
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
選修6模塊1 Period 1: Introduction, Vocabulary and Reading
知識(shí)鏈接:練習(xí)冊(cè)Section 1 ( page1—page3 )

Reading part .

1 Fast reading. Read the text on page2-3 and decide what kind of book it is from..
Choose from the list. A級(jí)
A. an English teaching book
B. a business course
C. a book which tells you what to do at social events
D. a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination
2 Read the text again and judge whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE. A級(jí)
⑴. According to the article, it is easy to begin a small talk if you have good social skills.(  )
⑵. The quotation from Benjamin Disraeli tells us that if you talk to a man about yourself, he will have a lot to talk with you. (  )
⑶. It is good manners to take flowers in all countyies.( )
⑷. You needn’t think of topics that you would avoid talking about when you are talking to strangers. ( )
⑸. It is good idea to use positive body language when you are talking with others. ( )
3.Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers.
①. To show you are a good listener, which of the following you mustn’t do?___________
A.Use encouraging noises and gestures—smiling,nodding,saying”uh-huh’and “OK“,etc.
B.Talk as much as possible.
C.Ask for some information to show you are interested in the topic.
D.Keep looking at the other person’s eyes.
②.According to the passage, which skill do most people lack during communication_________
A.listening B. speaking C.body language D.eye contact
③.If you want to impress people, you’d better not do the following things EXCEPT______.
A.use encouraging noises and gestures,and occasionally ask for more information to show your interest
B.look at your watch frequently too much about yourself
D.change the subject or finish other people’s sentences for them.
④.It can be inferred from the text that _______
A.if you talk to a man about his private things,he will like talking to you.
B.If you talk to a man about the topic that he is interested in,he will have a lot to talk with you
C.The man likes talking to you for hours if you talk to him about the topics you are interested in
D.People are always interested in what they do not know
⑤ Which of the following can be drawn from the text?___
A.It is important for you to remember different social rules if you go to a social occasion in another country.
B.Listening is a skill which is as important as speaking.
C.Learning some good social skills and having a good preparation for the topics can help you have a good conversation at any social events.
D.When you are talking to a man, you’d better talk as much as possible

Language Points part B-C級(jí)

1.a(chǎn)dvance adj. 預(yù)先的,在前的
n.前進(jìn),進(jìn)展 His advance was slow.
v.前進(jìn),推進(jìn),促進(jìn),進(jìn)展 The work isn’t advancing.
advanced adj.意思是__________
in advance意思是__________
in advance of 意思是__________

翻譯:Anyone who wants to leave the teaching post should give the school an advance warning.
2. serious adj. 嚴(yán)肅的,認(rèn)真的 be serious about (doing) sth. 意思是__________
take sth./sb. seriously意思是__________
翻譯: You can’t take her promise seriously. She never keeps her word. _____________________________________________________
3. think of意思是__________翻譯:think up________
think about___________ think over_____________
think of …as…._____________
What he said just now make Mary_______her teacher.
A. think over B. think up C. think of D. think about
4. lack vt. 缺乏,缺少 n. (可加不定冠詞) 缺乏,不足
短語翻譯: be lacking in________________ (a) lack of____________
翻譯:他缺乏耐心。(be lacking in)
那些植物因缺水而死。(lack of)
5. look away from意思是__________ 翻譯: look up____________
look into_____________ look out_______________
lok around___________ look back____________
look forward to___________ look down upon___________
look through______________ look up to________________
You should________the TV for a moment. You have focused on the screen for four hours.
A. look away from B. look into C.look through D. look down
6. in addition意思是__________ 此短語相當(dāng)于_______詞,作______語。
同意表達(dá):what’s more, moreover, besides
in addition to意思是__________相當(dāng)于介詞,后接_________________
I am going to the city to see my friends_________buying something.
A. except for B. in addition to C. but D. except
7. find out意思是_____________________
辨析:find out_____________________________________
find ________________________________________
用 find out, find , discover 的適當(dāng)形式填空。
Columbus _____________America in 1492.
I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be________________.
Have you________________when they will look into that matter?
He took a look at the back of the book to__________the answers to the questions.
A. find for B. look into C. find out D. look up

翻譯短語 B-C級(jí)

an advance warning be nervous about

be/feel confident about be serious about

have/get/make sth. ready eye contact

a two-way process a certain + n. 單數(shù)

想起,回憶起 把目光從。。。移開

除此之外,另外 了解到,找出信息

交朋友 身體語言,肢體語言

閑聊,聊天 社交規(guī)則


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