重慶市南開中學2015屆高三12月月考(英語)Word版 無答案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

重慶南開中學高2015級高三12月月考試題英語本試卷分第I卷(選擇題)和第II卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共150分?荚嚂r間120分鐘。 第I卷(共115分)一、聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題; 每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。例: How much is the shirt? A.£19.15.B.£9.15.C.£9.18.答案是B。1. What does the woman want to do?A. Surf the Internet. B. Buy some tickets. C. Go to the office.2. What does the woman want to do with the project?A. Give it up. B. Give it another try. C. Finish it this weekend.3. What kind of doctor did the woman probably see?A. A heart doctor. B. A skin doctor.C. A dentist.4. What is the man’s suggestion? A. Having dinner first. B. Borrowing some money. C. Having the meeting in the dining room.5. How does the woman feel about the apartment?A. Satisfied. B. Indifferent.C. Disappointed. 第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分) 聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有2至4個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有5秒鐘的時間閱讀各個小題;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話,回答第6和第7題。6. What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. The traffic in the man’s hometown.B. Public transportation in the countryside.C. Ways to get around the woman’s hometown.7. What does the woman say about the subway? A. It is quite cheap. B. There are many stops. C. The train doesn’t come very often.聽下面一段對話,回答第8和第9題。8. What are the speakers doing? A. Shopping for a new TV. B. Finding a movie theatre. C. Buying new furniture for their house.9. How does the woman feel? A. Excited. B. Bored.C. Annoyed.聽下面一段對話,回答第10至第12題。10. Why does the man want to learn French?A. Because he wants to be a French teacher.B. Because he will go on a trip to France.C. Because he will go to Canada soon.11. Who will the man turn to for help?A. His uncle.B. His teacher.C. His uncle’s friend.12. What do we know about the man?A. He needs more credits to graduate.B. He is always willing to learn more.C. He just graduated from college.聽下面一段對話,回答第13至第16題。13. What is the woman doing in the beginning?A. Watching TV. B. Reading a book. C. Checking her Facebook page.14. How does the man usually stay in touch with people?A. He talks to them on the phone.B. He sends emails to them.C. He chats with them online.15. What does the man say about Facebook?A. It takes up too much time.B. It involves a lot of useless information.C. It is a must in the 21st century. 16. What is the man interested in?A. Using Facebook to promote his business.B. Looking at many different kinds of pictures.C. Making more friends on Facebook.聽下面一段獨白,回答第17至第20題。17. Who might the man be?A. A library clerk.B. The director of the library.C. A department leader at the library.18. When will students be arriving at the university?A. In a few weeks. B. In a couple of days. C. At the end of next month.19. Where will most research books be located?A. On the second floor. B. On the third floor. C. On the fifth floor.20. What can people probably do on the top floor?A. Attend meetings. B. Study for exams. C. Watch films.二、單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)請從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該選項的標號涂黑。21. —Darling, I want to have my car repaired, but I can’t find a garage. —There is ____ nearby. Come on, I’ll show you. A. itB. the oneC. thatD. one22. China ____ its decades-long family planning policy, which will allow couples to have two children if one of them is an only child.A. is looseningB. loosenedC. was looseningD. had loosened23. No one told Garry about his mother ____ when he was busy preparing for his examination.A. falling sick B. to fall sick C. fallen sick D. fell sick24. When I was young, I’d often go for ____ drive with some friends, purely for ____ fun of it. A. the; aB. the; /C. a; /D. a; the25. The door burst open and ____, shouting with anger.A. rushed in the crowd B. the crowd in rushed C. in rushed the crowdD. in the crowd rushed26. —What’s the capital of Bhutan? —____! Let’s go online and find it out.A. You deserve it B. You can say that again C. You name it D. You’ve got me there27. With more than 200 million hits worldwide, the video Gangnan Style____ popularity in the second half of last year.A. enjoyedB. has enjoyedC. had enjoyedD. would enjoy 28. Some countries have laws against crimes ____ through the Internet, but others have no laws against cyber-crimes at all.A. committingB. having committedC. committed D. to be committed29. The dancers, ____ masks came off suddenly, gave us a great surprise.A. all of themB. some of whomC. all of whoseD. some of which30. ____ Mark Zucherberg runs the world’s biggest social network——Facebook, he is a very private person. A. In caseB. As ifC. Even thoughD. Now that31. I completely approve of the point of view ____ schooldays are the happiest days of one’s life.A. whenB. thatC. whetherD. where32. The pianist was born blind, ____ blind he remained all his life.A. andB. butC. forD. so33. At the 3rd Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, Premier Li Keqiang urged that efforts ____ to push forward all-round rural reform. A. will be made B. would be made C. be made D. were to be made 34. The policeman concluded firmly that the blow on the victim’s head ____ have been made from behind.A. shouldB. mustC. wouldD. might35. —Let’s go to see a movie and then go shopping. —____. I happen to be free this afternoon. A. My pleasure B. Anything you say C. Go aheadD. Good for you三、完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)請閱讀下面兩篇短文,掌握大意,然后從36~55各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該選項的標號涂黑。I opened the Christmas gift eagerly. Knowing my husband, I could expect just about anything. I loved him dearly, but let’s say he didn’t really have an 36 what to get me as a present, no matter what the occasion is. I had learned to 37 it with good humor——after all, it is the thought that 38 .This time he had really outdone himself. I almost burst out laughing when the 39 was revealed——a table hockey game. He looked like a small boy when he rushed to explain to me all the fine details of the game.“You are so sweet, 40 this time I’m sure you did a Tarzan.”“I did… What?” he seemed at a 41 .“When my father was young, if ever he managed to get a coin, he ran to the 42 for cheap paperbacks, the stories of the adventures of Tarzan. These were 43 what he treasured.”“But how do you ‘do a Tarzan’?” “So——then his father’s birthday came. He wanted to buy him a gift but only had a small coin. He wandered around and 44 found himself at the newsstand again. There he saw a new Tarzan book had 45 . What to do?”My husband started to laugh. He got it.“Oh, yes,” I nodded, “my father bought the book as a present to his own father. So whenever we see someone 46 a gift they themselves want, we say he did a Tarzan.”My husband looked a bit 47 .“But this time you succeeded,” I smiled, “I’m more than happy to play the table hockey game with you.”The wide smile that 48 over his face proved the old saying right. Men never really grow up. 36. A. ideaB. evidenceC. excuseD. assessment37. A. receiveB. ignoreC. takeD. admit38. A重慶市南開中學2015屆高三12月月考(英語)Word版 無答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/322477.html
