
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英 語
第Ⅰ卷 選擇題
第一部分 (共兩節(jié),滿分30分)
例: How uch is the shirt?
A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.15. C. £ 9.18.
答案是 B。
1. What was the weather like yesterday?
A. Sunny. B. Foggy. C. Rainy.
2. What will the woan probably do tonight?
A. Go to a party. B. Go to visit her sister. C. Stay with her sister at hoe.
3. When is the woan leaving?
A. 10:35. B. 11:35. C. 11:55.
4. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary.
5. What does the an ean?
A. The woan can go at any tie.
B. The woan ay be fired. C. The woan cannot leave.
6. How any oranges does the an buy?
A. A kilo. B. 12. C. 6.
7. How uch should the an pay for the grapes?
A. $1.60. B. $2.30. C. $0.80.
8. Where does the an coe fro?
A. Aerica. B. England. C. Australia.
9. What’s Anna doing right now?
A. She is writing a report.
B. She is searching for inforation.
C. She is sending an e-ail.
10. What does the woan plan to be in her new job?
A. A anager. B. A secretary. C. A typist.
11. How fast can the woan type?
A. 80 words per inute. B. 70 words per inute. C. 60 words per inute.
12. Who is the an in the conversation?
A. Li Hong’s friend. B. An interviewer. C. An interviewee.
13. Where does the an probably coe fro?
A. China. B. Japan. C. South Africa.
14. Which body shape and size is valued in China today?
A. Fatness. B. Thinness. C. Tallness.
15. Why wasn’t the friend of the an arried in South Africa?
A. Because she was too thin.
B. Because she was too fat.
C. Because she was too old.
16. Which is NOT true according to the conversation?
A. Body shapes have nothing to do with the econoy.
B. Thinness signifies a lack of food in South Africa.
C. Fatness is desirable in tie of faine.
17. Which is NOT provided for the pets in Aerica?
A. Clothing. B. Education. C. edical care.
18. Why do soe owners dress their pets in pretty clothes?
A. Because the pets will give perforances.
B. Because the pets like to follow the fashion.
C. Because the owners want to keep their pets in fashion.
19. Which of the following don’t belong to the ost coon pets in the U. S. ?
A. Dogs. B. Fish. C. onkeys.
20. Which pets can be trained to help disabled persons?
A. Dogs and cats. B. Birds and fish. C. Dogs and onkeys.

第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)
第一節(jié) 單項(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________ he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
21. --Personally, no supper is the best way to lose weight.
--________. As a atter of fact, it does har to your health.
A. That’s a good point B. That’s not the case
C. I couldn’t agree ore D. You can’t be serious
22. The accident is ________ reinder of the potential dangers involved in ________ oil production in this area.
A. a; the B. the; / C. the; the D. /; a
23. --How long ________ in that copany before you work with us?
--For eight 8 years.
A. were you eployed B. have you been eployed
C. had you eployed D. will you be eployed
24. It becae clear to e at the end of the interview ________ they really cared about.
A. which B. how C. that D. what
25. ________ we don’t care about ourselves, we don’t want our kids to live in a bad environent.
A. In order that B. Even if C. In case D. Now that
26. Is it she or you ________ going to run for the ayor of our city?
A. who is B. that is C. who are D. who are
27. --Late again !
--Sorry. I was ________ halfway for half an hour on y way to work this orning.
A. broken down B. held up C. cut down D. closed up
28. There are soe tall trees in our capus, soe ________ ore than forty eters.
A. easure B. easured C. easuring D. to easure
29. Due to circustances ________ our control, the perforance has to be canceled.
A. beyond B. with C. within D. under
30. --We need a an full of wisdo to take charge of the project.
--________ the young an graduating fro Harvard have a try?
A. Will B. Shall C. ay D. Can
31. For years, it was viewed as a serious proble, ________ that has never been really solved.
A. one B. where C. it D. which
32. --What ade Kate so excited yesterday?
--________ by her boss, as far as I kno
A. Being praised B. Praised C. To praise D. She was praised
33. --It’s a pity that you didn’t coe to y birthday party last night.
--I’ terribly sorry. I ________ for an iportant lecture.
