高二英語(yǔ)Guessing about People教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
j.Co M 高二英語(yǔ)Guessing about People教案
高二英語(yǔ)Unit 13 People Lesson 3 Guessing about People教案(北師大必修5)
Teaching Aims:
To practise using modals for speculation
To distinguish between modals used for decision, advice and speculation
Teaching difficulties:
To practise using modals for speculation
Teaching Aids: computer, cassette
Teaching procedures:
Ⅰ. Warming up
T: First look at the title “Guessing about People” Who can tell me what’s the meaning of the title?
T: “Guessing about people” means make a judge about people without being sure of all the facts. In daily life If we are curious or worried at somebody or something we often make various guess. Think over which words we will use when we guess what will happen? What happened?
S: must, may, may not, can, can’t and so on .
T: now we will listen to a dialogue in which there are a lot of words about speculation.
Listen to the dialogue to do the exercise
1.The two students were missing ______.
A.because they were separated from the other students.
B. in a cave.
C. for the reason we don’t know.
2. The dialogue tells us ______.
A. The two students disappeared 3 days ago.
B. My cousin know where they are
C. The rescuers found them in a cottage.
3. The dialogue makes various guessed except_________.
A.They must be frightened.
B.They both are injured.
C.They might have some food to eat.
Answers: 1.C 2.A 3.B
T: Ca n you say out the main idea of the story in you own words?
T: Now let’s look at whether your story is true or not.
Do the exercise 2 Listen to the dialogue again and complete the gaps
Play the cassette once for students to listen and then again for them to complete the gaps.
Ⅲ Grammar
Do the exercise 3.
The two people in the dialogue make various guesses at the two missing students.
They use the following sentences but you need to complete the gaps with modal verbs.
Check students’ answers by having them read the sentences aloud. Draw their attention to the different infinitive forms after the modals.
Do the exercise 4.
As a class students discuss the meaning of the sentences in the table and decide if they express decision, advice or speculation.
Ask students how they would express decision (is going to; is about to;) and advice (should , had better, )
Do the exercise 5
The grammar we learn today is modal verbs. Modal verbs can express possibility, permission, intention and guess. Now do the exercise 5. Which of the modal verbs in exercise 3 express the following.
Do the exercise 6
As a whole class, students discuss what the sentences 1-3 are referring to and match them with a, b and c.
Guide students to analysis the modal verbs’ use in the past, in the future and now.
may /might have +PP(過(guò)去分詞)
must have +pp(過(guò)去分詞)
must be + noun / adj
maybe/ must be + ving
must +v(原形)
can’t have + PP(過(guò)去分詞)
can’t be + noun / adj
can’t +v(原形)
Do the exercise 7, 8 and 9 to practise and consolidate modal verbs
Do some Best Choice to consolidate modal verbs
1?Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.
--Well. He _____have gone far?his coat ‘s still here.
A.shouldn’t B. mustn’t
C. can’t D. wouldn’t
2 ---Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?
---Sorry, I am not sure. But it _____be .
A. might B. will
C. must D. can
3. ---Tom graduated from college at a very young age.
--- Oh, he _____have been a very smart boy then.
A.could B. should
C. might D. must
4. ---I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.
---- It ____ true because there was little snow there.
A. may not be B. won’t be
C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be
5. Jack ______yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.
A. mustn’t have arrived
B. shouldn’t have arrived
C. can’t have arrived
D. needn’t have arrived
6. ---Didn’t you know that you went driving at 100 kilometers an hour, Madam?
--- _____. My old car can do no more than 80, officer.
A.I may not have been
B.I couldn’t have been
C.I mustn’t have been
D.I shouldn’t have been
Answers: 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.C
Ⅳ Homework
It is possible that some students can’t master the use of modal verbs individually. So the teacher ask students to do the exercise 10 and 11 as written homework to find out the mistakes of students to help them. Another purpose is to save time in class and give students enough time to do well the exercise.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/79997.html
