
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高三次月考試卷 (2018.9.2)
一.單項選擇 (15×1=15分)
1. He is not an easy man ______.
A. to get on B. to get along C. to be got along with D. to get on with 2. I like her _____ she can be annoying.
A. even if B. even C. as if D. as though
3. Every possible means ___ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A.is used B.a(chǎn)re used C.has been used D.have been used 4.Rather than ______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers.
A.ride; ride B.riding; ride C.ride; to ride D.to ride; riding 5. On _____ the bad news, she cried with her face _____ in his hands.
A. hear; bury B. hear; buried C. heard; burying D. hearing; buried 6. ______ is known to all that the Amber Room belongs to the Russians. A. As B. Which C. It D. What
7. When you read the book, you’d better make a mark ______ you have a question. A. in which B. that C. at which D. where
8. _____ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself ____ at the party. A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; noticing C. Dressing; noticed D. Dressed; noticing 9. The police________ him to see if he had a gun.
A. searched for B. searched C. in search of D. looked for
10. We should do all we can ______ the children who lost the chance to go to school. A. help B. to help C. helping D. to be helping 11. ?__________are you going to__________ it?
? Keep it, of course.
A. What , deal with B. How, deal with C. How, do with D. What, use 12. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _____ the cloth _____ well. A have told; washed B have been told; washes C was told; washed D have been told; is washed
13. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ________ was reasonable.
A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose 14. You’d better solve this difficult problem _____ it is too late. A. before B. after C. when D. unless 15. She pretended A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen 二.完型填空(20×1.5=30分)
There were two poor farmers making a living by collectin


ng wood in the mountain. 捆) of cloth beside the road. So they he had carried the cotton for such a long way, he would not it with , the other farmer left the cotton and carried the cloth on his back. After !The farmer who carried the cloth cotton and wondered whether the gold was real or not.
When they reached the foot of the mountain, it suddenly began to of , the farmer who carried the cotton found that carrying it. He had to abandon the cotton and went back home with his partner carrying the gold.
adjust our goal. We should learn to consider a certain issue from different 16.A. clothes B.cotton C.gold D.wood 17.A. softer B.cheaper C.lighter D.warmer 18.A. carried B.bought C.returned D.left 19.A. sold B.hid C.put D.found 20.A. take away B.throw away C.give out D.hand out 21.A. until B.if C.since D.once 22.A. equip B.exchange C.mix D.connect 23.A. Anyway B.Besides C.Therefore D.However 24.A. thinking B.chatting C.walking D.resting 25.A. down B.a(chǎn)way C.up D.back 26.A. sorry B.unwilling C.glad D.determined 27.A. appear B.break C.shake D.rain 28.A. uncertain B.unfair C.unlucky D.unusual 29.A. taken in B.set up C.run out D.turned off 30.A. cold B.hard C.heavy D.big 31.A. tongue-tied B.kind-hearted C.empty-handed D.open-mouthed
32.A. money B.choice C.order D.progress 33.A. refuse B.review C.provide D.show 34.A. reasons B.ideas C.goals D.sides 35.A. spirit B.eyes C.mind D.doors 三.閱讀理解(20×2=40分)( A )The Leshan Giant Buddha is a statue of Maitreya (彌勒大佛) in sitting posture. The Buddha is located in Sichuan Province, facing Min River, Qingyi River, and Dadu River. In December, 1996, the Buddha was included by UNESCO on the list of the World Heritage (世界遺產(chǎn)錄).
The statue was begun in the year 713 in the Tang Dynasty, and finished in the year 803. The Buddha is 71 meters high. The eight-meter-long instep (腳背) is big enough for one
hundred people to sit on and the 28-meter-wide shoulder is large enough to be a basketball
A monk called Hai Tong is


