
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第I卷 (三部分 共85分)
第一部分 聽力 (共兩節(jié),滿分20分)
第一節(jié) (共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)
1. Where does the conversation most likely take place?
A. At a hotel. B. At a canteen. C. At a supermarket.
2. Why is the man going to the library?
A. To borrow some books. B. To get his keys back. C. To return some books.
3. What does the woman do to get rid of a cold?
A. Stays in bed. B. Exercises her body. C. Takes some medicine.
4. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Teacher and student.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Interviewer and interviewee.
5. Who does the woman suggest the man speak to?
A. Mr. Brown. B. Mary Miller. C. Mr. Smith.
第二節(jié) (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
6. How many parts does the driving test involve?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
7. What problem does the woman have with the driving test?
A. Driving knowledge.
B. Emergency response.
C. Traffic regulations in Chinese.
8. How are driving skills tested in the third part?
A. In a similar environment.
B. In a controlled environment.
C. In the real world.
9. How does the woman feel while talking?
A. Rather unhappy. B. Very excited. C. Quite sorry.
10. What did Gary really do?
A. He tried to give the woman a surprise.
B. He didn’t make the appointment clear.
C. He changed the plan at the last minute.
11. Why won’t the woman go to the theater now?
A. She has lost interest in that movie.
B. The theater is far away from them.
C. She wants to see the whole movie.
12. What does the woman worry about?
A. Her health.B. Her test.C. Her work.
13. What


t is the man trying to do?
A. Invite the woman out and have a chat with her.
B. Teach the woman how to prepare for the next test.
C. Comfort the woman and help her feel relaxed.
14. What does the man suggest the woman do to remove her bad mood?
A. Spend as much time as possible at home.
B. Call some friends and have a chat with them.
C. Invite some friends to social events and drink together.
15. Why has the man never chatted online before?
A. He has got too old a computer.
B. He hasn’t bought a computer.
C. He has no interest in chatting online.
16. What does the man ask the woman to download for him?
A. MP3 files.B. New software.C. A TV show.
17. What do you know about Friends’ forums (論壇)?
A. Some of the Friends’ stars are sure to show up there.
B. You can chat to people with common interests there.
C. You may clearly know who you are talking to there.
18. In what case is small talk especially useful?
A. Between friends. B. Between strangers. C. Between colleagues.
19. What does the woman suggest we do if the other is not interested in small talk?
A. Give up talking. B. Change the topic. C. Find his own hobby.
20. Why do people have small talk?
A. To get the answers. B. To show their friendship. C. To know about the other person.
第二部分 英語知識運(yùn)用 (共兩節(jié), 滿分35分)
第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. ? If I don’t get some money from my parents by Friday, could I borrow some from you?
? ________. But can I know why?
A. Never mind B. Not at all C. By no means D. By all means
22. Jack could have avoided that terrible car accident, but he ________ careful enough.
A. is not B. was not C. hasn’t been D. hadn’t been
23. Apart from his monthly salary as a sales manager, he also gets a travel ________ that covers h


otel bills.
A. insurance B. circumstance C. allowance D. competence
24. The sport then was a little different from ________ we currently know as gymnastics.
A. that B. what C. which D. where
25. ________ the apartment, the firefighters shut off the gas, opened the windows and rescued the old couple.
A. To break into B. To be broken into C. Having broken into D. Broken into
26. The traffic problems have severely affected economic development. ________ we must spare no efforts to solve them.
A. Furthermore B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Nevertheless
27. The real threat of fraud on the Internet has highlighted the fact ________ consumers fear shopping on line.
A. what B. that C. when D. which
28. With the advances of technology, plastics have taken the place of many ________ materials.
A. conventional B. optional C. artificial D. potential
29. ________ yourself with positive people and you will keep focused on what you can do instead of what you can’t.
A. Surrounding B. Surrounded C. Surround D. Having surrounded
30. No one in the world is perfect, and even famous people may have their _______.
A. feet of clay B. cup of tea C. piece of cake D. hearts of gold
31. ________, the students remain optimistic and try hard to achieve their goals.
A. As they are faced with fierce pressure B. As fierce pressure that they are faced with
C. Fierce as they are faced with pressure D. Faced with fierce pressure as they are
32. The success of a government should be measured ________ the happiness of the people as well as the development of economy.
A. in face of B. in place of C. in t


