
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高考復習 來源: 高中學習網

  1. “Mike is often absent from class.” “Tell him he _____ answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.”
  A. shall B. will
  C. would D. can
  【分析】最佳答案選A。shall 用作情態(tài)動詞主要有以下兩個用法:
  (1) 用于疑問句中征求意見。如:
  Shall I help you? 要不要我?guī)蛶湍?
  Shall I open the window? 要我把窗子打開嗎?
  (2) 用于陳述句中表示允諾、告誡、警告、威脅、命令、規(guī)定、必然性等(可用于各類人稱)。如:
  You shall suffer for this. 你會為此事吃苦頭的。(表威脅)
  Each competitor shall wear a number. 每個參賽者要戴一個號碼。(表規(guī)定)
  You shall hear everything as soon as you come. 你一來就可聽到所有情況了。(表允諾)
  請做以下試題(答案均選 shall):
  (1) “I promise that she _____ get a nice present on her birthday.” “Will it be a great surprise to her?”
  A. should B. must
  C. would D. shall
  2. You _______ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.
  A. cannot B. shouldn’t
  C. mustn’t D. needn’t
  You can’t be too careful. 你越仔細越好。
  You can’t praise the too much. 這本書值得大加贊揚。
  We cannot work too much for the people. 我們?yōu)槿嗣褡龉ぷ魇遣豢赡茏鲞^頭的。
  A woman cannot have too many clothes. 女人買的衣服再多也不算多。
  注:有時也可用 can never, impossible 等與too連用來表示類似意思。如:
  It is impossible to get there too soon. 去那兒越早越好。
  3. “Is John coming by train?” “He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car.”
  A. must B. can
  C. need D. may
  【分析】最佳答案為D。may 表推測,may not 意為“可能不(會坐火車來)”。句中的 He should 為 He should come by train 之省略,由于其后出現(xiàn)轉折連詞 but,說明語意有變化,再結合下文的 He likes driving his car,便可決定此題選D。注意,不能選B,因為can表示推測時通常不用肯定陳述句。
  4. “I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.” “It ____ true because there was little snow there.”
  A. may not be B. won’t be
  C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be
  【分析】此題最佳答案為C,主要由下文的 because there was little snow there 這一語境所決定,既然“沒下什么雪”,那么“滑雪”就應是“不可能”,所以選 couldn’t be,即選C。
  5. “Do you think he is lazy?” “I _____ so once, but I don’t now.”
  A. may have thought B. can have thought
  C. may think D. might think
  答案選A。從答話人的語境可知,空格處的意思“曾經這樣想過”,即對過去情況作推測,故應用“情態(tài)動詞+動詞完成式”;又因為 can 表推測不用于肯定句,故選A。請看類例:
  Their answers are exactly the same — one of them ______ from the other.
  A. must copy B. must have copied
  C. should copy D. should have copied
  6. You _____ be right, but I don’t think you are.
  A. can B. could C. must D. should
  【分析】從語境上看,C、D不宜選,在剩下的A和B中,許多同學想當然地選了A,認為整個句子為現(xiàn)在時態(tài),所以選can,而不選過去式 could,但是最佳答案卻是B而不是A。按照英語語法,情態(tài)動詞can 用于推測表示可能性時,通常只用于否定句或疑問句中,而不用于肯定句中;但 could 用于表推測時,卻不僅可用于否定句和疑問句,也可用于肯定句,且此時的 could 并不是 can 的過去式,與 can 也沒有時間上的差別,只是 could 比 can語氣更委婉,所以答案選B。注:can 在以下特殊情況下,也可用于肯定句。一是表示抽象的可能性,即從理論上或邏輯上分析是可能的,但是實際上未必會發(fā)生。如:Anyone can make mistakes. 任何人都可能會犯錯誤。二是后接“be (get, seem, become)+形容詞”,表示“有時會”、“時常會”等。如:My father can be very unreasonable. 我父親有時候很不講道理。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaokao/307695.html
