
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


  Speed up or slow down? That was the question Wang Xueliang thought about as he approached the traffic lights. The 45-year-old driver hesitated for a few seconds before stepping on the brakes and stopping his car at a crossing on Beijing's Chang'an Avenue, even though the traffic light was still green. The light turned yellow a second later. For any drivers, passing through traffic crossings has becoe a guessing gae since New Year's Day.
  Fro Jan 1, new traffic laws ean all drivers in China that run a yellow light will have six points deducted (扣除) fro the 12 given to their license. Drivers who run yellow lights will receive the sae six-point punishent as those who run red lights. Those who forfeit 12 points over a calendar year will have to attend training courses and take exas organized by the local traffic anageent bureau. The rule was naed "China's harshest traffic rule" by any online observers. The new rule also gives strict punishents for speeding, covering up the license plate, aking phone calls while driving, and drunken driving. The punishent for covering up a license plate is 12 points.
 "On the day the new rules cae into force, drivers followed the rules and coonly seen violations, such as ignoring traffic lights , were seen less frequently," according to a report by Xinhua News Agency. The report said the nuber of accidents decreased sharply on Tuesday in five ajor cities — Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Jinan — fro the previous day. oreover, no severe accidents were reported.
  Although the inistry said on Wednesday that soe ajor cities reported a sharp decrease in urban traffic violations, the new law reains controversial ( 引起爭(zhēng)議的)because drivers find it difficult to predict yellow lights and stop their cars in good tie.
64. What can we conclude fro the first paragraph?
 A. Drivers find it hard to decide whether to speed up or slow down while driving.
 B. Drivers find it hard to predict when the light turns yello
C. Drivers should stop their cars before the light turns red.
D. Drivers should ake a guess about the light when passing through a crossing.
65. The underlined word “forfeit” in Paragraph 2 is closest in eaning to_________.
A. increase B. decline C. lose D. ultiply
66. The following stateents are false EXCEPT .
 A. You will be given a warning if you run yellow lights.
 B. You will lose six points if you cover up the license plate.
 C.A driver aking phone calls while driving will have to attend training courses.
 D. Since the new rules were carried out, the nuber of accidents has greatly decreased.
67. What do you think will be talked about after the last paragraph?
 A. The effects of the new traffic rules.
 B. Different people’s opinions of the new traffic rules.
 C. The benefits of the new traffic rules.
 . D. The disadvantages of the new traffic rules.
   【參考答案】64-67 BCDB

  Apple’s iPod copletely changed the way people experience usic. What will it do for television?
  The industry was intrigued by Wednesday's announceent that episodes of the hit ABC shows "desperate Housewives" and "Lost" will be available for Apple's new video iPod. Episodes will go on sale for $1.99 on iTunes the day after they are broadcast.
  For ABC and its parent Walt Disney Co., the bet is that the new technology will bring in ore new fans of the progras than will be taken away fro watching the on traditional broadcast television.
  The network's affiliates(廣播電視網(wǎng)的成員) were not told the deal was in the works before Wednesday, and they're the people ost likely to be concerned about its ipact. Now the iPod will join digital video recorders and DVDs as another way of seeing television progras other than their regularly scheduled ties on the ABC stations.
  Leon Long, chairan of ABC's affiliate board said if viewers have the choice of watching "desperate housewives" on their wide-screen television with surround sound or a two-inch iPod screen, they will alost certainly watch it on TV. The iPod option will likely be attractive to people who issed an episode and want to keep up with the story, he said.
  He noted that two of the three series ABC is offering to iTunes - the new "Night Stalker" is the other - are serials(系列片) that require viewers to follow story lines that play out over several onths.
  At the beginning, the downloads ight also appeal to techies who want to try out the new product and ight not necessarily be fans of the progras, which could bring these shows a new audience.
  As for the chance it will pull people away fro his station, Long said, "It's certainly a risk but I don't think it's a great risk."
57.Fro the passage, we can guess that ?
A.episode eans a part of a TV show broadcast in several parts
B.iTunes here refers to a usical store seen everywhere
C.iPod is a kind of edia player only used for usic
D.ABC is a sall local Aerican television copany
58.Why are the network’s affiliates ost likely to be concerned about the deal’s effect?
A.Because they are worried it ay affect their TV progras.
B.Because people ill have another way of watching TV.
C.Because they want the iPod to join their organization.
D.Because they didn’t know what was happening.
59.According to Chairan Leon, we learn that .
A.only techies will show interest in the downloads
B.it’s ipossible for iPod to take away TV viewers
C.the TV shows to be offered by ABC are very boring.D.ost people prefer to watch a play on TV rather than on iPod
60.What would be the best title for the passage.A.A great risk for television station.B.iPods will bring new fans to TV shows.C.Will iPods change TV the way it changed usic?D.Which is better, wide - screen TV or narrow - screen iPod?