connected with the Buddha forever. At that time, wild waters brought out many boat accidents and people just put the disaster down to the presence of a water spirit. So Hai Tong decided to make a statue beside the river thinking that the Buddha would bring the water spirit under control. After 20 years' begging from door to door, he finally collected enough money for the plan. When some local government officials tried to get this amount of money, Hai Tong said that they could get his eyeball but not the money raised for the Buddha. After he dug out his eyeball, these officials ran away scared. The project was half done when Hai Tong passed away, and two of his disciples (門徒) continued the work. After a total of 90 years' hard work, the project was finally completed.
Having such a long history, the Buddha was nearly destroyed by the wind and rain.The Chinese government began the repairing work in 1963 under the instruction of experts from UNESCO.
36.What's the main idea of this passage?
A.To explain the Leshan Giant Buddha briefly.
B.To tell us how the Leshan Giant Buddha was built. C.To say where the Leshan Giant Buddha is.
D.To mention how the Leshan Giant Buddha came into the World Heritage. 37.How did Hai Tong get the money for the Buddha?
A.By calling for donation. B.By working on the river. C.By asking the government. D.By selling his eyeball. 38.According to the passage, the Leshan Giant Buddha________. A.was completed when Hai Tong was alive B.didn't exist now
C.played a good role in controlling the river
D.has been a World Heritage site for over ten years 39.Hai Tong hoped to build the statue to________. A.make his temple more famous B.show respect to the water spirit
C.protect the safety of the local people D.get more people to believe in Buddhism ( B )The Harbin Ice and Snow Festival has been held every year since 1963. It had to stop for a number of years during the Cultural Revolution, but it was restarted in 1985.


City is one of the sources of ice and snow culture in the world. It is located in Northeast China and receives the cold winter wind from Siberia. The average temperature in summer is 21.2 degrees Celsius and -16.8 degrees Celsius in winter. It can be as cold as -38.1 degrees Celsius in winter.
Officially, the festival starts from January 5th and lasts one month. However, the exhibitions often open earlier and last longer, weather permitting (允許). The ice sculptures range from decorations using modern laser (激光) technology to more traditional ice lanterns. There are Ice Lantern park touring activities held in many parks in the city. Winter activities at the festival include Yabuli Alpine skiing, winter-swimming in the Songhua
River and the Ice Lantern Exhibition in Zhaolin Garden.
The Harbin festival is one of the world's four largest Ice and Snow Festivals, along with Japan's Sapporo Snow Festival, Canada's Quebec City Winter Carnival and Norway's Ski Festival.
The 2007 festival had a Canadian theme, in memory of Canadian doctor Norman Bethune. It also won a Guinness Record for the largest snow sculpture: 250 metres long, 28 feet high and using over 13,000 cubic metres of snow. The work consisted of two parts:“Niagara Falls” and “Crossing the Bering Strait”.
40.In the text we are told that the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival ________.
A.started in 1963 and ended in 2007 B.is very famous around the world C.doesn't use people as its theme D.is only decorated with ice lanterns 41.Harbin can hold the Ice and Snow Festival, because ________. a.it is located in the northeast of China b.its average temperature in summer is 21.2℃ c.its cold winter wind is from Siberia
d.the temperature in winter can be -38.1℃
A.a(chǎn)bd B.a(chǎn)bc C.cbd D.a(chǎn)cd
42.Which of the following activities is NOT an option if you go to Harbin in winter? A.Going skiing in Yabuli Alpine. B.Going to the Ice Lantern Exhibition. C.Going swimming in the Songhua River. D.Going to see the Bering


