
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
英 語
第一部分 (共兩節(jié))
1. What does the man want to buy?
A. A desk B. A chair C. A bed
2. When will the school concert be held?
A. On Saturday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.
3. What is Jack?
A. He is a student. B. He is a teacher. C. He is a doctor.
4. Where is the post office?
A. It’s far from here. B. It’s next to the police station.
C. It’s far from the police station.
5. What did the women do yesterday evening?
A. She went to the party. B. She looked after her baby at home.
C. She cleaned her house.
第二節(jié) (共15小題)
6. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In the store. B. In the lab. C. In the gym.
7. What is the most probable result of the conversation?
A. The man will play tennis with the woman on Thursday.
B. The man will go to the basketball game alone.
C. The woman will go to the basketball game with the man.
8. How much money did the man give the girl?
A. Eight dollars. B. Eighteen dollars. C. Thirty-six dollars.
9. Who will go to buy the tickets?
A. Jenny. B. Bob. C. Dad.
10. What time should the woman send the material?
A. Around 2:30. B. Around 3:30. C. At about 5:00.
11. What’s the man’s name?
A. Cordell. B. Kordel. C. Kordell.
12. What’s the man’s telephone mummer?
A. 560-1287. B. 560-1288. C. 560-2187.
13. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In a supermarket. B. In a company. C. In a restaurant.
14. Why does the man feel fed up?
A. Because he is tired of doing the same things day after day.
B. Because he can’t go on a holiday.
C. Because he can’t go hunting with his father.
15. Why does the man think the great-great-grandfathers had more fun?
A. Because they hunted for their food.
B. Because they grew their own vegetables.
C. Because they didn’t do a same job for years.
16. What suggestion does the woman give the man?
A. Going to a holiday. B. Doing all the things by himself. C. Hunting for food.
17. Where did Peter lose his wallet?
A. On his way to his office. B. In his house. C. On his way home.
18. Who did Peter think had taken his wallet?
A. One of the villagers. B. One of his parents. C. One of his friends.
19. Where did Peter find his wallet a few weeks later?
A. On his table. B. Outside his front door. C. In his room.
20. How many notes did the thief write?
A. Two. B. Four. C. Three.
從A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。
21. When I reached front door, I suddenly saw strange sight last night.
A. the;不填 B. a; the C.不填a D. the; a
22. As we all know,it is impolite to read others’ letters without their permission.
A.selfish B.published C.private D.public
23.Doctors say that ________ sleep may cause the students poor memory and concentration at school .
A.lacking of B.lacked in C.lacking D.lack for
24. ---What is the main cause for leading to her family’s breaking up?
---Her parents’ quarreling with each other________
A.strictly B.constantly C.hardly D.occasionally
25. The student ________in the games on the MP4 during class didn’t notice his teacher behind him.
A.a(chǎn)bsorbing B.to absorb C.be absorbed D.a(chǎn)bsorbed
26. ---What do you think of your new English teacher?
--- She was well prepared for her first lesson and left us a good________.
A.expression B.instruction C.a(chǎn)ppearance D.impression
27. The policeman stopped Tom when he was driving home and him of speeding.
A. warned B. accused C. charged D. approved
28. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary it is stuck to the burn.
A. if B. where C. until D. unless
29. He was asked to make up the information ______ by the manager.
A. left out B. left away C. leaving out D. leaving away
30. What you said just now_____ me of that American girl I met yesterday.
A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized
31. Sarah had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano.
A. when B. while C. after D. since
32. air and water are harmful to people’s health.
A. Polluting B. Polluted C. To pollute D. Being polluted
33. ---You look upset. What’s the matter?
--- My car _______ again yesterday.
A.broke over B.broke up C.broke off D.broke down
34. The parents were unsettled for the first few days, about their son’s safety.
A. worried B. to worry C. being worried D. having worried
35. ---I can’t thank you more for the present you sent me the other day.
A. With pleasure B. No, thanks C. Please don’t say so D. You are welcome
Forty-three years ago,I was a twelve-year-old boy in Marinette.An old lady was a 36 on my Paper route.On a Saturday afternoon,a friend and I were mindlessly throwing 37 onto the roof of the old lady’s house from the bushes.The 38 of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles(飛彈)as they 39 to the roof’s edge and shot out into the yard like comets(彗星).
I found a perfectly smooth rock and 40 it for a(n) ride.The stone was too smooth,however, so it 41 from my hand as I let it go and headed straight for a window.We were so
42 of getting caught that we took off 43 than any of our missiles that flew off her roof.