  Your friends ight be in Australia or aybe just down the road, but they are all just a few clicks away.Life has changed for illions of teenagers across the world who now ake friends online.Whether you use chat roos, QQ, SN or ICQ, you are part of a virtual counity.
  "I rarely talk with y parents or grandparents, but I talk a lot with y old friends on QQ," said Fox's Shadow, the online nicknae used by a Senior 2 girl in China."Eighty percent of y classates use QQ after school."
  QQ is the biggest essaging service in China.A record shows 4 illion people used it one Saturday night in October, according to Tencent (騰訊公司), the copany which developed QQ.
  And Fox's Shadow ight well have been one of the."I log in on Friday nights, and Saturdays or Sundays when I feel bored.I usually spend about 10 hours chatting online every week," she said."But I rarely talk with strangers, especially boys or en."
  Even though she likes chatting, she is careful about aking friends with strangers online. "You don't know who you're talking to.You should always be careful about who you trust online."
41.According to Tencent, about four illion people ______ one Saturday night in October.
A.enjoyed theselves on QQ B.developed QQ
C.talked about QQ D.a(chǎn)de friends on QQ
【解析】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段的A record shows 4 illion people used it one Saturday night in October, according to Tencent (騰訊公司), the copany which developed QQ.這句可知答案。
42.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Perhaps the person you are chatting with lives just next door to you.
B.a(chǎn)ybe the person you are talking with online is an oversea one.
C.No people online know the opposite's real nae or real address.
D.Four fifths of Fox's Shadow's classates use QQ in their spare tie.
43.Fox's Shadow, according to the passage, is a _______ online nicknae.
A.a(chǎn) boy's B.a(chǎn) girl's C.a(chǎn) QQ worker's D.id-aged person's
【解析】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的said Fox's Shadow, the online nicknae used by a Senior 2 girl in China.這句可知答案,即Fox's Shadow是中國(guó)一位高二女生用的在線昵稱。
44.When you are chatting online, _______ who is talking to you.
A.never believe everyone B.never trust anyone
C.don't ake friends with the one D.don't talk too long with the one

