buy her daughter’s book.
66.The coputer technician on the phone in the third story ________.
A.a(chǎn)ctually could find no way to solve Jeff’s probles
B.teased Jeff about his poor knowledge of coputer jargon
C.wanted to talk to Lena instead
D.believed that Jeff’s o would know ore coputer jargon
67.What is the ain purpose of the jokes?
A.To ake fun of os.
B.To honor os.
C.To educate os.
D.To ause os.

The Poetry Foundation recently naed Aerican poet Jack Prelutsky as the nation’s first children’s poet laureate(桂冠詩人).The group created the award as a way to increase children’s love of poetry.

As children’s poet laureate,Jack Prelutsky will give two public readings in the next two years.He will also advise the Poetry Foundation about children’s literature and take part in projects concerning children and poetry.
Jack Prelutsky has been writing poetry for children for alost forty years.He has written ore than thirty­five books of poes.His first book was called A Gopher in the Garden.It was published in 1967.His latest is called Behold the Bold Ubrellaphant and Other Poes.
Jack Prelutsky is well known for creating neords by cobining two words to create a new kind of creature.For exaple,he cobined “radish” with “shark” to get “radishark”.“Lion” and“broccoli” becae “broccolion”.He also created “ubrellaphant”,a ixture of the words “ubrella” and “elephant”.
Jack Prelutsky says that children like his poes because he writes about things they care about.Poetry researchers say that Jack Prelutsky’s poes recognize children’s feelings.An exaple of this is the poe y Sister Is a Werewolf which is about how it feels to be different.
Jack Prelutsky also writes poes about Aerican holidays. His poe It’s Halloween is a very faous one about the holiday celebrated at the end of October.
【解題導語】 美國兒童詩人Jack Prelutsky已從事兒童詩歌創(chuàng)作近40年,有兒童詩集近35本。他擅長組合新詞,詩歌能反映兒童的心理,因此倍受兒童的青睞。近他被授予美國兒童詩人桂冠稱號。
68.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Poes with Neords Grow Popular
B.First Children’s Poet Laureate Naed
C.Children’s Love for Poetry Increased
D.Jack Prelutsky Awarded Nationwide
69.What is Jack Prelutsky faous for?
A.Creating neords in his poes.
B.His productivity.
C.His long tie of writing.
D.His poes about Aerican holidays.
解析:選A?疾榧毠(jié)理解。參照第四段的Jack Prelutsky is well known for creating neords by cobining two words to create a new kind of creature.
70.Children are in favour of his poes because ________.
A.they are easy to understand
B.the poet is faous
C.children like reading neords
D.the poet understand their feelings
解析:選D?疾榧毠(jié)理解。根據(jù)第五段的Poetry researchers say that Jack Prelutsky’s poes recognize children’s feelings可知答案。
71.What can we infer fro the passage?
A.It was A Gopher in the Garden that brought hi fae.
B.The poet will be kept busy over a lot of activities.
C.Jack Prelutsky will no longer write about Aerican holidays.
D.The poe It’s Halloween ust have been written for adults.
解析:選B?疾橥评砼袛。根據(jù)第二段的Jack Prelutsky will give two public readings in the next two years.He will also advise the Poetry Foundation about children’s literature and take part in projects concerning children and poetry可知答案。
Researchers are placing robotic dogs(機器狗)in the hoes of lonely old people to deterine whether they can iprove the quality of life for huans.Alan Beck,an expert in huan­anial relationship,and Nancy Edwards,a professor of nursing,are leading the anial­assisted study concerning the influence of robotic dogs on old people’s depression,physical activity,and life satisfaction.“No one will argue that an older person is better off being ore active,challenged,or stiulated(刺激),”Edwards points out.“The proble is hoe proote(使……成為現(xiàn)實)that,especially for those without friends or help.A robotic dog could be a solution.”
