Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案
Unit11 Section B 1a---2c
[Lerning objectives]
1.Knowing: uncrowded, safe.
2.Understanding: The meaning of the listening contents.
3.Practicing: fascinating inexpensive, delicious, convenient, at the corner of, as well as.
4.Communicating: be able to practice the listening contents fluently in pairs.
[Important leaning points]
1.Understanding:The meaning of the listening contents.
2.Practicing:fascinating,inexpensive,delicious,convenient,at the corner of,as well as.
3.Communicating:be able to practice the listening contents fluently in pairs.
[Learning process]
Task1: Learn 1a&1b
1.Write down the meaning of the words below.
big_____ beautiful_______ convenient_______ safe_____ clean________
2.Answer some questions, such as,
①What qualities are important for restroom?_______________________
②What qualities do you think are important for museum?_______________________
③Can you describe some places using the words above?_____________________
2.Make a conversation according to the questions above, then practice in pairs, such as,
A:The Fine Arts Museum is really interesting.
B:Yes, and it's beautiful,too.
A:What do you think of the park in your city?
Task2: Learn 2a---2b
1.Listen and write what the tourists ask about in each conversation.
Conversation 1.restaurants.
Conversation 2_________________________________________________.
Conversation 3_________________________________________________.

2.Listen to the conversations again and write where the man says the tourists should go
Conversation 1.Green Land.
Conversation 2_________________________________________________.
Conversation 3_______________________________________________
3.Role play the conversations between the man and the tourists.
1.ould you tell me where there's a good place to eat ?_______________________.
2.What kind of food are you looking for ?_______________________.
3.Do you know if there are any public restrooms around here?.___________________.
4.You'll find some at the corner of Market and Middle Streets. ____________________
5.They are more fun._______________________.
6.I'm too old for a children's museum.._______________________
7.You can learn all about the history of computers,as well as learn about science..____.
8.Why don't we go to an art museum? _______________________________.
2.舉例說明 if 的用法:____________________________________________________.
1.I'm sorry I'm late because it's_______(crowd) in the street.
2.The fireman carried the crying boy to______(safe).
3.The story__________(fascinate) all the kids yesterday.

Unit 11 Section B 3a-4
【Learning objectives】
1.Knowing:slide,water slide ,clown, staff, organized, dress up, market
2.Understanding: the meaning of the reading material
3.Practising:send----to ,fill with ,because of ,run out of the money
【Important points】
Understanding: the meaning of the reading material
Practising: send----to ,fill with ,because of ,run out of the money
【Learning process】
Task 1 Learning strategy and know the method of the reading
1 Read this article and find the following phrases and write these phrases .
⑴寄錢給_______⑵建立_______⑶殘疾人________ ⑷ 充滿_____⑸告訴你我的故事______⑹正常的事情_______⑺ 接電話_______⑻我的一個朋友______⑼ 一只特殊訓練的狗___(10)使高興_______(11)六個月的訓練_______(12)能夠_______(13)因為_______(14)立刻_______(15)缺錢_______
2 Read the article two times and finish "after you read "
3 Understand the following sentences
⑴I'd like to thank you for sending money to "Animal Helps"an organization set up to help disabled people .
⑵ you have helped make it possible for me to have "Lucky",who has filled my life with pleasure.
⑶ There are many people who face these challenges .
⑷ Then one day last year ,a friend of mine said that she would like to help me out .
(5) Fetch my book ,and he does it at once .
(6) th money is well used to help disabled people like me .
Task 2 學習 4
Write a short reply to Liz Smith .In your letter .
1.區(qū)別bring, take ,carry,fetch,四個單詞的區(qū)別.
(1) please _____ your homework to school tomorrow .
(2)Whose book is this ?Please ____ it away .這是誰的書?請把它拿走.
(3)He is _____ apples .他正在運輸蘋果.
(4)Please ____ me the box .請把我的盒子拿來.
1 There are many people _____ _____ _____ _____ .(面臨這些挑戰(zhàn))
2 After _____________(六個月的訓練)with a dog ,I was able to bring him home .
3 It's important this orgazation does not ____ _____ ____ ____.(缺錢)
4 Your donation ____ _____ _____ _____ .(使人非常感激)
5 The money ______ _____ _____ ____ help disabled people like me .(很好的用于)
二) 選擇 
1. Ask him _____ come to our party tomorrow.
A. not B. not to C. doesn't D. isn't
2. It's twelve now. Let's have _____ lunch together.
A. a B. an C. the D. x
3. I am a League Member. I volunteer my time _____ others.
A. help   B. to help    C. helping   D. helped
4. I don't know _____ kind of work I can do.
A. how   B. what   C. who   D. why
5. A: Could you come here next week, please? B: _______.
A. Yes, you can. B. No, you couldn't. C. No, never. D. Yes, that's right
6. Did you _____ much money on the car?
A. cost    B. pay   C. spend    D. take
7. The boss in the factory often makes the workers _____ nine hours a day.
A. work     B. to work   C. working    D. worked
8. A: Must I go out for a walk now?
B: No, you _____.
A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not
1. What if everyone else ___________ (bring) a present to the party tomorrow?
2. Nancy said that loud music made her __________ (feel) sad
3.Just then I was frightened, I heard someone ___________ (walk) towards to me
4. If I had a million dollars, I _____________ (give) it to the charity.
5. These homeless children _____________ (look) after in the SOS village
6. I am considering ______________ (join ) the English club next week
7. He doesn't know where ____________ (go) for the vacation.
8. I think_______(wear) tie looks really
Unit 11 Self Check
【Learning objectives】
1.Knowing: Master the words in this uint.
2.Communicating: Asking and answering the directions.
【Important points】
1.Knowing: Master the words in this uint.
2.Communicating: Asking and answering the directions.
【Learning process】
Task 1 learn and use the words
美麗的______________ 安全的________ 美味的_______________
方便的_________________ 迷人的_______________
2)我發(fā)現(xiàn)郵票很令人著迷。 我已經收集了許多年了。
3)Mr. Tan 在鎮(zhèn)上做的面條最好。很好吃。
Task 2 Asking and answering the directions
1、仔細查看第二部分的地圖, 找出各個地點的位置。
打電話_______________ 省錢_____________ 向左拐_________________
在...之間____________________ 在三樓_______________________
閑逛____________ 花很多的錢________________________ 有點____________
出前門_____________________ 度假________________ 搖滾樂隊_____________
上舞蹈課________________ 在沙灘上______________花費時間做某事____________
1) When I need to take some medicine, I could go to d__________to buy some.
2) I moved into a new house,so I want to have a look in the f___________store.
3) This afternoon I'll go to the l_____________ to borrow a book.
4) You could buy some stamps at the p___________ office.
( )1.-Could you tell me the way to the department store?
--_________. Walk along the road until you reach the end.
A. Sure B. Great C. Good D. No
( )2.The table manners are different _________ ours.
A. of B. for C. from D. with
( )3. This interesting book only _____ me ten yuan and I ______ ten month reading it.
A. cost, spend B. cost, spent C. spends, cost D. spent, costs
( )4. There are __________ readers in the library.
A. hundred of B. three hundreds
C. hundreds of D. three hundreds of
( )5. It was raining hard.___________ he didn't have an umbrella.
A. Unfortunately B. Luckily C. Because D. So
( )6.Could you tell me _________________get to the mall?
A. How I can B. how to C. howD. A and B


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