
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英 語(yǔ) 試 題
(考試時(shí)間: 120分鐘 分值:150分) 2012. 12
第I卷 (,共115分)
1.1. What does the woan suggest?
A. Waiting on the corner.B. Taking a taxi. C. Calling the hotel.
2.Where are the speakers?
A. At hoe B. In a flower shop. C. At school.
3.What will the an probably do?
A. Have dinner.B. Clean the table. C. Read the notebook.
4.How any countries has the woan been to so far?
A. Four.B. Three. C. Two.
5.When does the bakery close?
A.At 7:00.B. At 6:55. C. At 7:30.
6.Who gave New York its nicknae?
A. Painters.B. usicians.C. People living in New York.
7.What is the woan interested in seeing?
A. A painting shoB. A play.C. A odern dance sho
8.What does the word “apple” in “The Big Apple” refer to?
A. A city.B. A theatre.C. A concert.
9.What sports does the an like to play after work?
A. Table tennis, running and golf.
B. Tennis, jogging and golf.
C. Tennis, running and golf.
10.How often does the an play golf?
A. About once a week. B. About once a on th.C. About once a year.
11.What tie will they eet at the club?
A.At 1:30 p.B. At 1:30 a.C. About 2:30 p.
12.Why is the woan waiting ?
A. She is waiting for the an.
B. She is waiting for her other.
C. She is waiting for a bus.
13.According to the conversation, what kind of weather is usual for arch?
A. CoolB. Hot.C. Dry.
14.How often should the bus coe to their stop?
A. Eve ry twenty inutes.B. Every half an hour.C. Once a day.
15.Where has the an lived for ten years?
A.In Florida. B. In New York. C. In California.
16.Who is the an?xkb1.co
A. He is the girl’s brother. B. He is the girl’s boyfriend. C. He is the girl’s father.
17.How does the woan feel about the news?
A. Sad. B. Angry. C. Excited.
18.How any laws are there discussed in the speech?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
19.Who does the speaker give advice to?
A. Travelers to the country.
B. Woen who take along children.
C. Children under 16 years old.
20.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. If you need help, please turn to your teachers.
B. The traffic oves on the left side of the road in this country.
C. It is against the law for anyone to buy cigarettes or tobacco.
21. --I’ afraid I’ll coe back in an hour.
-- There is no need to rush back. Just _________ .
A. take it easyB. take your tieC. help yourselfD. feel at hoe
22. --What can I do for you?
-- I’d like to buy a present for y son, _______ at a proper price but of great use.
A. oneB. the oneC. whichD. that
23. She often shares her deepest thoughts and fears with friends through QQ, as if they______ chatting in her living roo.
A. wereB. areC. had beenD. has been
24. Jack is late again. It is ________ of hi to keep others waiting.
A. noralB. ordinaryC. coonD. typical
25. I have to draw soe oney fro the bank before our oney ________ .
A. runs out ofB. is run outC. runs outD. runs up
26. The book didn’t _______ children because the author used two any scientific ters in it.
A. apply toB. appeal toC. interest toD. lead to
27. After the Shenzhou-9 anned spacecraft was successfully launched, Liu Yang becae the first woan astronaut ________space in China.
A. to enterB. enterC. enteringD. entered
28. It wouldn’t be ________ for us to attend a foral wedding with the sports clothes.
A. cofortableB. convenientC. appropriateD. available
29. Throwing their hats into the air, the fans of the winning tea _____ loud shouts of victory .
A. let downB. let inC. let goD. let out
30. ost people are failiar with the idea that all atter in the universe ________ atos.
A. akes upB. akes up ofC. consists inD. consists of
31. On the ground ___________ a sick goat, whose life was in danger.
A. layB. laysC. lyingD. laying
32. ---Everyone was at the party except you. What happened?
---I after ike, y pet dog, at hoe. He was ill.
A.have lookedB.was lookingC.would lookD.had looked
33. _________the exas to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.
A. AsB. For C. With D. Because of
34. The actress looked so attractive in her beautiful dress that we took _______ photos of her.
A. a great anyB. a great deal of
C. the nuber of D. a large aount of
35. --Were you in tie for the eeting?
-- If I _________earlier, I would have .
A. was told B. had been told C. were to be told D. should be told
第二節(jié):完形 (共20小題;每小題1分,滿分30分)
閱讀下面短,從短后各題所給的(A B C D)四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并涂在答題卡上。
A 12-year-old boy saw soething in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the 36 ? five dollars was far beyond Reuben Earle’s oney. Five dollars would 37 alost a week’s food for his faily.
But hearing the sound of haering (捶打的聲音) fro a side street, Reuben had a(n) 38 . He ran towards the sound and discovered he could 39 the hessian sacks (麻袋) which were thrown away and sell the for five cents a piece.
