Book 5 Unit 2 Warming and Reading教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
1.consist of 【課文原句】
consist of 表示“(整體)由(不同成分或部件)組成或構成;包括!辈挥糜谶M行時態(tài)和被動語態(tài)。
聯(lián)合國包括大不列顛和北愛爾蘭。The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain.
知識鏈接:1)make up 也可以表示“組成=(form)”,強調(diào)分散的個體組成整體,既可用于主動語態(tài),也可用于被動語態(tài);不用于進行時態(tài)。
The study group is made up of ten students.=The study group consists of ten students.=Ten students make up the study group.=Ten students form the study group.
2)consist in 存在于,在于 consist with 和……一致
活學活用:It is reported that the Group of Eight the eight richest counties in the world.
A. is consisted of B. consists of C. is made up D. consists in
2. divide …into 【課文原句】
divide …into把……分成 被動式為 be divided into
這些白線把賽區(qū)分成各個部分。The white lines divide the playing area into sections.
/The playing area is divided into sections by the white lines.
知識鏈接:divide sth. between (among )sb.在……中分配某物 divide A from B將A和B分開
1)他們分了那筆錢。They divided the money between(among) themselves.
2)英吉利海峽把英法兩國分割開來。The English Channel divides England from France.
易混變析:divide…into / separate…from
divide …into把整體分成若干部分,即破壞原有的整體性。
separate…from 把原來連在一起或靠近的人或事物分割開,個體沒有遭到破壞。
1)你如何把這段線分成二十段?How do you divide the line into 20 pieces?
2)一道籬笆把我家和他家分擱開了。A fence separates my house from his.
3.clarify 【課文原句】
clarify vt. 澄清;闡明
1)我希望我說的話能闡明這一情況。I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.
2)他澄清了他在該問題上的立場。He clarified his stand on the issue.
知識鏈接:clarification n. 澄清,凈化 clarify one’s stand/ position闡明某人的立場
活學活用:You should the facts related to this problem, which can make others know you are innocent. A. clarify B judge C. explain D. express

accomplish vt.完成;實現(xiàn);達到
1)你們必須在規(guī)定的時間完成這項任務。You should accomplish the task within the time allowed.
2)他是一個不會有任何成就的人。He is a man who will accomplish anything.
知識鏈接:accomplishment n.完成;成就;成績 accomplished adj. 熟練的
accomplish one’s purpose/aim 達到目的 accomplish a task完成任務
5.break away 【課文原句】

break away (from) 擺脫(束縛),脫離;革除(習慣、思想方式、信仰等)
1)有一個省脫離了舊政府而另組新政府。A province has broken away to form a new state.
2)囚犯掙脫看守者逃跑了。The prisoner broke away from his guards.
3)你必須革除這樣的壞習慣。You must break away from such bad habits.
知識鏈接:break out of 逃離;擺脫 break off中斷談話;停頓 break in闖入;插話;打斷 break through突破;打破 break up 粉碎;破碎;結束 break up with sb. 與某人斷交
break out (戰(zhàn)爭、火災等)突然爆發(fā) break into破門而入;突然開始(笑、唱等)
活學活用:At last the mad woman seemed to be controlled. Suddenly she her husband and ran to the well.
A. broke away from B. broke into C. broke up D. broke through sb.’s credit 【課文原句】

to sb.’s credit 為某人爭光;值得贊揚
1)杰克對所發(fā)生的事守口如瓶,值得贊揚。To his credit, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.
2)你們克服了這樣大的困難值得大大贊揚。It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.
credit n.信任;學分;贊揚;信貸
1)你相信政府的說法嗎?Do you place any credit in the government’s story?
2)銀行拒絕再給那家公司提供貸款。The bank refused credit to the company.
知識鏈接:credible adj. 可信的 creditor n. 債權人
7.convenience 【課文原句】

convenience n.方便;便利
常見結構:for convenience 為了方便起見 at one’s convenience 在某人方便的時候
1.)為了方便起見我們買了這座房子,它靠近火車站。We bought this house for convenience; it’s near the shops and the railway station.
2.)歡迎您在方便的時候給予面談的機會。I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience,
知識鏈接:convenient adj. 方便的(主語不能是人)
be convenient for sb. 對某人來說很方便
It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人方便做某事
活學活用:1)I’m trying to break the of getting up too late.
A. tradition B. convenience C. habit D. leisure
2) Would it be for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport? B. vacant C. handy D. convenient
8. attract 【課文原句】

