
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)




1. According to a recent survey, four million peopledie each year from ditseases linked to smoking.

依照最近的一項調(diào)查,每年有4 000 000人死于與吸煙有關(guān)的疾病。

2. The latest surveys show that quite a few childrenhave unpleasant associations with homework最近的調(diào)查顯示相當(dāng)多的孩子對家庭作業(yè)沒什么好感。

3- No invention has received more praise and abusethan Internet.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the factthat education does not end with graduation人們似乎忽視了教育沒有隨著畢業(yè)而結(jié)束這一事實。

5. An increasing number of people are beginning torealize that education is not complete with graduation越來越多的人開始意識到教育沒有隨著畢業(yè)而結(jié)束。

6. When it comes to education, the majority of peoplebelieve that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercisecontributes directly to a person's physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the numberof foreign tourists and great efforts should be made toprotect local environment and history from the harmfuleffects of international tourism應(yīng)該采取適當(dāng)?shù)拇胧┫拗仆鈬糜握叩臄?shù)量,努力保護當(dāng)?shù)丨h(huán)境和歷史不受國際旅游業(yè)的不利影響。

9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrantswill exert positive effects on construction of city. However,this opinion is now being questioned by more and more cityresidents, who complain that the migrants have brought manyserious problems like crime and prostitution越來越多的專家相信移民對城市的建設(shè)將起到積極作用。然而,越來越多的城市居民卻懷疑這種說法,他們抱怨移民給城市帶來了許多嚴(yán)重的問題,像犯罪和賣淫。

10. Many city residents complain that there are so fewbuses in their city that they have to spend much more timewaiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a largenumber of passengers.許多市民抱怨城市的公交車太少,以至于他們要花很長時間等一輛公交車,而等來的車上通常都已滿載乘客。

11. There is no denying that air pollution is anextremely serious problem, the city authorities shouldtake stmng measures to deal with it.


12.An investigation shows that feHlale workers tendto have a favorable attitude to、Ⅳard retireⅡlent.


13.A pmper part_the job does not occupy studentstoo much time.In fact,it is unhealthy for thentospendaU of time on their study. As an old saying goes:Allwork and no play rmkes Jack a dull boy.



14.Any govemment,which is blind to this point,nlay pay a heavy price.任何政府,如果忽視這一點的話,都將付出巨大的代價。

15.N0wadays,nlany students always go into raIptures atthe mere mention of the coming life of high school or collegethey will begin UnfortunatelY, for most young people, it isnot pleasant experience on their first day on campus當(dāng)前,一提到即將開始的學(xué)校生活,許多學(xué)生都會興高采烈。不幸的是,對多數(shù)年輕人來說,校園生活剛開始的時候并不愉快。

16.ln view of the seriousness of this problem,effectivemeasures should be taken before. things get worse考慮到問題的嚴(yán)重性,在事態(tài)進一步惡化之前,必須采取有效的措施。

17. The majority of students believe tbat part-time jobwill provide them with more opportunities to develop theirinterpersnnal skills, which may put them in a favorableposition in the future job markets大部分學(xué)生相信業(yè)余工作會使他們有更多機會發(fā)展人際交往能力,而這對他們未來找工作是非常有好處的。

18. It is indisputable that there are millions of peoplewho still have a miserable life and have to face the dangersof starvation and exposure無可爭辯,現(xiàn)在有數(shù)百萬的人仍過著挨餓受凍的痛苦生活。

19. Nthough this view is wildly held, there is littleevidence that education can be obtained at any age and atany place.


20. No one can -deny the fact that a person's educationis the most important aspect of his life,沒有人能否認(rèn):教育是人生最重要的一方面。


1.…the+est+名詞+(that)+主語+ haveever+seen (known/heard/had/read等)…the most+形容詞十名詞+(that)+主語+haveever+seen( known/heard/had/read等)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have everseen海倫是我所見過的最美麗的女孩。

Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that l have ever met常老師是我曾經(jīng)遇到的最仁慈的教師。

2. Nothing is+ _er than to+V.

Nothing is+more+形容詞+than to+V.例句:Nothing is more important than to receiveeducation沒有比受教育更重要的事。

3…. can not...the importance of.too much(再怎么……的重要性也不為過)例句:We can not emphasize the importance ofprotecting our eyes too much我們再怎么強調(diào)保護眼睛的重要性也不為過。

4.There is no denying that+S+v.…(不可否認(rèn)的是……)例句:There is no denying that the qualities of ourliving have gone from bad to worse.不可否認(rèn)的是:我們的生活品質(zhì)已經(jīng)每況愈下。

5.It is universally acknowledged that.(全世界都知道……)例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees areindi。pen。able to us全世界都知道樹木對我們是不可或缺的。

6.leave much to be desired(令人不滿意)例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to bedesired.我們的交通狀況令人不滿意。

7.There is no doubt that+句子…(毫無疑問……)例句:There is no doubt that our educational systemleaves something to be desired.毫無疑問我們的教育制度令人不滿意。

8.An advantage of...is that+句子(……的優(yōu)點是……)例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it、Ⅳon,t create (produce) any pollution使用太陽能的優(yōu)點是它不會產(chǎn)生任何污染。

