
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第一部分 聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)
1.When did the man go to the restaurant?
A.Yesterday.  B.Last month.  C.Last week.
2.What is Neil doing?
A.Talking to the boss in his office.
B.Doing his work in his office.
C.Making a call to the boss.
3.What will the man probably do?
A.Leave work early.
B.Work overtime.
C.Start work early.
4.How does the woman feel about the man’s words?
A.Excited. B.Frightened. C.Surprised.
5.Which of the following countries does the woman probably want to go to?
A.China. B.France. C.Australia.
6.What do the man’s parents do?
B.Restaurant owners.
C.Supermarket owners.
7.What did the man sell to the students?
A.Books. B.Meals. C.Clothes.
8.What color of overcoat does the woman like?
A.The black one.
B.The silver white one.
C.The silver grey one.
9.What does the woman think of the overcoat?
A.It is of bad quality.
B.It is very expensive.
C.Its style is old.
10.Who is the man probably?
A.A salesman.
B.The woman’s husband.
C.The woman’s friend.
11.What can we know about Betty?
A.She works in a Mexican hotel.
B.She has been to Mexico.
C.She is a guide.
12.What was the weather like in Mexico City?
A.Cool. B.Warm. C.Cold.
13.What does Betty suggest to the woman?
A.Putting off their trip.
B.Reading the guide book.
C.Making early plans.
14.When did the woman dream of becoming a singer?
A.When she was 12 years old.
B.When she was 5 years old.
C.When she met Rene.
15.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The woman’s parents were singers.
B.The woman’s father sent the tape to Rene.
C.The woman’s parents ran a piano bar.
16.How did Rene feel when he first heard the woman singing?
A.He was moved.
B.He was surprised.
C.He was disappointed.
17.What will the listeners do after the talk?
A.Make a campfire.
B.Take a guided tour.
C.Go for a nature walk.
18.When did the National Park Service begin?
A.In the early 1800s.
B.In the late 1800s.
C.In the late 1700s.
19.What does the speaker say about the national park?
A.It was declared the first national park in the world.
B.A large group of people found the land now called Yellow Stone.
C.All the parks were managed by the National Park Service before 1916.
20.What is one of the speaker’s duties?
A.Protecting the plants.
B.Guiding nature walks.
C.Answering the visitors’ questions.
答案:1~5 CABCA 6~10 ABCBA 11~15 BACBC
16~20 ACBAC
(Text 1)
W:Did you go to the restaurant yesterday?
M:No. We went last week.
(Text 2)
M:Are you looking for someone?
W:Yes. I need to speak to Neil. His phone is out of service.
M:He is talking to the boss at the moment in his office.
(Text 3)
W:Couldn’t you leave work early?
M:No,I’ve got too much to do.
(Text 4)
W:Oh,look!Joni Mitchell is in town.
M:Who’ s that? I’ve never heard of her.
W:What? She’s one of the greatest folk singers in the world!
(Text 5)
W:I dream of going to Asia someday.
M:Where have you been?
W:France and Australia.
(Text 6)
W:Were you always interested in starting a food business?
M:Actually,I was interested in sales at first because that’s what both my parents do.But I used to work part-time in a cafe when I was a kid,and that’ s what got me interested.
W:What was the first place you opened?
M:I rented a cheap place near the university,and I started selling lunches to the students. The place was always crowded at lunchtimes. So,one day I sold it. With that money,I opened a much bigger place downtown.
(Text 7)
M:Good afternoon,madam. Is anyone taking care of you?
W:No,not yet. Could you show me that overcoat in the middle?
M:Certainly. What color,black or silver grey?
W:Silver grey,please. I like the color.
M:Silver grey suits you.
W:Is it 100% wool?
M:Of course. It’s 100% new wool. Why not try it on?
W:OK! Mm,I think it fits me.
M:It fits you very well. It looks good on you,madam.
W:How much is it?
M:It is just $299.But we can take 10% off if you buy it today.
W:Well,it’s still very expensive.
(Text 8)
W:I met Betty on the street.
M:What is she doing these days?
W:She has just got back with John from a trip to Mexico.
M:They did? So what did she say about the trip?
