Unit 1 Art

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
j.Co M Unit 1 Art

本單元的中心話題是西方繪畫和中國藝術(shù)的歷史、中西方各種藝術(shù)形式與風(fēng)格,不同時代的著名畫家以及他們的作品。語言知識的選擇和聽說讀寫等語言技能的訓(xùn)練主要圍繞“繪畫藝術(shù)”這一主題進行。本單元的目的在于幫助學(xué)生掌握與“繪畫藝術(shù)”這一主題有關(guān)的詞匯知識,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生了解繪畫藝術(shù)及其各個歷史發(fā)展時期的 不同風(fēng)格,培養(yǎng)他們對藝術(shù)的興趣以及理解美、欣賞美、創(chuàng)造美的能力。





A brief history of Western painting and Chinese art;famous artists and works of art






v. 采用;采納;收養(yǎng)


n. 學(xué)者


v. 擁有; 具有;支配


n. 喜愛;偏愛


v.& n. 嘗試;企圖


n. 名聲;名譽


v. 預(yù)言;預(yù)告;預(yù)測


n. 文明;文化


v. 呼吁,求助


n. 埃及


n. 目標(biāo);目的 v. 瞄準(zhǔn)


n. 區(qū);區(qū)域


adj. 典型的;有代表性的


n. 委員會


adj. 確切的;特定的


n. 署名;簽字


v. 雕刻;刻記


adj. 抽象的;深奧的


n. 雕塑


adj. 常規(guī)的;傳統(tǒng)的


n. 畫廊;美術(shù)陳列室


adj. 明顯的;明白的


n. 信任;信念


adj. 卓越的;杰出的


n. 所有;財產(chǎn)


adj. 荒謬的;可笑的


n. 技術(shù);方法;技能


adj. 爭論的;爭議的


n. 巧合;相合


adj. 脆弱的;容易生病的


n. 陰影;影子


adj. 過敏性的;對……過敏的


n. 畫像;身材;數(shù)字


adj. 侵略的;好斗的


n. 黏土


adj. 精細(xì)的;易碎的


n. 大理石


adj. 埃及的;埃及人的


n. 咖啡館;小餐館


adj. 視覺的;看得見的


n. 展覽;陳列;展覽會


adj. 香的;令人愉快的


n. 肉;肉體


adj. 當(dāng)代的;同時代的


n. 幾何學(xué)


adj. 永久的;持久的


n. 束;串


adv. 忠實地


n. 林蔭道;大街

a great deal 大量

attempt to do sth. 企圖做某事

on the other hand (可是)另一方面

be allergic to 對……過敏

appeal to (對某人)有吸引力

have a preference for 喜歡

make sculptures 制作雕塑

in the flesh 活著的;本人

by coincidence 巧合地

1.If you were an artist,what kind of pictures would you paint?(the subjunctive mood)

2.If the rules of perspective had_not_been_discovered,no one would_have_been able to paint such realistic pictures.(the subjunctive mood)

3.There are scores of modern art styles,but without the Impressionists,many of these pain ting styles might_not_exist.(the subjunctive mood)

4.Among_the_painters_who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.(inversion)

虛擬語氣(Subjunctive Mood)(1)(I wish I were/did/could/would...;If I did...,I would do...)

If you could have three of these paintings on the walls of your classrooms,which would you choose?

If you were an artist,what kind of pictures would you paint?

Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist?


1.Get students to know about Western painting and Chinese art,famous artists and works of art.

2.Have students learn some useful new words and expressions about painting and art and let them learn effective ways to master them.

3.Enable students to grasp and use the expressions of preference.

4.Let students learn the new grammar item:the subjunctive mood(1).

5.Develop students' listening,speaking,reading and writing ability.


1.Enable students to master the use of the subjunctive mood.

2.Let stude nts learn to write a letter of suggestion.

3.Develop students' integrative skills.

Periods needed:6

Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending

Period 2 Language Study

Period 3 Grammar—the Subjunctive Mood(1)

Period 4 Listening and Speaking

Period 5 Reading and Writing

Period 6 Summing Up,Learning Tip and Assessment

Period 1 Warming Up,

Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending



This is the first teaching period of this unit.The central part of this period is the reading passage with the name of A Short History of Western Painting showing the students the history of Western painting.

Warming Up gives students four questions to discuss,aiming at preparing students for both the content and the grammar of the unit.

Pre-reading provides three questions to help students focus on the topic of the reading passage and leads the students to think about any personal experiences of Western art they may have,such as things about art galleries,paintings in galleries,some Western artists and paintings.

Reading mainly introduces the history of Western painting.There are four major movements in Western art.Social,political and cultural changes contribute to the changes in artistic styles.There are four pictures of paintings in the passage representing the four major movements.After a glance at the title of the text and the headlines within it we know that it is a historical report,in which there are many time expressions.Then we can know the topic of the text and how the information is organized—in the order of time,from the earliest to the present.

Comprehending consists of four written or oral exercises for the students to do so as to help the students to get a better understanding of the text,that is to say,to help the teacher to check how much the students have understood the text.


