河北省安新中學(xué)2014屆高三10月月考 英語試題 Word版含答案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

安新中學(xué)高三年級十月月考 英語試卷第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)第一節(jié) (共5小題,每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分) 聽下面五段對話。每段對話僅讀一遍。1.What do you know about Johnny’s new iPhone 5 according to the conversation?A. It may be a gift.B. It’s too expensive.C. It’s very fashionable.2. How long does it take to Tianjin by train?A. One hour.B. Two hours.C. Three hours.3. What can we infer from the conversation?A. The two speakers just watched a comedy.B. The woman regretted going to see the violence film.C. The woman disliked talking with the man throughout the film.4. What does the woman ask the man to do at the weekend?A. Visit Mary.B. Join in Mary’s party.C. Take part in her party.5. What has happened to the woman?A. Her computer is lost.B. Her computer doesn’t work.C. She can’t find a computer engineer.第二節(jié) (共15題,每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分) 聽下面5段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6至7題。6. What will the two speakers do first on Saturday?A. Take a guided tour.B. Take a boat trip.C. Have a picnic.7. What will the woman probably bring?A. Some books.B. Some magazines.C. Some food.聽第7段材料,回答第8至9題。8. How long will the woman be away?A. For two hours.B. For half an hour.C. For one hour.9. What day is it today?A. Mother’s Day.B. The woman’s mother’s birthday.C. The man’s mother’s birthday.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。10. Why is it easier for the woman to learn English?A. She often talks to English people.B. She speaks two languages already.C. She always does her homework right after class.11. Which of the following is suggested by the woman as a good way of learning English?A. Reading newspapers.B. Writing diaries.C. Reading aloud in the morning.12. Why is it difficult for the man to learn English?A. He doesn’t talk to his English teachers.B. There are no native speakers around him.C.?He is shy to speak English.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。13. What transportation does the woman prefer?A. Bus.B. ShipC. Plane14. What is the woman afraid of when she takes her trips?A. Taking a voyage.B Taking a train C. Taking a flight.15. What transportation can you infer the man prefers?A. Trains.B. PlanesC. Ships16. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Teacher and student. C. Friends.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of body language.B.The importance of politeness.C. The importance of understanding one’s words.18. How can we sometimes learn more about a person?A. By talking with him.B. By listening to him.C. By watching him.19. Which of the following shows a person is interested in listening to you?A. His eyes are moving around.B. He is standing still.C. He is tapping his foot.20. What can we learn from the speaker’s words?A. Signs are only used on TV.B. Signs can help one follow a speaker along.C. A person who speaks quickly often uses body language.第二部分 英語知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)單項(xiàng)填空(共15小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)25. He spent very little time at school, perhaps a year ______.A. at all B. at least C. in this way D. in total26. I don't like milk, but I am made _____ it every day.A. to drinkB. drinking C. drinkD. drunk27. A modern city has been set up in ______ was a wasteland ten years ago. A. which B. what C. that D. where28. He ______ be talkative, but now he is not used to ______ in public.A. used to; speaking B. was used to; speak C. used to; speak D. was used to; speaking29. You must have seen him last night, ______?A. haven’t you B. didn’t you C. can’t youD. mustn’t you30. Only _____ hope to make improvement in the operating system.A. by the way can you B. on the way you can C. in a way you can D. in this way can you31. ---Mary, I have good news to tell you. I have been admitted to Peking University. ---_______A. It’s impossible! B. I’m so pleased.C. Congratulations! D. That’s all right.32. ---What about going out for a walk after supper? ---______. Walking after meals is good for health.A. I couldn’t agree more. B. I’m afraid not.C. I believe not. D. I don’t think so.33. It is suggested that another school___________ in our city.A. should build B. be set upC. will be set up D. will build34. ---Whose advice do you think I should take? ---________.A. You speak. B. That’s it. C. It’s up to you. D. You go it.35. If you had enough money, what __________?A. will you buy B. would you buyC. would you have bought D. will you have bought完形填空(共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)The back door of the ambulance(救護(hù)車) was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat, and started the engine. Inside were the __36 __ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green, the mother holding their baby daughter Ally. The little girl had ___37 _food stuck in her throat and could hardly breathe.The driver, Mr. white, __38 _ his siren (報(bào)警器) and flashing light, and started speeding towards the nearest hospital, fighting against ___39 __. The cars ahead of him pulled out of the way as he drove through the ___40___. From the back of the __41 __the parents were shouting at him to ___42___, since Ally had almost stopped __43 __. In front of him he saw some traffic lights, with the red “STOP” light shining. Mr. White knew that he had no time to __44__, so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking __45 __his left and right as he did so.Coming towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver had the windows __46__, since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing his radio. He did not __47 _the ambulance. The lights were green, so he drove straight ___48 _ into the path of the ambulance.Mr. White tried to stop his ambulance but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everybody was shaken but no one was hurt. Mr. White looked to see __49__little Ally was. He was astonished to see relief (寬慰) instead of __50 __on the faces of the parents.“Look!” cried Mrs. Green. “She is __51 _ again.”“It must have been the ___52 _.” said her husband. “It ___53 __the food out of her throat.” The baby’s color was turning to normal, and she was crying in a loud but healthy __54 __.They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the accident, the taxi, and the lines of _55 __ all around them.36. A. worriedB. angryC. happyD. surprised37. A. littleB. someC. noD. few38. A. opened onB. turned onC. turned offD. sped up39. A. policeB. enemyC. lightsD. time40. A. empty streetB. busy trafficC. crowdsD. deserted place41. A. streetB. carsC. trafficD. ambulance42. A. hurryB. be carefulC. stopD. drive43. A. breathingB. seeingC. sayingD. talking44. A. thinkB. look aboutC. loseD. miss45. A. atB. fromC. forwardD. to46. A. openB. cleanC. upD. down47. A. hearB. seeC. findD. notice48. A. awayB. onC. offD. out49. A. howB. whatC. whereD. who50. A. pleasureB. angerC. fearD. surprise51. A. cryingB. breathingC. smilingD. speaking52. A. lightB. policemanC. carD. crash53. A. tookB. pickedC. knockedD. made54. A. soundB. voiceC. toneD. noise55. A. peopleB. policemenC. lightsD. cars第三部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題, 每小題2分,滿分30分)AChinese are very generous when it 河北省安新中學(xué)2014屆高三10月月考 英語試題 Word版含答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/200908.html