W:Oh,they had a lovely time. She said we’d really enjoy it if we were there,too.
M:Did you ask how the weather was?
W:It seems it was rather cool in Mexico City,but nice and warm along the coast.
M:Did she say where she stayed?
W:She told me,but I don’t remember.
M:Well,did she say the hotels were crowded?
W:Yes,she said they were. They always are at this time of year,so she suggests we make our plans as soon as possible.
M:Well,we’d better do some checking. Do you still have that guide book?
W:Yes,here it is.
(Text 9)
W:I started to dream seriously about being a singer when I was five years old. I did my first show when I was five years old in my brother’s wedding,After my singing,everybody started to clap their hands. And I thought,“What a wonderful life! ”I wanted that.
M:How did you meet Rene?
W:Actually he says he discovered me,but it’s not true. I discovered him. What happened is he was a manager; he was a singer himself many years ago in Montreal. My parents at the time had a little piano bar. And on weekends,while people were drinking,I was singing. My mom sent the tape to Rene. We waited and he called to say he was very interested in meeting me. I was 12.
M:And he was 26 years old,right?
W:Exactly. I went with my mom to his office. He said, “Could you sing in front of me?”I started to sing,and then I looked at him;he had tears in his eyes.
(Text 10)
Welcome to Yellowstone National Park. Before we start our nature walk today,I’d like to give you a brief introduction to our National Park Service. The National Park Service began in the late 1800s.A small group of people found the land now called Yellowstone,and after hours of discussion around the campfire,they decided that it should be enjoyed by everyone. Two years later,the government declared it the first national park in the world. After it became a national park,many other areas of beautiful scenery were set aside. And in 1916,these parks came to be managed by the National Park Service. I am now employed by the National Park Service,and I am on duty at all time to answer questions and help any visitors with any difficulty. Nature walks,guided tours and campfire talks are offered by specially trained members. The park service also protects the animals and plants within the parks.
第二部分 詞匯知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
第一節(jié) 多項(xiàng)選擇(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
21.I’m sure your suggestion will ________ solving the problem.
A.contribute to      B.devote to
C.lead to D.contribute to
解析:選A?疾閯(dòng)詞短語(yǔ)辨析。devote to獻(xiàn)身于……;lead to導(dǎo)致……;attribute to歸因于……,均不符合題意:我確信你的提議將有助于解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題。contribute to意為“有助于……”,故選A。
22.?Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?
?No. It’s out of ________.
A.range B.reach
C.control D.distance
解析:選A。range表示“(槍、彈等的)射程”;in/within/out of/beyond range表示“在射程以內(nèi)(外)”;out of one’s reach表示“夠不到”;out of control表示“失去控制”,無(wú)“out of distance”這種表達(dá)。
23.?How did the global financial crisis ________?
?I’m not quite sure. Anyhow, it is a very important problem facing us.
A.come up B.come about
C.come along D.come around
解析:選B。句意:“全球經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)是怎么產(chǎn)生的?”“我不太確定,不管怎么說(shuō)這是我們面臨的一個(gè)很重要的問(wèn)題!眂ome about“產(chǎn)生”,符合題意。come up“走近;長(zhǎng)出來(lái)”;come along“趕快”;come around“繞道而行;理解”。
24.?Things are getting more expensive now.
?It’s ________ that prices will continue to ________.
A.sure;go up B.certain;raise up
C.sure;raise up D.certain;go up
25.The soup is perfect, and the steak is delicious. I’d like to have such a meal again ________ it costs twice as much.
A.if only B.even if
C.a(chǎn)s if D.now that
解析:選B。句意:這湯很好,牛排也很可口,即使花兩倍的價(jià)錢(qián)我也想再吃一頓。even if“即使”,符合題意。if only“但愿,真希望”;as if“好像”;now that“既然”。
26.?Do you think you could do without help?
?________.This is not the first time for me.
A.Take care B.Hurry up
C.Not exactly D.Don’t worry
27.There were one or two unsatisfactory moments, but ________ our holiday was very enjoyable.
