
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


1. What happened to the man this morning?
A. He couldn’t talk. B. His car broke down.
C. He was knocked down by a car.
2. What time is it now?
A. 5:30. B. 5:45. C. 6:30.
3. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. The man’s vacation. B. oala.
C. A funny man.
4. What is Simon like?
A. He is friendly. B. He is funny.
C. He is troublesome.
5. What does the woman mean?
A. She is tired of training. B. She enjoys the teamwork.
C. She likes the 10-minute sho
6. What does the woman think of working in IT?
A. The work is not good. B. The work is very hard.
C. The work has two advantages.
7. What does the woman advise the man to do?
A. The man shouldn’t be in IT.
B. The man should work hard.
C. The man should take better care of himself.
8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Colleagues. B. Teammates. C. Classmates.
9. Which sport does the man like best?
A. Baseball. B. Tennis. C. Basketball.
10. What does the woman mean by saying "sorry"?
A. She has never done sports herself.
B. She doesn’t like those sports.
C. She has no time to play tennis.
11. What is the man?
A. A story-teller. B. A teacher. C. A doctor.
12. What is the problem of the woman’s son?
A. He cannot tell stories well.
B. He is poor in all his subjects.
C. He is only interested in Chinese.
13. What does the man advise the woman to do?
A. Take her son to the hospital.
B. Bring her son to meet him.
C. Teach her son to have more interests.
14. What is the woman’s article about?
A. Growing old. B. Enjoying life.
C. Understanding the world.
15. What is the man’s opinion?
A. Life is simple no B. Life is getting better.
C. It’s hard to grow old.
16. What about other people?
A. They are enjoying getting older.
B. They get better as they get older.
C. They refuse to stay young.
17. How does the woman feel about growing old?
A. It’s hard. B. It’s natural. C. It’s good.
聽第10段材料,回答第18至20 題。
18. What does the passage talk about?
A. How to do exercise every day.
B. How to get a good eating habit.
C. How to build muscle mass.
19. What is a good way to build muscle mass?
A. Weight training.
B. Cut out milk and fruit juice.
C. Do exercise together with your teacher.
20. Which of the following should you eat or drink to gain weight?
A. Baked chicken. B. High-sugar sodas.
C. Fried chicken nuggets.

21. As it was his first time to visit the science museum, the boy seemed ________
about everything there.
A. anxious B. curious C. particular D. frightened
22. As we all know, the dove and the olive branch ______ peace.
A. present B. mark C. replace D. represent
23. The kids seated themselves ______ to the teacher and listened _______ with great
A. closely; close B. close; closely
C. closely; closely D. close; close
24. The little boy ________ for the apples on the tree, but of course he was not
tall enough.
A. handed out B. went out
C. reached out D. brought out
25. Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, _____ fun.
A. had B. have C. to have D. having
26. Children, who grow up in a large family, are more _______ to get along well
with others.
A. similar B. probable C. likely D. possible
27.As a bus driver, you should try your best to _______ accidents.
A. meet B. avoid C. overcome D. miss
28. What really brings us together is a(n) ________ purpose to protect wildlife
from being destroyed.
A. common B. general C. ordinary D. normal
29. We should do all we can to ______ the rights of the farmer workers who can’t
get their pay despite all their hard work.
A. gain B. defend C. fight D. receive
30. The woman wanted to get her pay raised, so she made every _________ to approach
her boss.
A. effort B. strength C. courage D. mind
31. Can you think of a situation ________ people communicate only by means of body
A. that B. which C. where D. when
32. New York _______ second in the production of apples last year, producing
850,000,000 pounds.
A. formed B. ranked C. located D. produced
33. _________ the guide, the reporter entered the house of the farmer who is famous
for helping other villagers get rich.
A. Followed B. Being followed
C. Following D. To follow
34. Don’t _________ me. What I really mean is that he is smart and can deal with
each situation well.
A. believe B. refuse
C. misunderstand D. disappoint
35. —You haven’t been to Australia, have you?
—_________. How I wish to go there!
A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven’t
C. No, I have D. No, I haven’t