erms of D. in honour of
33. Until we have discussed all the details, no decision _______ about any new operations.
A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made
34. The project is based on an agreement, one of ________ purposes is to ensure that the project can be accomplished before the deadline.
A. whose B. which C. its D. what
35. Those who continuously acquire new knowledge that they can ________ their work are more likely to succeed.
A. contribute to B. correspond to C. submit to D. apply to
第二節(jié) 完形填空 (共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)
For most people, graduation is an exciting day, but my graduation day was not.
I remember that weekend two years ago. Family and friends had flown in from across the country to 36 the celebration. But just like everyone else in my class, I had watched the 37 turn from bad to worse in my senior year. Almost all of us graduates had degrees, but very uncertain 38 .
The weeks ahead weren’t 39 . I knew my small university town couldn’t offer me any opportunities, 40 I packed up my car and drove to Southern California to find work. But what I thought would take a 41 dragged into two, and then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself in the exact same 42 as I was before.
You know that feeling when you wake up in 43 ? That feeling became a constant in my life. Days felt like weeks, weeks like months, and those many months felt like everlasting 44 . And the most annoying part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t seem to make any 45 .
So what did I do to keep my good sense? I decided to 46 . Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearer ? a little brighter. Something about writing gave me 47 . And if you want something b


adly enough, sometimes a little hope is all you 48 !
I put my 49 into a children’s book. Beyond the River was the story of an unlikely hero, a little fish, who 50 to give up his dream.
And then one day, without any sort of writing degree or contacts in the writing world ? just a lot of hard work and determination ? I was offered a 51 contract (合同) for my first book! After that, things slowly began to fall into 52 . I was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with the Walt Disney Company and was 53 shortly after.
Don’t give up. Even if things look 54 now, don’t give up. If you work hard, things will always get better. Often times our dreams lie in wait just a little further upstream ... all we need is the 55 to push beyond the river.
36. A. attend B. hold C. prepare D. enjoy
37. A. environment B. economy C. opportunity D. climate
38. A. choice B. danger C. desire D. future
39. A. quiet B. busy C. easy D. long
40. A. so B. but C. for D. or
41. A. day B. week C. month D. year
42. A. town B. direction C. situation D. habit
43. A. surprise B. fear C. delight D. peace
44. A. glory B. complaint C. love D. pain
45. A. appointment B. progress C. commitment D. decision
46. A. read B. think C. write D. paint
47. A. hope B. wisdom C. pleasur


e D. inspiration
48. A. lack B. find C. bury D. need
49. A. disapproval B. disagreement C. dissatisfaction D. disadvantage
50. A. refused B. managed C. failed D. decided
51. A. writing B. translating C. publishing D. reviewing
52. A. ruin B. place C. pieces D. despair
53. A. rewarded B. paid C. fired D. hired
54. A. different B. unimportant C. strange D. tough
55. A. courage B. chance C. time D. dream第三部分 閱讀理解 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)
Millions of British people have ditched the traditional ‘thank you’ and replaced it with the less formal ‘cheers’, according to a survey.
Although the average person will say ‘thank you’ nearly 5,000 times a year, one in three are more likely to throw in a ‘cheers’ or ‘ta’ where it’s needed, rather than risk sounding old fashioned.
One in 20 now say ‘nice one’ instead, while younger generations are more likely to offer a ‘cool’ than a ‘thank you’.
‘Merci’, ‘fab’ and even ‘gracias’ were also listed as common phrases to use, as was ‘much appreciated’.
One in twenty who took part in the survey of 2,000 people by the Food Network UK for Thank You Day, which is marked on November 24, 2011, said a formal ‘thank you’ was now not often needed in everyday conversation. More than one in ten adults said they regularly won’t say thank you if they are in a bad mood.
Most people declared that saying thank you was something drilled into them by their parents. A huge 70 percent of those questioned will say thank you to a person’s face without even meaning it, while a fifth av


oid saying it when they know they should ? on at least two occasions every day.
It seems our friends and family get the brunt (壓力) of our bad manners with half admitting they’re not good at thanking those closest to them ? many justifying (為……辯解) the lack of thanks because their family ‘a(chǎn)lready know I’m grateful’.
When spoken words won’t do, it falls to a nice text to do the job for most people.
A third will still send a handwritten thank-you note ? but 45 percent admit it’s been more than six months since they bothered to send one.
A quarter of British people say thank you with food, with 23 percent cooking a meal to show their appreciation to someone. Another 15 percent bake a cake.
It follows that 85 percent of people will be annoyed at not getting the gratitude (感激) they feel they should receive.
56. Most of the people who took part in the survey say that they say “thank you” ________.
A. when they are in good mood B. completely out of habit
C. when they feel truly grateful D. purely out of politeness
57. The underlined word “ditched” in Paragraph 1 means “________”.
A. abandoned B. used C. shared D. grasped
58. It can be learned from the passage that _______.
A. different ways of expressing gratitude are all fashionable
B. people should avoid saying “thank you” nowadays
C. a thank-you note is still appreciated by most people
D. people in a bad mood never say “thank you”
59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Most people express their gratitude to others by buying food for them.
B. About fifty percent of people try not to say thank you when they should.
C. Most people may feel natural when they fail to receive others’ gratitude.
D. Many people think it unnecessary to say thanks to their family members.
Two talented Sheffield High School pupils have just found out they