A.sooner or later B.in this way
C.on the whole D.little by little
解析:選C。句意:只是偶爾有時(shí)候感到不滿意,不過(guò)總的看來(lái),我們的假期是很愉快的。on the whole“總的看來(lái)”,符合題意。sooner or later“遲早”;in this way“用這種方法”;little by little“逐漸地”。
28.They promised that all the MP4 players that were sold in their shop came with a two-year ________.
A.safety B.confirmation
C.guarantee D.insurance
解析:選C。句意:他們承諾,凡是在他們商店里出售的MP4播放器都有兩年的保修期。guarantee“保修,擔(dān)!,符合題意。safety“安全”;confirmation “證實(shí),肯定”;insurance“保險(xiǎn)”。
29.Jerry worked hard and ________ was appointed as group leader of the factory.
A.mentally B.steadily
C.faithfully D.eventually
30.?________ danger, he climbed the tower.
?Now he is well-known to the whole city.
A.Thanks to B.In spite of
C.Instead of D.According to
解析:選B。句意:“他不顧危險(xiǎn)爬上了高塔!薄八F(xiàn)在在整個(gè)城市都出名了!眎n spite of“不管,不顧”,符合題意。thanks to“由于,多虧”;instead of“而不是”;according to“根據(jù)”。
第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
I met Chandra Rekha Shrestha,a visually damaged girl,on the way to Shanti Nagar. She was walking down the road with her white stick,and I saw her walking into a muddy __31__.Had she continued,she might have __32__ into the water. Not wanting this to happen,I stopped my __33__ and called out,“There’s a hole in front of you,Chandra. If it’s all right with you,I’ll __34__ you to your place.”
She happily __35__.I took her bag so she could climb on my motorbike. We talked about her profession and __36__,and I discovered she was on her way to Tinkune for a teacher’s training program.
Chandra had called me a couple of times since our __37__ meeting. However,I had been unable to meet her __38__ my busy schedules.__39__,reuniting at the Kathmandu Mall,she said,“If you hadn’t given me your business card,I wouldn’t have called you.” We talked about a range of issues,and I came to __40__ that Chandra possessed a deep knowledge which would challenge that of many __41__ fit people.
Although she has a mother and three brothers,Chandra has been __42__ on her own for the past years. She cooks for herself and washes her own clothes while __43__ to teach every morning at Anam Nagar’s Rudramati Primary School. While doing her __44__,she tries to remember people,places,and things in order to manage her daily life. She is a(an) __45__ person,telling me that she made the decision to live alone after her __46__ said they would take turns to look after her each month. Chandra felt this would __47__ her. Chandra’s main source of information is through her __48__,learning about various news as they are broadcast.
Chandra lost her eyesight as a baby and had to learn how to survive at an early age.I really __49__ her confidence and the way she carried herself in her life.Thank you,Chandra Rekha. You have reminded me of what truly matter in life but are __50__ lacking in our city.
31.A.pavement      B.passage
C.hole D.freeway
解析:選C。根據(jù)第33題后面的“There’s a hole in front of you,Chandra.”很容易得知她快要掉進(jìn)“泥坑(hole)”。
32.A.climbed B.landed
C.flown D.fallen
33.A.car B.truck
C.motorbike D.bus
34.A.pass B.drop
C.take D.fetch
35.A.allowed B.expected
C.replied D.a(chǎn)ccepted
36.A.study B.job
C.celebration D.travel
解析:選B。第四段第二句中的to teach every morning at Anam Nagar’s Rudramati Primary School可知,教學(xué)是她的“工作(job)”。
37.A.happy B.unexpected
C.sudden D.strange
38.A.due to B.in addition to
C.instead of D.in spite of
解析:選A。作者不能遇到她是因?yàn)樽髡咛α,后面的my busy schedules是他們不能相見(jiàn)的原因,所以此處要用due to。
39.A.Friendly B.Fortunately
C.Finally D.Steadily
解析:選C。由于作者太忙,他們一直沒(méi)有見(jiàn)面。由下文可知,他們最后終于在the Kathmandu Mall相聚了。
40.A.discover B.encourage
C.persuade D.suppose
41.A.mentally B.a(chǎn)ppropriately
C.physically D.naturally
42.A.living B.lying
C.waiting D.staying
43.A.managing B.recognizing
C.a(chǎn)llowing D.reducing
44.A.practice B.housework
C.effort D.homework
45.A.stubborn B.reliable
C.confident D.intelligent
解析:選C。根據(jù)文章最后一段第二句中的her confidence可知她很自信。
46.A.sisters B.uncles
C.brothers D.a(chǎn)unts
解析:選C。根據(jù)本段第一句中的three brothers可知,是她的兄弟們想照顧她。
47.A.hurt B.weaken
C.ruin D.frighten
解析:選A。hurt意為“傷害”。根據(jù)上文中they would take turns to look after her each month可判斷出這會(huì)讓她覺(jué)得受到了極大的傷害。
48.A.TV B.radio
C.calculator D.computer
解析:選B。從下面的news as they are broadcast和Chandra Rekha Shrestha是個(gè)視力極不好的人可以推知,她從收音機(jī)中獲取信息。
49.A.follow B.show
C.notice D.a(chǎn)dmire
50.A.finally B.recently
C.mostly D.simply
第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)
Almost everyone feels sleepy sometimes during the daytime. Being sleepy may get in the way of your daily work,childcare,and even activities for fun. Here are some ways to improve nighttime sleep and avoid daytime sleepiness.
