2015年江西省九所重點(diǎn)中學(xué)高三聯(lián)合考試 英語(掃描版)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

九校聯(lián)考英語參考答案一、聽力:1-20 CABCB CBBBC CBCBC CACAB二、單選: 21-25 DBBDA 26-30 BCBAB 31-35 ACDCD三、完型: 36-55 ACBDC ADBCA DBCAD ABCBD四、閱讀: 56-60 CCBAD61-65 BCDCA66-70 BCDAB71-75 BCABC五、表達(dá): (答案不一定要拘泥于標(biāo)答,一字不漏,只要寫出與問題對應(yīng)的要點(diǎn)即可給分。)得分等級分四檔:2分;1.5分;1分;0分how to have a good purchase/ do shopping wisely(intelligently)/tips(advice)on how to have a good purchase/ do shopping wisely(intelligently)77. the quality of the product/ the product’ quality78. are expected to pay more79. By (1) getting enough information about the product (2). making sure about the guarantee of the product (3). waiting until the proper time80. product 六、寫作: With the deepening of reform and opening, more and more schools have built friendly relation with foreign schools. People have different opinions about it. According to the survey of School English Newspaper, 29% of the interviewees support it, while 63% are against it, with 8% indifferent to it.The people who support the relation believe it contributes to the cultural exchanges and helps Chinese students to experience the life and study of foreign students and to set a higher pursuit. However, the people against it think it is just a waste of money and time. They said it makes no difference to our school. What’s worse, it will cause the unnecessary mutual competition between the schools. The people indifferent to it said it had nothing to do with them and it is only the few people’s feast.As far as I’m concerned, all the friendly schools should make more efforts to make the most of the exchanges and make them beneficial to all the staff and students.聽力原文: Text 1W: Dad, I’m a grown woman, and you can’t make choices for me.M: Ha! If you were a grown woman, you wouldn’t watch cartoons all day!Text 2W: How long are you going to be in San Francisco and Los Angeles?M: The bus tour leaves in 10 minutes. We have two days there and one day in L. A.Text 3W: The lock on my front door is broken.M: Why not have John fix it? He is an expert at fixing things.Text 4W: Are you flying home after the meeting?M: No, I’m taking the train this time. All the flights are full.W: That’s too bad. It’s a long trip by train.M: Yes, but I bought a book to read.Text 5W: You’re going to the Halloween party as a superhero?M: Yeah, I finished making my mask.W: Does it cover your whole head?M: No, but I did get long boots and gloves.Text 6M: Hello, I’d like some information about the sightseeing tour of London.W: Certainly, how can I help you?M: Well, can you tell me the places you visit on the tour?W: The tour starts in Piccadilly Circus and the main attractions are Buckingham Palaces, Downing Street, London Bridge, Big Ben, the Tower of London and Trafalgar Square.M: And how long does the tour take?W: It takes about two hours in total.M: Do I have to book?W: No, you don’t have to book, but it’s best to book in advance if you want to be sure of a seat.M: How much does it cost?W: It’s ?5 per adult and ? per child.M: Thanks. Isu’d like three tickets, two adults and one child.Text 7W: I like to go to fashion shows. They give you some ideas about what kinds of clothes are coming into fashion and which ones are going out.M: It’s nice to see those pretty models walking down the runway in beautiful clothing. But to be frank, I don’t think those clothes are practical for everyday wear.W: I think we’re beginning to see some practical Italian ready-to-wear collections being shown these days. And they reach the American stores just a few weeks after the major fashion shows.M: This should be good news for America’s career women. They are this country’s most eager consumers of Italian styles. It’s time for the Italian designers to figure out that only when they make fashion more practical will they have a bigger market here.Text 8W: Hello, Dan, is everything going well? M: Not so good.W: What’s the matter?M: You know I am a green hand. Very few patients dare to see me.W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.M: Julia, I would rather be a musician. You know, I was interested in music when I was little.W: Dan, never give up, our mother always tells us.M: But it’s hard! It’s much easier said than done.W: Don’t lose heart. Oh,I remember I have interviewed a famous dentist. He practised skills with the help of a robot at first.M: Really?W: Yes. The robot can act as a model for young dentists with his rich facial expressions. They can make progress in practice according to its reaction.M: That sounds interesting. I want to have a try. But how can I get it?W: Well, I’ll contact him for you.M: Thank you.Text 9W: Good afternoon, I’d like some information about the trains, please.M: Yes, madam. Which train? Where are you going?W: To Newcastle. You see. I have a sister there, you know. We had a phone call yesterday and she invited me over to stay for the weekend, so…M: So your question is “when’s the next train to Newcastle? Is that right?W: Yes, that’s right. When is next train to Newcastle, please?M: At half past eleven. That’s in about a minute.W: Thank you very much. Oh! Can I get something to eat on the train? I always have something to eat when I travel. I find that a cup of tea and a sandwich always help my nerves.M: Yes, madam. There’s a buffet car on the train.W: Oh, good! Err … how much does a cup of tea cost?M: I’m not sure, madam. Half a pound, I think.W: You mean fifty pennies! Oh dear! Things are getting so expensive!M: Yes, madam. Your train’s going to leave in half a minute now.W: Thank you. Oh! Which platform does it leave from?M: Platform 13.W: Platform 13! Oh, dear! I never travel on trains that leave from platform 13! 13’s an unlucky number. When is the next train after the 11:30? Text 10M: China’s twitter-like information sharing and social contact platform Weibo has seen a surge in popularity. But now it is facing a competitor. The battle among China’s social networks is heating up. It turns out that when it comes to instant messaging through social platforms, people are choosing WeChat over Weibo.“I choose WeChat, it’s more convenient.”“WeChat. I don’t use Weibo very much.”Some users said.WeChat, formally called Weixin, literally translates from Chinese for Micro Message, is a mobile application designed by Tencent Company for sending voice or text messages, video and pictures through smartphones and tablets. This app, which allows information sharing only among friends, is posing a big challenge to Weibo.Shi Anbin, Professor of Tsinghua University, News and Communication School, said, “People hope to use more accessible tool … Weixin is a big challenge to Weibo...”By the end of March 2015, the most popular microblog, Sina Weibo had more than 300 million users. The number increased to more than 400 million by the end of September.But a surge in users hasn’t really translated into a surge for the company’s bottom line. That’s the biggest problem for Sina according to Professor Shi Anbin. He suggests Weibo to learn from its competitor, which already has a mature revenue channel.“Weibo doesn’t create income... I think it should learn from WeChat, which creates a consumer circle... ” Shi said.Professor Shi says Weibo should find a proper business model to translate its popularity and social function to benefit the company.!第1頁 共16頁學(xué)優(yōu)高考網(wǎng)!!2015年江西省九所重點(diǎn)中學(xué)高三聯(lián)合考試 英語(掃描版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/270620.html
