山東省青島市2015屆高三3月第一次模擬考試(第二套) 英語

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高三自評(píng)試卷英語第Ⅰ卷 (共105分)第一部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分55分)第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分) 從A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。1. Mr. Brown works in middle school. It is school built in the 16th century. A. a;aB. a;theC. the;aD. the;the2. ______ in the 1800s in the United States, the film became a success when it came out. A. To set B. Setting C. Being set D. Set3. — Where did you get to know her?— On the farm ______ we both once worked in the 1970s. A. when B. which C. where D. that4. you are aware of the trick used in advertisements, you won’t be eager to buy it. A. WhetherB. UntilC. Though D. Once 5. More and more people are learning to surf the Internet, ______ advantage of the convenience and efficiency benefits. A. taking B. taken C. having taken D. having been taken6. — I am crazy about English now. — But I still remember how you it. A. hate B. have hated C. hated D. had hated7. His speech is so confusing that it's difficult to make out ______ he is trying to express. A. that B. how C. who D. what8. — A second, please. I have another call coming through. — ______. I’m not in a hurry. A. Enjoy yourself B. Leave me alone C. Do as you like D. Take your time9. Would you please keep silent? The news that the milk contains a harmful chemical ______ and I want to listen. A. has been broadcast B. is broadcast C. is being broadcast D. is broadcasting10. — There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow______? — No, I'd rather buy ______ in the bookstore. A. it; it B. one; one C. one; it D. it; one第二節(jié) 完形填空 ( 共30小題,滿分40分。A篇共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分;B篇共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面兩篇短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。AA man had a little daughter. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became 11 , he became mad, moving heaven and earth to bring her back to health. His best efforts, however, proved 12 and the child died.The sad father shut himself away from his friends and 13 every activity that might bring him back to his 14 self. But one night he had a dream. He was in 15 , witnessing a grand pageant (盛會(huì)) of all the little child angels. They were 16 in a line passing by the Great White Throne (天宮). Every child carried a candle. He 17 that one child's candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl. 18 to her, he seized her in his arms and asked, ''How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted? '' ''Daddy, they often relight it, but your 19 always put it out.''Just then he awoke from his dream. From that hour on he decided to 20 his sorrow, and returned cheerfully to his former friends. No longer would his darling's candle be put out by his useless tears. 11. A. illB. sadC. angryD. fine 12. A. selflessB. necessaryC. helpful D. useless 13. A. refusedB. attendedC. enjoyedD. tried 14. A. narrowB. normal C. nativeD. happy 15. A. skyB. heavenC. streetD. town 16. A. laughingB. practicingC. standingD. marching 17. A. rememberedB. fearedC. noticed D. prayed 18. A. WalkingB. TalkingC. RushingD. Smiling 19. A. tearsB. handsC. dreamsD. worries 20. A. regretB. forgetC. hideD. delay BThere were two teenage girls in the same school. One had 21 appearance, wealthy family background and remarkable study records. She entered a good 22 after high school. The other, who was less attractive, with 23 background and worse records, entered a TAFE (Technical and Further Education) and became a receptionist at a five-star hotel.With no 24 , the first girl got a job in a big company, got to know someone who was well-educated, 25 and wealthy. They went on a marriage after a two-year's love relationship. 26 thought it was a marriage that was made by the Heaven.The other girl got to know a visiting Professor from USA 27 at work. People had no idea how they would finally get 28 with a large age gap and poorer communications in English, but anyway, both of them seemed to be 29 about each other.Later on, the first girl gave birth to a baby girl. The 30 had been OK for a few years; however, with the growth of her husband's 31 , the man started having some affairs with other women, which came to light one day and were 32 by a divorce. What's worse, she had no 33 in re-gaining her happiness. Presently she is still alone and lonely.How about the other one? Later on, she went to the States, 34 two children. She went to university while looking after her children. Once the children 35 their school age, she had already gained graduate 36 for accounting and went to work more professionally. She had a 37 life (not only in everyday life but also mentally). She now has a good career, 38 life and social circle. Life seems to have been kind to her. But we can see she 39 her own opportunity and happiness. Life is a long run. The longer distance in a race, the less 40 the starting point is. So just work and try harder. 21. A. poorB. bad C. richD. good 22. A. familyB. universityC. hospitalD. job 23. A. perfectB. ordinary C. strongD. pretty 24. A. exception B. influenceC. connectionD. information 25. A. cautiousB. handsome C. disabledD. beautiful 26. A. SomeoneB. AnyoneC. Everyone D. No one 27. A. by heartB. by mistakeC. by skillD. by chance 28. A. praisedB. admiredC. married D. changed 29. A. happy B. foreignC. luckyD. careful 30. A. marriage B. societyC. generation D. influence 31. A. healthB. strengthC. warmthD. wealth 32. A. quarreledB. arguedC. receivedD. followed 33. A. convenienceB. confidence C. patienceD. practice 34. A. broughtB. providedC. mothered D. occupied 35. A. touchedB. reached C. gotD. arrived 36. A. certificateB. applicationC. associationD. appetite 37. A. worryingB. disappointingC. satisfying D. discouraging 38. A. dailyB. privateC. socialD. family 39. A. acceptedB. relaxedC. created D. missed 40. A. significant B. successfulC. violentD. favorite 第二部分 閱讀理解 (共25小題;每小題2分,滿分50分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。AMiss Benson was the kindest and sweetest person that ever walked the earth. She was my second-grade teacher, and I was going to marry her when I grew up. I would sit in my seat for the entire morning. I wouldn’t miss one moment for her presence by leaving the room.My hand was always the first to be raised when Miss Benson called for volunteers to clean the blackboards or gather papers. I would arrange and rearrange the papers. They had to be in perfect order before I went back to my seat unwillingly.Early in the term, I started asking my mother to put an extra apple or peach in my lunch, but I never quite worked up the courage to hand my gift to her directly. Each day the delicacy (美味)found its way unobserved to the corner of her desk. And each day the response was the same. ''Why, how nice! '' She would pick up the offering and asked: ''What thoughtful little boy or girl brought me this? ''No one claimed the honor, 山東省青島市2015屆高三3月第一次模擬考試(第二套) 英語
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/259686.html