1.Get adequate nighttime sleep.
That may sound obvious,but many of us cut down an hour or two off our sleep time in the morning or at night to do other things. Most adults need seven to nine hours a night,and teenagers usually need a full nine hours. Block out eight or nine hours for sleep every night.
2.Keep distractions out of bed.
“Remember your bed is only for sleep,” says the scientist.“You shouldn’t read,watch TV,play video games,or use laptop computers in bed.” Don’t do your bills or have heated discussions in bed,either. They may leave you sleepless.
3.Form a good habit.
You should form a good habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time at night and in the morning,including on weekends.
4.Gradually move to an earlier bedtime.
Another way of getting into a consistent (始終如一的) schedule is to try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for four nights. Then stick with the last bedtime. Slowly getting used to your schedule like this usually works better than suddenly trying to go to sleep an hour earlier.
5.Set consistent,healthy mealtimes.
Regular mealtimes,not just regular sleep times,help regulate our circadian rhythms (生理節(jié)奏).Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch on time instead of grabbing a piece of cake and coffee in the morning or a late sandwich on the run. Try to finish eating meals two or three hours before bedtime.
Regular exercise offers many benefits for sleep. Exercise generally makes it easier to fall asleep and sleep more soundly.
【解題導(dǎo)語(yǔ)】 晚上睡好很重要,否則白天會(huì)很疲倦,本文告訴我們?nèi)绾翁岣咚哔|(zhì)量從而防止白天犯困。
51.The writer wrote this passage to ________.
A.explain why sleeping well is important
B.tell us what usually keeps us awake at night
C.tell us the harm of being sleepy in the daytime
D.give us some tips on how to avoid daytime sleepiness
52.What does the underlined word “adequate” in Point 1 mean?
A.Enough. B.Special.
C.Better. D.Long.
解析:選A。詞義猜測(cè)題。根據(jù)第一點(diǎn)的Block out eight or nine hours for sleep every night.可知作者主要建議我們要睡眠充足,故選A。
53.According to the writer,if we want to change our habits and go to sleep an hour earlier,we should ________.
A.try going to sleep an hour earlier suddenly
B.try getting used to our new schedule slowly
C.try getting used to our new schedule with some help
D.try going to bed 10 minutes earlier each night for six nights
解析:選B。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四點(diǎn)的Slowly getting used to your schedule like this usually works better than suddenly trying to go to sleep an hour earlier.可知作者建議我們慢慢習(xí)慣這個(gè)新的就寢時(shí)間。
54.From Point 5 we know if we want to sleep around 10 pm,we should have supper at least by ________.
A.6∶00 p.m. B.7∶00 p.m.
C.8∶00 p.m. D.9∶00 p.m.
解析:選C。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第五點(diǎn)的Try to finish eating meals two or three hours before bedtime.可知晚上睡覺(jué)前最晚兩小時(shí)前要用完餐,故選C。
My 17?year?old daughter went off to college and having her away from home brought back memories of watching Peter Pan when she was little. In the classic TV production,one scene in particular impressed me: when Mrs. Darling puts her children into bed. As she turns off the last of the night lights,she takes one last look at the bedroom and says,“Dear night lights,protect my sleeping children.” As a mother,I know how much she loves her children.