’ve been shortlisted in the top five of their categories in the new national Ambition AXA Awards.
Natalie Chan-Lam (Year 12) and Clare Rees-Zimmerman (Year 11) are both in the running to win a prize that will help them to achieve their ambition. The new national Ambition AXA Awards have been created to recognize excellence in 11?18 year olds. The national awards programme covers five categories: The Arts, Sport, Science, Enterprise and Community. Natalie is up for the Ambition AXA Award for Sport while Clare has earned her top five place in the Ambition Award for the Arts.
The Ambition AXA Award for Sport aims to find the young person who thinks they may one day win an Olympic medal. Natalie is a Badminton International who has a long string of singles and double National titles behind her from U11 National Singles Champion (冠軍) right through the ages to the latest U17 UK Schools Games, as well as a run of titles won with the England Badminton team over the last few years. Through her achievements in badminton and through her promotion of the sport in school and at club level, Natalie has inspired many other students to take up the sport and badminton is now a major sport at Sheffield High School. Amazingly, she still makes time to play for and coach school teams, encouraging and assisting others to have the opportunity to reach their own level of personal excellence. Natalie’s ambition is to be selected for the Olympics in 2019.
The Ambition Award for the Arts is awarded to a young person who dreams of reaching the top in their field. Clare is a remarkable musician who has already, at the age of fifteen, achieved the highest marks ever seen at SHS for grade 8 violin and viola. Clare’s music teacher Val Linnemann says of Clare, “To me, one of the most outstanding things about Clare is her total willingness to listen and ask intelligent questions. She is patient and good-natured and willing to help with other players.” If she were to receive an Ambition Awar


d, Clare has plans to use this money to enhance (增加) opportunities for others through workshops.
If they get enough votes, they’ll make the top three in the country and be one step further towards the top awards. To vote for them, click on this link.
60. The Ambition AXA Awards are meant for ________.
A. anyone who is the best in one of the five categories
B. those who are likely to be future stars in certain fields
C. some pupils who have won great success in certain fields
D. children who have ambitions in all the five categories
61. We can conclude from the passage that Natalie and Clare are both girls with ________.
A. belief, patience and confidence B. courage, curiosity and enthusiasm
C. caution, sympathy and experience D. ability, kindness and achievements
62. The main purpose of the passage is ________.
A. to introduce the Ambition AXA Awards B. to tell us what the two girls have done
C. to persuade us to vote for the two girls D. to inspire more people to win the awards
The Importance of Setting Speech Goals
A speech is a wonderful opportunity to inform, persuade or entertain. The best speeches often take on a combination of all three of these components. However, before you can go about the writing of a great speech, it is important to set goals. Goals keep you, your speech and your audience focused.
What a goal is
In the context of a speech, a goal is the purpose of the speech, and what it hopes to accomplish. For example, the goal of a eulogy (頌歌) might be to celebrate the life of a loved one. The goal of a speech at a political gathering would be to inform the crowd about the political position of a candidate and persuade them to vote and campaign for the candidate in question.
Why a goal is important
Without a goal, a speech is without direction. The goal informs the structure and content of the speech. For example, if a speech’s goal is to convi


nce people that smoking is bad for them, the speech will be structured with persuasive arguments to back up the goal. A speech with a goal of informing the audience will keep the information fair and factual.
A goal is incredibly important to the speech’s ability to connect with an audience. If the speaker is unaware of the goal of the speech, the audience will likely be unaware as well. This severely reduces the effectiveness of the message.
Aside from informing the audience of the content and structure, a speech’s goal drives the speaker to greater heights. If a speaker is asked to speak on a specific subject, but never establishes the goal, they won’t know where to start in the research, organizing and writing of the speech.
If you have been charged with (被委以) delivering a speech, establishing a goal can seem difficult at first. There are several things to take into consideration. First, think about who you will be speaking to. The demographic (人口統(tǒng)計(jì)) of your audience will likely determine whether you will be able to persuade them, or whether they will be able to sit through. Second, think about the topic itself. If the topic is something controversial, it may worth your while to consider an informative approach to present both sides of the issue. Finally, consider your resources. A speech with an informative or persuasive goal usually requires a great deal of research, and sometimes takes more time to write.
63. According to the passage, what three components does the best speech combine?
A. Informing, delivering and entertaining. B. Informing, persuading and entertaining.
C. Informing, writing and delivering. D. Informing, writing and persuading.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/1189931.html