A. prepared B. was preparing C. had prepared D. has prepared
34. Nowhere else in the world ________ to find this kind of fish except Brazil.
A. went he B. he went C. did he go D. he did go
35. Boys and girls, you should know what a great difference good anners in public will ________ to a person.
A. owe B. belong C. contribute D. ake
第二節(jié) 完形(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
A poor young an lost his job and had no one to help hi. Helpless, hoeless and hopeless, he decided to coit suicide. He 36 all the coins he had with hi and bought a ripe banana wrapped in an old newspaper. He opened the packet and started to eat his last food 37 an old beggar approached hi. With trebling lips, the beggar told hi that he hadn’t had anything to eat for several days and was too weak to walk. The young an felt 38 . So he didn’t eat the banana. 39 , he gave the banana to the beggar. The beggar ate it with great joy and 40__ hi. While leaving, the beggar gave hi a very old coin, saying, “Thank you very uch. You gave e everything you had. Kindly accept this coin as y gift 41 your kindness.”
After the old an left, he 42 glanced at the piece of paper used to wrap the fruit. There he saw a(n) 43 fro an agency dealing with old coins. Anyone 44 old coins was invited to visit the agency and receive suitable price for their old coins on the spot. Out of siple 45 , he carried the coin to the agency after 46 it by phone. He showed the coin gifted by the beggar. The person who 47 the agency stared at it and told hi in exciteent, “What a __48 ! It is very 49 and several centuries old. It is worth a(n) 50 !” Juping with joy on receiving the 51 aount of oney, he searched everywhere to find the old an who gifted hi the coin. He wanted to 52 his joy and the oney with the beggar. But he could not find hi anywhere. Since then, he started a new life with renewed 53 and enthusias about the future.
Kindness will be 54 . It always coes back! As Willia Wordsworth wrote,“ The best part of a good life is the little, naeless, unreebered acts of 55 and love.”
36. A. collectedB. spreadC. spottedD. donated
37. A. whileB. whenC. beforeD. until
38. A. worriedB. nervousC. pityD. guilty
39. A. StillB. ThusC. BesidesD. Instead
40. A. scoldedB. adiredC. respectedD. thanked
41. A. in search for B. in ters of C. in return forD. in favor of
42. A. carelessly B. purposelyC. iediatelyD. norally
43. A. suggestionB. advertiseent C. appealD. requireent
44. A. possessingB. seeingC. orderingD. deserving
45. A. distrustB. curiosityC. wonderD. hobby
46. A. replyingB. repeatingC. contactingD. begging
47. A. chargedB. consistedC. attendedD. anaged
48. A. shaeB. prizeC. surpriseD. pleasure
49. A. privateB. freshC. rareD. casual
50. A. valueB. fortuneC. wealthD. effort
51. A. unexpected B. unluckyC. unliitedD. unnoticed
52. A. hideB. shareC. coverD. spare
53. A. wisdoB. chanceC. hopeD. luck
54. A. changedB. daagedC. lost D. rewarded
55. A. courageB. proiseC. eoryD. kindness
第三部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
ANCHORAGE, Alaska--The 2004 winner of Alaska’s faous 1,000-ile sled-dog race, the Iditarod, won again at age 53 to becoe the oldest chapion in 2013, a year after his son becae the youngest winner.
itch Seavey got his dogs to the finishing line first in 9 days, 7 hours, 39 inutes and 56 seconds. His son, Dallas Seavey, now 26, ended up ranking fourth, behind the older copetitor, 43-year-old Aliy Zirkle, who followed four-tie chapion Jeff King, now 57.
itch Seavey, who lives in Seward, Alaska, operates a seasonal sled-dog touring business. The race was itch Seavey’s 20th Iditarod.
This year’s contest was arked by unusual conditions and unseasonable rain in the northern part of the trail, and conditions that Seavey said helped his tea. “It sees like the tougher it is, the better we can do.”
He also thought highly of Zirkle, a New England iigrant(移民)who now lives in Two Rivers, Alaska. “She’s a great usher(趕狗拉雪橇的人), and she’s going to win the Iditarod soetie, and probably ore than once. We just had a little ore energy, I think.” Zirkle, one of the ost popular ushers, was greeted by shouts of “Aliy, Ally” fro the fans as she drove her dog tea approaching the finishing line on Noe’s Front Street. “I a pretty happy to be here,” she said. “I was going for it.”
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is one of the few ajor U. S. sports events in which en and woen copete on an equal footing. The nae “Iditarod” dates fro a local Athabascan ter eaning “a far, distant place”. Youthful ushers in the race ay have soe physical advantages--they can do soe things ore easily. But ore iportantly, winning the race needs the experience in dog race.
