
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高考復(fù)習(xí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

  1.●calculate  v. 計算, 核算
  It has been calculated that …
  eg. It has been calculated that at least 47000 jobs were lost last year.
  (be) calculated to do sth.
  eg. The speech was calculated to win votes.
  2. call  v. 叫;喊;打電話
  a girl called Mary       a girl calling herself Mary
  call on         call at sp.      call for
  call up         call off        call in
  3. calm  adj. 鎮(zhèn)靜的、沉著的  calm down
  v.使鎮(zhèn)靜      keep calm
  4. camp  n.營  v.野營;宿營
  summer camp 夏令營   go camping  去野營
  5. can  否定:cannot= can't
  can't help doing = can't help but do  禁不住
  can not…too… = can never…too… 越…越好/再…也不為過
  You can never be too careful when crossing the street.
  6. care  n. 照料;保管
  take care of   照顧、保管       take care (that)…當心
  v. 在乎;介意
  I don't care.  我不在乎/我不放在心上。
  care for   喜歡;照顧
  care about 關(guān)心;在乎
  7. careful  adj.  仔細的;小心的
  be careful of… 當心,小心
  listen carefully
  8. carry  v. 拿;搬;運;背
  carry on  繼續(xù)、進行  carry out  實施、執(zhí)行
  9. case  n. 情況;案件;病例
  in case +句子/in case of +名詞  萬一
  in this/that case  如果這樣/那樣的話
  in no case  絕不
  as is often the case 事實往往如此
  eg: As is often the case, women live longer than man.
  There are some cases where this method won't work.
  10. ◎cash  n. 現(xiàn)金   pay in cash /by check
  vt. 兌現(xiàn)  ~ a check
  cash in on…從...獲得利潤
  The shop are cashing in on temporary shortage by raising prices.
  11.●cast  v. 扔,拋,撒
  cast your net wide       cast about/ around for sth               cast sb./ sth out
  cast sb./ sth aside        be cast away      be cast down        cast sth off
  12. catch-caught-caught
  catch up with  趕上
  catch sight of  看見
  catch sb. doing 撞見/捉住某人做某事
  catch one's eye= attract one's attention  引起某人注意;引人注目
  13.●cater  v. 提供(承辦)酒席,滿足需求
  cater for sth/sb : The class caters for all ability ranges.
  cater to sth/ sb: It catered for all tastes.
  14. cattle  n. 牛(總稱)單復(fù)同形
  The cattle are in the shed. 牛在牛棚里。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaokao/612053.html
