
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高考復習 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

  1.gain n.收益,獲利v獲得,賺得,贏得
  gain knowledge
  The clock gains.
  He gained 10kg in weight.
  No pains, no gains.
  2. ●gather  vt  vi 聚集,采集   gathering  n.
  gather breath/gather courage/gather strength
  She gathered a crowed around her.
  A crowed of people gathered around her.
  The train was gathering speed.
  3.◎generous  adj.  慷慨大方的It s ~ of you to lend me the car.
  be ~ to sb 對某人慷慨
  豐盛的     a ~ meal.
  generosity  n.
  4.get v成為,得到,到達
  Mother often gets me to wash the dishes.
  The machine broke down. Can you get it working?
  I am going to get my bike repaired.
  You got it.
  Hard work can get you somewhere.
  get sth across to sb      get along with    get down to doing    get rid of
  get round      get away with    get away from    get on
  6.gift  n贈品,禮物
  a birthday gift   have a gift for    a man of many gifts
  ◎gifted = talented 有天賦的  a  ~ student
  7. give v 遞給,付出,給予
  give out/up/away/in/off
  8. ◎glory  n. 榮譽,光榮,贊美  It s a great glory to die for our country.
  glorious  adj.
  9. go v 去,走,到 n嘗試
  All the money he got went in books.
  The story goes that there was a mean landlord named ZhouBapi.
  Where does the book go?
  There is five minutes to go./There is a long way to go.
  go hungry/thirsty/mad/bad/wrong
  have a go 試試
  be on the go 忙碌
  10. good  adj  n
  have a good time doing
  a good few books
  a good many books
  give sb a good beating
  as good as 和…一樣好,幾乎
  be good at English
  be good for one's health
  be good to sb
  do good to sb=do sb good
  It is no good doing

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaokao/882097.html