However ,a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn’t been 44 ,I started to feel guilty for her misfortune.She still 45 me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper. ’
I made up my mind that I would 46 my Paper delivery money.Three weeks later, I had 7 dollars and put the money in an envelope with a note 47 that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the money would cover the cost for 48 it.
I waited until it was 49 ,sneaked up to the lady’s house,and put the envelope by the door.The next day, I handed the lady her paper and returned the warm 50 which I was receiving from her.She 51 me for the paper and gave me a bag,saying,“ Here,I have some cookies for you.” I thanked her and 52 to eat the cookies as I continued my route.
After several cookies,I felt a(n) 53 and pulled it out of the bag.When I 5 4
it,1 was shocked.Inside was the seven dollars and a short note,saying,“I’m 55 of you.”
36.A.passenger B.customer C.conductor D.relative
37.A.balls B.bricks C.sticks D.rocks
38.A.condition B.grade C.object D.mark
39.A.rolled B.struggled C.climbed D.sailed
40.A.put B.sent C.took D.brought
41.A.sped B.dropped C.rose D.slipped
42.A.disappointed B.scared C.excited D.pleased
43.A.more quickly B.more peacefully C.more quietly D. more smoothly
44.A.discovered B.punished C.wounded D.forgiven
45.A.encouraged B.comforted C.greeted D.hugged
46.A.pay B.earn C.spend D.save
47.A.concluding B.realizing C.saying D.introducing
48.A.decorating B.repairing C.cleaning D.painting
49.A.clear B.possible C.cold D.dark
50.A.smile B.drink C.handshake D.word
51.A.a(chǎn)sked B.thanked C.invited D.rewarded
52.A.learned B.prepared C.started D.fried
53.A.envelope B.book C.letter D.card
54.A.carried B.wrote C.read D.opened
55.A.sick B.careful C.proud D.a(chǎn)ware
Most American students go to traditional public schools. There are about 88,000 public schools all over the US. Some students attend about 3000 independent public schools called charter schools.
Charter schools are self-governing. Private companies operate some charter schools. They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools. They receive tax money just as other public schools do. Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning. These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.
Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public schools. Local, state or federal governments cannot tell them what to teach. Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them. Class size is usually smaller than in traditional public schools.
The Bush Administration strongly supports charter schools as a way to re-organize public schools that are failing to educate students. But some education agencies and unions oppose charter schools. One teachers’ union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of students in traditional schools and charter schools.
The American Federation of Teachers criticized the government’s delay in releasing the results of the study, which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Union education experts say the study shows that charter school students performed worse on math and reading tests than students in regular public schools.
Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because students in those schools have more problems than students in traditional schools. Other education experts say the study results should make charter school officials demand improved student progress.
56.If a private company wants to operate a charter school, it must .
A.try new methods of teachingB.prove its management ability
C.obey the local and state lawsD.get the government’s permission
57.Charter schools are independent because .
A.they make greater progressB.their class size is smaller
C.they enjoy more freedomD.they oppose traditional ways
58.What’s the government’s attitude toward charter schools?
A. Doubtful B. Supportive. C. Subjective. D.Optimistic.
59.What can we learn from the text?
A.More students choose to attend charter schools.
B.Charter schools are better than traditional schools.
C.Students in charter schools are well educated.
D.People have different opinions about charter schools.
60.It can be inferred from the text that .
A.charter schools are part of the education system
B.one-on-one attention should be paid to students
C.the number of charter schools will be limited
D.charter schools are all privately financed
One hot night last July, when our new baby wouldn’t or couldn’t sleep, I tried everything I could think of : a warm bottle, songs gentle rocking. Nothing would settle him. Guessing that I had a long night ahead of me, I brought a portable TV into his room, figuring that watching the late movie was as good a way as any to kill of the hours till dawn. To my surprise, as soon as the TV lit up, the baby quieted right down, his little eyes focused brightly on the tube. Not to waste an opportunity for sleep, I then tiptoes out of the room, leaving him to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushi's forty-fifth birthday.
My wife and I heard none of the baby that night, and the next morning when I went into his room, I found him still watching TV himself.
I found in my baby's behavior a symbol of the new generation. My wife and I had given him some books to examine, but he merely spit upon them. When we read to him, he did not feel comfortable. And so it is in the schools. We find that our students don't read and they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. After this experience with the baby, however, I have reached a conclusion: “Let them watch it!” If television is that much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight about it? Let them watch it all they want!
61.Why did the author bring a TV set into his son's room?
  A.To make his son keep quiet.
  B.To spend the night by watching TV programs.
  C.In order not to let his son feel lonely.