  Three in ten Aericans coit" financial infidelity (出軌)by lying to their partners about oney, soeties suffering consequences such as separation or divorce (離婚), according to a new survey.
  The Harris Interactive online poll of 2019 adults released on Thursday showed 31 percent of Aerican couples who have cobined finances were not truthful about issues such as hiding cash or a bank account or about debt or earnings.
  "Financial infidelity ay be the new noral," said Forbes.co, which perfored the survey with the National Endowent (基金會(huì)) for Financial Education.
  One-third of respondents (響應(yīng)者)also say they have been cheated, and both sexes lie to their partners about oney in equal nubers."These unwise behaviors cause great daage, to the relationship, which is really not worthwhile.We ust consider how iportant a faily is to all of us.We ust be honest to our partners in everything including oney," said Ted Beck, chief executive of the National Endowent for Financial Education.
  Sixteen percent of couples affected by financial infidelity said the cheat led to a divorce and 11 percent said it caused a separation.Sixty-seven percent said it led to an arguent and for 42 percent it lessened trust in the relationship.What a great daage it is to the faily ebers!
  The ost coon lie, at 58 percent, was hiding cash.Fifty-four percent of respondents aditted hiding a inor purchase, 30 percent hid a bill, 16 percent did not disclose a ajor purchase and 15 percent hid a bank account.
  Eleven percent lied about debt and an equal nuber were untruthful about earnings, the survey showed.It is suggested that all the couples should learn a lesson fro this atter.
45.What does Ted Beck think of Aericans' coitting financial infidelity?
A.Rewarding. B.Unlawful. C.Unwise. D.Unfair.
46.What does the fifth paragraph ainly tell us?
A.The har of financial infidelity. B.The eaning of financial infidelity.
C.The explanation for financial infidelity.
D.The percentage of Aericans' coitting financial infidelity.
【解析】主旨大意題。本段出現(xiàn)lead to和cause等這類表示結(jié)果的詞語。該段的最后一句以感嘆句的形式,在發(fā)感慨的同時(shí)直接點(diǎn)明了“財(cái)務(wù)出軌”的危害。
47.What does the underlined word "lessened" ean in the fifth paragraph?
A.Raised. B.Dropped. C.Hared. D.Reduced.
【解析】詞義猜測(cè)題。本段主要是闡述財(cái)務(wù)出軌的危害,根據(jù)Sixty-seven percent said it led to an arguent (67%的說這導(dǎo)致爭(zhēng)吵),那么此處應(yīng)該是“42%的相互信任的程度下降”。
48.ost Aericans lie to their partners about ______.
A.hiding cash B.bank account C.debt D.earnings
【解析】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段的第一句話The ost coon lie, at 58 percent, was hiding cash.可知答案。
49.What is the best title of the passage?
A.Aericans like to lie ost
B.Three in ten Aericans coit financial infidelity
C.Aericans have the largest percentage of divorce
D.Aericans like to hide their partners' cash
【解析】標(biāo)題。此題實(shí)為考查的主旨大意,開篇點(diǎn)題:Three in ten Aericans coit" financial infidelity。

  China’s LiNa returns while playing against Bojana Jovanonski of Serbia in the Shenzhen Gedale Open quarterfinals (Jan.3rd, 2013) on Thursday in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. Li won 6-3, 6-3 to reach the seis, where she will face copatriot Peng Shuai.
  The life of a professional tennis player is tough because you never see copletely free to do whatever you like - even in the off-season. Chinese star Li Na has been active on the professional stage since 1999 and understands the yearly grind and how iportant it is to stay stable; even during the toughest of ties.
  "When you are copeting at a certain level, people pay equal attention to your off-court life as uch as your gae," Li said during the Shenzhen Gedale Open on Wednesday. "That eans whatever you do can soeties affect others, especially the juniors. They will get the wrong essage if you relax too uch. So I know that is soething I can't do - even on holidays. I like to put strict deands on yself to let the youngsters know what happens off the court is just as iportant if you want to be good as a professional."
  Alcohol is the first ite Li naes on her "can't do" list. Li used to celebrate big wins by sharing a few drinks with friends but she has left that habit behind no "I definitely stay away fro wine now because I have to do everything to help benefit y profession during the 51-week season." Her healthy habits have paid off as Li's body reains in prie condition despite her age. The 30-year-old has been injury free since having surgery on her right knee in 2009 and regularly heads off to Gerany in the off-season for specialized fitness training."I a lucky that injuries haven't bothered e in recent years. That's because I learnt how to treat y body well, with the help of y tea. So, it treats e well in return."
68.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE ?
A .Professional tennis players never see copletely free to do whatever they like except in the off-season.
 B. Professional tennis players are forbidden to drink.
 C .Li played two rounds in the Shenzhen Gedale Open quarterfinals.
 D. Li’s body is in poor condition because of her age.
69.How old was Li when she started to be active on the pro stage?
A. 14 B. 16 C. 27 D. 30
70. What does the underlined “it” in the last paragraph refer to ?
A. Li’s tea B. Li’s body C. Li’s efforts D. Li’s injury
    【參考答案】68-70 CBB

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/246303.html
