
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

試卷總分:150分 考試時(shí)間:120分鐘
第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)

第一節(jié) (共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)
1.How much does one ticket cost?
A.$ 1.40 B. $ 6.40 C. $ 4.30
2. What will the woman do at Christmas?
A. Go to the man’s Christmas party.
B. Stay away from the man’s party.
C. Have a talk with David.
3. What will the two speakers do with the bike?
A. They will sell it.
B. They will throw it away.
C. They will leave it in the office.
4. What is Jane doing now?
A. Watching TV. B. Doing her homework. C. Listening to the radio.
5. What was the result of the accident?
A. Tom survived the accident.
B. Tom was killed in the accident.
C. Someone saved Tom’s life.

第二節(jié) (共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)
聽下面5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白,每段對(duì)話和獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A B C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置,聽每段對(duì)話和獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間a閱讀各個(gè)小題,每小題5分鐘;聽完后,各小題給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話和獨(dú)白讀兩遍。
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. A party B. Weekend plans C. An art gallery
7. What does Tina want to do after the dinner?
A. Dance B. Go cycling C. See a movie
8. When does the woman want to see new painting?
A. On Saturday night B. On Sunday afternoon C. On Sunday evening

9. How many gold medals are mentioned here?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3
10. When is Wang Xin’s birthday?
A. August 10 B. August 11 C. August 12
11. Which statement is true according to the dialogue?
A. Wang Xin and Chen Ruolin won the gold medal in the women’s 3m synchronized
platform event(雙人跳板).
B. Briony Cole and Melissa Wu of Australia earned the Silver Medal on August 12.
C. Guo Jingjing and Wu Minxia won the women’s 10m synchronized springboard event(雙人跳臺(tái)) on August 10.

12. What worries the woman in the talk?
A. Her study B. Her work C. Her weight.
13. What does the man advise the woman to do?
A. Spend less time on working.
B. Walk a MARATHON a week.
C. Join a race competition a week.
14. How long does the study they are talking about advise people to exercise?
A. 60 to 90 minutes a week.
B. 60 to 90 minutes a day.
C. 16 to 19 minutes a day.

15. Where will Conie go now?
A. To her home B. To the shop C. To her office
16. Who is waiting for Mike?
A. His brother B. His boss C. His neighbor
17. Why will Conie be late home tonight?
A. She will have a meeting.B. She will go shopping.C. She won’t finish her work.

18. When did the man leave New York for Washington?
A. October 1 B. October11 C. October 4
19. Where did the man stay while in Los Angeles?
A. In a hotel B. In his mother’s house. C. In his brother’s home.
20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The man was deeply impressed by the cities he visited.
B. The man stayed 10 days with his parents while in the States.
C. The man enjoyed his holiday in the States with his wife.
第二部分 英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)
第一節(jié)單選填空(共20 小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)

21. _______ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.
A. To throw B. Thrown C. Throwing D. Being thrown
22. _______ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.
A. Not realized B. Not to realize C. Not realizing D. Not to have realized
23. He sat there _______, with his head on his hand.
A. and think B. thinking C. thought D. being thought
24. The girl looked at me with a _______ expression. Maybe the problem was quite _______.
A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled
C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling
25. —Sorry, do you mind if I smoke here?
—Yes, _______.
A you could B go ahead C I do D my pleasure
26.We should try our best to _______ the cultural relics(文化遺跡).
A. reserve B. preserve C. defend D. keep
27. _______ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.
A. However the weather is like B. However is the weather like
C. Whatever is the weather like D. Whatever the weather is like
28. Not only the USA and Russia but also China ________ manned satellites to circle the earth.
A. has sent up B. has been sent up C. have sent up D. have been sent up
29. ________ an actual occurrence, the film HuoYuanjia will be popular with many people.
A. Basing onB. Based on C. To base onD. Base on
30. —When did he leave the meeting room??
—He left _______ you turned back to drink some water. ?
A.for the moment B.at the moment?
C.the moment D.in a moment
31. It is sleeping late in the morning that _______being late for work.
A. devotes to B. sticks to C. refers to D. leads to
32. I feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.
A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame
33. Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _______ most of her day.
A. takes up B. makes up C. set up D. puts up
34. If you _______ of Mary, ask her to come and see me.
A. lose sight of B. catch sight of
C. are in the sight of D. are at the sight of
35. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed_______ my memory.
A. to B. over C. by D. on
36. A quarrel _________, which made him ______ his family.
A. was broken out; break away B. broke out; break away from
C. was broken away; break down D. broke down; break out
37. The teacher _______ his students _______ five groups..
A divided…into B. separated…from .
C. separated…into… D. divided…from
38. Our class _______ of thirty-two boys and twenty-three girls.
A. composes B. concludes C consists D. contains
39. She thought I was talking about her daughter, ______in fact, I was talking about my daughter.
A. whom B. where C. which D. while
40. Most of the artists _______ to the party were from South Africa.
A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited

第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題:每小題1.5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。
I used to be ashamed of my grandma. I know that’s a 41 thing to say, but it was true until today, so I have to 42 it.
The 43 started when my friend Katy found Grandma’s false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink. I was so used to seeing them that I 44 took notice of them. But Katy shouted, laughing and 45 to talk to them. I had to get down on my knees and 46 her to shut up so my grandma wouldn’t 47 and get hurt.
After that happened, I 48 there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing.
Once she took Jill and me out to Burger King. 49 ordering our hamburgers well-done, she told the person behind the counter, “They’ll have two Whoppers(巨無(wú)霸)well-to-do.” Jill burst out laughing, but I almost 50 .
After a while, I started wishing I could 51 grandma in a closet. I even complained to my parents. Both my parents said I had to be careful not to make Grandma feel 52 in our home.
Then last Wednesday, something happened that 53 everything completely. My teacher told us to help find interesting old people and 54 them about their 55 for a big Oral History project. I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed me gently.
“Volunteer your grandmother.” she whispered. “She’s 56 and rich in experience.”
That was the last thing I ever thought Angie would say about my grandma.
This is how I ended up on 57 today interviewing my own grandmother before the whole school assembly(集合). All my friends and teachers were listening to her 58 she were a great heroine. I was 59 of my grandma and hoped she would 60 know that I had been ashamed of her.
41. A. funnyB. commonC. terribleD. clear
42. A. admitB. receiveC. refuseD. show
43. A. quarrelB. accidentC. troubleD. adventure
44. A. alreadyB. alwaysC. simplyD. hardly
45. A. stoppingB. pretendingC. imaginingD. continuing
46. A. warnB. demandC. adviseD. beg
47. A. mindB. hearC. seeD. fall
48. A. expectedB. declaredC. realizedD. doubted
49. A. Because ofB. Except forC. Such asD. Instead of
50. A. diedB. cheeredC. disappearedD. suffered
51. A. meetB. avoidC. arrangeD. hide
52. A. independentB. inconvenientC. unwelcomeD. unfamiliar
53. A. changedB. finishedC. stoppedD. prepared
54. A. interviewB. reportC. tellD. write
55. A. newsB. livesC. advantages D achievements
56. A. freeB. popularC. interesting D.embarrassing
57. A. showB. stageC. dutyD. time
58. A. and thenB. even ifC. so thatD. as if
59. A. sureB. proudC. ashamedD. afraid
60. A. neverB. evenC. stillD. once
第三部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
Kobe Bryant wore No. 24 when he was in early high school, but he changed to No. 33 in his senior year. He switched to No. 8 when he was selected by the Lakers in 1996, and did not change it until 2006.
There are all kinds of speculations(猜測(cè))about why he chose No. 24. Many say that Bryant wants to leave the past behind and have a fresh start. He has often been criticized for playing to benefit himself and not the team as a whole. Others say that he may be trying to compare himself to Michael Jordan. Jordan was famous for his No. 23 jersey(運(yùn)動(dòng)衫). Some, such as NBC Sport columnist Michael Ventre, argue that it is “all about money.” Bryant will make more money by selling new jersey to his fans.
Some speculations are more about fun. For example, there is an opinion that Kobe is actually just a fan of the popular TV drama “24”.
It seems that there is a lot of fuss over something that should be pretty simple. When he was interviewed in Beijing, Bryant said that the reason he changed his jersey number was to urge himself to work hard 24 hours a day.
Jersey numbers have their own special significance in American sports, especially basketball. Players choose their number when they join a team and they usually stick with that number for the rest of their career. When a great player retires, his team will honor him by retiring his number.
61. Bryant plays for.
A. The Los Angeles LakersB. The Houston Rockets
C. The Chicago BullsD. The Miami Heats
62. Bryant wore No. 8.
A. for two years and a halfB. for ten years
C. since he entered high schoolD. since he left high school
63. Which of the following is NOT a speculation about Bryant’s idea to change his number?
A. He wants to leave his past behind and have a fresh start.
B. He wants to compare himself to Jordan.
C. He wants to earn more money.
D. He wants to show that he is man of great importance.
64. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. When a great player retires, his team will reward him with a lot of money.
B. A lucky number will be passed on to a new player.
C. An outstanding player’s jersey number won’t be used after his retirement.
D. A great player often changes his jersey number in the same team.