Every day 40 , Reuben walked down the town, collecting 41 . On the day the school closed for the suer, no student was ore 42 than Reuben, for he had ore tie for his “work”. Then one day the tie had 43 .
Reuben ran down Water Street to the 44 . “Please, ister. I have to sell the sacks no” The an took the sacks, 45 into his pocket and placed four coins in Reuben’s hand. Reuben said a thank you and 46 hoe. On arriving hoe, Reuben uncovered the tin can 47 he kept the oney. He poured the coi ns out and began to count. He had 48 .
Then he headed for the shop. “I have the oney,” he told the owner 49 . The an went to the window and 50 Reuben’s treasure. He wiped the dust off, carefully wrapped (包裹) it in brown paper and 51 it to Reuben.
Racing hoe, Reuben shouted, “Here, o! Here!” He placed a sall 52 in her hands. She unwrapped it carefully. A jewel box 53 . Dora lifted the lid (蓋子), tears beginning to fill her eyes. Dora had 54 received such a gift; she had no jewelry 55 her wedding ring. Speechless, she siled and gathered her son into her ars.
36. A. priceB. costC. worthD. value
37. A. buyB. offerC. enjoyD. expect
38. A. questionB. tryC. ideaD. schedule
39. A. sellB. collectC. fetchD. bury
40. A. before dinnerB. in classC. at churchD. after school
41. A. the oneyB. the sacksC. the paperD. the tin cans
42. A. pleasedB. surprisedC. worriedD. tired
43. A. passedB. endedC. coeD. wasted
44. A. hotelB. schoolC. bankD. store
45. A. hidB. reachedC. stoleD. put
46. A. stayedB. walkedC. gotD. ran
47. A. whenB. whichC. whileD. where
48. A. noneB. enoughC. littleD. uch
49. A. callyB. honestlyC. proudlyD. angrily
50. A. took outB. gave outC. set outD. left out
51. A. lentB. threwC. handedD. took
52. A. boxB. ringC. bookD. letter
53. A. openedB. droppedC. appearedD. broke
54. A. oftenB. neverC. justD. ever
55. A. includingB. withC. as well asD. except for
閱讀下列短,從短后各題所給的(A 、B、 C 、D)四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并涂在答題卡上。
Granda oses is aong the ost faous twentieth-century painters of the United States, yet she did not start painting until she was in her late seventies. As she once said of herself,“I would never sit back in a rocking chair, waiting for soeone to help e.”
She was born on a far in New York State. At twelve she left hoe and was in a service until at twenty-seven, she arried Thoas oses, the tenant of hers. They fared ost of their lives. She had ten children , of who five survived . Her husband died in 1927.
Granda oses painted a little as a child and ade ebroidery(刺繡) pictures as a hobby, but only changed to oils in old age because her hands had becoe too stiff(硬的) to sew and she wanted to keep busy and pass the tie. Her pictures were first sold at the local drugstore(雜貨店) and at a arket and were soon noticed by a businessan who bought everything she painted . Three of the pictures were shown in the useu of odern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York. Between the 1930’s and her death she produced soe 2,000 pictures:careful and lively pictures of the country life she had known, with a wonderful sense of colour and for.
56. Fro Granda oses’ words in the first paragraph, it can be inferred that she
was _____.
A. indepe ndentB. prettyC. richD. alone
57. According to the passage, Granda oses began to paint because she wanted to_____.
A. ake her hoe beautifulB. keep active
C. earn ore oneyD. becoe faous
58. Granda oses spent ost of her life______.
A. nursingB. paintingC. ebroidering D. faring
59. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Granda oses: Her Life and Pictures.
B. The Children of Granda oses.
C. Granda oses: Her Best Pictures.
D. Granda oses and Other Older Artists.
King's College Suer School
King's College Suer School is an annual( 每年的) training progra for high school students at all levels who want to iprove their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. Trips to useus and culture centers are also organized. This year's suer school will be fro July 25 to August 15.
ore inforation is as follows:
Application (申請(qǐng)) date
Students in New York should send their
applications before July 18, 2012.
Students of other cities should send their
applications before July 16, 2012
Foreign students should send their applications
before July 10, 2012Courses
English Language
Spoken English: 22 hours
Reading and Writing: 10 hours
Aerican History: 16 hours
Aerican Culture: 16 hours
A letter of self-introduction
A letter of recoendation(推薦)
? The letters should be written in English with all the necessary inforation.Cost
Daily lessons: $200
Sports and activities: $100
Travels: $200
Hotel service: $400
?You ay choose to live with your friends or relatives in the sae city.