The year’s event started on Saturday, arch 2 with a cereonial n in Anchorage. Of the 66 ushers who started the race, 10 had dropped out of copetition as of Tuesday night. For his victory, itch Seavey will take hoe $50,400 and a new truck.
56. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. itch Seavey is the oldest copetitor in the sled-dog race in 2013.
B. itch Seavey, who operates a touring business, is a New England iigrant.
C. itch Seavey won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 2004 and 2013.
D. itch Seavey anaged to help his son becoe the youngest winner in 2015.
57. On which day did itch Seavey probably win the chapion in the 2015 Iditarod?
A. On Saturday, arch 2. B. On onday, arch 11.
C. On Saturday, arch 9. D. On Tuesday, arch 13.
58. Who ranked the 2nd place in the 2015 Iditarod according to the passage?
A. Aliy Zirkle. B. Dallas Seavey. C. itch Seavey. D. Jeff King.
59. According to the passage, we can learn that ________.
A. the sled-dog race is the ost iportant sports event in the US
B. experience also has a ajor influence on the result of the race besides age
C. en and woen can’t copete in the sled-dog race together at the sae tie
D. all the athletes in the sled-dog race are liited by age to win the sled-dog race
Which coes first, happiness or oney? Are richer people happier? And if so, how do people get uch richer? A recent study could tell you the answer.
The study looked into thousands of teenagers and found that those who felt better about life as young adults tended to have higher incoes by the tie they turned 29. Those who were happiest earned an average of $8,000 ore than those who were the ost depressed.
The researchers, fro University College London and the University of Warwick, say that very glooy teens, no atter how tall or sart they were, earned 10% less than their peers, while the ha ppier ones earned up to 30% ore.
Happier teenagers have an easier tie getting through school, college and a job interview, chiefly because they always feel better about life. It ay also be true that happier people find it easier to ake friends, who are often the key to hoework help or networking.
A report in June suggested that professional respect was ore iportant than dollars in ters of workplace happiness. In August scientists announced that they had found the gene for happiness in woen, Alas (the sae gene doesn’t appear to have the sae effect on en). And in October researchers in the UK and in the US announced that people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day report being the happiest.
The big question is: if it really is true that happier kids end up being wealthier k id s, is it necessary for parents to get their kids to do the hoework? The fact is that no hoework will ake kids happy but surely hurt their grades. Studies do show, after all, that ore education leads to better-paid jobs, which ay give us a deep thought.
“These findings show that the teenagers’ happiness is iportant to their future success,” one of the report’s authors writes. “But what is the ost iportant is that we should find a way to help children gain ore satisfaction fro doing schoolwork.”
60. What conclusion can the researchers draw fro the recent study?
A. Happy teenagers grow up to be wealthier.
B. oney can ake people becoe happier.
C. Wealth has nothing to do with happiness at all.
D. Schoolwork can help teens achieve success.
61. The ain reason why happier people have ore chances to succeed is that ________.
A. they are easy to counicate with others
B. they are good at doing their schoolwork
C. they are hopeful and optiistic about their life
D. they eat uch ore fruit and vegetables a day
62. The underlined word “glooy” in Paragraph 3 probably eans “________”.
A. upset B. glorious C. happy D. wealthy
63. What can be the best title for the text?
A. The way to educate kids. B. The source of happiness.
C. How to achieve your goal. D. The secret of being wealthier.
Another day begins with the call of the phone’s alar, Where are you? Open your eyes. Turn the alar off and you will start working out on your apps(應(yīng)用軟件).
First stop, weather: Sunny day. Look outside the windo Oh, no, it isn’t. Second stop, Air Quality Index: 344, dangerous, Level 6 Severely Polluted. ental recheck required: It really is a sunny day and the weather app isn’t lying or in need of being replaced, it’s just that you can’t see the sun throug h the thick fog. Note to self: Cycling to work is out, face ask is in.
Has the world stopped turning? News app erely confirs that it’s business as usual. Another governent has fallen, your soccer tea has lost again, and China’s econoy is still increasing steadily.
Diary app infors you of all the things you failed to do the previous day and loads you up with another half-dozen tasks. Next, browse a couple of social networking apps to deterine the status updates of friends.
Another sound fro the phone, it’s a essage fro your significant friend who is already at work, saying the Taobao. co order for Italian cheese is about to arrive.
Apps have becoe part of our “every-oent” lives. Apps provide so uch inforation. But the dark side to all this connectivity would be lack of privacy, being a slave to the app. The only real proble is that once you lose your sartphone, you lose your life.
