
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
M 江西省安福中學2014-2014學年高二上學期期中考試
英 語 試 題 2014.10.31
1. What does the man probably do ?
A. A businessman . B. A student . C. A professor .
2. What are the speakers talking about ?
A. What the woman should give to her family .
B. Trouble in the man’s family .
C. The reason why the man has so many clocks .
3. What does the woman imply about the sale ?
A. She bought something for her aunt . B. She missed it .
C. She went to it on her way to the hospital .
4. What should the man do according to the woman ?
A. Use a tool to open the window . B. Shut the window tightly .
C. Stick to his work .
5. How does Mrs. Harrison respond ?
A. She is understanding . B. She is happy . C. She is angry .
6. What kind of ticket does the man want to buy ?
A. First class , single ticket . B. First class , return ticket .
C. Economic class , single ticket .
7. Which of the following is true according to the conversation ?
A. Cobber’s plane took off 15 minutes ago . B. The man missed Cobber again .
C. The man bought a ticket to Sydney .
8. What does the man need to know first to find a specific magazine ?
A. Who the editor is . B. How old the magazine is .
C. What the magazine is about .
9. Where will the man probably go to find the magazine ?
A. To the first floor . B. To the second floor . C. To the third floor .
10. Which word can best describe the woman ?
A. Helpful . B. Impolite . C. Curious .
11. Who gave birth to a baby yesterday ?
A. The woman speaker . B. The woman’s sister . C. The man’s sister .
12. What is the new baby’s name ?
A. Frances . B. France . C. Francis .
13. What can we know from the conversation ?
A. Those named Elmer and Huber are always bad guys .
B. School students’ marks depend on their first names .
C. Some people are affected by their strong feelings towards names .
14. Why is the woman anxious to go back home ?
A. Her kids will arrive home after school . B. She is too tired to work .
C. She has finished her work .
15. What is the man going to do ?
A. Make a contract . B. Meet his lawyer . C. Pick up his kids .
16. when should the woman be home today ?
A. At about 4 pm . B. At about 5 pm . C. At about 5:30 pm .
17. Why might the man miss the program ?
A. He may have to prepare for tomorrow’s business trip .
B. He will meet one of his clients at that time .
C. He has been caught in a traffic jam .
18. What question may doctor ask about children ?
A. What games they are interested in .
B. How much homework they get every day .
C. How long their parents stay with them daily .
19. What does the Institute suggest the children under two should do ?
A. Receive early education . B. Have more activities .
C. Have regular check-ups .
20. What should children’s bedrooms be like ?
A. No place to play . B. Near a common area . C. A place without a TV set .
第一節(jié) 單項填空(共15小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. ?Have you heard that 13 Chinese sailors were killed in Thailand on Oct 5 ?
?Yes , news came as shock to me .
A. the ; a B. the ; the C. a ; a D. a ; the
22.?John, what about going for a bicycle ride tomorrow?
?______. I am looking forward to it.
A.Up to you. B.That’s all right C.No kidding D.Sounds fantastic
23. As we all know , bad eating habits and a of exercise may lead to health problems .
A. lack B. limit C. need D. demand
24. An interesting suggestion on how to measure the temperature on the moon has been .
A. put on B. put out C. put down D. put forward
25. ?What did you do last night ?
? a composition , I finished my physics homework .
A. Instead of B. Apart from C. In addition D. Thanks to
26. ?Sorry , but I can’t visit you tomorrow .
?Come whenever it is to your .
A. preference B. pleasure C. convenience D. connection
27. Li Hua hopes that his English teacher will suggest a good way to have his English
in a short period of time .
A. improved B. improving C. to improve D. improve
28. Mr.Smith an imprtant part when he gave the lecture last Friday .
A. left out B. picked out C. let out D. took out
29. ?Mary is a(n) painter .
?So she is . She won a national award at the age of fifteen .
A. delighted B. gifted C. normal D. accurate
30. ?How much do you know about the 3D film technology?
?A little. Not until _______the hot movie Avatar _______ some about it.
A. did I see; did I begin to learn B. I saw; I began to learn
C. I saw; did I begin to learn D. did I see; I began to learn
31. Mr. Black is an experienced engineer , and he will be employed to us in improving our equipment .
A. assist B. consider C. provide D. offer
32. If my lawyer ______ here last Friday, he _____ me from telling the truth.
A.had been; would have prevented B. had been; would prevent
C.were; would prevent D.were; would have prevented
33.An earthquake of 9 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan on Friday,______ thousands of people dead and more missing.