People spend their whole lives searching for love. I am no 36 . One day, I decided to look into the 37 . There was 38 waiting for me. The dog had been found with only three legs, and had a damaged ear. He was considered 39 . I often 40 out at the Humane Society (動物保護協(xié)會) or made some do-nations. That day I was 41 something as usual, and happened to see him. Looking down through the wire net, I thought he was a 42 little thing, and my heart went out to him. 43 I really couldn’t take another dog home; I had claimed (領養(yǎng)) four 44 . There had to be a 45 , I thought. I couldn’t save them all.
On my way home, I knew the dog would be 46 if I didn’t take him, and I felt so sad. As I passed a church, I saw a 47 on the wall saying "Is there room at the hotel?"
I knew at that moment there was always 48 for one more, especially one that needed my 49 . As soon as the Humane Society opened the next morning, their 50 rang. "I’m coming for that 51 dog. Save him for me, "I told them. I got there as 52 as I could.
And he gave his heart to me completely, from the moment I 53 him. In my experience, there is 54 like the feeling of rescuing the dog. He is a lovely creature and I wouldn’t 55 him for other puppies (幼犬) in the world.
36. A. similar B. curious C. different D. doubtful
37. A. zoo B. world C. crowd D. cage
38. A. love B. mystery C. comfort D. inspiration
39. A. dangerous B. cruel
C. unhealthy D. unfriendly
40. A. helped B. examined C. conducted D. watched
41. A. looking for B. giving away C. picking out D. bringing back
42. A. happy B. lovely C. strange D. funny
43. A. So B. And C. But D. Though
44. A. once B. even C. still D. already
45. A. chance B. disadvantage C. limit D. doubt
46. A. destroyed B. fastened C. threatened D. controlled
47. A. photo B. sign C. clue D. door
48. A. room B. time C. excuse D. problem
49. A. treatment B. promise C. guidance D. love
50. A. doorbell B. alarm C. phone D. clock
51. A. pretty B. ugly C. rare D. disabled
52. A. early B. fast C. soon D. long
53. A. found B. met C. claimed D. controlled
54. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something
55. A. charge B. protect C. fight D. trade


The "Thumbs-Up"
While Western culture has become used to the thumbs-up as a positive signal (probably coming from World War II pilots using the signal to communicate that they were "good to go" with ground crews), there are cultures where a thumbs-up may land you in trouble. In West Africa, as well as Greece, Italy and iddle East, the thumbs-up is pretty much the biggest insult(侮辱).
Rather more charming is a thumbs-up in Germany and in parts of Japan —they just see it as the hand signal for the number one.
The "A-O"
This sign is mainly used by divers(潛水員)to mean "O"(to prevent being confused with the thumbs-up sign, which means "rise"). Basically the meaning comes out as "great", or "completely fine". However, in a few countries in Europe, people may think you’re telling them that you think they’re a 'zero’.
The "V Sign"
The sign comes in two formats: one with the palm faced outwards, and one with the palm inwards. In America they mean the same thing —"victory". However, if the outside of your hand is facing your target, you’re giving somebody a long-established insult in Great Britain and many English-speaking countries such as Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. Winston Churchill famously used the "incorrect" version of the V sign during the early years of the war, turning the outside inside later. The V sign is also considered rude in Italy.
The "Corna"
The corna hand gesture has most recently been adopted by fans of rock and heavy metal music. Nowadays many Americans use the gesture simply to mean "rock on", or in support of the University of Texas in Austin (known as the "Hook’em Horns"). Today it is still popular in Spain, Brazil and Slovakia (斯洛伐克) . Historically, however, the symbol possibly dates back to Ancient Greece.
56. Which of the following signs doesn’t have an insulting meaning?
A. The "Thumbs-Up". B. The "A-O".
C. The "V Sign". D. The "Corna".
57. The pilots in World War II used to make the "Thumbs-Up" sign to show _________.
A. the plane was very good
B. the plane was ready to take off
C. they were going to land on the ground
D. they were thankful to the ground crews
58. What information can we get from the passage?
A. The "V Sign" was first used by Winston Churchill.
B. Italians often use the "Thumbs-Up" to praise others.
C. You are most likely to see the "Corna" in a heavy metal music concert.
D. The "A-O" and the "Thumbs-Up" have the same meaning to divers.
59. If you travel abroad, you ’d better not use the "V Sign" in ______________.
A. Greece or Italy B. Germany or Japan
C. Ireland or Italy D. Spain or Brazil