Soe friends and faily do not have sartphones, but prefer the old-fashioned Nokia that erely akes phone calls and sends instant essages. While I respect their purity and desire to be free of the control of technology, it’s obvious they are outsiders, and their lives are loaded up with paper and old devices. They’re still buying books at stores, coplaining the lack of CDs on the arket, watching TV and issing out on coplete news cycles. Though I would add, the y have lives that aren’t spent inside sall screens.
y phone is a pal-sized one-stop shop and about the only thing it doesn’t do is teleport(心靈運輸). What’s not to like?
64. The functions of apps entioned in the passage can be listed as follows EXCEPT that _______.
A. the apps can show you weather forecast
B. the apps can tell you how to work directly
C. the apps can infor you the latest news
D. the apps can tell you what you failed to do
65. According to the passage, the author thinks that _______.
A. people’s life is governed by apps B. people feel bored about the use of apps
C. people can’t live without apps D. people hate apps with powerful functions
66. It can be inferred fro the last paragraph but one that _______.
A. ore and ore people like Nokia ore than apps
B. using Nokia can be free of the control of technology
C. all people don’t like the advanced sartphones
D. ordinary people don’t like shopping online
Festivals play an iportant role in a culture’s identity. I can’t think of a better way of appreciating a new culture than by taking part in one of its festivals. Here are soe special festivals around the world.
★ Boryeong ud Festival--Boryeong, South Korea
For two weeks in July, illions gather in Boryeong to experience the grey pools and slides. What began as a way of prooting the region’s ineral-rich ud has turned into a festive party , coplete with usic and fireworks. While the ud is usually only available in cosetic products, here you can cake yourself in grey as you want.
★ Holi--lndia
Holi, the Festival of Colors, is a Hindu celebration full of joy and one of India’s ost iportant holidays. During the day of the last full oon of the lunar onth, usually late February or early arch, the air is full of bright colored powder. The festival is celebrated differently throughout the country, but the cheerful spirit is coon throughout Hindu counities around the world.
★ Koninginnedag--The Netherlands
Although their current Queen’s birthday is really during the winter, the Queen still celebrates it on April 30th,the country’s official “Queen’s Day” since 1949. Orange is the national color, and the streets becoe a sea of feather boas(長圍巾)and body paint as crowds gather in the plazas(廣場). Asterda is the center of this outdoor party, with any live usic acts, but nearly every town is alive with orange on this day.
★ National Elephant Day in Thailand
In Thailand, arch 13 is regarded as National Elephant Day to show that the Thai elephant plays an iportant role in the Thai history. Thai Elephant Day has been held on an annual basis since the idea was first approved by the Thai governent in 1998. Special events are held at a nuber of venues in northern Thailand. At the ae Sa Elephant Cap, it has becoe a tradition on arch 13 for the dozens of elephants there to be treated to a huge feast of fruits and sugarcane.
67. What we can learn fro the passage is that ________.
A. Boryeong ud Festival was originally held to advertise for their ineral resources
B. people around the world celebrate Holi differently to proote their religions
C. Koninginnedag--The Netherlands was celebrated on their current Queen’s birthday
D. it is an international custo for the Thai elephant to eat all kinds of fruits and sugarcane
68. What is the purpose of the festival held on arch 13 in Thailand?
A. To call on people to protect these endangered elephants.
B. To give the Thai elephant a chance to eat fruits and sugarcane.
C. To stress the iportance of the elephant in the Thai history.
D. To help people relax theselves by feeding the Thai elephant.
69. You can experience the Festival of Colors in _______.
A. South Korea B. Thailand C. the Netherlands D. India
70. What is the ain purpose of the text?
A. To tell people how to enjoy and relax theselves.
B. To introduce soe unique festivals around the world.
C. To get people to celebrate different kinds of custos.
D. To show the iportance of celebrating different festivals.
Rules on how to be a fit kid
Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical exercise, and has a healthy weight. 71 If you’re a kid who wants to be fit, here are three rules to live by.
1. Eat a variety of foods.
You ay have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. 72 Taste new foods and old ones you haven’t tried for a while. Soe foods, such as green vegetables, are ore pleasing the older you get. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day--two fruits and three vegetables.
2. 73
What does it feel like to be full? When you’re eating, notice how your body feels and when your stoach feels cofortably full. Soeties, people eat too uch because they don’t notice when they need to stop eating. 74 And over a period of tie, overeating can lead to unhealthy weight gain.
