
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高三第一學(xué)期期末考試英語試題 2013.01聽力: 1--5 BCAAC 6---10 CAACA 11---15 BBABB 16-20 CABBC單選: 21-25 CB 26-30 ACBCD 31---35 ACBDD完形: 36-40 BDACA 41-45 CBDBC 46---50DDBAA 51-55 DACBC 閱讀: 56-60 ADBBC 61-65 CDBDB 66---70CDBDA 71-75 ACCCA閱讀表達(dá):76. By raising questions77. it(actually)is 78. The way to overcome/face fears. 79. Giving can reduce self-centeredness and make people feel more connected with others.80. To show the benefits that occur when you are connected with other people.書面表達(dá):(One possible version)Dear Jack, It has been three weeks since you went back to your country because of your illness. How are you feeling now? From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely hope you will recover soon. To be honest, all of our classmates together with our teachers are concerned about you and really miss you very much.As you may know, we have just finished our mid-term exam. I am very happy to say that I made great progress this time. I really appreciate your timely encouragement, which really makes me full of confidence. Besides, it has already been announced that our school’s sports meeting will be held next Friday and Saturday. Our class did really well last year and I believe we would perform much better this year if you were to join us. We are looking forward to your coming back. Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua 附聽力原文(Text 1)M: How much are the tickets?W: There are 15 pounds each, but student tickets are half price.M: Could I have two students’ tickets please?(Text 2)M: Excuse me. I just want to check the boarding gate for BA16 to London, isn’t it 22?W: Oh it just changed, be 25, down that way on the right. Thanks.(Text 3)W: Do you live very far from your school?M: About 8 kilometers, but it doesn’t seem very far, there is much traffic along this road. It’s great to go by bike.(Text 4)W: Now, can we get the computers before Wednesday?M: Well, it depends, if it is less than 10 kilometers, we can deliver them on Tuesday, but it is further away, it will be on Thursday. Where is your office?W: Just around the corner.(Text 5)W: You can’t wear that, John. It’s black.M: What’s wrong with a black shirt, everybody has a black shirt.W: It doesn’t look like going to a party. (Text 6)M: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Brown?W: I am sorry, he is out for lunch. Would you like to leave a message?M: Err, what time do you expect him back?W: Say, in half an hour.M: Thank you, I’ll try back later. (Text 7)W: Welcome to Youth Hotel, can I help you?M: I’d like a room for a night.W: Would you like a single room, a double room or a room for three?M: Oh, a single room please. Can I pay by check?W: Sure, fill in this form please.M: Need my student card number?W: No, just your address and telephone number.M: OK, here is the form.W: Very well. Here is your key to room 212.M: Thank you!W: Have a good stay! (Text 8)M: Hi, you must be that new secretary, welcome! I’m Tom Robison from public relations.W: Hi, Mr. Robison, Thanks. My name’s Lisa Jones, working in sales now.M: Please call me Tom, Lisa.W: OK, Tom. Have you worked here long?M: Yes, over 20 years.W: Wow that is a long time. Do you enjoy working here?M: Well, yes. I suppose I took the job because err well the money is good, and it’s good place to work in, but to be honest, what I really enjoy is the chance to go abroad, just visiting other countries. That’s the best thing.W: That’s nice, for me the best thing about working here is that I live close to the office, I can go home for lunch, and I don’t have to worry about the traffic.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。(Text 9)M: Now Cathy, do you know when the visitors from India are coming?W: We offer them three choices: the end of March, the middle of April and the beginning of May, and choose the earliest one which is good actually with exams coming up in May.M: Right. And how many are coming? Did you say about 12?W: Yes, they said 12 at first, but changed to 10 this morning.M: Good, we have 8 weeks to prepare, here are my suggestions. On the first day, a welcome party, then they can visit the schools in the district on the second and third days.W: We’ve got to remember this group wants to look at how computers are being used in the classroom.M: Exactly, so I want to ask Mr. Goodman to give them a talk on this on the afternoon of the third day.W: That will fit in very nicely.M: And on the last day, they would do some sightseeing, we could take them on the tour of London but many of them may have been there already, and Scotland will be too far away.W: Why not take them for a walk along the coast, it should be interesting.M: Good idea! Cathy I’m sure they’ll like it. (Text 10)W: There are many interesting stories about how a baby learns to say its first word. Now Mike, would you like to share your story with us?M: OK, here’s my story, I was about 18 months old I think and I had just started to say my first word. Every time a truck went by, I would shout a word that sounded like a track, but to everyone else, it sounded nothing like it. My parents tried to correct me, but failed. Then, about three months later, we traveled to New York, as we were waiting for our plane at the airport. I looked out of a huge window, at that very moment I saw the largest truck in the world, I had to tell someone about this. I turned to my father who was standing next to about a thousand people waiting for the very flight and screamed “Track! Track!” My father tried hard to shut me up, but I was so excited, I kept screaming my special word. My poor mother decided she didn’t know this baby and then ran into the ladies-room where she hid until I finally stopped. Well, I learned how to say truck correctly, and soon I was talking like a normal child. However, my parents will never forget the very first word I produced in my life.1第頁山東省菏澤市曹縣三桐中學(xué)2013屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試(B)英語試題(掃描版 含答案)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/244462.html
