
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

云南省大理州賓川縣第四高級中學2015-2016學年高二1月月考英語試題第一卷第一部分:聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)請聽下面5段對話,選出最佳選項!痵 the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife B. Customer and waitress C. Boss and secretaryWhat contributes to the woman’s high score? Attending every lecture. B. Doing lots of homework. C. Reading very extensively.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Coach and player B. Colleagues C. Customer and shop assistantWhat did the man do last night? A. He watched a game. B. He went to see a film. C. He worked overtime.請聽第7段材料,回答8-9題。How had the man learned about the museum?He visited it in person. B. He learned from a friend.C. He read about it in a magazine.According to the woman, what do the paving(鋪地的) stones, skylights(天窗) and the mobile have in common? A. They are very expensive. B. They are made of pieces of aluminum(鋁). C. They have triangles(三角形) all over.請聽第8段材料,回答112題。請聽第段材料,回答116題。n’t like it all. C. He seems to have some interest in it.請聽第段材料,回答1題。’t become famous until he died.C. He killed himself.第二部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié):單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項21. — It’s such a pity. I didn’t get the first place in the exam. — Come on. __________A. Nobody is perfect. B. Congratulations! C. Lucky you! D. You really did badly22. The Blacks had a wonderful holiday in the UK______ the bad weather. A. in spite B. despite C. though D. although23. He adapted himself ____ the cold weather.A. to B. for C. from D. on24. The chairman thought _____ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.A. that B. it C. this D. him 25. Nine out of ten women ______ about the product said they liked it. A. interviewed B. to be interviewed C. having interviewed D. to interview26. At this time next week we ___________ a football match against Class 9. A. are going to play B. will be playing C. will play D. are to play27. Who was it _____ wanted to see me just now A. that B. who C. when D. when28.---Why did you come by taxi?---My car broke down last week and I still ________ it repaired.A. didn’t haveB. hadn’t had C. haven’t hadD. won’t have29.Many died from the diseases ______by the Europeans.A. bring B. to bring C. brought D. were brought30. The reason why I didn’t go to France was __________ a new job.A. because I got B. because of getting C. I got D. that I got31. I feel it an honour __________ to speak here.A. to askB. askingC. to be askedD. asked32. Though these dresses are low in quality, they may to women who don’t want to spend much on clothes.A. refer B. adjustC. applyD. appeal33. I prefer living in a city because I think it is to live close to my work.A. convenientB. traditional C. modernD. temporary34. Much to my _______, most of the people ______ to the party were old friends. A. astonishing; inviting B. astonished; invited C. astonishment; inviting D. astonishment; invited35. ---How was the weather then? ---Hardly _____ off the plane when it started to rain. A. I had stepped B. had I stepped C. I stepped D. did I step第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)When I was a boy, every holiday that I had seemed wonderful. My 36 took me by train or by car to a hotel by the 37 . One day, I seemed to remember, I 38 on the sands with strange 39 children. We made houses and gardens, and 40 the tide (潮汐) destroy (破壞, 毀壞) them. When the tide went out, we over the rocks and looked down at the fish in the rock-pools. In those days the 42 seemed to shine always brightly 43 the water was always warm. Sometimes we left the beach and walked in the country, 44 ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees. There were 45 in one's pockets or good places where one could 46 ice-creams. Each day seemed a life-time. Although I am now thirty-five years old, my idea of a good 47 is much the same as it was. I 48 like the sun and warm sand and the sound of _ 49 beating the rocks. I no longer wish to 50 any sand house or sand garden, and I dislike sweets. 51 , I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers. Sometimes I 52 what my ideal (理想的) holiday will be like when I am . All I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about 54 who make houses and gardens with sands, who watch the incoming tide, who make 55 sick on too many ices.36. A. teacherB. parentsC. nurseD. doctor37. A. sea B. lake C. mountain D. forest38. A played B. slept C. sat D. stood39. A. moved B. excited C. worried D. nervous40. A. made B. brought C. watched D. heard41. A. rolled B. jumped C. turned D. climbed42. A. light B. sun C. moon D. lamp 43. A. and B. yet C. but D. or 44. A. exploring B. examining C. repairing D. measuring 45. A. sweets B. sand C. ice-creams D. money 46. A. make B. sell C. buy D. offer 47. A. house B. holiday C. garden D. tide 48. A. hardly B. almost C. still D. perhaps 49. A. waves B. water C. hands D. birds 50. A. destroy B. fix C. use D. build 51. A. But B. However C. Or D. Yet 52. A. wonder B. feel C. understand D. believe 53. A. strong B. weak C. young D. old 54. A. children B. boys C. girls D. grown-ups 55. A. herself B. himself C. itself D. themselves第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題:每小題2分,滿分40分)第節(jié)AEveryone would like to be a millionaire , a person with a lot of money, but can you imagine having over $30 million and only being 20 years old? Britney Spears from Kentwood, a small town in Louisiana, is only 20 years old. She is a world famous film star with not only $30 million but also a $2 million house in LA. At her young age, she can look after her family financially (經(jīng)濟上) all her life. This year is a big year for Britney. She is now on a 31-day tour of the US and every concert is a sell-out. That means she plays in front of a crowd of around 18,000 people every time. It’s a tiring schedule but brings her a lot. When touring, she goes to bed around 1 a.m. and then has a lie-in until 1 p.m. the next day. Her philosophy (人生觀) is to take care of the body and relax but always make sure you work hard and have fun.Spears is not pleased with only touring and selling nearly 40 million records so she decided to step into the movie business and try a bit of acting. She made an appearance in “Austin Power 3” this year and she is filming a teenage light play that will come out in March 2003. In this movie, she has a starring role.For Britney, acting is another way to express herself and she is enthusiastic (熱心的) about it all. If her movies are successful, her money in the bank is sure to grow by another few million dollars but she does it for the love, not the money, as she herself tells the reporters .56. We can infer (推斷) from the text that most millionaires are __________. A. older than 20 B. around 20 C. in their 30s 云南省大理州賓川縣第四高級中學2015-2016學年高二1月月考英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/552902.html
