河南省六市2015屆高中畢業(yè)班第一次聯(lián)考 英語 (掃描版含答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2015年春期河南省六市高中畢業(yè)班模擬考試英語參考答案第一部分(共30分;每小題1.5分)1—5 BACAB 6—10 ABACB 11—15 BCBCA 16—20 BBBCB第二部分(共40分;每小題2分)21-2 DBACB 26-30 BACDD 31-35 ABDAD 36-40 CGFAB第三部分 語言知識運用(共45分;每小題1.5分)第一節(jié) 完形填空41-45 DACCD 46-50 ABCCA 51-55 BBACD 56-60 DAADB第二節(jié)語篇填空61. have invited 62. do 63. t/that 64. a 65. probably 66. harder 67. beginners 68. to sit 69. closed 70. than第四部分 寫作第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10分;每小題1分)1.on-in 2. everything- something 3. attract- attracts 4. that 去掉 5. will后加be6. whom-who 7. Beside- Besides 8. . easy- easily 9. would-will 10. but-and第二節(jié) 書面表達(共25分)Dear Peter, Thank you for your congratulations on my admission to Brown University! I'll arrive in America on April 16th, and I'm wondering whether you can help me find an apartment for me. Preferably, the location is near the campus, which makes it possible for me to go to the university by bike within thirty minutes. What’s more, I would like one apartment well furnished, spacious and bright ,with a kitchen attached. If possible, I can cook myself. It will be better if the host can speak fluent English . Please let me know as soon as you find a suitable one. Besides, if it is convenient to you, would you please pick me up when I get to the station? Thanks! Yours Li Ping附聽力錄音原文:Text 1 M: Are you making cups today?W: No, we’re going to make a large vase for some flowers. I like going to class and learning new things. It makes me feel good. Text 2 M: Do you want the same cut as last time?W: The same on top, but I’d like it a little longer over the ears and in the back.Text 3W: I wonder what’s happened to Jerry. He hasn’t been around for at least 2 weeks.M: He took leave to see his mother in Europe.Text 4 W: Hello! I am interested in purchasing that clock. I have been late to work almost every day this week.M: Well, luckily, this one has an alarm clock. I use the same one every day myself, and it is very helpful.Text 5W: Lewis, Don told me that he could get you that Lady Gaga signature through a friend at work if you’re still interested in getting it.M: Still interested in getting it? Um, I have every single Lady Gaga CD, and my wall is covered in her pictures! If I ever get a pet dog, I’ll probably name her Gaga, that’s how into her I am, so…Text 6 W: Look at those pictures! They’re fantastic! You’re so talented, James. And wow, what a cool camera!M: It’s a Nikon D200, and it’s really easy to use. But now, I’m planning to save up for a new Olympus E1. It will definitely cost me an arm and a leg.W: Sounds quite professional. Anyway, would you please bring your camera with you next Sunday and take some pictures of us while we’re playing tennis?M: Sure, you got it.Text 7 M: There is just one problem, madam. Your driver’s license is no longer valid.W: What?M: Yes. Today is the 19th, and your driver’s license was valid through the 17th. I’m afraid we can’t accept it. Do you have another form of ID?W: Not with me. My passport is at home, but that’s 30 minutes away.M: I do apologize, but this is our policy. If you want to continue with your deposit, you might have to go home and get it.W: That’s OK. I’ll just come back tomorrow with my passport. I need to try to get a new license now. Otherwise, I won’t be able to drive home!Text 8 W: Can I help you?M: Oh, I’m just looking, thanks. Well, actually, I’m looking for something for my sister.W: And what exactly are you looking for?M: I don’t really know. A dress?W: Right. Well, what color does your sister usually wear?M: Oh, dear…W: Okay, what color are her eyes?M: Green.W: OK, purple usually suits people with green eyes.M: Oh, great, purple’s fine.W: Now, what size is she?M: Um, well… she isn’t very big, but she’s not particularly thin, either.W: That’ll be a medium, then. Well, we have this rather nice silk evening dress here…M: Good, I’ll take it. How much is it?W: $70, sir. How would you like to pay?M: Seventy?! Uh, by credit card, please.W: Fine. If you could just sign.M: Here you are. Goodbye.W: Just a minute, sir. Here’s your receipt.M: Oh yes, uh… can she exchange it if it doesn’t fit her?W: Yes, but she needs to bring the receipt.Text 9 W: Young man, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with the gentleman who just gave you directions.M: Uh-huh…W: I think he must be confused. The directions he gave you are all wrong. If you follow them, you’ll have a lovely ride, but you’ll end up at the zoo.M: What should I do, then?W: Come with me. I’m heading in the direction where you can catch the bus you want. We’ll just continue down Gold Road here for a few minutes.M: OK, great. Thank you.…W: Here we are. This is the corner of Wall Street andd Gold Road, and here’s your bus stop. Take the F-1 down to the river, and get off at Riverside Road.M: And that’s where the church is?W: No, transfer there to the L-5 going north. The end of the line for L-5 is just across the street from Riverside Church. The whole ride shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes.M: Thanks. I’m glad you set me straight. Is that my bus coming down the street now?W: Yes, it is. I hope you have exact change. The driver doesn’t give change to passengers.M: I have quite a few quarters with me. Thanks again! Goodbye.Text 10 M: Many young girls dream of being models. Now, my first question: How were you able to make your dream a reality?W: I actually spent my childhood being a model. My mother put me in TV commercials and other advertisements when I was just a small baby. M: Do you think that modeling has influenced your life at all?W: It’s difficult to say. Sometimes I feel like it’s hard to make friends when you are a model. It seems like all they care about is my looks. I travel a lot, and that also puts a lot of stress on any relationships that I have.M: What is your favorite part of being a model?W: I really like all of the traveling that I get to do. I have been able to go to Europe and Latin America and a lot of other beautiful locations around the world. I think the best thing, though, is having people look at me and think that I’m beautiful. I love the attention.M: Now, finally, do you have any advice for young girls that want to be models?W: Sure! I just want to tell you guys never to give up, and don’t let anyone ever tell you that you are not beautiful…because everyone is beautiful in their own way!!第16頁 共16頁學(xué)優(yōu)高考網(wǎng)!!河南省六市2015屆高中畢業(yè)班第一次聯(lián)考 英語 (掃描版含答案)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/282606.html