A.caused B.causing C.having caused D.to cause
34.?I hear that Tom can't afford his schooling this fall.
?____, let's do something for him.
A.If so B.When necessary C.When possibleD.If any
35. If you are not satisfied with the price , we can still discuss it.
A. being offered   B. to offer   C. offering D. offered
第二節(jié):完形填空 (共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從36-55各小題所給的四個選項 (A、B、C和D) 中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。
IF and WHEN often had lunch together. Their conversation always 36 on the things they hoped to achieve and they loved to talk about them. ]
This particular Saturday when they met for lunch, WHEN 37 IF wasn’t in a great mood(心情). After they sat at the usual table 38 for them, WHEN asked IF, “You don’t seem your usual 39 self(樣子)?” IF replied,“Yesterday I saw a course I wanted to take. If only I 40 the time.”
WHEN knew exactly how IF felt and said, “I too saw a 41 and I’ m going to register when I get 42 money.” WHEN then questioned IF, “What about the new job you were going to apply for?” IF answered, “I would have applied, but my 43 broke down. I couldn’t type my resume(簡歷).”
“Don’t worry. I’ve been thinking about looking for another job also, 44 I’ll wait and when the weather gets 45 I will look then. I hate this awful weather.”
The man sitting nearby heard them talking about when this and if that. When he couldn’t 46 it anymore, he went to them and said, “I think I know 47 you could solve your problems.”
IF smiled and thought that even if he knew the 48 they faced, there was no way he could help! 49 , IF asked the man for advice. The man said, “Your conversation reminds me of an old 50 : IF and WHEN were planted, and nothing 51 .”
IF and WHEN both looked surprised and began to feel 52 of living their life for the “ifs” and “whens”. Finally they came to a(n) 53 : next time they met, there would be no “ifs” or “whens”; they would 54 talk about what they had 55 !
36. A. agreed
37. A. sensedB. focused
B. insistedC. relied
C. declaredD. took
D. promised
38. A. cleanedB. madeB. boughtD. reserved
39. A. sensitiveB. honestC. cheerfulD. clumsy
40. A. had B. spentC. seizedD. valued
41. A. noticeB. jobC. courseD. chance
42. A. luckyB. pocketC. enoughD. paper
43. A. computerB. fridgeC. cameraD. recorder
44. A. orB. but C. forD. so
45. A. drierB. colderC. wilderD. nicer
46. A. take
47. A. ifB. decline
B. whereC. support
C. whyD. watch
D. how
48. A. changesB. expensesC. challengesD. possibilities
49. A. AnxiouslyB. CuriouslyC. SurprisinglyD. Stubbornly
50. A. sayingB. storyC. habitD. fiction
51. A. roseB. grewC. removedD. remained
52. A. tired B. proudC. ashamedD. aware
53. A. ambitionB. conclusionC. description D. agreement
54. A. evenB. onlyC. stillD. thus
55. A. discussedB. promisedC. arrangedD. achieved
I had the meanest mother in the world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs and toast. Others had cakes and candy for lunch, while we had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different from the other kids’. But at least I was not alone in my suffering. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.
My mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times. She had to know who our friends were and what we were doing. We had to wear clean clothes every day. Other kids always wore their clothes for days. We reached the height of disgrace(恥辱) because she made our clothes herself, just to save money.
The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by 9:00 each night and up at 7:45 the next morning. So while my friends slept, my mother actually had the courage to break Child Labor Law. She made us work. I believed she lay awake all night thinking up mean things to do to us. Through the years, our friends’ report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing. My mother, however, would only be satisfied with black marks. None of us was allowed the pleasure of being a dropout(退學者).
She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults. Using this as a background, I’m now trying to bring up my three children. I’m filled with pride when my children think I am mean because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the world.
