高二英語Communication Workshops教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
高二英語Communication Workshops教案
Communication Workshop
本課是第14單元的 Communication Workshop。本課主要是運用本單元學習的話題、詞匯和結(jié)構(gòu)進行寫作和聽說的練習。
本課話題為閱讀招聘廣告和根據(jù)廣告內(nèi)容寫求職信, 與學生的實際生活聯(lián)系緊密,實用性很強。本課的口語表達也與學生感興趣的職業(yè)相關,話題接近生活,學生會比較感興趣。
可用資源Writing help。

1. 復習本單元所有話題詞匯。
2. 了解招聘廣告和求職信的格式,練習寫求職信。
3. 以演講或采訪的形式談論與職業(yè)有關的話題。
4. 聽一首英文歌曲,提取關鍵信息。

First Period
? 讀懂一則招聘廣告和一封學生的求職信;
? 了解求職信的格式;
? 運用所學的詞匯和結(jié)構(gòu)根據(jù)招聘廣告中的內(nèi)容寫一封求職信。評價手段:
IP & time
Step 1T gets the Ss to review the words about jobs in this unit.
[PPT 3]回顧有關職業(yè)的詞匯。
Step 2 T asks the Ss how to apply for the job
Step 3Ss read the advertisement and the letter of application then answer the questions on Page 30.
[PPT6-10] 學生們閱讀回答問題了解招聘廣告和求職信的內(nèi)容。 IW
Step 4 Ss read each part of the application letter, understand their functions and then match the headings with the parts they have read.
Step 5 Ss look at the underlined words and analyze the functions of the linking words and deal with the useful expressions of linking words.
[PPT 17-19]明確連詞在文章中的作用。CW
Step 6T explains the task to the Ss--- Writing an application letter.
[PPT 20]明確布置任務,使所有學生都清楚要寫求助信。CW
Step 7Ss work in groups of 4, thinking of what personalities are suitable for the jobs, discussing what personalities are suitable for the job and how to apply for the job. Each chooses one job they are interested in.
[PPT 21-30]
[學案I-2]復習描述人的個性的詞匯, 組織學生討論閱讀課文招聘廣告中的幾個職位所需要的性格特點,選擇并確定寫作的內(nèi)容。GW
Step 8Ss write a simple CV, and then write notes about their reasons for applying for the job, their personalities, qualifications and practical skills.
Step 9Ss plan their paragraphs like the application letter above and write down their ideas for each part, using the linking words.
Refer to Writing Help 1 on Page 90.
[PPT 31]
[學案I-4]學生寫作實踐: 應用所學內(nèi)容, 寫一封求職信IC
Step 10Ss read their application letter to each other and take turns to ask questions as the part of TALKBACK on P31.
[PPT 32] 學生相互交流。CW
Step 11Homework.
1.Polish up their writing of application letter.
2.Do the exercises in the Language Power P74 Exx.1and 3.
[PPT 33]

Unit14 Communication Workshop
I. Writing: A letter of application
1. Layout
1 ) Heading

2) Body

3) Ending
2.Words about personalities
Words and expressions about one’s experience
Words and expressions about qualification
3. Sentence patterns
Paragraph 1 Simply state your reasons for writing.
Paragraph 2 Explain why you are interested in the job.
Paragraph 3 Give examples to show your personal qualities and experiences.
Paragraph 4 Write about your qualifications and practical skills.
Formal ending
4. Your letter of application

II. Listening: A Song
Fill in the blanks
If you could read my mind love,
What a _____ my thoughts could tell,
Just like an old time movie,
‘bout a ghost from a wishing well,
In a castle dark or a fortress strong,
With ________ upon my feet.
You know that ghost is me,
And I will never be _______________,
___________ I’m a ghost that you can’t see.
If I could ______________ love,
What a tale your thoughts could tell.
Just like a paperback novel,
The kind the drugstores sell.
When you reach the part _________ the heartache comes,
The hero would be me.
But heroes often _______,
And you won’t read that book again,
Because the ending’s just _______________.
I’d walk away like a movie star,
Who ____________ in a three way script,
Enter number two,
A movie queen to play the scene,
Of ________ all the good things _____ in me.
But for now love, let’s be real.
I never thought I could feel this way.
And I’ve got to say that I just don’t get it
I don’t know where we _____________ ,
But the feeling’s gone.
And I just can’t get it back.
If you read my mind love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell,
Just like an old time movie,
‘Bout a ghost from a wishing well,
In a castle dark or a fortress strong,
With chains upon my feet.
But stories always end,
And if you ________________________,
You’ll know that I’m just trying to understand,
The feelings that you ______.
I never thought I could feel this way
And I’ve got to say that I just don’t get it
But the feeling’s gone,
And I just can’t get it back.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/74847.html

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