
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高考復習 來源: 高中學習網

  1. She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood _______ he said meant.
  A. that B. what
  C. that that D. what what
  【分析】正確答案選 D。第一個what 用作動詞 meant 的賓語,第二個what 用作動詞 said 的賓語,即在 none of us understood what what he said meant 中,none of us understood 為主句,what what he said meant 為賓語從句,而在此賓語從句中又包括有 what he said 這樣一個主語從句。
  2. After _______ had happened he could not continue to work there.
  A. which B. how
  C. what D. having
  【分析】最佳答案選 C。有的同學誤選A,是因為認為介詞后應接關系代詞 which,但實際上,若填關系代詞,其前沒有先行詞,這根據不是一個定語從句。另外,由于 had happened 缺主語,所以B和D也不能選。請再做下面一題(答案選B):
  He pointed to ______ looked like a tomb and said, “Ghost.”
  A. that B. what
  C. which D. as
  3.“Is ______ you want to say?” asked the teacher.
  A. this B. that
  C. all that D. that all
  【分析】最佳答案選 D。假若選A或B,那么轉換成陳述句即為:This is you want to say. / That is you want to say. 顯然句中的兩個謂語動詞 is與want相沖突。選D組成的句子是 Is that all you want to say? 其中的that 為句子主語,all 為表語,you want to say 為定語從句,用以修飾all。
  4. “When ______ leave for Japan?” “When ______ leave for Japan is kept secret.”
  A. they will, will they B. will they, they will
  C. they will, they will D. will they, will they
  【陷阱】可能誤選D,認為 when 后應用疑問句詞序。
  【分析】最佳答案選 B。第一個when引出的是一個特殊疑問句,故用疑問詞序;第二個 when 引出的是主語從句,故其后用陳述句詞序。請做以下試題(答案選C):
  (1) None knows if _______ that boy, but if _______ him, her parents will be disappointed.
  A. she will marry, she will marry B. she marries, she marries
  C. she will marry, she marries D. she marries, she will marry
  (2) “Where _______ go to work?” “Where _______ go to work is not known.”
  A. we shall, we shall B. shall we, shall we
  C. shall we, we shall D. we shall, shall we
  5. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ______.
  A. who is he B. who he is
  C. who is it D. who it is
  【分析】此題最佳答案為D。首先可以排除A和C,因為空格處實為一個賓語從句,所以不能用疑問句詞序。另一方面,但按英語習慣,當用于指代身份不明的人時,要用代詞it,而不用 he 或she等。比較以下兩句:
  Mr Smith is at the door. He wants to see you. 史密斯先生在門口,他想見你。
  Someone is at the door. It may be the postman. 有個人在門口,可能是郵遞員。
  第一句因前面指明了是 Mr Smith,所以后面用代詞 he;而第二句因前面用的是不定代詞 someone,說明此人身份尚不明確,故其后用了代詞 it 來指代。
  6. Don’t you know, my dear friend, ______ it is your money not you that she loves?
  A. who B. which
  C. that D. what
  【陷阱】此題容易誤選 A或B:選 A 的同學認為這是指人的,故用who;選B的同學認為這是非限制性定語從句,兩者都是誤認為這是定語從句(注意沒有先行詞)。
  【分析】其實答案應選C。that引導的是一個賓語從句,用作動詞 know 的賓語,它只是被句中的插入語 my dear friend 隔開罷了。請做以下試題(答案均為C):
  (1) Everyone knows, perhaps except you, _______ your girl-friend is a cheat.
  A. who B. which
  C. that D. what
  (2) I think, though I could be mistaken, ______ she liked me.
  A. who B. which
  C. that D. what
  (3) He told me the news, believe it or not, ______ he had earned $1 000 in a single day.
  A. that B. which
  C. as D. because
  前面兩題 that 引導賓語從句,后面一題 that同位語從句(修飾the news)。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaokao/786938.html