The 1960 Presidential Debates between Vice President Nixon and ennedy were the first nationally televised de-bates in presidential campaign history. 70 million voters were given the opportunity to not only hear the candidates (候選人), but to compare them as well.
Surprisingly, there was a big difference between the TV viewers and the radio listeners. While the radio listeners clearly thought that Nixon had won the first debate, the television viewers were impressed by ennedy’s smile, charm and athletic appearance.
Now let’s think about some other situations: what if a baseball manager knew the opposing team’s signals and were able to anticipate (預期)their game plan? Likewise, as a professional salesperson, you would be wise to notice your customers’body language and adjust your presentation accordingly.
Top salespeople recognize the importance of non-verbal communication. They understand that one of the easiest and most effective ways to close sales is to be aware of their customers’buy signals. In addition to monitoring your customers’body language, it’s important to be mindful of your own gestures and keep them positive. Remember to unfold your arms, uncross your legs, nod your head in agreement and smile frequently.
atching and mirroring your body language gestures is a way of telling another that you like them and agree with them. The psychological principle behind matching and mirroring is that people want to do business with salespeople that they believe are similar to them.
In 1872, Charles Darwin published the book The Expressions in an and Animals and launched the modern study of non-verbal communication. Actually, it is a mixture of movement, posture and tone of voice.
60. The example of the 1960 Presidential Debates is used to show __________.
A. the presidential debates were always fierce
B. the debates always attracted a wide audience
C. the voters paid more attention to the candidates’debating skills
D. the voters’opinions were affected by the candidates’non-verbal communication
61. Salespeople can close sales effectively because they can __________.
A. perform body language well
B. notice their customers’body language
C. adjust their body language to their customers’
D. understand what their customers’are saying
62. Charles Darwin wrote the book The Expressions in an and Animals to _________.
A. report his research on body language
B. conclude man can learn a lot from animals
C. teach people how to communicate with animals
D. show the big difference between man and animals

In the US and Canada winter swimmers are called Polar Bears, but in Finland they’re just called Finns. Why and how do people swim in near-freezing water during the winter?
An ice hole in a lake, sub-zero (零度以下的) temperatures, a bathing suit, a wool cap, gloves, and shoes are for some people the perfect conditions for a quick dip in the water. Winter swimming is an activity that I never thought of before moving to Finland, but those who take part in the cold-water sport absolutely love it.
y Finnish friend atariina is the winter swimming leader of a group of international friends. She has been winter swimming for three years, and says, "every time I get out of the water, I have a new level of energy. "atariina has persuaded many people, both Finns and foreigners, to try this sport, and has a group of winter swimming lovers who swim with her twice per week.
The best conditions for winter swimming are -15 to -20 degrees with no wind. atariina says that the hardest part, especially for beginners, is to psych (做好思想準備) yourself up for the water; but once you do, it feels great. Swimmers only stay in the water for 30-60 seconds before getting out, getting dressed, and heading to the comfort of their warm cars. Winter swimmers do not put their heads in the water in case of hypothermia (體溫過低).
atariina says that foreigners who go winter swimming feel proud of themselves, and happy that they have tried it at least once.
63. What are Finns and Polar Bears, according to this passage?
A. They are people who love winter swimming.
B. The names of animals living in Finland and at the South Pole.
C. They are beginners at winter swimming.
D. The people of Finland.
64. What are perfect conditions for winter swimming?
A. A lake with ice, but warm weather.
B. A warm car, and a frozen lake nearby.
C. An icy lake of -15℃to -20℃without wind.
D. A bathing suit, a wool cap and gloves.
65. What’s the most difficult for winter swimming beginners?
A. Preparing things for winter swimming.
B. Persuading themselves to get into the winter.
C. Getting into the water again.
D. Staying longer in the water.