  D.To make his son go to sleep as soon as possible.
62.The baby's reaction to the TV program was _______ .
  A.unexpected B.encouragingC.exciting D.nervous
63.From this passage we know that the author is .
A.a(chǎn) doctorB.a(chǎn) reporterC.a(chǎn)n editorD.a(chǎn) teacher
64.According to the passage, which is true of the school children?
  A.They prefer reading to watching TV.
  B.They like watching TV after school.
  C.They would rather watch TV than read books.
  D.They like their teachers who teach them reading.
65.What does the underlined phrase in the last paragraph mean according to the passage?
A.talk aboutB.think aboutC.quarrel aboutD.care about
It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver’s seat is another matter.
Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving.On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting.A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and calm so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such behaviors of politeness are by no means enough.Many drivers nowadays don’t even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.
However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous.Typical examples are the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may be not able to stop in time.The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.
An experienced driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in traffic stream without causing total blockages that give rise to unpleasant feelings. Unfortunately, modern drivers can’t even learn to drive, let alone master the roadmanship. Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give-and-take from all road users.It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.
66.The passage mainly talks about .
A.road politenessB.traffic jams C.good mannersD.modern drivers
67.Troubles on the road are often caused by .
A.traffic jamsB.the behavior of the drivers
C.great speedD.terrible road conditions
68.According to the writer, a good driver should .
A.beat back when forced to face rude driving
B.be able to recognize politeness when he sees it
C.encourage old ladies to cross the roads whenever they want to
D.join in traffic stream quickly however other people feel
69.The following statements are right EXCEPT that .
A.some modern drivers are not good at driving
B.road politeness is good sense as well as good manners
C.it is also right to have a tiger in the driver’s seat
D.a(chǎn) friendly driver should nod or wave thanks in answer to an act of politeness
70.It is not always right for drivers to .
A.master roadmanship
B.recognize politeness when they see it
C.wave a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path
D.give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness
英 語
第Ⅱ卷 (非)
1. 用0.5毫米簽字筆直接答在試卷上。
2. 答卷前將密封線內(nèi)的項目填寫清楚。
題 號第一節(jié)第二節(jié)第三節(jié)總 分
分 數(shù)
第一節(jié): (共10小題)
71.With more evidence, the doctor (宣布)that the apples the patients ate carried the virus.
72. The stockholders are (樂觀的)about the company's future.
73. The debate did not come to a (結(jié)論)until midnight.
74. I believe the house was (故意地)set fire to.
75.The first step in (申請)for a visa is to make an appointment with the embassy.
71._______________ 72.__________________ 73.___________________
74.________________ 75.__________________
break away from at one's convenience take the place of
take up sweep up concentrate on
in place of make a great difference
76.I tried my studies with that loud noise going on outside.
77. Will natural gas _____________ petrol as the major fuel in the future ?
78.On the way to the prison house, the prisoner suddenly _______ the policeman.
79.She has a job as a teacher after graduation.
80.Whether he could get the support from his parents to the plan.
76. __________________ 77. __________________ 78. __________________
79. __________________ 80. __________________
Do you like chocolate? Most people do. Some like it in bars. Others just like big squares of it.
Say you just got a box of chocolate. Which piece do you pick first? A study carried out by a professor in the University of Virginia showed that people’s choices of chocolates show their personality. If you choose a round piece, you are a person who likes to party. If you select an oval(橢圓的)shape, ______________ who works very hard. You like to make things and push yourself to be successful. Picking a square shape shows that you are an honest person to depend on.
What kind of chocolate do you pick? Maybe you like milk chocolate. This shows you have warm feelings about the past, while dark chocolate means something else -- the person who chooses it looks forward to the future.
What about white chocolate? Would you like to choose it? If so, you may find it hard to make up your mind. Those who like chocolate with nuts are people who like to help others.
Do you believe these ideas? Can chocolate tell all these things? It doesn’t matter. There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolates ? they eat it because they like it.
81. What is the best title of the text? (Please answer within 6 words.)
82. Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?
In that case, it will be difficult for you to make a decision.