56. From the passage we can learn that the writer’s mother was __________.
A. not generous at all
B. very strict with her children
C. very mean with money matters
D. very cruel to her children
57. Which of the following things did the writer hate to do most?
A. Eating differently from other kids.
B. Wearing clean clothes made by mother .
C. Going to bed early and getting up early .
D. Letting mother know where they were .
58. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A. the writer worked hard and usually got good grades in studies
B. mother was punished for breaking the Labor Law
C. all the other kids studied better than the writer
D. the writer’s family lived a miserable life
59. Which of the following statements is Not true according to the passage ?
A. Mother practised economy in running her home .
B. The writer is very thankful for her mother .
C. The writer is strict with her children when bringing them up .
D. The wrier has a deep hatred for her mother .
60. The passage was written in a way of _________ tone.
A. humorous B. hateful C. ridiculous D. critical
It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday. She was sure Myra wouldn’t forget her mother’s birthday, even if she was busy. After all, eighty was a special birthday. Perhaps Myra might come. Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks. She was excited like a child.
Mrs. Morrison had brought a card and a bunch of flowers when she came to do the breakfast. Mrs. Grant downstairs had made a cake. Johnnie, the little boy next door, was now up with her with a packet of sweets.
“I guess you’ll get lots and lots of presents, ” he said. “I did last week when I was six.”
What would she like? A pair of slippers, perhaps. A blue new cardigan(羊毛衫). Or a table lamp. Or a little clock, with clear black numbers. So many lovely things.
She stood by the window, watching. The postman turned round the corner on his bicycle. Her heart beat fast. Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate.
“Granny, granny, ” Johnnie returned. “I’ve got your post!”
He gave her four envelopes. Three were from old friends. The fourth was in Myra’s writing.
“No parcel(包裹), Johnnie?”
“No, granny.”
Almost reluctantly, she tore the fourth envelope open. Folded in the card was a check. Written on the card was a message: Happy Birthday?Buy yourself something nice with the check, Myra and Harold.
The six-figure check fell to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lady bent to pick it up. Her present, her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.
61. As can be inferred from the passage, _______.
A. the old lady lived alone in a flat away from her daughter
B. the friends sent the old lady many lovely presents by post
C. Myra was stopped by her husband from seeing her mother
D. the neighbours cared little about the old lady in daily life
62.The old lady expected her daughter most __________.
A. to send her a present. B.to send her a check.
C. to come back home to celebrate her birthday. D.not to return home.
63. The old lady felt _______ when she saw no parcel came with her daughter’s card.
A. excitedB. happyC. disappointedD. impatient
64. Which of the following might serve as the best title for the passage?
A. The PresentB. The CheckC. The BirthdayD. The Daughter
65. The reason why the old lady tore the check into small pieces was that _______.
A. she was sure her daughter would come, not the check
B. she didn’t notice there were six figures on the check
C. she didn’t think the check was large enough for a present
D. she would prefer a present with love from her daughter
The UK has a wellrespected higher education system and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world. But to those who are new to it all, sometimes it can be confusing.
October is usually the busiest month in the college calendar. Universities have something called Freshers’ Week for their newcomers. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends, join lots of clubs and settle into university life.
However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, the prospect(前景) of meeting lots of strangers in big halls can be nervewracking(令人頭痛的). Where do you start? Who should you make friends with? Which clubs should you join?
Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot. So just take it all in slowly. Don’t rush into anything that you’ll regret for the next three years.
Here are some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers’ Week:
●Learn rules. Make sure you know British social manners. Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.
●Be kind. Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.
●Be sociable. The more active you are, the more likely you’ll be to meet new people than if you’re someone who never leaves their room.
●Bring a doorstop. Keep your door open when you’re in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you’re friendly.
So with a bit of clever planning and effort, Freshers’ Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon you’ll be passing on your experience to next year’s new recruits.
66.Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?
A.October is generally the busiest month for universities.
B.It’s a good idea to put a doorstop in your suitcase.
C.A bit of planning can make Freshers’ Week easier.
D.The first week of your every year at university is called Freshers’ Week.
67.The underlined word “recruits” in the last paragraph refers to     .
A.courses B.freshers C.neighbors D.challenges
68.We can infer from the 4th paragraph that     .
A.the newcomers usually miss the days living at home
B.most of the students in the UK spend three years in universities
C.many freshers are worried about how to fit university life
D.all the new students will make new friends and join certain clubs
69.Why does the author suggest having wine glasses and snacks handy?
A.To pass the busy university life.
B.To help make friends with other freshers.
C.To show yourself a drinker as others.
D.To pass the time in a happy way.
70.The main purpose of the passage is to     .