It has been several weeks since we took our daughter to college and she seems to be adjusting (適應(yīng)) well after a short period of homesickness. For us,though,it’s another story. Like most parents,I love checking in on my children at night. But now she’s gone,and I find nighttimes the hardest. I miss her most at night.
In my neighborhood,most of the parents whose kids are off to college are dealing with similar melancholy. My husband is filled with anxiety. One friend talked about getting this sick feeling in her stomach as she prepared for the college drop-off We complained that many of us were too busy to truly enjoy being with our children while we had them.
For us moms,seeing Toy Story 3 only made the sadness worse as we watched the character Andy,who is the same age as our kids,say goodbye to his childhood as he prepares to leave for college. And it’s not just “first-time” parents like me. Two moms who have kids already well into college said the separation didn’t get any easier.“You feel like something has been taken away from inside you,” said one of them.
I imagine things will get easier with time,especially as I see my daughter adjust to college life. Meanwhile,as I keep my cellphone close to me in bed and text my daughter goodnight and sweet dreams every night,I like to think at messages serve as a night light that keeps her safe.
【解題導(dǎo)語(yǔ)】 孩子離家上大學(xué),難受的不僅僅是孩子,家長(zhǎng)也會(huì)傷心和擔(dān)憂。
55.The writer was deeply impressed by the scene in Peter Pan because ________.
A.she watched the scene with her daughter
B.the scene was very exciting and interesting
C.the scene taught her and her daughter a good lesson
D.the scene showed a mother’s deep love for her children
解析:選D。推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段的As a mother,I know how much she loves her children.可推斷是那個(gè)媽媽對(duì)孩子的愛(ài)使作者對(duì)那個(gè)場(chǎng)景印象深刻。
56.After her daughter went to college,the writer ________.
A.didn’t get used to the change for a long time
B.often cried as she missed her daughter so much
C.realized she hadn’t done enough for her daughter
D.failed to have a good sleep every night
解析:選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的she seems to be a adjusting well after a short period of homesickness. For us,though,it’s another story.可知作者并沒(méi)有很快適應(yīng)女兒不在身邊的生活。
57.What is the underlined word “melancholy” in Paragraph 3 similar in meaning to?
A.Happiness. B.Anger.
C.Sadness. D.Excitement.
58.According to the last paragraph,why did the writer keep her cellphone close to her in bed?
A.To call her daughter any time.
B.To wait for her daughter’s calls.
C.To say good night to her daughter.
D.To wait for her daughter’s messages.
解析:選C。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)末段的as I keep my cellphone close to me in bed and text my daughter goodnight and sweet dreams every night可知應(yīng)選C。
When my mom and dad said that we could adopt a couple of cats,I jumped at the chance to have some lovely animals around the house. So we went to the Humane Society where there were a lot of animals up for adoption. The first thing I noticed was that there was not a lot of room for the animals and not a lot of supplies to care for them. Even though they didn’t have much,the people who worked there tried to care about the animals. Still,it seemed they had no enough food and medicine to keep the animals healthy.
My family and I finally decided to adopt two cats we named Sox and Sierra. We went up to the front desk to sign the papers for them,and that’s when I noticed a box on the counter. The Humane Society was hoping to get enough donations to buy more supplies for the animals and also build a new building to help more animals.
Later that day my mom and I went shopping,and as we were walking through the parking lot at the store,I noticed a green piece of paper not far from our car. It was kind of wet,but it looked like it could be a dollar bill,so I walked over and picked it up. It wasn’t a dollar bill-it was a twenty-dollar bill!
When I got home,I dried it off and thought about what to do with it. I considered spending it on a toy and a lot of other things. Right then,Sox climbed up onto my lap,and I knew what I was going to do with the money.
I asked my mom to take me back to the Humane Society so that I could put the money in the donation box. The lady at the counter thanked me,and I felt really good about what I did.
59.When knowing they would have a couple of cats,the author felt ________.