83. Please fill in the blank in the 2nd paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 5 words.)
84. What’s your attitude towards the writer’s description about choosing chocolate in the passage? (Please answer within 15 words)
85. Translate the underlined sentence in the 2nd paragraph into Chinese.
最近在你校做過一次調(diào)查,結(jié)果表明有很多學(xué)生從未跟父母道過謝, 理由不盡相同。請你根據(jù)下表說明調(diào)查情況并對此發(fā)表你的看法。
注意:1. 詞數(shù)120 ? 150; 2. 可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,以使行文連貫。
第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
1?5 BCABB 6?10 CBCBC 11?15 CBBAC 16?20 ACABC
21?25DCCBD 26?30DBDAC 31?35ABDAD
36?40 BDCAB 41?45 DBAAC 46?50 DCBDA 51?55 BCADC
56?60 DCBDA 61?65 BADCC 66?70 ABBCC
71.announced 72.optimistic 73.conclusion 74.deliberately 75.applying
76.to concentrate on 77. take the place of 78.broke away from
79.taken up 80.made a great difference
81. Chocolates and personality/Choices of chocolate show your personality
82. If so, you may find it hard to make up your mind.
83. you are a person
84. I do not believe those ideas. Chocolate can’t tell all those things.
(the answer may vary)
85. 選擇方形(巧克力),,表明你是一個可以依靠的誠實人。
第三節(jié) 寫作(滿分30分)
One possible version
According to a recent survey,many students have never said “Thank you” to their parents who have done all they could to bring them up in the past years.
  The interviewed students claim such reasons as follows. First, a quarter of them regard it as parents’ duty to support them spiritually and financially. And it is not necessary to express appreciation to them. Half of them are aware of their parents’ tender love but are not accustomed to saying “Thank you”. Another quarter even find a generation gap between themselves and their parents, thus feeling reluctant to express their affection for their parents.
  In my opinion, extending thankfulness to our parents is a way of respecting them and their love. We should express our feelings directly and bravely. What’s more ,we should do all we can to reward them with gratitude.
Text 1
W:Have you got everything you need for the new house?
M: Well, I’ve got most of the things?I’ve got a bed and a desk. But I’d like to get a chair to go with my desk.
Text 2
W:Is the school concert held on Saturday?
M: No, it isn’t. It’s on Sunday.
Text 3
W:Go to bed early and get some rest, Jack.
M: But I have to study. I failed the test last time, so I must pass this time.
Text 4
W:Can you tell me where the post office is?
M: Certainly. It’s very close. It’s over there, next to the police station.
Text 5
W:I didn’t go to the party yesterday evening because I had to take care of my baby. He was ill.
M: What a pity you missed the party. I had a good time there.
Text 6
W:You play tennis very well.
M: Oh, yes? Thank you. Do you want to go to a basketball game with me?
W:Sure. When is it?
M: The first of next month.
W:Uh, oh. Is that a Thursday?
M: Yes, it is.
W:I’m sorry, I can’t go. I always play tennis on Thursdays.
Text 7
W:Dad, can you lend Jenny and me some money?
M: For what?
W:We want to get tickets for a film.
M: How much are these tickets?
W:Eighteen dollars each.
M: Eighteen dollars? That’s a lot of money.
W:That’s not very much for this film, Dad. It’s very good.
M: When will you need the money?
W:Bob is going to town tomorrow to get the tickets.
M: All right. Here’s the money.
W:Thanks a lot, Dad. I’ll call Bob right now.
Text 8
W:Strong Computers. May I help you?
M: Yes. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please?
W:I’m sorry, but she is not in right now. May I take a message?
M: Yes, Ms Strong didn’t send any information about your company.
W:Oh, I’m very sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?
M: Yes, please fax it around 5:00.
W:Sure. Could I have your name and telephone number, please?
M: Okay. Jack Kordell and the telephone number is 560-1288.
W:Is your name spelled C-o-r-d-e-l?
M: No. It’s Kordell with a “K” and two “L”.
W:All right. Bye.
M: Bye.
Text 9
W:You are not looking very happy. What’s the matter with you?
M: Oh, nothing special. I am just a bit of fed up.
W:With the job?
M: With everything! With catching the same train every morning, sitting in the same office every day, watching the same TV program……
W:You need a holiday.
M: It wasn’t always like this, you know.
W:What do you mean?
M: Well, our great-great-grandfathers had more fun, didn’t they? I mean, they hunted for their food themselves. We do the same sorts of job for years and years.
W:You need a holiday. That’s what the matter with you.
Text 10
One day, Peter went to the post office in his village. When he came home, he couldn’t find his wallet. So he told some of the villagers about it. Peter was sure that one of them must have found the wallet, but no one returned it to him.
A few weeks passed, and then one evening, Peter found his wallet outside his front door. In the wallet he found half the money he had lost, with a note. It said, “A thief, yes, but only 50 percent a thief.” Two months later, some more money was sent to Peter with another note saying, “Only 25 percent a thief now.” Finally, all Peter’s money was paid back in this way. The last note said, “I am 100 percent honest now.”

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/69138.html