The 2009 National Year of Reading is a year-long celebration of reading, in all its forms. It aims to help build a greater national passion for reading in England—for children, families and adult learners alike. The following are some of the events.
★The Big Picture Best New Illustrators(插圖畫家)
Date: 17 April, 2009~3 may, 2009
Location: 22Bury Street
Booktrust(the organiser)is pleased to announce that the famous Best New Illustrators will be featured at an exhibition at the Illustration Cupboard, London’s only gallery dedicated(把……用于)to the art of illustration.
★ The Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2009
Date: 8 May, 2009
Location: 14 Great Peter Street
The Independent Foreign Fiction Prize celebrates the exceptional(杰出的)works of fiction by living authors which have been translated into English from another language and published in the UK in 2007.
Some of them are: Measuring the World by Daniel Kehlmann, translated by Carol Brown Janeway from the German; The Model by Lars Saabye Christensen, translated by Don Barlett from the Norwegian, and The Way of the Women by Marlene van Niekerk, translated by Michiel Heyns from the Afrikaans.
The award ceremony will be held at a central London location——14 Great Peter Street.
★ Reading of The Moon Has Written You a Poem
Date: 14 May, 2009
Location: 180 South Lambeth Road
Two poets Jose Jorge Letria and Maurice Riordan will read The Moon Has Written You a Poem. This book of young people’s poetry was the first Portuguese picture book ever to be published in the UK. It really is a gem(精品)to be read out loud.
★ Football Reading Family Fun Day
Date: 10 May, 2009
Location: Chelsea Library
A day of football reading activities with Tom Palmer, author of the new football novel, Foul Play. There will be penalty shootouts(罰點(diǎn)球決定勝負(fù)), quizzes, detective hunts and prizes. The day is open to 8~12 years and their families.
65. Which event will last the longest?
A. The Big Picture Best New Illustrators.
B. The Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2008.
C. Reading of The Moon Has Written You a Poem.
D. Football Reading Family Fun Day.
66. Which of the following is NOT true about Measuring the World?
A. It has been translated into English.
B. Its author Carol Brown Janeway comes from Germany.
C. It is originally written in German by Daniel Kehlmann.
D. Its English version was published in the same year as The Model.
67. To enjoy some beautiful young people’s poems, you should go to.
A. Chelsea LibraryB. 14 Great Peter Street
C. 180 South Lambeth RoadD. 22 Bury Street
68. We can learn from the passage that.
A. the Illustration Cupboard is one of the many famous illustration art galleries in London
B. 14 Great Peter Street is in central London
C. all children and their families can attend all the four events
D. Maurice Riordan and Tom Palmer are two famous Portuguese poets

Today there are 4 billion people around the world with cellphones. As cellphone numbers have grown, so have fears about their safety.
Scientists have not found a definite link between cellphones and cancer, but studies do suggest an increased risk for those who have used the phones for 10 years or more.
“There’s enough concern that the governments of six countries including France, Germany and Israel have limited the usage of cellphones, particularly for children,”says Jane Houlihan, who is vice president of the US’ Environmental Working Group.
The group did a study recently. They found that some cellphones give out several times more radiation(輻射)than others. They have published a list with the radiation levels of 1,000 cellphones.(For the list, visit )Houlihan says her group thinks people should choose a phone with lower radiation.
The following suggestions may also help you to cut your risk.
1. Use a headset(耳機(jī))or speaker
Headsets give out much less radiation than phones. Some wireless headsets do give out low-level radiation, so take yours off your ear when you’re not on a call. Using your phone with a speaker will also reduce your risk.
2. Listen more, talk less
Your phone gives out radiation when you talk or text, but not when you’re getting messages. Listening more and talking less reduces your risk.
3. Hold the phone away from your body
Hold the phone away from your body when you’re talking(with headset or speaker), not against your ear, in a pocket, or on your belt.
4. Choose texting over talking
Phones use less power(less radiation)to send text than voice. And unlike when you speak with the phone at your ear, texting keeps radiation away from your head.
5. Poor signal? Stay off the phone
Fewer signal bars(格)on your phone means that the phone is giving out more radiation. Make and take calls when your phone has a strong signal.
69. Scientists are concerned about the increasing usage of cellphones because.
A. there is an obvious link between the use of cellphone and cancer
B. cellphones give out radiation strong enough to cause cancer
C. studies suggest an increased risk of cancer for cellphone users of 10 years or more
D. people spend more time on their cellphones than before
70. In which of the following situations would it be better NOT to use a cell phone?
A. When your battery is running out.B. When you don’t have a headset.
C. When the signal is poor.D. When you can send a text message instead.
71. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Cellphone radiation does less harm to children.
B. The 1,000 cellphones on the US’s Environmental Working Group List are safe.
C. You should keep your cellphone in your pocket or on your belt while talking with a headset.
D. Send a text message when you do not need to make a call.

