
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網

德化一中2015-2016學年高二上第三次質檢(期末英語 審核:德化一中命題中心卷面總分:150分; 考試時間:120分鐘Jan22, 2015第一部分:聽力(共兩節(jié), 滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題,每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)1. When will the speakers get to New York?A.At 8:30.B.At 8:50.C.At 9:00.2. How many languages does BBC World Service use?A.34. B.35. C.36.3. Where is the man possibly? A.In the street. B.At a bus stop. C.On a bus.4. What is the woman’s attitude towards not going to the meeting?A.she takes it very seriously. B.She is very angry about it.C.She doesn’t care very much.5. Who made the cake?A.The woman.B. The woman’s mother. C.The baker.第二節(jié)(共15個小題;每小題1.5分滿分22.5分)聽第6段材料,回答第6至7題。6. What is the man going to do tonight?A.Go to a party.B.Go to a dinner. C.Go to see a movie.7. When will they meet?A.At 5:30.B.At 6:00. C.At 6:30.8. Where will they meet?A.At the man’s home.B.At the woman’s home. C.At the cinema’s entrance.聽第7段材料,回答第9—11題。9. Where did the man say he was on the morning of July 19?A.On the train.B.At his office.C.On a bus.10. Who is the woman speaker?A.The man’s boss.B.A police inspector.C.The man’s wife.11. Which of the following is most probably true?A.The man went to his office at the usual time.B.The man was late for work that morning .C.The man didn’t go to work that morning.聽第8段材料,回答第12—14題。12. Where are the two speakers now?A.In Hong Kong.B.In Europe.C.In a restaurant.13. What can we learn from the conversation?A.The man doesn’t like Hong Kong very much.B.The man would like to have European food.C.The woman prefers Chinese food.14. Where will the speakers have lunch?A.At the European’s.B.At the Chinese’s.C.At the Japanese’s.聽第9段材料,回答第15—17題。15. What is the woman leaving for America to do?A.To be on a vacation.B.To study. C.To be on a business trip.16. What airlines is the woman taking?A.China Southern Airlines.B.China Northern Airlines.C.China International Airlines.17. Where is the woman’s seat?A.In the middle.B.By the window.C.In the back.聽第10段材料,回答第18—20題。18. What is the speaker probably trying to do ?A.Sell this house to some customers.B.Introduce his house to his friends.C.Describe the house to a builder.19. How many bedrooms does the house have?A.2. B.3. C.4.20. What is the most attractive about the house according to the speaker?A.The bright sitting room.B.The large swimming pool.C.The beautiful backyard.第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分分)第一節(jié) 單項填空(共小題, 每小題1分,滿分分) 21. I failed the college exam, but I decided to give myself ____ second chance by studying for degree in the evenings and on weekends.A. the; a B. a; a C. an; the D. \; the 22. When Madam Curie did the science experiment again, she was more careful where she ______ a mistake. A. made B. has made C. was making D. had made 23. -- Guess what! I have got an A for my term paper.-- Great! You _____ have read widely and put a lot of work into it. A. must B. should C. may D. need24.The man who was caught ______ in the park has been fined 50 pounds as a punishment.A. to spit B. spits C. spitting D. spat 25. American Indians_________ about five percent of the US population.A. fill up B. take up C. set up D. make up 26. If they had been more careful, the forest fire ________discovered earlier.A. wouldn’t be? B. would have been? C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t have 27. —Excuse me. Could you tell me ________ — Sorry, I am new here.A. where the hospital is B. where is the hospitalC. where the hospital was D. where was the hospital28. -- Do you think your school is a good one? -- Well, __________, yes, but I can’t really say because I only know my type of school.A. not necessarily B. sorry to disagree C. to a certain extent D. not really29. Mistakes don’t just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake become_________.A. interesting B. joyful C. necessary D. worthwhile 30. Galilei is now known _____ the father of astronomy but he believed that the earth moved round the sun in a perfect circle.A. as B. for C. by D. to 31. Work with more program _________ you have to use them at work, and try to read about new technology. A. in order that B. in case C. so that D. such as32. According to some studies, EQ is _____ important, if not more important than IQ.A. that B. as C. such D. very 33. Today we are accustomed to ______ a few key words into a search engine and ______ for the Internet to spit the answer out for us.A. type; wait B. type; waiting C. typing; wait D. typing; waiting 34. -- My cat is really fat.-- You ______ have given her so much food.A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t 35. ? I will drive to the station to buy a ticket to Beijing for next Sunday. -- ________? Actually you can order a ticket online.A. Why bother B. What for C. So what D. Why not第二節(jié) 完型填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳答案A 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the 36 ? five dollars ? was far beyond Reuben Earle’s money. Five dollars would 37 almost a week’s food for his family.But hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had a(n) 38 . He ran towards the sound and discovered he could 39 the hessian sacks (麻袋) which were thrown away and them for five cents a piece.Every day 41 , Reuben walked down the town, collecting the 42 . On the day the school closed for the summer, no student was more 43 than Reuben, for he had more time for his “work”. Then one day the time 44 . Reuben ran down Water Street to the store. “Please, Mister. I have to sell the sacks now.” The man took the sacks, 45 into his pocket and placed four coins in Reuben’s hand. Reuben said a thank you and 46 home. On arriving home, Reuben uncovered the tin can where he 47 the money. He poured the coins out and began to count. He had 48 .Then he headed for the shop. “I have the money,” he told the owner 49 . The man went to the window and 50 Reuben’s treasure. He wiped the dust off, carefully wrapped (包裹) it in brown paper and it to Reuben.Racing home, Reuben shouted, “Here, Mom! Here!” He 52 a small box in her hands. She unwrapped it carefully. A jewel box 53 . Dora lifted the lid (蓋子), tears beginning to fill her eyes. Dora had received such a gift; she had no jewelry 55 her wedding ring. Speechless, she smiled and gathered her son into her arms.36. A. priceB. costC. worthD. value37. A. buy B. offerC. enjoyD. expect38. A. question B. tryC. ideaD. schedule39. A. sell B. collectC. fetchD. bury40. A. pay forB. buyC. sellD. afford41. A. before dinner B. in classC. at churchD. after school42. A. moneyB. sacksC. paperD. cans43. A. pleasedB. surprisedC. worriedD. tired44. A. passedB. endedC. cameD. wasted45. A. hidB. reachedC. stoleD. put46. A. stayedB. walkedC. gotD. ran47. A. gaveB. gotC福建省德化一中2015-2016學年高二上第三次質檢英語試卷
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/393529.html