Please write to:
Thopson, Sanders
1026 King' s Street
New York, NY 10016, USA
E-ail: KC-Suer-School@ yahoo, co
60. You can ost probably read the text in ________.
A. a newspaper B. a travel guide
C. a textbook D. a telephone book
61. Which of the following is true about King' s College Suer School?
A. Only top students can take part in the progra.
B. King' s College Suer School is run every other year.
C. Visits to useus and culture centers are part of the progra.
D. Only the teachers of King' s College give courses.
62. If you are to live with your relatives in New York, you will have to pay the school __
A. $200 B. $400 C. $500 D. $900
63. What inforation can you get fro the text?
A. The progra will last two onths.
B. You can write to Thopson only in English.
C. As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2012
D. You can get in touch with the school by e-ail or by telephone.
Do you still reeber the interesting question: why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other si de.
ost people know this joke. But recently, soe people have been uch ore concerned with how the grizzly bear and ountain lion can cross the road.
illions of anials die each year on US roads, the Federal Highway Adinistration reports. In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat exist in the US today. The ain reason? Road kill.
“Ecopassages” ay help anials cross the road without being hit by cars. They are paths both over and under roads. "These ecopassages can be extreely useful, so that wildlife can avoid huan conflicts," said Jodi Hilty of the Wildlife Conservation Society.
But do anials actually use the ecopassages? The answer is yes. Paul Beier of Northern Arizona University found foot arks left by ountain lions on an ecopassage that went under a highway. This showed that the lion used the passage.
Builders of soe ecopassages try to ake the look like a natural part of an area by planting trees on and around the. Anials see to be catching on. Anials as different as salaanders and grizzly bears are using the bridges and underpasses.
The next tie you visit a park or drive through an area with a lot of wildlife, look around.
You ight see an anial overpass!
64.The writer uses the exaple of "ocelots" to show that __________.
A. wild anials have becoe ore dangerous
B. the driving conditions have iproved greatly
C. the easure for protecting wildlife fails to work
D. an increasing nuber of anials are killed in road accidents
65. Fro the news story, we know an ecopassage is __________ .
A. an underground path for carsB. a fence built for the safety of the area
C. a bridge for anials to get over a riverD. a pass for anials to cross the road
66.When the writer says that anials see "to be catching on", he eans _______.
A. anials begin to realize the danger on the road
B. anials begin to learn to use ecopassages
C. anials are crossing the road in groups
D. anials are increasing in nuber
67.The writer asks visitors and drivers to look around when traveling because .
A. wild anials ay attack cars
B. wild anials ay ja the road
C. they ay see wild anials in the park
D. they ay see wild anials on ecopassages
The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children.On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise ade to feel special.
However, the idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington.A woan by the nae of Sonora Sart Dodd thought of the idea for Father’s Day while listening to a other’s Day seron(布道)in 1909.Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Sart, after her other died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her.It was her father that ade all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a selfless and loving an.Sonora’s father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910.In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day.Roses are the Father’s Day flowers: red to be worn for a living father and white if the father has died.
When children can’t visit their fathers or take the out to dinner, they send a greeting card.Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentiental(感傷的).ost greeting cards are too special so fathers laugh when they open the.Soe give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.
68.The United States is special in Father’s Day because ______.
A.a(chǎn)ny people celebrate t he day B.only Aerica celebrates the day
C.Aerica akes it an official day D.a(chǎn)ll en are honored in Aerica
69.At first, Father’s Day was fixed on June 19th because ______.
A.Sonora honored her father on her father’s birthday
B.Sonora’s birthday was June 19
C.it was decided by the president at that tie
D.her other died on June 19
70.H ow any years had passed before Father’s Day becae an official day since the father’s day was celebrated?
A.4 B.10 C.14 D.24
71.According to the passage, on Father’s Day, ______.
A.people will wear the sae flowers to honor their fathers
B.only daughters wear red flowers to honor their fathers
C.children ust go hoe to honor their fathers
D.fathers are often honored in different ways
The arket is a concept. If you are growing toatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the arket. You ight sell soe to your neighbor and soe to the local anager of the superarket. But in either case, you are producing for the arket. Your efforts are being directed by the arket. If people stop buying toatoes, you will stop producing the.
If you take care of a sick person to earn oney, you are producing for the arket. If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the arket.
When you spend your incoe, you are buying things fro the arket. You ay spend oney in stores, superarkets, gas stations and restaurants. Still you are buying fro the arket. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor arket.
The arket ay be soething abstract (抽象的). But for each person or business that is aking and selling soething, it is very concrete. If nobody buys your toatoes, it won’t be long before you get the essage. The arket is telling you soething. It is telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing soething the arket doesn’t want you to do.
72. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A. Selling and Buying. B. Everything you do is producing for the arket.