Knowledge and skills

1.To understand the meanings of the following new words and phrases:abstract(抽象的),sculpture(雕塑),gallery(畫廊),faith(信念),aim(目標(biāo)),conventional(傳統(tǒng)的),typical(典型的,有代表性的),evident(明顯的),adopt(采用),possess(擁有),superb(卓越的,杰出的),possession(財產(chǎn)),technique(技術(shù)),by coincidence(巧合地),a great deal(大量),shadow(陰影),ridiculous(可笑的),controversial(爭議的),attempt(嘗試;企圖),on the other hand(另一方面),predict(預(yù)測).

2.To learn about some major movements in Western art and how art has changed stylistically over the centuries.

3.To learn how the information is organized.

4.To develop the students' reading ability by skimming and scanning the passage.

5.To develop the students' speaking ability by talking about Western paintings.

Process and methods

1.While doing Warming Up the teacher can lead in the topic of this unit by showing students some Chinese and Western-style paintings to recall their own knowledge and opinions about various art forms.Students should also be introduced to the subjunctive mood and try to use it when talking about the art forms.

2.During Pre-reading the teacher can go around the classroom and discuss the questions with several students.This discussion should be student-centered and arouse students' interest in Western painting.The teacher should also ask the students to look at the paintings in the reading passage and try to identify which style each of them belongs to so as to let them have a general knowledge of these paintings.

3.While doing Reading and Comprehending,the teacher may first ask the students to read the text quickly to get the general idea of each paragraph.After reading the passage,students are encouraged to answer some questions and discuss the text structure.

4.To consolidate the contents of the reading passage,the students should be required to retell the history of Western art in their own words at the end of the class.

Emotion,attitude and value

1.To stimulate students' sense of beauty and the ability of understanding,enjoying and creating beauty.

2.To develop students' sense of cooperative learning.


1.To enable the students to learn about the history of Western art and to develop their reading ability.

2.To enable the students to talk about Western paintings.


Step 1 Warming up

1.Warming up by looking and talking

Show the following paintings to the students and let them find out their favorites and give the reasons.Then help them find out the differences between the first three pictures and the next three ones.

Sample expressions:

If I were to choose paintings on the wall,I would choose the first one,because...

If I were an artist,I would paint horses.Because...

2.Warming up by reading the short passage below.

The Chinese have for centuries seen painting as the highest form of art.Chinese paintings have an air of living nature,harmony and peace that is not always found in the art of other civilizations.It is entirely different from Western painting,but that difference is hard to grasp and express.The following are some different fo rms of art:

Figure painting:It includes portraits,story p ainting and genre painting(風(fēng)俗畫)with figures as the main subject.Lines are the key point.

Landscape painting:Chinese landscape paintings c an be divided into blue-and-green landscape,gold-and-green landscape,light-purple-red landscape and water ink landscape according to the colors used in paintings.The one without outlines is called boneless landscape.

Flower and bird painting:Flowers,rocks and birds are usually the main subjects of this kind of paintings.Technically,there are detailed style with colors and free style with ink.

Court painting:It refers to the works done by those professional painters employed by the royal court,or imitations of their works by other painters.

The passage above is about Chinese art forms.With this,the teacher can arouse students' interest to read the passage about Western painting.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1.Match the paintings and their painters.

Suggested answers: Painting 1:Picasso;Painting 2:Masaccio;Painting 3:Da Vinci;Painting 4:Van Gogh

2.Encourage students to talk more about the paintings and the artists.

Keys for reference:Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in the village of Vinci.Leonardo began his career working for a master painter in Florence.His masterpiece is Mona Lisa.Leonardo was truly a “Renaissance Man” skilled in many fields.He was a scientist and an inventor as well as an artist.He made notes and drawings of everything he saw.Leonardo invented clever machines,and even designed imitation wings that he hoped would let a person fly like a bird.

?Step 3 Reading and comprehending


Ask students to skim the passage to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph and answer the following questions:

(1)What's the main idea of the text?


(2)How many styles of Western art are mentioned in the text? What are they?


Suggested answers:

(1)The style of Western art has changed a lot as time goes by.

(2)Four.They are:the Middle Ages,the Renaissance,Impressionism and Modern art.


(1)Ask students to read the text carefully to get some specific information and fill in the chart below.


Main aim of painters

Characteristics of the paintings

Representative artist

The Middle Ages(5th to 15th century AD)

To represent __①__ themes



The Renaissance (15th to 16th century)

To paint __③__ as they really were

Perspective,realistic,new oil pain ts


Impressionism(__④__ century)

To show how __⑤__ fell on objects at different times of the day

Not detailed,painted outdoors,painted changes in light

Not mentioned

__⑥__(20th century to today)

To concentrate on certain qualities of the object

__⑦_(dá)_,very realistic

Not mentioned

(2)Ask students to scan the passage for detailed information and do the following multiple choices.

①In the Renaissance,painters ______.

