
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1、修建更多的立交橋和地鐵 2、使用公共交通工具或騎自行車或步行
3、開(kāi)辟更多的公交車路線 4、控制小汽車的產(chǎn)量
詞匯:bus/ coach /taxi, cab /trolleybus /underground, subway /bike/motorbike/truck/stop, station /roadworks/route/pedestrian/overpass/crowded//accident/convenient(adj),convenience(n),inconvenient, inconvenience/ taxi driver, cab driver/ rush hour /public transport/ cause congestion/ traffic jam /ease(add to )traffic pressure /private car/motorway ,freeway, superhighway/crossroads, intersection /one-way street/no entry/no parking /car park, parking lot/be(get) stuck in/bicycle lane/city centre/ring road/traffic light/traffic rules/under construction/keep cool/…
1. What’s the problem with… ? 2. What’s the solution to the problem?
3. It’s time for sb to do sth./It’s high time that sb did sth.
4. We should take measures/steps/action to do sth./Measures should be taken to… 5.The reason why… is that… 6. It’s a good idea to… 7.How about/What about…? 8.Why not/Why don’t we… ? 9.Let’s do … 10.We’d better (not) do…
第一:first/firstly/at first/first of all/in the first place/to begin with/to start with/for one thing…第二: second/secondly/in the second place/next/then/for another thing…
第三: third/thirdly/besides/in addition/furthermore/moreover/what’s more…
最后/總之: finally/at last/lastly/in the last place/last of all/last but not least/in a word/in a nutshell…
The traffic jams have become a terrible problem and they are usually caused by people _______________________________________________________ (不遵守交通規(guī)則)and_____________(道路施工)on the streets. Besides, the increase of new cars also _______________________________________(導(dǎo)致)the traffic jams . Therefore, __________________________________________(交通堵塞越來(lái)越嚴(yán)重). This causes people’s inconvenience and it’s high time _________________________________(采取措施解決這一問(wèn)題). What’s the solution to the problem? My suggestions are as follows:
____________(第一), we should build more__________(立交橋) and underground lines so as to ______________________(緩解交通壓力). _______________(第二),we’d better go to work or go shopping by bus ,by bike or on foot instead of driving private cars. __________(第三), ______________________(好點(diǎn)子) to open up more public bus routes. __________(最后), the production of cars should ____________(控制), for there are too many cars moving on the roads every day.
________(總之), I believe we can improve our traffic conditions if we try our best.
Book 4 Module 2 p12
Getting Around in Beijing
Read the passage and answer:

2.They are usually red, and they _________the price per kilometer on the window.

3.You should check the cab has a business _________(permit/permission), and ______________you ask for a ___________(發(fā)票,收據(jù)).

4.Public transport ___________(offer/provide/supply)a cheap way to _____________in Beijing.

5.There are 20,000 buses and _____________(電車)in Beijing, but they __________(must/should/can) get very ___________.

6.____________________________________to avoid public transport during the rush hour.
7.________(車費(fèi))are cheap, _____________(to start/starting/started) at 1 yuan.

8.Buses numbered 1 to 100 ________________(limit)travel within the city centre. Higher numbers have destinations _______________________(郊區(qū)).

9.Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103bus _______ offers one of the most ____________(impress/impressive/impression) routs, _________ the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park.

10.You’ll ______________________(看見(jiàn)) the rapidly changing city.

11.However, there is also a night bus service, provided by buses with a number in the 200s.
12.There _____(is/are) four _____________ lines in Beijing, and several lines are _________________________. Trains are fast and ________________(方便的), but rush hours _______ be terrible.

13.Tourists like these human-pedalled “tricycle taxis”, but they ________ be expensive.
14.You should talk to the driver ,and make sure you know the price before you begin the journey, for example, if it is per person, single, or return.(分析本句)
15.Tricycles are worth_____________(use/to use/using/being used/to be used), if you want to __________ (explore/exploration) the narrow alleys(hutong)of old Beijing.

Book 4 Module 2 p14
Speaker 1
On my way home a few days ago, I _______ _________ again in the traffic. While I was waiting, I saw a group of taxi drivers in front of me getting out of their cars. They seemed to know each other. They had coffee cups and one of them carried a thermos flask and ________ _______ some hot water to make tea. It was quite funny! But even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still _________ and we still couldn’t move.

Speaker 2
A few days ago I had to catch a plane to Sichuan Province. The plane took off at 5:30 pm so I set off at ______ pm to allow plenty of time to get to the airport. But it wasn’t enough time. At 5 pm I was still only at the third _______ ________. It was just ridiculous! There was____ ____ I was going to catch the plane, so I told the taxi driver to turn back and go home.

Speaker 3
It’s only 7 kilometers from my home to my place of work. But every day, it is almost certain there will be a traffic ______ as I get near the west fourth ring road. It’s so annoying! It takes at least 15 to 20 minutes to _______ ___________ it. I think the traffic jams are usually caused by people disobeying traffic rules. To get to the front of the line, they often take the bicycle _______. It’s the same with pedestrians and cyclists. They don’t wait for the green light to pass.

Speaker 4
Beijing traffic seems to have got noticeably worse recently. The causes seem to be __________ as the city prepares for the Olympics, and a huge increase in new car owners and new drivers. Whatever the cause, it’s enough to __________ you mad! Why not limit the number of cars, build more _______________ lines or follow Shanghai and build roads in the sky? These days I only go out in my car at night after 9 pm. That way I avoid the worst of the traffic.

Speaker 5
Going to the Summer Palace the other evening there was a big traffic jam at a narrow bridge. One lane in either direction. So obviously there were lots of cars _____________ on the wrong side of the road which then came to a complete stop when a car came ____ the other direction. Result :no one was able to move for 10 minutes! As soon as it _____________ the same thing happened again. It’s unbelievable!

Book 4 Module 2 p77
Conversation 1
A: Hello.
Nora: Hi. It’s me , Nora.
A: Hello. Have you got your ticket?
N: Yes. I am coming on the ____th of June. The plane arrives at 5 pm. Then I have a __________ at 6:15.
A: That’s _________ hour. The roads will be very busy.
N: How can I get to the central bus station?
A: Take the number 23bus at the airport. It will be just as quick as a taxi.
N: Thanks. I’ll let you know how I _________ ________.
Conversation 2
A: Hello.
N: Hi. It’s me. Nora. There’s no way I’ll get to the bus ____________ in time for my coach. I’m on the 23 bus and it’s stuck in a traffic jam. It’s just ridiculous!
A: Oh dear. Where are you exactly?
N: On the ring road, not far from the hospital.
A: Keep _________! I’ve got an idea. Why not take the underground? There’s a station near the hospital. It’ ll be _____________ but much quicker than the bus.
N: Good idea. I’ll phone you later.
Conversation 3
A: Hello.
N: Hi. It’s me again.
A: Hi, Nora. Where are you now?
N: I’m at the bus station but I’ve __________ the coach. It’s so annoying! I only missed it by 2 minutes.
A: Listen! The coach stops at the railway station. Take a taxi there now and you may catch the coach.
N: Ok. It’s worth ____________. I’ll speak to you later.
Conversation 4
A: Hello.
N: It’s me again.
A: Where are you this time?
N: On the coach! I finally ___________ ________ .
A: It’s unbelievable!
N: How do I get to your apartment from the coach station?
A: ________ in the bus station ________ I’ll come and get you. What time do you arrive?
N: At 8 o’ clock.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/78967.html