A.a(chǎn)nnoyed B.excited
C.a(chǎn)ngry D.a(chǎn)stonished
解析:選B。根據(jù)第一段第1句“...I jumped at the chance to have some lovely animals around the house”可知,作者聽(tīng)說(shuō)爸媽同意“我們”領(lǐng)養(yǎng)兩只貓,她為有機(jī)會(huì)擁有這可愛(ài)的動(dòng)物而興奮得跳起來(lái),故選B項(xiàng)。
60.What can we know from the first paragraph?
A.How wealthy the writer’s family was.
B.How people helped the Humane Society with the money animals.
C.The living conditions of the animals in the Humane Society.
D.The great efforts people working in the Humane Society made.
解析:選C。根據(jù)“The first thing I noticed was that there was not a lot of room for the animals and not a lot of supplies to care for them”可知答案。
61.Where did the author find a twenty-dollar bill?
A.In the park.
B.On the way back home.
C.At the parking lot.
D.At the gate of the Humane Society.
解析:選C。根據(jù)第三段第1句“...as we were walking through the parking lot at the store”可知,作者是在路過(guò)商場(chǎng)的停車(chē)點(diǎn)時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)一張20美元的鈔票。
62.How did the author deal with the money she found?
A.She spent it on some books.
B.She bought some toys with it.
C.She returned it to the one who lost it.
D.She gave it to the Humane Society.
解析:選D。根據(jù)最后一段的第1句“I asked my mom to take me back to the Humane Society so that I could put the money in the donation box”可知,作者把撿到的20美元捐獻(xiàn)給了那個(gè)慈善機(jī)構(gòu)。
Recently a man came to me,because he was told that there was fluid around his heart. After trying many drugs which were of no use to reduce the fluid,he was told the only other choice was to have an operation. He refused because he knew that every illness has a mental cause and that if he had the operation but did not clear the mental cause,the fluid would return. At last,he searched the Internet to find a metaphysical healer (自然力治療師),and he found me.
The mental cause of his disease was an experience of breaking up five years ago with several friends,whom he had known for over twenty years. This experience broke his heart. Not knowing how to “mend” his broken heart,his body created a “repair” by surrounding his heart with fluid to protect it from the sad feelings.
Our work focused on reminding him of the feelings of being loved and forgiving his friends. Months later,his heart was mended and the fluid disappeared. He left my office after the final session with a smile on his face and a spring in his steps.
The key is: to create a healthy body,you must be healthy not only in body,but also in mind.
To be mentally healthy,you need to build up strong relationships. Creating strong relationships will insure that you are accompanied by a network of loving persons. It is important for building a support system that boosts your spirits. Even when you are alone,you will not feel lonely or upset. Strong relationships are not spaceships-they are not hard to build.
63.The underlined word “boosts” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.controls B.guides
C.lifts D.a(chǎn)ffects
解析:選C。根據(jù)下一句“Even when you are alone,you will not feel lonely or upset”可以推斷出正確答案為C項(xiàng)。
64.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Loving others will keep you in good spirits.
B.Heart illness can be cured without operation.
C.Creating strong relationships will keep you healthy.
D.Spiritual health is necessary for physical health.
解析:選D。通讀全文內(nèi)容尤其是第四段“The key is:to create a healthy body,you must be healthy not only in body,but also in mind”可知正確答案為D項(xiàng)。
65.Which of the following views may the writer agree with?
A.Old friendship is easy to lose.
B.A good friendship is a useful medicine.
C.The best doctor is your own body.
D.It needs many efforts to build relationships.
66.If this passage is continued with another paragraph,what would it be probably about?
A.How to build strong relationships.
B.How to protect your heart.
C.How to keep mentally healthy.
D.How to live a healthy life.
解析:選A。根據(jù)最后一段最后一句“Strong relationships are not spaceships?they are not hard to build”可以推斷出正確答案為A項(xiàng)。
Anger and other strong emotions (情感) can probably cause deadly heart beats in certain weak people,the US researchers said on Monday.
Earlier studies have shown that earthquake,war or even the loss of a World Cup Soccer game can increase chances of death from sudden cardiac arrest,in which the heart stops passing blood.
