
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高考復(fù)習(xí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

  1.habit n 習(xí)慣
  form/develop the(a) habit of
  be in the(a )habit of
  fall/get into the(a) habit of
  2.hand v 傳遞n手,指針
  have a hand in
  give/lend sb a hand
  hand in /out/down
  from hand to hand
  on the one hand…on the other hand…
  3.◎handle    n. 把手  the ~ of the door
  vt. 處理,應(yīng)付 I have no idea how to ~ the children.
  4.●handy 便利的,順手的
  It's quite a handy little tool.
  I always keep my gun handy just in case.
  5.hang vt vi 絞刑,上吊,懸掛
  hang one's head in shame含羞低頭
  hang curtains
  hang out/up
  6.happen  v 發(fā)生,碰巧
  What happened to her?
  It so happened that I had no money with me.
  I happened to have no money with me.
  7.hardly 幾乎不
  Hardly does she go home.
  Hardly had he got home when it began to rain.
  8.◎harm   危害  n    do (no) ~ to sb/sth
  v    ~ sb/sth
  9. harvest  n.
  A heavy snow promises a good harvest. 瑞雪兆豐年
  get in the harvest 收莊稼
  10.hate  v.   hate to do/ doing
  I hate it when people cry.
  11. have  v.
  ○1 have (got) to
  ○2 have on 穿著(表狀態(tài),無進行時態(tài))
  He had a red jacket on.
  ○3 have sth done 讓別人做某事/ 主語遭受…
  Is this the watch you have repaired?
  She had her bag stolen.
  ○4 have sb do 讓某人去做某事
  Who do you have type the letter?
  ○5 have something / nothing to do with…與..有/沒有關(guān)系
  ○6 have sb doing…使某人做某事/ 與cannot/won't連用表示不能容忍…
  I have my students listening attentively.  我使學(xué)生們聽得入神.
  I can't have people arriving late all the time. 我不能忍受人們總是遲到.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaokao/310052.html
