
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語×1.5=30):1—5 CBABC 6—10 ACCAB 11—15 CBABC 16—20 CBABA單選×1=15):21—25 BADCB 26—30 CADCA 31—35 BDBAC完形填空×1.5=30):36—40 BACAD 41—45 BCDBC 46—50 BABDB 51—55 DCACD閱讀理解×2=30):56—59 DBAB60—62 CAD 63—66 DACA 67—70 CBCB七選五閱讀填空(5×2=10): 71—75 FABDC改錯0×1=10):I’ll graduate from high school in half a year. I’m looking forward to be admitted to Hong beingKong University for my college education. HKU enjoys a good reputation as its academic foratmosphere or cultural tradition. It attract many outstanding students from different countries. and attractsAs ∧ cheerful boy, I enjoy creating and designing objects, that gives me a great sense of a whichachievement. Besides, I hope I can contribute to my country with my knowledges and abilities inknowledge the near future. I promise to work even more harder to meet the standard setting by HKU. I’d setappreciate you if you could give me the chance. it書面表達:I’m Li Hua, one of your students. I’m writing to tell you there’ll be an English short play competition. On behalf of the Students’ Union, I invite you to it as a judge. The competition will be held at 8 a.m. on March 1st in the school lecture hall. As a judge, you are expected to give scores to each group according to their performance. And after their performance, we hope you can make comments on their presentation. We would appreciate it if you could give us some suggestions.We’re looking forward to your reply and your presence at the competition. (101 words) Yours truly, Li Hua 書面表達評分細則1、本題總分為25分,按5個檔次給分。2、評分時,先根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容和語言初步確定其所屬檔次,然后以該檔次的要求來衡量,確定或調(diào)整檔次,最后給分。3、詞數(shù)少于90和多于120的,從總分中減去2分。4、評分時,應(yīng)注意的主要內(nèi)容為:內(nèi)容要點、應(yīng)用詞匯和語法結(jié)構(gòu)的數(shù)量和準(zhǔn)確性及上下文的連貫性,根據(jù)表達內(nèi)容的層次適當(dāng)分段及語言的得體性。5、拼寫與標(biāo)點符號是語言準(zhǔn)確性的一個方面。評分時,應(yīng)視其對交際的影響程度予以考慮。英、美拼寫及詞匯用法均可接受。6、如書寫較差,以至影響交際,將分?jǐn)?shù)降低一個檔次。各檔次的給分范圍和要求0分:信息未能傳達給讀者。第一檔:(1—5分):未完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第二檔:(6—10分):能表達觀點,但不夠充分,很少句子可讀,未恰當(dāng)完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第三檔:(11—15分):能表達觀點,但欠充分,語言錯誤較多,基本完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第四檔:(16—20分):觀點觀確,陳述合理,有部分語言錯誤,較好地完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第五檔:(21—25分):觀點觀確,陳述合理,極少語言錯誤,很好地完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。附:聽力材料Text 1W: The computer broke down when I was sending an e-mail to Laura. I tried calling her, but I couldn’t reach her.M: That’s OK. I’ll send her a short message.Text 2M: I heard on the radio that it will rain tomorrow.W: If the weatherman is as accurate as usual, it will be a nice day tomorrow.Text 3M: I couldn’t put up with my wife any longer. I don’t know why she usually looks at everything in such a negative way.W: Maybe you should try to get to know something about her childhood.Text 4M: Hi, Jane. Are you going to the beach party tonight?W: Yes. Is it in the same place as last week’s — in the boats?M: It’s going to be by the trees this time.W: I’ll meet you in front of the café then.Text 5M: Be careful, Mum. There’re some pieces of glass on the floor.W: You haven’t broken that nice picture, have you?M: It’s all right. The cat just knocked the empty milk bottle down.W: Watch your sister. I’ll sweep it away.Text 6W: Can you give me something for an upset stomach, please? I’m on holiday, and I think it’s the change of water.M: Yes, these tablets should settle your stomach. Just one tablet a day for three days. And if you still feel bad, you should see a doctor. W: Thank you. And can you give me something for sunburn? My little boy was out in the park all day yesterday.M: This after-sun cream is good. But you should always put on some cream before you go out in the sun as well.W: Yes, I’ll take some of that, too.Text 7W: Mr. Carson, Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me.M: I always make time for my best workers, Gloria. What can I do for you today?W: Well, I really like this company. My job is interesting and the working conditions are generally pretty good.M: Whatever we can do to make our workers happy is important to us.W: Well, I think there is one thing that would make my life a little easier. I haven’t had a raise in more than four years. It’s really getting tough to make ends meet. You say I’m doing a great job here, and I think my good work should be rewarded.Text 8W: Yesterday I met that guy Steve Giles. You know, the one I thought was a possible presenter for our new reality TV show. M: Oh, yes. What does he look like?W: He’s good-looking. He’s got short dark hair, lovely eyes. He’s not very smart, though, his clothes, I mean. But we don’t need a really smart person for this show. I think we need someone young and relaxed. M: Yes. A lot of young people will watch it. W: Exactly. Why don’t we invite him to meet some pop stars in the show? M: I don’t agree, Sally. It’s too soon. We don’t know enough about Steve yet. What about getting him to the studio for a camera test — See how he looks on the screen?W: Good idea. Text 9M: Hi, Betty. It’s Tony. I’m ringing from Cambridge. We arrived in London on Monday. The plane landed at 5:15 in the morning. W: Oh dear!M: Yeah, really early. So we were in the city at 7:30. And we stayed in London for two nights. W: Where? In a hotel?M: Yes, we were in a hotel for the first night. And then on Tuesday we stayed at my uncle’s place. W: So what was London like? What did you do?M: Well, we went all round the city in a tourist bus — that was really good. And we went for a boat trip on the river. Dad wanted to visit the British Museum too, but we didn’t have time for that. On Wednesday we left for Cambridge. We got the early evening train and now we’re staying with my cousins. They’ve got a great house here.Text 10W: This is the Air Museum information line. In the museum, you can see 140 old planes. It’s one of the biggest air museums in Europe. The museum is 48 miles from London and is not far away from the village of Cherford. You can get there by car, or if you come to the village by train, take the 51 bus from Cherford Station. In summer, the museum is open every day from ten in the morning to seven in the afternoon. In winter, it closes earlier, at four o’clock. A ticket for adults is £6, and for children and students it’s £4.50. For families there’s a special ticket which costs £18. This year we have something extra for visitors. You can go up in a small plane that was built in 1930 and see the countryside from the air. You can only do this on Sundays and you should book this trip seven days before you come. 河北省故城縣高級中學(xué)2015屆高三第二次期末考試英語試題(掃描版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/255296.html
