安徽省馬鞍山市2014屆高三第一次教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測 英語試題 掃描版含

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

參考答案1—5 CCBAB 6—10 ABCAB 11—15 CACAA 16—20 CBCAC21—25 BCAAD 26—30 BBDCA 31—35 ACBDC 36—40 CDDAA 41—45 BCBDD 46—50 BABCB 51—55 DABCD 56—59 ACBC 60—63 BBDA 64—67 DABC 68—71 BDDA 72—75 ADDC 76. connection / relationship/ relation/ link77. constant78. rising/rise 79. easily80. Findings/ Results81. cold/ winter82. social83. sleep/ bed84. arguments85. Realising/ RealizingDear Li Hua,Thank you for your letter. As for the entrance exams, you have come too far and worked too hard to quit now. There are only a few months left until the exams so you can make a final push to get the best result you can. I have some tips for you and I hope they are helpful.The first thing you should do is to make a good study plan. If you follow the plan and concentrate on what you’re doing, it helps you study effectively. Besides, don’t forget to include at least three hours of exercise each week to keep your mind sharp.What’s more, make the most out of class. Preview lessons before the class and it helps you follow the teachers in class and have a good knowledge of what is important but difficult. Do review what is done wrong and learn lessons from mistakes.Above all, building up confidence is essential to success. Only when you believe in yourself, can you keep up your spirits and be successful.Now, take some time to be with your family and enjoy yourself for Spring Festival, then get to work.Best wishes, EditorStudying is hard but you can get more out of it if you do it smartly as well. 聽力材料Text 1 M: What are you going to do this weekend? W: Well, I haven’t decided yet. But my parents will probably be visiting us. They come twice a month. Text 2 W: David, you are late again. What’s your excuse this time?M: It’s not my fault. I was held up in a traffic jam, and the government should be responsible for it. Text 3M: I think we have covered almost everything. What about a cup of coffee before going on to the next topic? W: Good idea! I can’t wait!Text 4M:Hello, Jack! What is “High Street”?W: In the United Kingdom, High Street refers to business streets in towns or cities where most shops and shopkeepers usually are. Text 5W: Excuse me? Are you being served?M: Yes! I’ve ordered some salad, steak and some wine. Could I drop the wine for I will be driving home?Text 6M: I am going to quit my job. W: Why? You have been on it for less than a year.M: It demands too much concentration. But I prefer something creative and challenging. W: I think if you leave a job in less than a year, it indicates impatience and lack of appreciation, especially for the employer who is kind enough to hire you.Text7M: Sorry to trouble you, Ms Senna. I am Randy from upstairs. W: Hello, Randy. What’s up?M: I am wondering if you would like to take care of my baby for two hours? I have to pick up my wife at the station. W: Okay, I can do it. M: That’s very kind of you. I will take him downstairs at 6:30 after dinner. W: No problem. See you then.Text 8 W: American Airlines. What can I do for you? M: I’d like to consult about a round-up trip from Indonesia to New York on 30 December?W: Okay…The plane takes off at 8:00am and it takes about 12 hours. M: How much is it?W: It costs $1,000 and now you can enjoy a 20% discount off it before Jan 1.M: That’s great! How can I book the tickets if I have no time to go to the airport? W: You may reach us at 2529 3833, or visit our website. By the way, you need to arrive 2 hours earlier to get your tickets before boarding.M: I see. Many thanks.M: Wish you a wonderful trip. Text 9 M: Hi, Jessie! What have you been up to recently?W: It is only four days since I came back from a two-week exchange program in China. M: How was your trip? W: The schedule was full and tiring. But it was well worth the time. We exchanged information on education in primary and secondary schools and listened to lectures on Chinese culture. During the weekends, we enjoyed the impressive views of the ancient buildings. M: So you have learned a lot! Did you do any shopping? W: Wow! There are indeed a world of works of folk art. I bought a silk dress for myself, and some traditional Chinese snacks and interesting books for my friends. The silk dress is priced at $30 in China while $50 in America. It’s a real bargain! M: I love shopping! How I wish I had a chance there!Text10As the new year approaches, we enter into the time when people begin to make plans for the year to come. But most plans are abandoned anywhere between three weeks and three months. Well now you can do something different! Through the following practical tips, you can develop positive habits. They will enable you to stick to your plan, and allow you to accomplish any goal you set.Firstly, create a daily routine. A daily routine about your sleeping patterns, time to eat and take breaks will help you to stay focused.Secondly, set 1-2 BIG goals for the year. Setting BIG goals gives you a finishing line to run towards and allows you to evaluate your progress throughout the year. Check your goals regularly and adjust accordingly.In addition, set aside some time to relax. Working all the time may result in tiredness, which will leave the situation worse.Above all, it’s important to find friends with similar goals. They will remind you of your goal and help you come up with new ideas.Let’s start now!安徽省馬鞍山市2014屆高三第一次教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測 英語試題 掃描版含答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/210168.html