One day, a old man was in a hurry to cross the street. 66. _______
He saw a car come. "Never mind," he thought. "I can 67. _______
run cross before it reaches me." He was wrong. Fortunately 68. _______
the driver stopped the car in time, and he didn’t have 69. _______
time to think of the cars that was behind him. As a 70. _______
result, the second car ran into the first one and the 71. _______
third car ran into a post by roadside. All of the 72. _______
cars were broking. The drivers were all very angry. 73. _______
They quarreled with one another, and shouting at the 74. _______
old man, but none of them could do anything until the police has arrived to solve the matter. 75. _______

注意:(1) 參考詞匯:on behalf of 代表;


Diving around Halaveli Island was a really unforgettable experience. I participated in a day diving trip that had lunch on the boat. We went to aalhoss Thila first. The current (水流) can be very strong here but we were lucky and had a mild one. We enjoyed all the different colors of coral and fish. The maximum depth of this dive was 30m, and we stayed for about 40 minutes. The water was reasonably warm, so I was not cold only wearing a short-sleeved wetsuit.
I was a bit worried about having lunch on the boat, as sometimes my stomach feels bad, but it was perfectly fine this time —perhaps because the boat had not stopped and was moving toward the other dive place, or because the size of the boat was reasonably large.
Our next diving place was called anta. And as expected, the huge anta was soon around us. It is one of the most exciting moments I have had in my life. We only dove to 14m this time, which allowed us to stay a bit longer —almost 50 minutes.
On the way back all the women took strategic position on the deck, sunbathing and relaxing, while the men were getting bored and ate the leftovers from lunch. No matter how different we were, we all enjoyed our trip.
Another dive I would like to recommend(推薦)is called aaya Thila, and it is the best night dive I have ever had. We saw a huge turtle sleeping in a cave, and sharks playfully chasing each other. They did not look friendly at all, but fortunately they did not decided to have us for dinner. But anyway what happened that night under water will remain a fond memory to be retold on special occasions by all the participants. It will be told with a smile on our faces.
1. What information can we get from the passage?
A. The author enjoyed different colors of fish in anta.
B. Diving in aaya Thila is one of the most unforgettable experience for the author.
C. The author dove into aaya Thila and stayed there for 50 minutes.
D. There were no dangerous sharks in aaya Thila.
2. The author was worried about having lunch on the boat because __________.
A. the boat was not stopped
B. it was moving toward the other dive place
C. the boat was not big enough
D. he / she felt sick when eating on boats
3. How many diving places are mentioned in the passage?
A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.
4. We learn from the last paragraph that ________.
A. aaya Thila was only suitable for a night dive
B. many people had been killed at aaya Thila
C. aaya Thila is popular among all the participants
D. few people have the courage to dive at aaya Thila
5. The author wrote this passage to ________.
A. share some wonderful experiences of diving with readers
B. make an attractive advertisement for a famous park
C. give you some tips when you go out for a dive
D. tell the readers how to spend a weekend or a long holiday