9.So+形容詞+be+主語+that+句子(如此……以至于……)例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to wasteit.時間是如此珍貴,我們浪費不起它。

10. adj. +as+subject(主語)+be,S+V.(雖然……)例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of ourliving are by no means satisfactory. by no means—in noway - on no account -點也不)雖然我們的國家很富有,我們的生活品質(zhì)卻絕對令人不滿意。

11. The +_er+S+v.,the+ _er+S+v.


+S+v.(越……越……)例句:The harder you work, the more progress youmake.你越努力,你進步得就越多。

The more books we read, the more learned webecome.我們讀的書越多,我們就越有學(xué)問。

12. By+V.-ing/... can..(通過……/……能夠……)例句:By taking exerase, we can always stay healthy.


13.一enable+object(受詞)+to+v.(……使……能夠……)例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.


14. ()n no account can we+v.+…(我們絕對不能……)例句:()n no account can we ignore the value ofkriowledge.我們絕對不能忽略知識的價值。

15.lt is time+S+過去時(該是……的時候了)例句:It is time the authorities concerned took propersteps to solve the traffic problems.該是有關(guān)當(dāng)局采取適當(dāng)?shù)拇胧﹣斫鉀Q交通問題的時候了。

16. Those who.(……的人……)例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should bepunished.違反交通規(guī)定的人應(yīng)該受處罰。

17. There is no one but.(沒有人不……)例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.沒有人不渴望上大學(xué)。

18. be+forced/compelled/obliged+to+V.(不得不……)例句:Since the examination is around the corner,Iam compelled to give up doing sports.既然考試迫在眉睫,我不得不放棄做運動。

19.It is conceivable that+句子(可想而知)It is obvious that+句子(很明顯)※It is apparent that+句子(顯然)例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays animportant role in our life可想而知,知識在我們的一生中扮演一個重要的角色。

20. That is the reason why.,.(那就是……的原因)例句:Summer is very hot.That is the reason why Idon't like it.夏天很炎熱,那就是我不喜歡它的原因。

21. The reason why+句子+is that+句子+(……的原因是……)例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is thatthey can provide us with fresh air.

The reason why we have to grow trees is that theycan supply fresh air for us.


22. For the past+時間,S+現(xiàn)在完成時(過去……時間以來……一直……)例句:For the past two years,I have been busypreparing for the examination.過去兩年來,我一直忙著準(zhǔn)備考試。

23. Since+s+過去時,S+現(xiàn)在完成時(自從……以來……)例句:Since he went to senior high school, he hasworked very hard.自從他上高中以來,他一直很用功。

24.It pays to+V.+…(……是值得的)例句:It pays to help others.幫助別人是值得的。

25. be based on(以……為基礎(chǔ))例句:The progress of the society is based onharmony.社會的進步是以和諧為基礎(chǔ)的。

26. spare no effort to+v.(不遺余力地……)例句:We should spare no effort to beautify ourenvironmenL我們應(yīng)該不遺余力地美化我們的環(huán)境。

27. bring home to+人十事(讓……明白……)例句:We should bring home to people the value ofworking hard.我們應(yīng)該讓人們明白努力工作的價值。

28. be closely related to.(與……息息相關(guān))例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health.


29. get mto the habit of+v-ing—make it a rule to+V(養(yǎng)成……的習(xí)慣)例句:We should get into the habit of keeping goodhours.我們應(yīng)該養(yǎng)成早睡早起的習(xí)慣。

30. Due to/()wing to/Thanks to+n/v.-ing,…(因為……)例句:Thanks to his encouragement,l finally realizedmy dream.因為他的鼓勵,我終于實現(xiàn)了我的夢想。

31. What a/an+adj.+n+…一How+adj.+a/an+rL+…(多么……)例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise!

How important a thing it is to keep our promise!


32. have a great influence on..(對……有很大的影響)例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health.


33. do good to(對……有益),do harm to(對……有害)例句:Reading does good to our mind讀書對心靈有益。

Overwork does hann to health過度工作對健康有害。

34.一pose a great threat to.…(……對……造成一大威脅)例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.


35. do one's utmost to+v.=do one's best to+V.(盡全力去……)例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal inlife.我們應(yīng)盡全力去達(dá)成我們的人生目標(biāo)。






A.Just as every coin has two sides, cars have bothadvantages and disadvantages.

B. Compared to/In comparison with letters, rmailsare more convement.

C. When it comes to computers, some people think theyhave brought us a lot of convenience However,...

D.()pinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantagesof living in the city and.m the countrysideE As is known to all/As we all know, computers haveplayed an important role/part in our daily lifeF. Why do you go to university? Different people havedifferent points of view.


A1 am writing to you to apply for admission to youruniversity as a visiting scholar.

b1 read an advertisement in today's China Daily andI apply for the job.

C. Thank you for your letter of May 5 1D. How happy I am to receive yDur letter of January 9!

E. How nice to hear-from you again!

A Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention,please? I have an announcement to make.

B Attention, please! 1 have something important totell you.

C. Mr. Green, welcome to our school! To beginwith, let me introduce Mr. Wang to you.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/172461.html