Strait Sculpture.
43.Which one is TRUE about the 2007 Harbin festival? A.The festival was for all Canadians.
B.The Niagara Falls at the festival was 250 metres long. C.Norman Bethune won a Guinness Record. D.The display was made up of two parts.( C )I graduated in 1998 from a university located in Makassar. One year later, I had an opportunity to be a researcher at Indonesian Science Institute.
After passing the written test, I was one of the 12 candidates who moved to the interview session, competing for the 6 positions offered. More than 400 applicants applied at the beginning. So most of the 12 candidates thought that it was a great achievement to be in the last stage. Of course, all of us prepared to perform well in the interview, which was going to be held two days later.
But I faced a serious problem: we were advised to bring our undergraduate paper (畢業(yè)論文) at the time of the interview, but I didn't bring it. I made a phone call to ask my brother to mail the paper to me as soon as possible. The interview was to be held at 10:00 AM. At 9:50, the package didn't show up.
I waited a little longer, and then I decided to attend the interview without the paper. I thought it was just advised but not required to show our paper. During the interview, I was the only one who didn't bring an undergraduate paper. The interviewers explored our academic background and other issues related to the position as young researchers. During the interview, I answered all the questions well.
One hour later, the result was placed on the notice board. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my name was placed in number 7. I failed. On the right side, there was an explanation: no paper showed.
I didn't complain. I knew it was my fault. I learnt a good lesson from it. I'd like to tell you that a small stone makes us stumble (絆倒), not a big rock. 44.What is this passage mainly about? A.How to perform well in a job interview. B.Why the writer failed in his job interview. C


.What to do to prepare for a job interview well. D.Why writing the undergraduate paper is important.
45.The writer didn't bring his undergraduate paper to the interview because ________. A.he hadn't got it before the interview B.he didn't write it well C.he didn't know where it was D.he wouldn't find it
46.When the writer knew the result of the job interview, how did he feel? A.Worried. B.Interested. C.Surprised. D.Angry. 47.From the experience, the writer most probably learnt that ________. A.the undergraduate paper is very important B.details are important in a job interview
C.it's very hard to perform well in a job interview D.good luck is important during a job interview
( D )Recently the busiest person on the Internet is absolutely Yuanfang, a fictional figure from the Chinese TV series “Detective Di Renjie”. In the TV series, Li was often
asked by Di, “How do you see it, Yuanfang?” Then, the dialogues between them help advance the plot. Now, the casual pet phrase is used as many as 2.5 million times by netizens in a single day, according to statistics.
In fact, it is not the first popular sentence pattern on the Internet. Many other types of popular network words include those evolved from “the slogans of Vancl(凡客網(wǎng))” and actor’s lines of “The Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan”.
The explosive spread of the sentence “How do you see it, Yuanfang?” again proved the vast power of the network spread. The appearance of a buzzword(流行詞) on the Internet may be coincidental, but the spread of numerous buzzwords has started a social and
chance. Usually, everyone has known about it, except the one concerned.
The appearance of buzzwords is resulting from the agreement of netizens. If something is new and interesting enough, it will cause public attention.
The rise of these buzzwords also benefits from their strong “adhesive(粘著的) force”. After analyzing these buzzwords, we find that they have a common character, namely
“novel in structure but emp


ty in content”. Therefore, any concrete contents can be added in these buzzwords, creating fantastic results.
Taking the “Yuanfang-style” as an example, its popularity displayed a social mentality of questioning. Although it seems a little funny to ask “Yuanfang”, a fictional character, and some people even find it boring. This way of asking a question reveals a valuable quality-listening. The Internet provides a space for everyone to express their views, but it also causes controversies. What’s your opinion, Yuanfang? 48. We can learn from the passage that Yuanfang . A. is the busiest person in modern industrial societies B. plays an important role in a Chinese TV series C. is a fictional figure currently popular with netizens D. starts a social and cultural phenomenon by himself
49. What does the underlined words “a deliberate choice” in Paragraph3 mean? A. a choice made on purpose B. a choice made by accident C. a choice done in person D. a choice done at ease 50. What can we infer from the last passage?
A. People benefited from the Internet on which they can learn a lot about real society. B. People learned about some controversies from the Internet and decided to deal with them.
C. People provided a space through which they can display their own criminal mentality. D. People found out a place where they can question and express their different views.
( E )( 7選5對應(yīng)機讀卡的71-75)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/1134126.html