3. Liit screen tie.
What’s screen tie? It’ s the aount of tie you spend watching TV or DVDs, playing video gaes, and using the coputer. The ore tie you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less tie available for active stuff, like basketball, bike riding and swiing. 75
These rules aren’t agic. However, follow the ost of the tie and you can becoe a fit kid sooner or later.
A. Drink water and ilk.
B. Listen to your body.
C. Eating too uch can ake you feel uncofortable.
D. There’re a lot of discussions these days about fit kids.
E. Try to spend no ore than 2 hours a d ay on screen tie.
F. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly.
G. If you eat different foods, you’re ore likely to get the nutrients your body needs.

第Ⅱ卷 非選擇題
第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)
第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
There is a proverb that went “Honesty is the best policy”. I still reeber the day that I was left alone at hoe. I broke a vase by chances, which was quite treasured by y father. When he cae back, I was too fearful that I didn’t tell the truth. The cat was his excuse. y father said nothing, and I could read his distrust. The next orning, after a restless night, I aditted to y father that it was y fault. I saw relief in his eyes. He siled at e. Fro now on, I never told lies. y honesty won e great trust fro others, which benefited fro y growth a lot. It is the “crack” that is reinding e all the tie that I have long way to go. With the light through the crack I can see the road ahead clear.

第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)
Dear r. Sith,
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Best wishes,
Li Hua

Text 1
W:Nice and bright this tie.
:Yes,uch better than yesterday.
W:The fog brought uch trouble to our life.
Text 2
:Would you like to coe to a party with e tonight?
W:I’d love to.But y sister will coe to see e.
Text 3
W:Hello,this is Linda.I’ ringing to say goodbye.
:When are you setting off?
W:I’ catching the 11:35 boat.
:Have a good trip.
Text 4
W:What’s wrong with you?
:I’ve got a sore th roat and y chest hurts.
W:How long have you been like this?
:Two or three days.
Text 5
W:Would you ind if I had soe tie off?
:When exactly?
W:onday and Tuesday next week.
:I’d like to say “yes”,but it’s just not possible.
Text 6
W:Good orning,can I help you?
:Yes,I’d like soe oranges please.
W:How any would you like?
:U...a dozen,please.Have you got any grapes?
W:Yes,over there.
:How uch are they?
W:1.60 dollars a kilo.
:I’d like half a kilo,please.
W:Here you go.Anything else?
W:Then you should pay $2.30 in total.
Text 7
:Hi,Anna.Nice to see you.
W:e,too.Are you sending an e-ail to your faily?
:Yes,and I a reading newspapers on line fro y hoetown in Australia.What about you?
W:I need to write a report about Abraha Lincoln’ s speeches,so I’ looking for inforation on line.But how can I find it?
:Try going to a good search engine.And then type the key words in the search box.
W:OK.So any articles.How can I go to the?
:You see the words in blue color? You can click on any nae of the.
W:Can I ake a copy of these articles?
:Sure,if you have a disk.And you can download the to a disk.
Text 8
W:Good orning.
:Good orning.Please sit down.Your nae is Li Hong,isn’t it?
W:Yes,that’s right.I’ fro Wuhan Vocational Technical College.
:Do you have any experience as a secretary?
W:Yes.I have had secretarial of training for three years.
:How any words can you type a inute?
W:60 words.
:Do you think you are qualified for the job?
W:I think so.By the way,ay I ask about the salary?
:Well,the starting salary is not high,but the extra benefits are any.If you do well,you are sure to get a rise.Any ore questions?
W:No ore at present.I’ sorry to have taken up so uch of your tie.
:Not at all.Very glad to have et you.We’ll let you know the result as soon as possible.Goodbye.
Text 9 ww Xkb 1.co
:iss Li,you are so sli! You need to eat a little ore.
W:I thought you were praising e just no
:We think that being fat is beautiful in South Africa.
W:That’s the sae culture in Tang Dynasty in China.At that tie people used to think being fat was beautiful.But now Chinese and Western cultures value thinness right no
:A friend of ine always said she wasn’t arried because she was too thin.
W:If she were in China!
:In ost cultures,a wide range of body shapes and sizes has been fashionable at soe point in history.
W:In fact,it sees to be based on the econoy.
:You know,in tie of faine,thinness signifies a lack of food,so fatness is desirable.
W:That’s to say,beauty standards vary with custos around.
