河北省保定市重點中學2015-2016學年高二下學期第四次周練 英語試

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

1. The chair was too weak to Mr. Smith. A. hold up B. take up C. give up D. turn up2. China is one of the developing countries the third world. A. belonging to B. belongs to C. is belonging to D. are belonging to3. It makes no sense to refer to the dictionary each time you news words in reading. A. deal with B. come up with C. meet with D. do with4. —Did you the meeting yesterday? —No, we all the couples in their wedding party. A. join; attended B. join; took part in C. attend; participated D. attend; joined5. The old man got into the of storing money under the bed. A. tradition B. habit C. use D. custom 6. They have made an urgent request international aid. A. ofB. in C. forD. with7. —Yangyang carried off the first winter Olympic medal for China. —Great! What she won for our motherland! A. golden; honor B. gold; honor C. golden; honorsD. gold; honors 8. —Why are you so late? —The bus was for an hour because a tree had fallen across the road. A. held out B. held on C. held back D. held up9. —Can the project be finished as planned?—Sure, ______ it completed in time, we’ll work two more hours a day.A. having got B. to get C. getting D. get 10. ______ make much difference whether you attend his birthday or not.A. That doesn’t B. What is notC. Why does it D. It doesn’t11. After graduation, he worked as a lawyer, ____________. A. to follow in his father’s stepsB. to follow his father’s advice C. following in his father’s stepsD. followed his father12. There was so much smoke in the factory _____ the workers were working _____ the firefighters couldn't see clearly. A. that; that B. that; where C. where; that D. where; where13. I can hardly imagine myself _______ monitor of our class. A. make B. to make C. making D. being made14. —My computer has broken down. —Why not ask Nick for advice? He’s an expert in the . A. field B. land C. subject D. topic15. He insisted that I ______ back what I said, but I insisted that my remarks _____ right. A. took; were B. take; should be C. should take; be D. take; were16. _____ from his accent, he must be from Britain. A. Judged B. To judge C. Being judged D. Judging17. Employers like to hire those ____________ the jobs. A. devote themselves to B. devoting themselves to C. devoted on D. devoting on18. —Why didn’t you go to the dance last night? —If I tired, I would have. A. were not B. hadn’t C. haven’t been D. hadn’t been19. The wood ______ a sweet smell as it burned.A. gave off B. gave away C. gave up D. gave in 20. _______ information cost him many chances of finding jobs. A. Lack B. Short of C. Lack of D. Lacking of21. Yesterday Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she ______ something she would regret later.A. had said B. will say C. might say D. might have said22. Jack _____ yet last night, otherwise he ______ me.A. mustn’t have arrived, must have phonedB. may have arrived, need have phoned C. can’t have arrived, would have phoned D. shouldn’t have arrived, can have phoned23. —Who are you going to have _______ this letter for you? —My secretary. A. type B. typed C. been typed D. been typing24. I just wonder that makes him so excited. A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is25. Though you may hate some customs in other countries, , you must remember “Do in Rome as Rome does”. A. likewise B. therefore C. otherwise D. anyway26. 1. The baby is sleeping well in bed. It seems that his temperature is _______ now. A. right B. normal C. serious D. low27. As his confidence in his work increased, his ________ about it disappeared. He’s feeling relaxed. A. concern B. anxiety C. expectation D. hope28 The young mother _____________ of a healthy boy.A. delivered B. was delivered C. born D. was born 29. Kate works very hard. She _________will win the coming examinations.A. surely B. sure C. makes sure D. is sure30. With the development of science, ___________, computers make it convenient for people to work; on the other hand , computers has caused more problems than expected. A. in a word B. in general C. on one hand D. after all31. Ever since their quarrel, there has been a very unpleasant in the office. A. surroundingB. mood C. environmentD. atmosphere32. European dress has been ________ by people in many parts of the world.A. reserved B. followed C. observed D. adopted33. We ________ a whole roll of film, so we had to go back home.A. used up B. made up C. made use of D. came into use 34. Would Tom care to _________ why he voted against the new project?A. command B. comment C. comment on D. command on35. -May you _________! -Thanks.A. succeed B. success C. successful D. succeeded36. Fortunately, we __________ a victory after overcoming many difficultiesA. ended up B. ended up with C. ended D. ended with37. In this shop, lemons are usually sold by weight while eggs are sometimes sold by _________ dozen.   A. the; / B. a; the C. /; the   D. the; a 38. We were ordered to __________ our research into people’s diets. A. push ahead with B. push ahead C. go ahead D. pull ahead with39. More and more students are __________ this modern type of instruction.A. coming from B. resulting from C. benefiting from D. preventing from40. Miss Li requested that her students on time to every class. A. has to be B. were C. must be D. be41. His lung cancer is the _______ of his smoking for so many years. He’s very regretful. A. consequence B. effect C. reason D. fact42. We must learn to put the theory into_________, which is beneficial to us all. A. act B. reach C. praise D. practice43. It’s very convenient for us to communicate as a result of technological ________. A. limits B. construction C. advances D. protection44. China is one of the developing countries the third world. A. belonging to B. belongs to C. is belonging to D. are belonging to45. From what you said, I ________ that you were lying. I wish you are honest. A. conclude B. suggest C. hope D. express46. It makes no sense to refer to the dictionary each time you news words in reading. A. deal withB. come up with C. meet withD. do with47. —How do you find your boss? — A. I can’t find him anywhere B. By searching the whole building C. He’s all right, as long as you do what he says D. I haven’t seen him for long, he is very busy these days 48. —Jack! My new pipe , you did it? —Oh, no! I just had a look, Grandpa. A. was brokenB. had been broken C. has brokenD. is broken49. No satisfactory was given to these phenomena. A. account B. plan C. accent D. mark50. If John his legs in the last training, he would join in the coming World Cup, which he has been longing to compete in. A. didn’t hurt B. hadn’t been hurt C. wasn’t hurt D. hadn’t hurt 答案:!!(ww河北省保定市重點中學2015-2016學年高二下學期第四次周練 英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/363995.html
