
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

重慶市楊家坪中學高2014級高三下期3月份月考英語試題一、 聽力:(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題,每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)1、What does the woman mean?A、She doesn’t agree with the man.B、She wants to know more about the rules.C、She isn’t clear about the rules.2、What was the weather like last night?A、Rainy B、Sunny C、Windy3、What do we know about Tom?A、He is a driver. B、He is the woman’s friend. C、He is a doctor4、where does the man like to live most?A、New York.? B、Paris. C、Sydney.5、how much does ticket cost?A、US$7 B、US$24 C、US$25第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題6、when does the woman leave?A、on Friday evening.B、on Wednesday evening.C、on Friday morning7、what does the man advise the woman to do?A、stay for one more day. B、have dinner before leaving.C、pack in the morning聽七段材料,回答第8、9題。8、 when is man’s birthday?A、next Saturday. B、next Sunday .C、this Saturday.9、what will the couple buy for may?A、a yellow bag. B、a bicycle. C、a cellphone.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。10、what is the woman’s problem?A、she doesn’t know where to look for materials for her paper.B、she can’t choose a topic for her paper.C、she finds the topic of her paper too difficult.11、what is the man’ s suggestion? A、writing about the influence of television on children.B、using the library computer to find dome materials.C、buying some scientific journals on topic of her paper.12、where is the reference room?A、upstairs and to the left.B、down the hall and to the right.C、down the hall and to the left.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。13、how much is a suite per night?A、US$200 B、US$300 C、US$35014、Which type of room did the man book in the end?A、 A standard room. B、A luxury room. C、 A suite.15、What kind of room did the man book in the end?A、One with a lake view. B、One with a park view. C、One with a fountain view.16、How will the woman send the conformation about the reservation to the man?A、By fax B、By email C、By message.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17、When was The New York Times founded?A、In 1851 B、In 1696 C、In 199018、How many visitors does the website of The New York Times receive per month?{nextpage} A、More than 30 million B、More than 13 million C、More than 33 million.19、What is the motto of the newspaper’s website?A、All the News That’s Fit to Print B、All the News That’s Fit to Click.C、All the News That’s Fit to Report.20、What can we learn about The New York Times?A、It is the largest newspaper in the world.B、It belongs to a company that publishes 81 other newspapers.C、Its nickname is “the Old Gray Lady”二,單項選擇(15份)21.---I don’t believe smoking can damage your health as long as you exercise regularly.---______!Years of medical research show smoking is a stupid and expensive way to ruin your health.A. Nonsense B. You bet C. Sounds good D. Cheers ?22. ---Why did you come by taxi?---My car broke down last week and I still it repaired.A.didn’t have B.hadn’t had C.haven’t had D.won’t have23. The witness told the police what she had seen, being careful not to ________any details .A. give out????????????B. leave out?? ?????C. put out? ???? ??. look out 24.????iano is her main focus, she? also great at guitar.A. Since????????????? B. Once???????????C. Unless ?????? ??.lice what she had seen, being careful not to ________any detail While 25. ---What do you think of the idea of Web TV? ---Web TV is a world of interactive TV programming, ______ anything wonderful can happen.A. one which??? B. the one where???C. one that???? D. one where 26. ________ in the United States,___any det St Louis has now become the 4th largest city.A. It is the 24th biggest city? ????????B. It was the 24th biggest cityC. Before the 24th biggest city? ????????D. Once the 24th biggest city27.The patients are forbidden, even if they haveited States,___any recovered,______ in hospital.A. to have drunk? ?????????? B. drinking? ??? C. having drunk? ??? D. to drink ?28.?ou know quite a lot about the fashion show.?ell, Cathy ????t to me during lunch.Ae patients are forbidden, .introduces B. introduced ?C? had introduce D. will introduce29. I have been looking forward for a long time ______ a chance to have a job interview.{nextpage} A. to getting B. to get C. of getting D. getting30.--- Are you still willing to lend money to your roommate ?---Yes. I have always held the _____ that he is an honest fellow.A. custom???????? B. truth??????? C. fact???????D. belief31..---These grapes look really beautiful.----They g D. getting_______! See the price $3.99 a pound. Very expensive, aren? they!A. would? ???????B. could? ??????. might???????. should32.If nature does not provide man with the necessary material, it is the laboratory ______ he will turn to for They g D. gettiit.? ? A.where B.that C.which D.what33.You may not agree, but my ______opinion is that this program is not suitable for children.A. unique B. optimistic C. personal D. generous34.Www.videojug.com, which has_________ food and drink channel with clear explanations, is ______very popular website.A.a(chǎn); the B.the; 不填 C.a(chǎn); a D.不填; a35.I’d be only too happy to help you, if I _____ the money.A. were having B. have C. would have D. had 三,完形填空(30分)AI was shown into the waiting room, which as I had expected, was full, There were dirty 36 ?on the wall, and the tattered magazines on the table were the same as a great deal of waste paper. I took my seat and decided to ?37??he time watching people around me.A young man beside me was turning over the ?38??f a magazine quickly and nervously. It was ?9 the wallo understand what he was looking at for every three minutes of so he would ?40??he magazine on to the table, seize another, and sink back into his chair. Opposite me there was a little boy who had clearly grown tired of ?1 . He had placed an ashtray onwall the floor and was making plane-noises as he waved a pencil in his hand. At the same time the ?42 ?an next to me kept sighing loudly. At last, he got up, walked towards the door and began 43 the pictures on the wall. Soon growing uninterested, he snatchelld one more magazine and dropped tiredly into a chair. Even the boy had become quiet and was sleeping in her mother? arms.{nextpage} There was a complete ?4 ?n the room as the door opened and a nurse ?5 .The people looked up with a ray of ?6 ?n theitchellr eyes, then settled down again as the next ?47 ?patient was led out of the room.36、A. noticeB. picturesC. mapsD. holes37、A. costB. takeC. passD. use38、A. storiesB. articlesC. booksD. pages39、A. easyB. possibleC. uselessD. hard40、A. throwB. takeC. dragD. push41、A. sleepingB. waiting C. readingD. playing42、A. oldB. kindC. youngD. handsome43、A. drawing B. taking downC. examiningD. putting up44、A. lonelinessB. hopelessnessC. tirednessD. silence45、A. enteredB. turned outC. leftD. came out46、A. successB. satisfactionC. joyD. hope47、A. unluckyB. tiredC. luckyD. happyBLike most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important ?48?: giving-away makes life重慶市楊家坪中學2014屆高三3月月考英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/215076.html