:Yes,that’ s true.
Text 10
ost Aericans treat their pets like a eber of the faily.This eans that Aericans love their pets,and they provide the with the proper hoe,food,exercise,and edical care.
Aericans love pets and it is not just puppy love,either.Soeties they add to the interest of their pets’ lives with entertaining videos and ausing toys.If they have an eye for fashion,pet owners can dress their pets in pretty clothes.For special occasions,they can use perfue to ake their dogs sell well,less beastly.You ight say Aericans treat their pets like they treat their childr en—soeties even better.
The ost coon pets in the U.S. are dogs,cats,birds,and fish.Pets,such as dogs and cats,ake good copanions. But in addition to providing good copanionship,pets are useful,too.For exaple,dogs guard property,herd cattle and sheep,and lead the blind.onkeys,unusual pets in the U.S.,will soon becoe useful pets for disabled persons to have.Scientists are now training onkeys to help paralyzed persons do siple tasks,such as eating,cleaning the house,and even changing the channel on the TV set!

One possible version:
Dear r.Sith,
I’ Li Hua,a student of Senior 3 fro China.I want to apply to your university.I have a good coand of English and can counicate with English-speakers freely.I have a quick ind so I did well in all y subjects,especially the science courses.
The reason why I want to apply to your university can be listed as follows.To begin with,I want to further y study in an English-speaking country.Besides,I want to broaden y horizons by learning the culture of your country,and spread Chinese culture at the sae tie.
I will be very grateful if I could be accepted.And I’ looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
Li Hua
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4. 評分時,應(yīng)注意的主要內(nèi)容為:內(nèi)容要點、應(yīng)用詞匯和語法結(jié)構(gòu)的數(shù)量和準確性、上下文的連貫性及語言的得體性。
5. 拼寫與標點符號是語言準確性的一個方面,評分時,應(yīng)視其對交際的影響程度予以考慮。英、美拼寫及詞匯用法均可接受。
6. 如因書寫較差而影響交際,將分數(shù)降低一個檔次。
7. 內(nèi)容要點可用不同方式表達,對緊扣主題的適當發(fā)揮不予扣分。
1. 完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。
2. 覆蓋所有內(nèi)容要點。
3. 應(yīng)用了較多的語法結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯。
4. 語法結(jié)構(gòu)或詞匯方面有些許錯誤,但為盡力使用較復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu)或較高級詞匯所致;具備較強的語言運用能力。
5. 有效地使用了語句間的連接成分,使全文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊。
6. 完全達到了預(yù)期的寫作目的。
1. 完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。
2. 雖漏掉1、2個次重點,但覆蓋所有主要內(nèi)容。
3. 應(yīng)用的語法結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯能滿足任務(wù)的要求。
4. 語法結(jié)構(gòu)或詞匯方面應(yīng)用基本準確,些許錯誤主要是因嘗試較復(fù)雜語法結(jié)構(gòu)或詞匯所致。
5. 應(yīng)用簡單的語句間的連接成分,使全文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊。
6. 達到了預(yù)期的寫作目的。
1. 基本完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。
2. 雖漏掉一些內(nèi)容,但覆蓋所有主要內(nèi)容。
3. 應(yīng)用的語法結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯能滿足任務(wù)的要求。
4. 有一些語法結(jié)構(gòu)或詞匯方面的錯誤,但不影響理解。
5. 應(yīng)用簡單的語句間的連接成分,使全文內(nèi)容連貫。
6. 整體而言,基本達到了預(yù)期的寫作目的。
1. 未恰當完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。
2. 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要內(nèi)容,寫了一些無關(guān)內(nèi)容。
3. 語法結(jié)構(gòu)單調(diào)、詞匯項目有限。
4. 有一些語法結(jié)構(gòu)或詞匯方面的錯誤,影響了對寫作內(nèi)容的理解。
5. 較少使用語句間的連接成分,內(nèi)容缺少連貫性。
6. 信息未能清楚地傳達給讀者
1. 未完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。
2. 明顯遺漏主要內(nèi)容,寫了一些無關(guān)內(nèi)容,原因可能是未理解試題要求。
3. 語法結(jié)構(gòu)單調(diào)、詞匯項目有限。
4. 較多語法結(jié)構(gòu)或詞匯方面的錯誤,影響對寫作內(nèi)容的理解。
5. 缺乏語句間的連接成分,內(nèi)容不連貫。
6. 信息未能傳達給讀者。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/281849.html