A.tell the newcomers how to make a new start in universities
B.introduce something about higher education system of the UK
C.discuss something about the Freshers’ Week in the UK
D.advise the freshmen how to behave well in universities
Looking back on China’s road to outer space, people can easily find it has not been very smooth. In the past years, Chinese people have made hard and determined efforts to realize the dream their ancestors had for thousands of years.
After China’s first satellite into the Earth’s orbit in 1970 came four flights of unmanned Shenzhou missions(飛行) from 1999 to 2002. The country carried out its first one-piloted space flight in October, 2003, making China the third country in the world to have independent human spaceflight ability after the Soviet Union and the United States. Then came another breakthrough on October 12, 2005, when Shenzhou 6, China’s second human spaceflight, was launched, with a crew of two astronauts. What’s more, the landmark(里程碑)spacewalk done by Zhai Zhigang, one of the three boarding Shenzhou 7, launched on Sept. 25, 2008, leads the country further in its space exploration.
Meanwhile, China’s moon exploration project, started in 2004, has also been progressing satisfactorily. Fifty years after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world’s first man-made satellite, China’s first circumlunar(繞月的)satellite Chang’e 1 took off on Oct.24, 2007, which became the third landmark in China’s space achievements after the above-mentioned manned flights. Chang’e 1 was expected to fulfill four scientific goals, one of which was to expore mineral elements on the moon, especially those not existent on Earth. It’s said that the lunar regolith(月壤) is abundant in helium-3, a clean fuel that may support the Earth’s energy demands for more than a century. Nearly 3 years later, Oct. 1, 2010 witnessed the launching of Chang’e 2, China’s 2nd unmanned lunar probe(勘探), marking another step forward in moon exploration. This time the aim is to test the key techniques of Chang’e 3 and Chang’e 4, as a preparation for a soft lunar landing in the future.
With great expectations, people all over the world are looking forward to China’s greater space achievements.
71. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?
A. China sent its first satellite into the Moon’s orbit in 1970.
B. China is the third country in Asia to make human spaceflight.
C. By now, altogether 5 astronauts have made successful spaceflight by Shenzhou spaceship.
D. The launching of Chang’e 1 became the third landmark in China’s space achievements.
72. Paragraph 2 mainly deals with information about China’s .
A. landmark spacewalk B. manned Shenzhou missions
C. first circumlunar satellite D. unmanned Shenzhou missions
73. We can infer from the text that .
A. China’s road to outer space has not been very smooth for a long time
B. the lunar regolith is believed to be rich in a clean fuel called helium-3
C. China’s lunar exploration project was started in 2004 and completed in 2007
D. China’s scientists are researching into techniques for soft lunar landing
74. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Ancient Chinese’s Dream B. China’s Major Space Achievements
C. China’s Moon Exploration D. The World’s Great Expectations
75.The auther’s attitude towards China’s space exploration is _________.
A.negative B.positive C.critical D.indifferent
第Ⅱ卷(非選擇題, 共35分)
第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié);滿分35分)
[1] What does a successful language learner do? Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.
[2] First of all , successful language learners are independent learners . They do not depend on the book or the teacher . Instead of waiting for teachers to explain , they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves . They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.
[3] Secondly , successful language learning is active learning . Therefore , successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language but . They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate . They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things . They are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult , they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete . It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.
[4] Finally ,successful language learners are learners with a purpose . They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language.
[5]What kind of language learners are you? If you are a successful language learner , you have probably been learning independently , actively and purposefully . On the other hand , if your language learning has been less than successful , you might do well to try some of the techniques above.
76. What is the main idea of the text?(Please answer within 10 words)
77. Comeplete the following statement with proper words (no more than 5 words)
They make efforts of learning rather than wait for explanations from their teachers.
78. Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 8 words)
79. If you want to be a successful language learner , what should you do ?(Please answer within 8 words)
80. What does the word They in the third paragraph refer to?(no more than 4 words)
第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)
注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;
2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;
3. 信的格式已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。
Dear Arthur,
Li Hua
It’s three weeks since you fell ill. I guess you have suffered a lot in the hospital, but are you feeling any better now? We’re concerned about your health. And we all miss you very much.
In the past three weeks, we've been buried in study because the exam is around the corner. But don’t worry about your lessons, with which all of us will help you when you are back. Besides the routine work, we held a football match in our grade and our class won the championship. If only you had been with us!
We hope you will soon recover and join us in our colorful school life.
Best wishes.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/66892.html