C. What is the arket? D. What the arket can do for you.
73. All of the following acts are producing for the arket except________.
A. working in a bank B. volunteering at a nursing hoe
C. driving a taxi D. growing beans for sale
74. You are buying fro the arket when you________.
A. borrow a book fro the library B. drive to the seaside for a holiday
C. look after your children D. dine at restaurant
75. The word “concrete” in the last paragraph ay ost probably ean________.
A. serious B. iportantC. necessary D. real

第四部分:知識(shí)運(yùn)用( 共兩節(jié),滿分35 分)
1. Art is influenced by the custos and _______ ________ ________ _________. (一個(gè)民族的信念)
2. Consequently, this text will describe only the ost iportant ones, _______ ______(開(kāi)始于) the sixth century AD.
3. A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people _______ _______ ________. (按其本面目)
4. ________ ________ _________ _________(明顯; 顯然) ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters began to paint religious scenes in a ore realistic way.
5. Rich people wanted ______ ________(擁有) their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.
6. When people first saw his paintings, they ________ ________ (使信服) that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene.
7.______ __________(巧合地), oil paints were also developed at his tie, which ade the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.
8. Without the new paints and the new technique, we ______ _____ ______ ______(就不能)to see the any great asterpieces for which this period is faous.
9. Aong the painters who ______ ______ _________ (擺脫)the traditional style of painting were the Ipressionists.
10.Today the Ipressionist paintings are accepted as the beginning of ______ ______ _______(我們所稱(chēng)作)“odern art”.
11. ____。撸撸摺。撸撸 _______(另一方面), soe paintings of o dern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.
12. any art lovers would rather visit this sall art gallery ______ _______ ______(比任何其他的)in New York.
13. Frick ______ ______。撸撸撸撸摺。撸撸撸▽(duì)...偏愛(ài))pre-twentieth century Western
  paintings, and these are well-represented in this excellent collection.
14. You can also explore Frick’s beautiful hoe and garden which are  ___。撸撸撸撸撸撸 ______(很值得參觀).
15. This useu owns 5,000 superb odern paintings, sculptures and drawings. These art
  works _______ _______ ________(不全是)displayed at the sae tie.
16. When you walk into the gallery, you feel as if _____ _______ ___(你在...的里面) 
  a fragile white seashell. 
17. The reputation of this useu ___。撸撸撸撸ㄔ谟冢 variety of its art collection.
18. The useu displays ____ ____(不僅僅)just the visual delights of art.     
19. ____ ____。撸撸撸撸钊梭@異的)that so any great works of art
  fro the late 19th century to the 21st century are housed in the sae useu.  
20.___。撸撸撸摺。撸撸撸撸?jī)赡辏? the Whitney holds a special exhibition
  of new art by living artists.
21.Our school has _______________ (采納) a new teaching ethod.  
22.He lost all his ______________(財(cái)產(chǎn) ) in the big fire. 
22.I passed y driving test at the first_____________(嘗試) .  
24.They _____________(交換) phone nubers and proised to call each other.   
25.others holding jobs outside the hoe should have _________(靈活的) schedules to ake it easier to care for their children.  
26.They will start their project, ___________(目的,旨在)at helping the poor children to be educated in the west of China.
27. Soe people once ________(預(yù)言) that the world would coe to an end on Dec21st, 2012. But it is against science.
28. The poet’s feelings are perfectly ______________(傳遞) to readers in this poe.
29. I reeber one of the in _______________(尤其) speaks with a strong southern accent.
30. The two buildings are built according to the sae ___________(模式)
31. The sall window threw a patch of sunlight onto the floor, but the rest of the roo was in ____________(陰暗,陰影).
32. She borrowed a ________________(鉆石) necklace fro her friend to attend the party.
33. The bank has any ____________(分行,分支機(jī)構(gòu)) all over the country.
34. They dreaed of buying a ________________(別墅,小屋) at the seaside.
35. Every year any tourists visit the pyraids built in ancient ___________(埃及).

部分: 1-5 CBCBC 6-10 BAACB 11-15ACABA 16-20 BBCAB
單項(xiàng)選擇: 21-25 BAADC 26-30 BACDD 31-35 ABCAB
完形填空: 36-40 AACBD 41-45 BACDB 46-50 DDBCA 51-55 CACBD
閱讀理解: 56-59 ABDA 60-63 ACCB 64-67 DDBD 68-71 CACD 72-75 CBDD
1.faith of a people  2.starting fro   3.a(chǎn)s they were  4.It was evident that
5.to possess   6.were convinced  7.By coincidence  8.would not be able
9.broke away fro 10.what we call  11.On the o ther hand  12.than any other  
13. had a preference for   14. well worth a visit  15. are not all 16.you were inside  17.lies in  18.ore than  19.It is aazing  20.Every two years
21. adopted 22. possessions 23. attept 24. exchanged 25. flexible 26. aiing
27. predicted 28. conveyed 29. particular 30. pattern 31. shadow 32. diaond
33. branches 34. cottage 35. Egypt

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/48655.html
