
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

江蘇省鄭梁梅中學(xué)2012-2013學(xué)年度高三上學(xué)期期末考試英語試題注意事項(xiàng):1.答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級(jí)、考號(hào)等信息2.請(qǐng)將答案正確填寫在答題卡上第I卷(選擇題)一、聽力測(cè)試(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)做題時(shí),先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時(shí)間將試卷上的答案轉(zhuǎn)涂答題卡上。第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)聽下面5段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對(duì)話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一題。每段對(duì)話僅讀一遍。1.What color was the woman's bedroom before?A.Pink. B.Blue. C.Green.2.Why is the girl worried?A.She failed the examB.She didn't achieve the goalC.Her mother will scold her3.What are the speakers doing?A.Studying in a school.B.Enjoying a performance.C.Shopping m a store4.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Waiter and customer.B.Doorkeeper and visitor.C.Servant and hostess5.What does the woman mean?A.They should drop in on SallyB.Sally will recover in a weekC.Sally is unlikely to be home now.第二節(jié) (共15小題;每題1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽下面5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A,B,C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,每小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6至8題。6.Where did Jane go?A.America.B.Britain.C.Canada7.Who did Jane go together with?A.Her father. B.Her mother. C.Her parents8.What was the weather like?A.Cloudy.B.Fine.C.Rainy聽第7段材料,回答第9至11題。9.What does the woman like doing?A.Going to the stadium.B.Doing her favorite sports.C.Meeting her favorite players.10.What kind of sports did the woman use to do?A.Basketball games.B.Table tennis. C.Swimming11.What advice does the man give the woman?A.To go in for sports.B.To practice Wushu. C.To swim a lot.聽第8段材料,回答第12至14題。12.What are the speakers talking about?A.About what to do with $10,000.!B.About a patient in a hospital.C.About setting up a permanent fund.13.What do we know about the man?A.He has received a lot of donations.B.He wants to donate $10,000.C.He is suffering from an illness.14.What is the man's suggestion?A.Stop receiving donations.B.Start a permanent fund.C.Thank donators sincerely.聽第9段材料,回答第15至17題。15.What has happened to Nancy?A.She has an unhappy marriage.B.She has made up with her husband.C.She has trouble raising her daughter.16.With whom will Bonnie live?A.With her father.B.With her mother. C.With her grandparents.17.What will Nancy's parents do?A.Ask her to live with them.B.Advise her not to be a single parent.C.Advise her not to break up with her husband.聽第10段材料,回答第18至20題。18.Where is Jakan?A.In his country. B.On a plane. C.In a foreign country.19.Why is he going abroad?A.To continue his study. B.To visit his friend. C.To visit his parents.20.What is Jakan worried about?A.Flying over the ocean.B.His family and friends.C.His new host family.1.It suddenly to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter. A. happenedB.occurredC.thoughtD.took place2.You are driving too fast. Can you drive_________?A. more slowly a bit B. slowly a bit moreC. a bit more slowly D. slowly more bit3.In the ten days _______ New Year's Day, revelers within the Fifth Ring Road ______ to set off firecrackers from 7 a.m. to midnight.A.following, are allowed B.followed, allow C.following, allowing D.followed, have allowedThe man in black was about to set fire to the house ____ the police came. A. while B. after C. before D. when 5.The car the truck so closely, otherwise the traffic accident could have been avoided.A.shouldn’t follow B.was following C.has been following D.mustn’t followAt the sight of the _____ scene, he was almost _____ to death. A. frightened;frighteningB. frightened;frightened C. frightening;frighteningD. frightening;frightenedThe bell ____ the end of the period rang and we had to stop our discussionA. indicating B. indicated C. to be indicated D. being indicated10.—Tom has won the 100-meter race. —__________! He never won it before.A. Congratulations B. What good news C. What a good surprise D. How exciting the race isI used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we________fine.A.get over   B.stay upC.get away from   D.get alongA. adapt B. appealC. attachD. apply13.—Do you mind if I close the window?—____.We should let in more fresh air.A.Yes, go ahead. B.Of course not.C.I would like to close it. D.I'd appreciate it if you don't. To their delight, their newly-developed products were not _____ for the demand as soon as they went on the market.A. qualifiedB. flexibleC. availableD. adequate 15.—Where did you get to know her?—It was on the farm we worked.A.that B.there C.which D.where三、完型填空About 1,000 students were having a final exam in a huge lecture hall. Obviously the teacher wasn’t very well liked, who kept shouting out how much time was left. During the exam he was so ▲ going around the room making sure that nobody ▲ . He asked the students to pile the ▲ tests on the huge desk. This made for quite a mess(混亂). Anyway, everyone needed a fairly good ▲ . Many students did poorly when rushed. 40of the students thought that he must get a good grade, so he went on when the professor said “ ▲ down and check up your exam sheets”.Five ▲ turned into ten, ten into twenty, twenty into forty … almost an hour ▲ the test was over, our friend finally put down his pencil, ▲ up his work, and headed to the front to present his final. The whole time, the professor sat there, ▲ waiting for the student to complete.“What do you think you are doing?” It was clear that the professor had ▲ only to give the student a ▲ time.“Turning in my exam,” replied the student confidently.“I’m afraid I have some bad ▲ for you,” the professor gloated(幸災(zāi)樂禍), “Your ▲ is an hour late. You’re FAILED it. And I’ll see you next term when you ▲ my course.”The student smiled slyly(狡詐地) ▲ asked the professor, “Do you know who I am?” “No,” cried out the professor ▲ .The student ▲ the professor right in the eyes and said slowly, “I didn’t think so,” so he lifted up one of the ▲ half way, put his test neatly into the center of the pile, let the pile fall 55 his test in the middle, turned around, and walked out of the huge lecture hall.1.A.kindB.busyC.strictD.serious2.A.cheatedB.failedC.sleptD.passed3.A.writtenB.succeededC.unfinishedD.completed4.A.teacherB.friendC.gradeD.paper5.A.AllB.OneC.NoneD.Each6.A.pencilsB.papersC.handsD.books7.A.studentsB.minutesC.sheetsD.piles8.A.ifB.thoughC.beforeD.a(chǎn)fter9.A.gatheredB.broughtC.sentD.made10.A.strangelyB.excitedlyC.a(chǎn)nxiouslyD.curiously11.A.promisedB.managedC.waitedD.worked12.A.easyB.hardC.longD.good13.A.informationB.resultC.a(chǎn)dviceD.news14.A.examB.timeC.a(chǎn)rrivalD.turn15.A.a(chǎn)cceptB.repeatC.lea江蘇省鄭梁梅中學(xué)2013屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試英語試題(帶解析)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/140035.html