A.painted religious scenes in a more realistic style

B.focused more on religion than on humans

C.began to paint outdoors

D.returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art

②______ discovered how to make paintings look more real by using perspective. 

A.Giotto di Bondone   B.M asacc io   C.Claude Monet  D.Pablo Picasso

③According to the text,art is influenced less likely by ______.

A.social changes  B.the way of life 

C.a(chǎn)griculture   D.beliefs of people

④When did people focus more on people and less on religion?

A.From 5th to 15th century AD.

B.From 15th to 16th century.

C.From late 19th to early 20th century.

D.From 20th century to today.

⑤Most people hate the Impressionists' style of painting at first because they thought ______.

A.their paintings were very abstract

B.they broke away from the traditional style of painting

C.their paintings were very realistic

D.their paintings were very ridiculous

⑥What does the text mainly tell us?

A.How religious painting developed.

B.Ho w oil painting developed.

C.How Impressionist painting developed.

D.How Western art developed.

(3)Guess which period the following pictures belong to.

Suggested answers:(1)①religious ②Giotto di Bondone、踦eople and nature、躭ate 19th to early 20th、輑ight and shadow、轒odern Art ⑦Abstract

(2)①D、贐 ③C、蹷、軩 ⑥D(zhuǎn)

(3)Painting 1:the Renaissance;Painting 2:the Middle Ages;Painting 3:Modern Art;Painting 4:Impressionism

Step 4 Language study

Dealing with any language problems (words or sentences students might not understand)to help the students to have a better understanding of the text.

Step 5 Listening,reading aloud and underlining

Ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence.Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebook after class as homework.

Collocations:concentrate on,adopt a humanistic attitude to life,possess sth.,be convinced that,by coincidence,a great deal,lead to,break away from,attempt to do,on the other hand.

Step 6 Structure analyzing

After reading,ask students to discuss the text structure.

Keys for reference:

This passage is a historical report.The first paragraph introduces the topic and the theme of the text.The rest of the report presents the information in chronological order.A feature of historical reports is the abundance of time expressions.The last sentence of the report functions as a conclusion.In addition,each section begins with a topic sentence.

Step 7 Retelling

Ask student s to talk about the history of Western painting in their own words.Give them some key words and expressions on the blackboard.Then let them try to retell the passage.

Step 8 Homework

1.Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.

2.Try to find a book with reproductions of Western paintings or Chinese paintings and explain what you like or dislike about them.

Step 9 Reflection after teaching


_____________________________________________________________________ ___



Chinese Painting

Chinese painting is generally divided by subject matter into four broad categories:figures,landscapes,flowers and birds,and bamboo and rocks.The first three categories succeeded each other in the summits of their developments,while the painting of bamboo and rocks became a casual pleasure of the educated elite from the 12th century on.Before the Han Dynasty,founded in 202 B.C.,there was already a tradition of figure painting and portraiture of which remnants survive on later bronzes,jades,and pottery.During the Han Dynasty,the art of depicting figures became increasingly elaborate.Rulers used didactic art to emphasize codes of government.Surviving examples of stone engraving and wall painting show strong and lively drawing.


The art of landscape painting formed the central and most standing tradition in Chinese painting.On a basis of Taoist communion with nature and strengthened by Buddhism,there was a strong literary tradition of seclusion among,and meditation upon the forests,streams and mountains.China's landscape painting brought nature's presence to wherever man desired it.Elements of landscape are already present in art of the Han Dynasty,but development did not really begin until the Tang Dynasty.

The succeeding Northern Sung Dynasty(960-1127)has often been called the Golden Age of Chinese Landscape.The differences in approach and technique that naturally appeared became gradually categorized into traditions:the northern and southern schools.

Birds and Flowers

In the Tang Dynasty at least one painter,Tiao Kuang-yin,was already known as a specialist in birds and flowers.However,the first two important names in bird and flower painting,Huang Chuan and Hsu Hsi,occur in the 10th century.Huang Chuan,a subject of the latter Shu Dynasty,inherited the traditions of the Tang Dynasty.His paintings of flowers and birds were in an accordingly archaic style,with strict conventions and conservative attention to careful realism.Hsu His,who lived under the Southern Tang Dynasty created the “boneless” mo-ku style in which forms are built up with pale washes and outlines are not used.His inspirations were unrestrained and the school he initiated was considered much the more creative.Mi Fu,the leading literati critic of the 11th century remarked that ten paintings by Huang Chuan were not worth one by Hsu Hsi.Later bird and flower painters generally belonged to either the Huang or the Hsu tradition.

Stones and Bamboo

Stones and bamboo originally appeared as background objects in other types of paintings but gradually evolved into a separate genre.The 10th century Southern Tang ruler Li Hou-chu developed a trembling brush technique in calligraphy that was also particularly suitable for painting bamboo and rocks.Tang Hsi-ya,an artist of the same time,adapted it for that purpose.In the following Sung Dynasty,the painting of bamboo became more and more popular and many famous scholars such as Wen T'ung and Su Shih were also well known for their paintings of bamboo.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/54012.html

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