湖南省四大名校2015屆高三四校聯(lián)考 英語

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

湖南省2015屆高三四校聯(lián)考時量:120分鐘 分值:150分PartⅠ Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 1l.How does the boy sound in the beginning?A.Discouraged. B.Satisfied. C.Nervous.2.What does his mother suggest? A.Going to the English Corner.B.Reading more books.C.Learning more'words.Conversation 23.How long is the trip to Los Angeles?A.Eight hours. B.Eight and a half hours. C.Nine hours.4.Where can the.man get on the-bus? A.At Gate 10. B.At Gate 11, upstairs. C.At Gate -l2,,aownstairs.Conversation 35.When did the woman go to the seaside for the last time?.Last June..Last July .Last month.6.Why will the woman not go to-the-seaside?A.Because, she will have no spare time.B.Because she has not earned enough money. :C.Because her father will have no spare-time.Conversation 47.For what would the man stay in line for 5 hours?A.Two tickets for a concert. B.Two tickets for a contest.C.One ticket for an opera. 8.What does the woman think about that opera? A.It is difficult to understand.B.It has good singing. C.It isn't as interesting as a Broadway musical. 9.What do the two speakers plan to do after they see the Seal concert?A.To have dinner. B.T6 see a concert. C.To go to an opera.Conversation 510.What happened to the man?A.He found his house was broken into.B.He locked himself out.C.He forgot to lock the front door.11.When were all the windows locked?A.On Saturday. B.On Friday. C.Everyday.12.What is the woman most probably going to do? rA.Talk to others. B.Look around. C.Ask more questions.Conversation 613.When does the man usually get to the bus stop from his house?A.At 7:20. B.At 6:40. C.At 7:00.14.What does the man often do after dinner firstly?A.Watching TV or talking with his family.B.Playing and reading with his family.C.Working on his website.15.Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation?A.The man often gets off work at about 5 o' clock.B.The man often goes to bed after one or two at night.C.The man created his website in his office.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21.With the tourist trade booming, the residents of this area are paying more attention to the protection of nature, ____, of course, is of great importance.A.that B.which C.what D.whether22.Have you found your lost eraser?—Yes, already.It was just under my nose, ____ beside a leg of my desk.A.lying B.having lain C.to lie D; laying2 3.The concert held at the City Theater last night was really impressive.Yes, ____.A.I can ^t agree more B.I agree too muchC.I don't agree too much D.I agree more24.Some young people always take it for granted that only if we have enough money ___ a happy life.A.we can live B.we will live C.do we live D.can we live25.The football team as well as the coach ____ to the TV show to talk about their experiences during the past few years.A.has been invited B.has invitedC.have been invited D.have invited2 6.Don't doubt the possibility we declared yesterday ____ we will surely win the game in spite of all the difficulties.A.that B.which C.when D.whether27.I should have forgotten all about my mother's demand that I buy some fruits home for the evening, ____.A.if not reminding B.if not remindedC.a(chǎn)lthough reminded D.a(chǎn)lthough not reminding2 8.Don't you know that a group of teenagers from the USA are coming to visit our school?—Yes.____ past the headmaster^ office I happened ____ him talking about it with some other teachers.A.Walking; to hear B.To walk; to hearC.Walked; hearing D.Having walked; having heard29.To our surprise, ____ much effort has been made, the cause of the accident has not been found out. A.because B.a(chǎn)lthough C.unless D.how30.Why haven't you decided what present to buy for your mom’s birthday?—As you know, there are too many pretty things in the stores ___, and it's really hard to make a decision.A.to be chosen from B.being chosen fromC.chosen from D.to choose from31.Will you come to the lecture beginning at 9 tomorrow morning?—Sorry, but I ___ some guests from our sister-city at that time.A.will meet B.a(chǎn)m going to meetC.will be meeting D.a(chǎn)m meeting32.Mary can have lost some weight, but she ____ too much because of her convenience of eating at the restaurant run by her parents.A.had eaten .B.eats C.will eat D.a(chǎn)te33.Susan speaks Chinese fluently.That is because she ____ in China for more than 5 years.A.had lived B.is living C.lived D.will live34.Where can I find Jim this time?—You ____go to the gym.He ____ take some exercise this time every day.A.can; need B.may? will C.may; must D.can; shall35.I find it really confusing, for I ______ much homework all these years but I just can't improve my Math a lot.A.have done B.didC.a(chǎn)m doing D.have been doingSection B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I break off a piece of candy and take pleasure in its sweet outside and the bitter, dark chocolate inside, thinking of my own life.Being raised by a single parent was a bitter-sweet experience, which gave me motivation and ambition.There were several years that have left an extremely 36 taste in my mouth -my mother married a man and moved my sister, Emily, and me several states away from our hometown.The first few months were sweet; baseball games, family trips to the mall, dinners and movies together.Then things 37 .Baseball became too expensive, and trips to the mall were replaced by days Emily and I spent isolated in our rooms under our stepfathers orders.Moreover, screaming 38 between him and our mother always interrupted our dinners.We spent five years living in a family that had turned into a war zone.Emily and I almost grew_39_this situation.Then one evening, after another argument had erupted, we left home.I was 14, my sister 11, and we were __40__, A friend of my mother let us stay with her. ____41_ focusing on our economic instability, my mother selflessly pushed me to 42 success.She wanted me to lead a more湖南省四大名校2015屆高三四校聯(lián)考 英語
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/283326.html
