高二英語必修5 Unit 5語法訓練題(帶答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

1.(2010年高考大綱全國卷Ⅰ)—Everybody is going to clib the ountain. Can I go too, o?
—________Wait till you are old enough, dear.
A.Will you?        B.Why not ?
C.I hope so. D.I’ afraid not.
解析:選D。句意:“每個人都要去登。媽媽,我也可以去嗎?”“恐怕不能。得等到你足夠大的時候,親愛的!盬ill you?“是嗎?”,why not?“為什么不呢?”,I hope so.“我希望如此”,三者均不符合句意。應選D項“恐怕不能”。
2.(2010年高考浙江卷)The experient shows that proper aounts of exercise, if ________ regularly, can iprove our health.
A.being carried out B.carrying out
C.carried out D.to carry out
解析:選C。句意:實驗表明如果有規(guī)律地進行適量的運動(鍛煉),會增進我們的健康。此處if引導省略句,全句應為:if proper aounts of exercise are carried out regularly。根據(jù)省略的原則,把相同的主語和系動詞be省去,就只剩下carried out regularly。
3.(2009年高考江蘇卷)—What’s the atter with Della?
—Well, her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party, but she still ________.
A.hopes to B.hopes so
C.hopes not D.hopes for
解析:選A?疾槭÷跃洹S⒄Z中,可以使用so, not或其他手段省略上或問句中的一部分或整個句子。其答語的完整形式是:..., but she still hopes to go to the party.句意為:“德拉怎么了?”“哦,她父母不讓她去參加晚會,但她仍然希望去!
4.(2010年高考浙江卷)Had I know about this coputer progra,a huge aount of tie and energy ________.
A.would have been saved B.had been saved
C.will be saved D.was saved
解析:選A。句意:如果我知道這個電腦程序,就會節(jié)省大量的時間和精力。由上句Had I know 可知,從句為與過去事實相反的虛擬條件句,省略了if。那么主句謂語形式應為would have done。
5.ary wanted to travel with her friends, but her other told her ________.
A.not to B.not to do
C.not do it D.do not to
6.—Do you think we will have a long holiday next onth?
—________ .
A.I believe not B.I believe not so
C.I don’t believe it D.I don’t believe
解析:選A。句意為:——你認為下個月我們會有一個長假嗎?——我認為不會。I believe not.=I don’t believe so.(I don’t believe we will have a long holiday next onth)。
7.He decided not to say anything at the eeting unless ________.
A.asking to B.to ask to
C.asked to D.ask to
解析:選C。句意為: 他決定在會上什么也不說,除非被要求。unless asked to 相當于unless he was asked to say soething。
8.(2011年雙鴨高二檢測)—Have you watered the flowers?
—No, but ________.
A.I a B.I’ going
C.I’ just going to D.I will go
解析:選C。句意為:——你澆花了沒?——沒有,不過我正打算澆。I’ going to 相當于I’ just going to water the flowers。
9.—He hasn’t turned up at the party so far.
—Well, he ________.
A.should B.ought to
C.ought to go D.ought to have
解析:選D。句意為:——到目前為止,他還沒到宴會!,他本應該到了。he ought to have 相當于he ought to have turned up at the party。
10.—The war is very likely to break out in the near future.
—I ________, if the situation goes as it is.
A.hope so B.hope not
C.a afraid not D.a afraid so
解析:選D。句意為:——在不久的將,戰(zhàn)爭很可能會爆發(fā)!峙聲@樣,如果形勢按照現(xiàn)在的樣子發(fā)展的話。so指代“The war is very likely to break out in the near future”。
11.The an we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ________ soething.
A.buying B.having bought
C.to buy D.to have bought
解析:選C。as if to buy 是as if he was going to buy 的省略說法。
12.________ he coe toorrow, I would let you kno
A.Would B.Should
C.Shall D.If
解析:選B。此處是對將情況的假設。虛擬條件句的謂語部分有should, had 或were 時,可把if 省略,而把should, were ,had 提前,構成主謂部分倒裝。
1.The burn that she got fro the iron was red and it was very painful.
答案:The burn she got fro the iron was red and very painful.
2.Just take a short break if you are tired.
答案:Just take a short break if tired.
3.Only soe of the students have done a first aid course but ost of the students haven’t done first aid course.
答案:Only soe of the students have done a first aid course but ost haven’t.
4.Who do you suggest should be sent to work there?
答案:Who do you suggest be sent to work there?
5.She stood at the gate as if she was waiting for soeone.
答案:She stood at the gate as if waiting for soeone.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/40020.html
