
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

東北三省三校2014年高三第一次聯(lián)合模擬考試參考答案第一部分:1. C2. A3. B4. B5. A6. C7. B8. A9. C10. B11. C12. A13. A14. B15. C16. C17. A18. B19. A20. C第二部分:21. A22. B23. A24. C25. D26. A27. C28. B29. D30. B31. C32. A33. C34. A35. C36. G37. C38. A39. D40. F第三部分:41. B42. C43. A44. D45. B46. B47. C48. D49. B50. A51. C52. D53. B54. A55. C56. B57. A58. C59. D60. A61. a 62. at63. screaming64. Impatient65. bothered66. pieces 67. until / before68. have finished69. there 70. It/ That/This第四部分:第一節(jié):Of all my teachers, Mr. Smith is the one who impresses me most. Because he is 54, Though/Althoughhe looks very young at his age. And he’s one of the most popular teachers in our forschool. Compared with other teacher, Mr. Smith pays more attention to his way of teachers teaching. He tries various ways to make his class lively and interestingly. In his interestingopinion, we would not only know “what”, but also understand “why”. So, instead of shouldgiving us answers immediately, he encourages us to think by themselves whenever ourselveshe puts forward questions, With his help, we /\learned how to analyze and settle havedown problems. What a wonderful world of “what” he leads us to! He is such a 去掉 whylearning person that we all admire him very much. learned第二節(jié):One Possible Version:Dear Editor,We took part in a voluntary activity organized by our school last Sunday. We gathered at the Culture Square, passing leaflets to passers-by from which they can learn what the earthquake is and how to protect themselves against the earthquake. The leaflets drew the attention of the public to the damage that an earthquake can cause and told them to take action in a right and efficient way. Some made a public speech, telling people about the best place they can hide when an earthquake occurs.We have learned much from the voluntary activity, which offers us an opportunity to contribute to society. We told the public about the situation because we thought everyone should be concerned about each other and take responsibility for promoting a public cause.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua聽力部分錄音稿1. W: John, why don’t you watch NBA games on TV? M: Oh, I’m studying for a Chinese test tomorrow.2. M: Where is Adam? He was supposed to meet us here half an hour ago, but he hasn’t come yet. W: I’ve just phoned and we’ve had a quarrel. He was busy with the contract and didn’t notice the time.3. M: May I help you? W: Yes, I’d like to apply for a loan. We need the loan to build an addition to our house. M: All right. I’ll give you an application form. You can fill it out here, or take it home if you like.4. M: Hello, Kate. Do you know how many students will go to the mountain? W: Our monitor said that the whole class will go except Tom. He has something urgent to do. That is, 20 students. M: Oh, 18 students have been there by now.5. W: Chris, did you know about Gemma Hudson? Have you heard that she’s leaving? M: Really? How do you know that? W: She told me. She’s leaving next month. M: Actually, I’m not surprised. I didn’t think she was very happy working here.6. W: What is the tall building over there? M: It’s the library, which houses over half a million books. It also has computer labs and quiet study spaces. W: And the building next to it? M: That’s the computer center. The IT facilities are really advanced there. Some of its classrooms are open 24 hours a day. W: Is there a sports center on campus? M: Of course. The sport facilities are excellent. A stadium is on the northeast side of the campus. A 50-metre swimming pool is just beside it. There is a football match this afternoon. Let’s go there and have a look.7. W: So, do you like watching the World Cup? M: Um, no. I can’t stand it. W: Mmm, I hate it too. But I want to watch the World Cup Final this weekend. But our TV won’t work. M: I can’t play, that’s my problem. If I’m not very good at a sport, I don’t like watching it. W: So, what do you like, then? M: I play golf. W: Oh, right. My husband plays too. I’m not interested in it, though. I go horse riding. M: I’d love to have a go at riding if I have time. I bet it’s good fun.8. M: So, Sally, we should probably start thinking about our winter vacation plans. W: Yeah, I think we should fly down to Florida for a couple of weeks. M: Uh, I’d really prefer not to. Those holiday travel packages cost way too much. W: Well, how about skiing up at Sky Valley Resort for a week or so? M: I’d rather not. We did it last year. Remember? W: And we had a really good time. Do you have any suggestions? M: Umm… you know, I never have any good ideas. W: OK. Here’s something different. How about going to the New Year’s Eve party in New York City? We’ve always wanted to do that. M: But I don’t really like big parties. They’re always crowded. W: You’re driving me crazy, Tom! All right. Let’s just stay home for two weeks! M: No way! That sounds too boring! Can’t you think of anything else?9. W: Andy, are you busy at the moment? M: Oh, hi. Well, actually I’m expecting an important call from the office any minute but go ahead. W: I’m sorry, but it’s really important. It’s about the car. It was broken into last night… M: Oh, no! W: I want to know if you saw or heard anything. M: Did I see anything? Where? W: In the road. Did you see anybody looking suspicious? M: No, I don’t think I looked out of the window. W: Can you remember if you heard anything? They can’t have done it completely silently. I came back late from a party and I parked it at about 11:30, and then I had a shower and went to bed. M: No, I’m sorry. What have they taken? W: Well, this morning I found the driver’s window smashed. There’s glass everywhere, and the CD player has gone. M: How annoying! Is anything else missing? W: Well, it could have been worse. Luckily, there wasn’t much in the car anyway.10. M: In today’s lecture we’ll begin with Doxey’s model for the socio-cultural impact of tourism. He identifies four stages. He identifies the first stage as happiness. Because initially the tourists are regarded as a new and interesting thing. As tourist development begins to increase, some sections of the local population become involved with tourists while others don’t, and it is increasingly the case that commercial rather than social factors are influencing relationships between tourists and the host community. People are less interested in the tourists for their own sake. This is identified as the second stage by Doxey. If development continues to increase, the hosts get annoyed with the tourists, and this is the third stage. Well, development of the tourist area may start to get out of control, which is going to make life difficult for local people. So the policy makers, the government, the local authorities, and so on, provide more roads, more car parks and so on to try to help cope with the coming of tourists. But the lives of the local people are made increasingly difficult and in the final stage of the model, the hosts show unkindness to the tourists.!第12頁 共12頁學(xué)優(yōu)高考網(wǎng)。|北三校(哈爾濱師大附中、東北師大附中、遼寧省實(shí)驗(yàn)中學(xué))2014高三第一次聯(lián)合考試英語試題(掃描版)(有答案)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/251244.html