“It’s certainly been shown in all different ways that when you put people under pressure,sudden death will increase,” said Dr.Rachel Lampert of Yale University in New Haven,Connecticut.
“Our study starts to look at how this really has an effect on the electrical system of the heart,” Lampert said.
She and her assistants studied 62 patients with heart disease and ICDs that can discover dangerous heart beats and send an electrical shock to bring a normal heart beat back.
Patients in the study took part in an exercise in which they told a recent angry period while Lampert’s team did a test called TWave Alternant that measures electrical instability(不穩(wěn)定性) in the heart.
Lampert said the team on purpose asked questions to get people to experience the angry period again.“We found in the lab that yes,anger did increase this electrical instability in these patients,” she said.
Next,they followed patients for three years to see which patients later had a cardiac arrest and needed a shock from their ICDs.“The people who had the highest anger were 10 times more likely than everyone else to have cardiac arrest,” she said.
Lampert said the study suggests that anger can be deadly,at least for people who are already weak to this type of electrical disorder in the heart.
【解題導(dǎo)語(yǔ)】 憤怒或激烈的情緒會(huì)導(dǎo)致人猝死?茖W(xué)家也通過(guò)一系列的試驗(yàn)證明了這一點(diǎn)。
67.From the passage we know cardiac arrest refers to ________.
A.someone who will be caught if he does something wrong
B.some place where you can show all your feelings
C.some disease that can kill people instantly
D.something used by patients in hospital
解析:選C。推理判斷題。文章第二段說(shuō)到此前的研究表明,地震、戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)甚至輸?shù)粢粓?chǎng)世界杯足球賽都會(huì)增加cardiac arrest引起死亡的幾率,并用非限制性定語(yǔ)從句解釋,cardiac arrest是一種由心臟突然停止供血而引發(fā)的死亡,醫(yī)學(xué)名為心源性猝死。
68.The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to “________”.
A.feelings of anger and pressure
C.feelings of happiness
69.What did Lampert use to measure electrical instability of patients’ heart?
A.ICD and TWave Alternant test.
B.ICD and Cardic arrest.
C.Cardiac arrest.
D.The passage doesn’t tell us.
70.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.new findings for heart disease
B.that anger really can kill a person
C.a(chǎn) new test of measuring heart blood
D.a(chǎn) study showing danger of heart beats
第四部分 書(shū)面表達(dá)(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
第一節(jié) 完成句子(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)
71.Only if people of all the countries are united ________________(我們才能解決)the existing problems in the world.(solve)
答案:can we solve/will we be able to solve
72.____________(油漆成)red,the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.(paint)
答案:Painted/Having been painted
73.________________ (不會(huì)用)a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.(use)
答案:Not being able to use/Being unable to use/Not knowing how to use
74.The news ________________(房?jī)r(jià)將要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices.(fall)
答案:that house prices will fall
75.After she completes the project,she’ll have ________________(沒(méi)什么要擔(dān)心的).(worry)
答案:nothing to worry about/no more worries
76.Mr.Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention ____________(討論)at the meeting.(discuss)
答案:(should) be discussed
77.My mother was so proud of all ________________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)
答案:(that) I had done
78.Last night’s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ________________(未證實(shí))yet.(prove)
答案:had not been proved
79.It’s said that they have swum to the island from the continent,but they ________________(不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide.(do)
答案:can’t/couldn’t have done it/so/that/this
80.________________(正如我們強(qiáng)調(diào)的那樣)many times,“serve the people” is our first policy.(stress)
答案:As we have stressed/As has been stressed
第二節(jié) 短文寫(xiě)作(共1題;滿分25分)
Last week ,I had a survey about the activities the students of our class did at noon at school.
One possible version:
Last week,I had a survey about the activities the students of our class did at noon at school. The results are as follows. Many students,about 55 percent,were doing their homework. About 30 percent were having a rest. About 10 percent were listening to MP3. Only 5 percent of them were eating snacks at that time.
As is shown in the chart,we always have too much homework to do every day. We students should learn to balance our spare time and studies. Just like a saying goes:“All work but no play makes Jack a dull boy,”What’s more,it’s necessary for us students to have a good rest at noon so that we will be energetic to attend lessons in the very afternoon.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/74874.html