Book clubs are a great way for adults to get together, have some fellowship, and have intellectual(智力的)conversation. Sure, book clubs may seem more popular to women than men, but I know plenty of fantastic men who love their“book clubs”just as much as I do! So why are we not getting our kids to take part in these types of activities more?
Reading is the biggest push in education today. If our kids do not or cannot read, the future of this country will be in jeopardy. Educators are working overtime, round the clock, trying to teach kids to read. Think of a strategy(策略)to make a child interested in reading? The school systems are doing it. But all students should be enrolled(加入)in some sort of reading class based on their reading needs.
And we can do plenty about this at home! If you are busy and do not have the chance to stay at home with your child, then read to them every night before bedtime. Let them touch the books, hold the books, eat the books if they want to! Any interaction(互動(dòng))a child has with a book is good and should be made to be a positive thing. Find a couple of friends with children in your age group and get them together once a month, just like the adults, and seat them in a circle with a pile of books. Do not expect them to discuss which characters they like or hate, instead, have them“play”together with the books.
As they get older, have them read to each other. If we make reading fun and part of what they do with their friends, we still have a chance to teach our future leaders how to be good readers!
72. The first paragraph intends to tell us that.
A. we’d better encourage our kids to join the book clubs
B. many parents get together with their children in book clubs
C. women love book clubs as much as the men
D. children shouldn’t take part in too many activities
73. The underlined phrase“in jeopardy”(in Paragraph 2)can best be replaced by“”.
A. in commonB. in peaceC. in troubleD. in place
74. According to the third paragraph, the author thinks it is good for children to.
A. discuss what kinds of books they like best
B. become familiar with each other through reading books
C. become more positive to make friends
D. enjoy doing anything just with a book
75. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A. Book clubs are important to us in our daily life.
B. We should try to make our children good readers.
C. It is necessary for us to communicate with our children.
D. Children usually have a good time together.

In order to get rid of a cold fast you must take care of your body the moment you first experience cold
Symptoms(癥狀). If you ignore your symptoms you will make yourself more sick. If you help your immune system, you might be able to get rid of the cold much faster than if you did nothing.
*___76_____. If you start feeling sick but spend the rest of the day working, playing, or running around, your body won’t have a chance to recover. You must devote all of your energy to your immune system fighting off the cold. Go home and lie down if you want to get rid of your cold fast.
* Take a bath. As soon as you get home you want to get yourself clean. ___77____.
* Wash your hands often. This is probably how you got sick in the first place. ____78_____ . When you touch your mouth, nose, or eyes the germs(細(xì)菌) get into your body.
* Eat well. If you are sick you may not feel like eating. You must anyway. ___79_____. Eat foods that are high in protein but easy to digest. Mom was right. Chicken soup is one of the best food for getting rid of a cold fast.
* __80_____ . Your body needs the water to metabolize (使新陳代謝) your food and fight the cold. Water also cleanses your system. Keep drinking water and keep going to the bathroom. Think of it as washing yourself on the inside. Do not replace water with coffee, soft drinks, or alcohol. Iced tea or lemonade are fine as long as there is not a lot of sugar in them.
A. immediately devote yourself to getting rid of your cold fast.
B. Drink lots and lots of water.
C. Spend as little energy as possible.
D. This will make you feel better and relax you.
E. Your body is hungry for nutrition to battle the cold.
F. Cold germs hide on your hands.
G. Vitamin C can get rid of a cold fast.
第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)
第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
Dear John,
Last summer I take a part-time job in the International Camp for children. I have been told one more worker will be needed this year and I think you are fit it. How about join us? The camp is at the foot of a small hill close to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hear birds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps in tents, that is very exciting. We usually work only five hour a day, so we will have plenty of spare time visit the area and have a fun, I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience. If you have interest on it, reply to me soon.
Li Ping
第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(滿分20分)
注意:1.信的開頭和結(jié)尾 已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);
2. 可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),使行文連貫:
3. 詞數(shù)100左右。

1---5.CBCBA 6---10BABCB
11---15 BCBBC 16---20 AACCB

21---25 CCBAC 26---30 BDABC
31---35 DAABD 36---40 BACDA

41-------45 CACDB 46------50 DBCDA
51------55 DCAAB 56----60CBDBA

61------65 ABDCA 66------70 BCBCD
71------75DACDB 76----80 CDFEB

1) take---took 2) fit后加for 3) join----joining 4) so----such 5) happy---happily 6) that---which 7) hour----hours
8) visit 前加to 9) a fun----去掉a 10) on---in

Dear Peter,
How is it going? Our school will hold an English activity in Class One, Grade Three fro 2 pm to 4pm on January 20th, the purpose of which is to welcome the coming of the New Year and to create a good environment for us to learn English in a relaxing and happy atmosphere. We all know you are good at singing and dancing, and most importantly you are a native speaker, so we hope you act as host of this activity. It would be nicer to get your better ideas about it. If you have suggestions, please contact me.
I’m looking forward to your reply.

Li Hua
本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/66050.html