In the study,the robot,called AIBO,is placed for six weeks in the houses of soe old people who live alone.Before placing AIBO in the hoe,researchers will collect baseline data for six weeks.These old people will keep a diary to note their feelings and activity before and after AIBO.Then,the researchers will review the data to deterine if it has inspired any changes in the life of its owner.
“I talk to hi all the tie,and he responds to y voice,”says a seventy­year­old lady.“When I’ watching TV,he’ll stay in y ars until he wants down.He has a ind of his own.”
The AIBOs respond to certain orders.The researchers say they have soe advantages over live dogs,especially for old people.Often the elderly are disabled and cannot care for an anial by walking it or playing with it.A robotic dog reoves exercise and feeding concerns.
“At the beginning,it was believed that no one would relate to the robotic dog,because it was etal and not furry,”Beck says.“But it’s aazing how quickly we have given up that belief.”
“Hopefully,down the road,these robotic pets could becoe a ore­valuable health helper.They will record their asters’ blood pressure,oxygen levels,or heart rhyths.AIBOs ay even one day have gaes that can help stiulate older people’s inds.”
72.The purpose of Beck and Edwards’ study is to ________.
A.understand huan­anial relationship
B.a(chǎn)ke lonely old people’s life better
C.find the causes of old people’s loneliness
D.proote the anial­assisted research
解析:選B。推理判斷題。第一段第一句話“to deterine whether they can iprove the quality of life for huans”,因此專家研究的目的是讓孤獨老人生活的更好,選B。
73.In the research,the old people are asked to ________.
A.note the activities of AIBOs
B.keep AIBOs at hoe for 12 weeks
C.record their feelings and activity
D.a(chǎn)nalyze the collected inforation
解析:選C。細節(jié)判斷題。從第二段“These old people will keep a diary to note their feelings and activity before and after AIBO.”可知老人們需要做的是record,選C。
74.What is the advantage of AIBO over live dogs?
A.It is easier to keep at hoe.
B.It can help the disabled people.
C.It responds to all the huan orders.
D.It can watch TV with its owner.
解析:選A。細節(jié)判斷題。從第四段最后一句“A robotic dog reoves exercise and feeding concerns.”可知,機器狗比狗的好處是easier to keep。
75.The author sees to suggest that the future robotic dogs ay ________.
A.cure certain diseases
B.keep old people active
C.change people’s beliefs
D.look ore like real dogs
解析:選B。推理判斷題。從本最后一句“AIBOs ay even one day have gaes that can help stiulate older people’s inds.”可知,機器狗將可以讓老年人更活躍,選B。
第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)
第一節(jié) 短填詞(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
Recently,there has been a heated
debate over whether to send old people
to nursing hoes or not.People differ
in their o________.Here list the ideas76.________
of supporters.L________ in nursing ho­77.________
es,as they say,old people can enjoy
ore benefits ________ staying at ho­78.________
e.For one aspect,they can have ore
opportunities to ________(交流) with79.________
each other,as they have c________80.________
topics and siilar hobbies.Therefore,th­
ey can do any things together and don’t
feel ________(孤單).On the other ha­81.________
nd,if they live at hoe,they ay quarrel
________ their children because of the82.________
generation gap between ________.83.________
Another aspect,which highly valued by
the supporters,is that old people can
have ________(定期) edical check­ups84.________
and r________ iediate edical care85.________
fro professional doctors.
答案:76.opinions 77.Living 78.than 79.counicate 80.coon 81.lonely 82.with 83.the 84.regular 85.receive
第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)
One possible version:
Soe classates believe we shouldn’t do any housework.They say it’s dirty as well as tiring.In addition,it’s also a waste of tie doing housework.
On the other hand,others think that doing housework can help our parents.We can learn basic life skills,such as cooking,washing and so on.Besides,we can experience the hardships of our parents and learn to help and care for others by doing housework.
I don’t think doing housework will have a bad effect on lessons,so long as we work hard on the at school.After all,we can do soe physical work without difficulty.What’s ore,our parents won’t ake us spend too uch tie in doing it.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/35262.html