attract vt. 吸引,引起……的注意;具有吸引力
常見結構:attract sb’s attention/attract the attention of sb.吸引某人的注意
attract sb. to sth吸引某人關注某事
1)那只熊貓吸引了不少孩子。The panda attracted many children.
2)她試圖引起服務員的注意。She tried to attract the attention of the waiter.
知識鏈接:attraction n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物 a tourist attraction 旅游景點;旅游勝地
活學活用:The company is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores.
A.join B. attract C.stick D.transfer
9.leave out 【課文原句】
leave out 省略;遺漏;不考慮,忽視
1)他們決定把這一章節(jié)從那本書中刪掉。They decided to leave the chapter out of the book altogether.
2)她感到受到了冷落,因為其他孩子都不和她玩。She felt left out because the other children didn’t play with her.
知識鏈接:leave behind 遺留;超過 leave for 動身(去某處) leave off停止(做某事)
leave aside 擱置一邊;忽視 leave alone不管;撇下……一人
活學活用:The teacher stressed again that the students should not any important details while retelling the story.A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out 
Unit 2 Grammar
She found the door broken in when she came back.她回來時發(fā)現(xiàn)有人破門而入。
My grandfather had his old house rebuilt.我爺爺找人重修了一下他的舊房子。
They kept the door locked for a long time.他們把門鎖了好長一段時間。
Don't leave the windows broken like this all the time.不要讓窗戶一直像這樣破著。
I have had my bike repaired.我讓人修了修我的自行車。
The villagers had many trees planted just then.就在那時,村民們叫人種了許多樹。
My elder sister had her wallet stolen on a bus last month.上個月,我姐姐的錢包在汽車上被偷了。
The old man had his wrist broken in theacccident.這位老人在事故中腕部摔壞了。
I raised my voice to make myself heard.我提高了嗓門以便于被人家聽到。
They managed to make themselves under- stood using very simple English.他們用了很淺易的英語來設法使自己被理解。
三、過去分詞用在感觀動詞watch,notice,see,hear,listen to,feel,find等的后面。如:
When we got to school,we saw the door locked.當我們到學校時,我們看見門鎖著。
We can hear the windows beaten by the heavy rain drops.我們可以聽到大雨點敲打窗戶的聲音。
The teacher wouldn't like the problem dis- cussed at the moment.老師不想此刻討論這個問題。
I want the suit made to his own measure.我想要這套衣服照他自己的尺寸做。
My parents expected me to be well-prepared for the entrance examination.我父母希望我好好準備入學考試。
The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.小偷被帶進來了,雙手被綁在后面。
With many brightly-coloured flowers planted around the building,his house looks like a beautiful garden.周圍種了許多色彩鮮艷的花,他的房子看上去就像一座漂亮的花園。
1.The manager discusssed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.
A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out carry out
2.Mr.Brown was very disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ______ went wrong again. repaired C.repaired be repaired
3.In the past few years,we have had thousands of trees ______ around our school.
A.plant B.planted C.planting D.being planted
4.Is this the recorder you want ______? have repaired repair it have it repaired repaired
5.She was glad to see her child well ______ care of.
A.take be taken C.taken D.taking
6.The result of the entrance exams was not made ______ to the public until last Thursday.
A.knowing B.known know be known
7.He found them ______ at a table ______ .
A.sat;to play chess B.sitting;to play chess C.seated;playing chess;play the chess
8.I can make you ______ what I say,but you can't make yourself ______ in English.
A.understand;understand B.understand;understood understand;understand  D.understand;to be understood
9.The girl asked him not to leave the door ______ . close B.closed be closed D.closing
10.I have often heard the"ABC Song" ______,but I have never heard Alice ______ it. be sung;to sing  B.being sung;sang  C.sung;sing  D.sang;singing
11.John rushed out in a hurry,______ the door ______ .
 A.leaving;unlocked  B.leaving;unlocking  C.left;unlocked leave;unlocking
12.Before she came to England,she had never heard a single English word ______ .
 A.speaking B.spoken speak D.speak
13. ______ poor at English,I'm afraid I can't make myself ______ .
A.To be;understand  B.I'm;to understand C.Being;understandingD.Being;understood
14.I have had my bike ______,and I'm going to have somebody ______ my radio tomorrow.;to repair  B.repairing;to be repaired  C.repaired;repair repair;repairing
15.You must get the work ______ before Friday. do C.doing D.done
16. ______ the room,the nurse found the tape-recorder ______ .
A.Entering;stealing B.Entering;gone C.To have entered;being stolen
D.Having entered;to be stolen
17.When his wife returned,the husband noticed her hair ______ short.
A.cutting be cut C.being cut D.cut
18.The student are told to have their homework ______ in before tomorrow afternoon.
A.hand hand C.handed D.handing
19.We are pleased to see the problem ______ so quickly.
  A.settled B.having been settled settled D.settling
20.The ______ professor found the matter ______ .


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