1-5 BACCB 6-10 BCCBA11-15 BCBAB 16-20 BACAA
21-25 BDBCD 26-30 CBABA 31-35 CBCCD
36-40 CDACA 41-45 BBCDC 46-50 ABADC 51-55 DBCAD
56-60 DBCCD 61-65 CAACB
66. 第一個a →an 67. come →coming 68. cross →across 69. and →but 70. was →were
71. √72. roadside前加the 73. broking→broken 74. shouting→shouted 75. 去掉has
書面表達(One possible version)
Dear Bob,
We were just told about the accident you had. I’m sorry to hear about it and our other classmates are all sad about the news. I’m going to see you on behalf of others on this Friday afternoon. I will bring you a couple of books you will enjoy. We will help you to catch up in school as soon as you are out of hospital. If there is anything else we can do for you, please let me kno
All of us send our best wishes for your quick recovery. Don’t worry about your studies.
We do hope that you will not be too sad in bed and that you will recover soon.
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua


W: Why didn’t you show up for class this morning?
: I don’t even want to talk about it.
y car broke down.

: um, it’s a quarter to 6 no Time for the CBS TV show!
W: Not exactly, honey, our clock is 15 minutes fast.

W: I had a great time in Australia. I met a very cute old man with eyes like a koala.
: What’s his name?
W: I forgot his name, so I just call him "oala an".

: Don’t you like my friends, Lily?
W: They’re great! But I think Simon is a pain; he likes to make fun of others.

W: I’ve been training for over 20 days to be a volunteer, but only for a 10-minute
: You must be tired out.
W: Oh, it’s not so bad. I like to work as a team.

: I think I’d like to be in IT.
W: That’s good work, but you know, every coin has two sides. y brother works in
IT, usually a hard 15-hour day. He was found to have high blood pressure when he was only 25.
: Well, what should I do then?
W: Don’t be worried. Just take care of your health, have regular meals and
sleep well, and then everything should be O.

W: Hi, you’re new, aren’t you?
: Yes, I am. And I like making friends.
W: e too. Do you have any hobbies?
: Yes, I like sports very much. I like baseball a lot —but I guess I like tennis better.
W: Do you often play tennis?
: Yes, quite a bit. How about a game sometime after class?
W: Sorry. I’m strictly a spectator —tennis, football, baseball, basketball,
golf ... I watch them all, but I don’t do any sports myself.

W: I am sorry to say I have a problem. You work in the school and you educate the
kids well.
: Yes. Quite right. What’s up?
W: Well. y son is always studying Chinese rather than other subjects after school.
I want him to do well in all subjects.
: That’s not common for a kid of his age. Do you often tell him stories before
W: Yes. I like Chinese too. I think this may affect him a little.
: That’s it. Tomorrow bring your son here and I’ll talk with him. I’m sure we
can find him other interests.
W: Thank you very much.

W: I’m working on an article about growing older. Can you give me some tips?
: Err ... I can tell you how I feel about it.
W: Sure, go ahead.
: As I get older, I get a better understanding of the world. It’s not as
simple as I thought 10 years ago.
W: So is life getting better or worse, in your eyes?
: I’d say I’m getting better at enjoying the present.
W: What about other people? Do you think they all agree with you?
: I can’t say, but it seems that lots of people get better with age.
W: I see. But I find it hard to get older.
: It’s natural. Nobody would refuse to stay young, but you will understand
more about the world.
W: Thank you. What you’ve said does help me a lot.
: Well, I hope so. Good luck to you!

Trying to get bigger? We have some eating and exercising tips that will help
you gain weight! First, to build muscle mass you have to do the right exercise. Weight training is good because it uses resistance which builds muscle mass. ake sure to ask
your coaches, PE teacher or a doctor for help before using weights —they can be dangerous to your health if you don’t use them the right way, or if you’re too young. Second, cut out foods that are fried, like French fries, chicken nuggets and fish sticks. Choose healthy foods like baked chicken, fish and potatoes. Then, make sure to drink healthy beverages like water, milk and fruit juice. Stay away from high-sugar sodas —they add bad calories and have no nutrition. It’s also a good idea to eat a lot of protein, 30 minutes after a workout. Once again, this will help build muscle mass. If you eat a lot of healthy food and mix it in with weight training or resistance-based exercises, you will gain good weight.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/35632.html

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